Class JlZ^^
corresponding secretary and historian of new england historic-genealogical
society; Librarian Emeritus of Woburn public library; author
OF "Cutter family." "History of Arlington," etc., etc.
Coi'VKiGin igi2
Lewis FiisTORicxL Pi'ki.ishinc Compakv.
HE present work, "Genealogical and Family History of Central New York," ])re-
sents in the aggregate an amount and variety of genealogical and personal infor-
mation and portraiture unequalled by any kindred publication. Indeed, no similar
work concerning the families of this region has ever before been presented. It
contains a vast amount of ancestral history never before printed. The object
clearly defined and well digested, was threefold :
First. To present in concise form the history of Central Xew ^'ork Families of
the Colonial Days.
Second. To preserve a record of the preiminent iiresent-day people of the region.
Third. To present through personal sketches the relation of its prominent families of
all times to the growth, singular prosperity and widespread influence of this portion of the
Empire State.
There are numerous voluminous histories of the State, making it unnecessar\' in this
work to even outline its annals. What has been published, however, relates principally to
civic life. The amplification necessary to complete the picture of the section, old and
nowadays, is what is supplied in large measure by these ( ienealogical and Family Memoirs.
In tther words, while others have written of "the times." the jirovince of this work is to
be a chronicle of the people who have made Central Xew York what it is.
L'nique in conception and treatment, this work constitutes one of the must original and
|3ermancntlv valuable contributions ever made to the social history of an .\merican com-
monwealth. In it are arrayed in a lucid and dignified manner all the imjjortant facts
regarding the ancestrv. personal careers and matrimonial alliances nf many, who, in each
succeeding generation, have been accorded leading positions in the social, professional and
business life of the State. Xor has it been based upon, neither does it minister to, aristo-
cratic prejudices and assumptions. ()n the contrary, its fundamental ideas are tlidrnughly
American and democratic. The work everywhere conveys the lesson that distinction has
)>cen gained only by honorable public service, or by usefulness in [jrivate station, and that
the develojiment and prosperity of the region <if which
it treats has been dependent upon the character nf its
citizens, and in the stimulus which they have given to
commerce, to industry, to the arts and sciences, to edu-
cation and religion — to all that is comprised in the
highest civilization of the present day — through a con-
tinual progressive development.
The inspiration underlying the present work is a
fervent appreciation of the truth so well expressed
by .Sir Walter Scott, that "there is no heroic poem in
the world but is at the bottom the life of a man." .And .james pumpeli.v,
with this goes a kindred truth, that to know a man. and '^^''^"ion"p7/setti°/rrtT)weg^"'"'''
Kirst White Woman in Elniira.
rightly measure his character, and weigh his
acliievements, we must know whence he came,
from what forbears he sprang. Truly as heroic
poems have been written in human lives in the
paths of peace as in the scarred roads of war.
Such examples, in whatever line of endeavor, are
of much worth as an incentive to those who come
afterward, and as such were never so needful to
be written of as in the present day, when pessi-
mism, forgetful of the splendid lessons of the
past, withholds its effort in the present, and views
the future only with alarm.
Every community with such ample history as
this, should see that it be worthily supplemented
by Genealogical and Personal Memoirs of its
leading families and prominent citizens. Such a
work is that which is now presented. And, it
should be admitted, the imdertaking possesses
value of the highest importance — in its historic
utility as a memorial of the development and
progress of the community from its very founding, and in the personal interest which
attaches to the record made by the individual. On both these accounts it will prove a highly
useful contribution to literature, and a valuable legacy to future generations. Out of these
considerations the authors and publishers have received the encouragement and approval of
authorities of the highest standing as genealogists, historians and litterateurs. In the pro-
duction of this work, no pains have been spared to ensure absolute truth — that quality upon
which its value in every feature depends. The material comprising the genealogical and per-
sonal records of the active living, as well as of the honored dead, was gathered by men and
women experienced in such work and acquainted with local history and ancestral families.
These have appealed to the custodians of family records concerning the useful men of pre-
ceding generations, and of their descendants who have lived useful and honorable lives.
Such custodians, who have availed themselves of this opportunity of having this knowledge
placed in preservable and accessible form, have performed a public service in rendering
honor to whom honor is due, in preserving the distinction which rightfully belongs to their
families, and which distinguishes them from later immigrations : as well as in inculcating
the most valuable and enduring lessons of patriotism and good citizenship.
There is probably no section of the United States in which are so well preserved the
ideas and characteristics of the original New England immigrants as in Central New York.
.'\t the time when most of the pioneer settlers located in this region, the war for American
Independence had just closed, and many of them were fresh from the struggle, imbued with
the highest principles of patriotism, and all brought to their new homes and instilled in
their children the practice of the simple virtues, the industry and enterprise which have
made the sons of the Empire State pre-eminent in every walk of life throughout the
Nation. .'Vnother important element in the settlement of this section was made up of the
early Dutch settlers who came to New .Amsterdam (New York) before the adoption of
surnames among them.
'I'lian this region no other offered a more pecuHarly interesting field for research. Its sons
— "native here, and to the manner born," and of spieiiiUd ancestry — have attained distinction
in everv field of human eft'ort. .An additional interest attaches to the present undertaking
in the fact that, while dealing ])rimarily with the history of native New York, this work
approaches the dignity of a national epitome of genealogy and biography. (Jwing to the
wide dispersion throughout the country of the old families of the State, the authentic
account here presented of the constituent elements of her social life, past and present, is
of far more than merely local value, in its special field it is, in an appreciable degree,
a reflection of the development of the country at large, since hence went out representa-
tives of historical families, in various generations, who in far remote j^laces — beyond the
Mississippi and in the Far West — were with the vanguard of civilization, building up com-
munities, creating new commonwealths, planting, wherever they went, the church, the school
house and the printing press, leading into channels of thrift and enterprise all who gath-
ered about them, and proving a power for ideal citizenship and good government.
It was the consensus of opinion of gentlemen well informed and loyal to the memories
of the past and the needs of the present and future, that the editorial supervision of
William Richard Cutter, .\. M., would ensure the best results attainable in the prepa-
ration of material for the proposed work. For more than a generation past he has given
his leisure to historical and genealogical research and authorshi]x He was the author,
with his father, of "History of .\rlingt(_in. Massachusetts," i8So; and edited Lieutenant
Samuel Thompson's "Diary W'hile Serving in the French and Indian War. 1758," 1896.
He also prepared a monograph entitled "Journal of a Forton Prisoner, England;" sketches
of Arlington and W'oburn, Massachusetts, and many articles on subjects connected with
local historical and genealogical matters in ])eriodical literature. He prepared a "Uibli-
ography of Woburn, " and he has been
editor of various historical works out-
side of his own city.
Others to whom the pubhshers desire
to make grateful acknowledgment of
services rendered in various ways — as
writers, or in an advisory way in point-
ing to channels of valuable information,
are: Edward Kissam Clark an anticjua-
rian authority, of I'.inghamton ; Edwin
Jerome llrown, .\. IS., president of the
Madison County I listi.>rical Society, of
( )neida : .Mr. .\Ionzo D. lilodgett, of
L'ortland : ( ieorge .Abraham Ihomas, .A.
M., LL. 1)., antii|uarian. of Norwich;
Mr. Roswell Randall Moss, an authority
on local history: and Mr. Leroy Wilson
Kingman, author of "History of Tioga
t'ountw" and for fort\' years editor of
The ( )wego Gazette.
In order to insure greatest possible
accuracy, all matter for this work was
submitted in typewritten manuscript to
the persons most interested for correc-
tion. If. in any case, a sketch is incom-
plete or faulty, the shortcoming is ascrib-
able to the paucity of data obtainable,
many families being without exact records in their famil_\- line: while, in some cases, repre-
sentatives of a given family are at a disagreement as to names of some of their forbears,
important dates, etc.
It is believed that the present work, in spite of the occasional fault which attaches
to such undertakings, will prove a real addition to the mass of annals concerning the his-
toric families of Central Xew York, an<l that without it, much valuable infcirmation would
be inaccessilile to the general reader, or irretrie\ably lost, owing to the passing away of
custodians of family records, and the conser|uent disappearance of material in their pos-
Dr. William Nichols, immi-
NICHOLS grant ancestor, was a Scotch-
man by birth, who went to
England to obtain his medical education, and
then came to this country. He was born in
i68g, died January 13, 1754. He settled in
ISerkley. Bristol county, Massachusetts, where
he built a house and practiced his professir>n.
He is buried in the Paull burying-ground. in
Berkley. He married Joanna Paull, born in
1697, died April 10, 1779, daughter of John
and Dorothy Paull. Her father was born in
1662, died March 23, 1718. son of William
I'aull. who was born in 1622, died in 1704.
Children: I. John, born November 22, 1721 ;
married, in 1762, Elizabeth Valentine. 2. \\'ill-
iam, April 2, 1723; married Whit-
marsh. 3. Eleazer, May 13, 1724, died July 7,
1754; married, in 1749, ]\Iary Tisdale. 4.
Moses, October 22, 1725, died April 22, 1800;
married, in 1748, Abigail Strange. 5. Joanna,
September 9, 1727, died October 29, 1790;
married Elder John Paull, of Berkley. 6.
Aaron, March 3, 1729, died July 14, 1760;
married Hannah Jones. 7. Margaret, Novem-
ber 20, 1730, died in 1807. 8. James, men-
tioned below. 9. Mary, February 9, 1734,
died November 24, 1756. 10. Edward, August
22, 1737. II. Robert, June 28, 1739; married
Grissell Nichols. 12. Peter, April 10, 1741,
died 1762.
(H) James, son of Dr. William Nichols,
was born February i, 1732, died March 2.
1811. He married Esther Dean. Children,
born in Berkley, i. Paul, born 1765, died No-
vember I. 1800: married Tryphena, daughter
of Moses Nichols. 2. James, 1768, died ]\Iarch
29, 1792; unmarried. 3. Joseph, 1770, died
October 3, 1817; married Phebe, daughter of
Benjamin Crane. 4. Gilbert. 1773, died March
2, 1836; married Rebecca, daughter of Benja-
min Crane. 5 Sally, 1774, died December 30,
180S : unmarried. 6. Abiel, mentioned below.
7. John, May i, 1780, died June 4, 1848. 8.
Joanna, 1782, died June 28, 1804; married
Seth Winslow, of Berkley. 9. Esther, 1784.
died March i, 1792.
(HI) Abiel, son of James Nichols, was born
in Berkley, 1777, died March 2^. 1819. He
married Fidelia, daughter of Abiel and Dyer
(Paul) Briggs (see Briggs VI). Children:
Abiel, mentioned below ; James, mentioned
below; Walter, married (first) Lucinda Har-
vey, (second) Nancy Dean; Jerusha, married
Asahel Crane.
(IV) Abiel (2), son of Abiel (i) Nichols,
was born at Berkley. He was a farmer and
blacksmitii in A\indsor, Massachusetts. He
married (first) Jerusha Knight Parsons, by
whom he had one son, Rev. Gideon Parsons,
mentioned below. Married (second ) Octavia
Parsons, sister of his first wife, and thev had
three children : Jerusha Jane. Sarah Aurclia,
James Walter. Married (third) Ruth ]\Iiner.
Married ( fourth ) Mrs. Nancy Miner.
( I\') Rev. James Nichols, son of Abiel ( i )
Nichols, was born August 6, 181 1. He was a
graduate of L'nion College, 1835 ; Andover
Theological Seminary, 1838. Later he was
professor of Greek at Union College for three
years, principal of LItica Female Seminary for
three years, then became pastor of the First
Presbyterian Church, Oneida, where he re-
mained from 1844 to 1851, after which he was
appointed principal of Temple Hill Academy,
at Geneseo, New York, where he remained
seven years, when he resigned to accept the
position of principal of the Rochester Female
Academy, where he remained until August,
1862, when he received a commission as chap-
lain of the One Hundred and Eighth State
\'olunteers. As a result of exposure, he con-
tracted a fever from which he died January 31,
1864. He married, August 20, 1841, Sarah
Jane Hastings, born March 15, 1818, died
June 4, 1892, daughter of Ephraim and Lucy
(Shepard) Hastings (see Hastings VI). Chil-
dren: I. Lizzie Shepard, born 1842, died 1847.
2. Delia Briggs, married Rev. Gideon Parsons
Nichols (see Nichols V). 3. Jane Hastings,
born December 3, 1845, resides in Rochester,
New York. 4. Nancy, died aged three years.
5. Margaret Dewey, born January 2, 1849,
resides in Rochester, unmarried. 6. Elizabeth
Borden, born 1853; married Lewis T.Sterling,
has one child, Ruth Hastings ; thev reside in
Iron Mountain. Michigan. 7. James Ephraim
Hastings, born October. 1856; graduate of
Rochester L'niversity. degree of A. B. ; College
of Physicians and Surgeons, of New York
City, degree of M. D. ; took special courses in
diseases of the eye and ear. being a remarkable
surgeon ; connected with Manhattan Eye and
Ear Hospital, of New York City; died 1898;
married Mary W'inthrop Tappin. who died
1899. ( For further particulars of this fam-
ily see Parson's Memorial work, published in
(V) Rev. Cjideon Parsons Nichols, son of
Abiel (2) Nichols, was born July 30, 1837. at
Windsor. F)erkshire county. Massachusetts. He
attended the public schools there, and during
his boyhood worked on his father's farm. At
the age of seventeen he entered Temple Hill
Academy, at Geneseo. New York, of which
his uncle. Rev. James Nichols, was principal,
and fitted for college. He entered Union Col-
lege in 1856. and graduated in the class of
i860. He was a charter member of Union
Chapter of the Delta Kappa Epsilon frater-
nity, and was valedictorian at commencement.
He was a member of Phi PiCta Kappa. He
taught for two years in the Academy of War-
nerville. New York, and while there decided to
enter the ministry in the P^resbyterian church.
In 1862 he went to Princeton Theological
Seminary, from which he graduated, and in
May. 1865. was licensed to preach by the Pres-
bytery of Rochester, but he was stricken with
typhoid fever in the fall and prevented from
an immediate beginning in his profession. He
declined a call as pastor of the Calvary Pres-
byterian Church, of Rochester, and accepted a
position as teacher in the Rochester Female
Academy there, preaching occasionally until
June 7, 1866, when he took charge of the Pres-
byterian church, of Victor, New York. He
was ordained in the First Presbyterian Church,
of Rochester, in May. 1867. He remained in
the Victor pastorate until September. 1869,
when he was called to the Olivet Presbyterian
Church, of Chicago. In March, 1871, he ac-
cepted a call to the Immanuel Presbyterian
Church, of Milwaukee, and moved thither im-
mediately, remaining ten years. While there
he was for several years a trustee of the Lake
Forest L'niversity. and in 1881 received from
that institution the honorary degree of Doctor
of Divinity. He then came to Binghamton.
New York, to take the pastorate of the First
Presbyterian Church. Except for a few months.
when he was pastor of the Central Presby-
terian Church, of Denver, in 1887. he con-
tinued to fill the pulpit of the P.inghamton
church until January i. 1906, when failing
health compelled him to resign the charge. He
was made pastor emeritus of the church with
salary, and continued to reside in Binghamton
as long as he lived. He declined several at-
tractive calls, including the pastorates of Im-
manuel Church, of Milwaukee, and Calvary
Church, of Buffalo, and adhered to the Bing-
hamton church, to which he was devotedly
attached, and by the people of which he was
greatly beloved and honored. He died Sep-
tember 17. 1908.
He married. June 22. 1871. Delia I'riggs
Nichols, daughter of Rev. James and Sarah J.
(Hastings) Nichols, mentioned above. Chil-
dren: I. Rev. Robert Hastings, born October
2. 1873; graduate of Yale University, A. B.,
1894; Ph. B., 1896. and graduate of Auburn
Theological Seminary. 1901. He was pastor
of the First Presbyterian Church, at Unadilla.
1901-02. then went to South Orange. New
Jersey, where he was pastor of Trinity Pres-
byterian Church. 1902-10. at which time he
was appointed professor of Church History in
the Auburn Theological Seminary, which posi-
tion he still retains. He married. June 9, 1910,
Marjorie Newton Wallace, of South Orange,
New Jersey, graduate of Bryn Mawr. 1908.
2. Margaret Parsons, born April 30. 1875 ;
graduate of Bryn Mawr. A. B.. 1897; mar-
ried .August 31. 1904. William Hemans Smith,
graduate of Harvard University. A. M.; now
principal of Elmwood School. East Orange.
New Jersey. Children : Delia Nichols Smith,
born August 10. -1905: Margaret Hemans
Smith. May 14. 1907; \Villiam Shepard Smith.
April II. 1909. 3. Henry James, born ]\Iay
21. 1877; graduate of Yale University. A. B..
and of the University of Pennsylvania Medical
School. M. D. ; served in the field in the Philip-
pines as surgeon from 1906 to 1909. and is
now instructor in the Army Medical School,
at Washington. D. C., and captain in the Med-
ical Corps ; married, September 21, 1910, Grace
Gundry, of Baltimore, Maryland. 4. Content
Shepard, born February 3, 1879; graduate of
Bryn Mawr College, A. B., 1899: A. M.. 1900;
unmarried. 5. James Knight, born March 28,
1881 ; graduate of Yale University, A. M.,
1903, then served two years on the editorial
staff of the Hartford Courant. after which he
entered Harvard Law School, from which he
s. 9. jyiMh
graduated in 1Q08; was admitted to the bar in
September, 1908, and is practicing law in P.ing-
baniton. New York.
(The Briggs Line).
( 1 ) Jolin Briggs, immigrant ancestor, was
born in England, and was an early pioneer and
settler of Newport, Rhode Island. He was
admitted a freeman, October I. 1O38; was liv-
ing at Portsmouth, April 30, 1639, and in 1642.
He was admitted a freeman at A([uitlnet, Octo-
ber I, 1640. He was appointed on the com-
mittee to build a prison at Portsmouth, in
1655 ; was an assistant in 1648, and a commis-
sioner for the purpose of effecting the union
of the four towns of Providence Plantation,
August 31, 1654. Children: John, mentioned
below : Thomas ; Susan, married North-
way ; Enoch ; Job.
(H) John (2), son of John (i) P>riggs,
married Hannah h'isher, of Portsmouth, Rhode
Island. Children: Edward, John, Job, Will-
iam, mentioned below.
(Ill) William, son of John (2) Briggs, was
born in Rhode Island, about 1645, died May,
1716. He married (first), November 30, 1665,
Sarah Macomber, who died March 20, 1680-
81. He married (second) Elizabeth ,
born 1653, died .\ugust, 1716. He settled at
Taunton. Children of first wife, born at Taun-
ton : William, January 26, i667-<)8; Thomas
(twin), September 9, 1669; Sarah (twin);
Elizabeth, March 14, 1671 : Hannah, Novem-
ber 4, 1672; Mary, August 14, 1674; Mathew,
February 5, 1676-77; Amos, about 1678, men-
tioned below ; John, March 19, 1(180. Children
of second wife: Susan, April 9, 1682; John,
November 13, 1685, died January 21, 1712;
William, January II, 1688; Elizabeth, Decem-
ber 2~. 1(389; Thomas (twin), September 5,
1693, died March 2},. 171^); Deborah (twin);
Job, August 3, 1696.
(I\') Amos, son of William P.riggs, was
born about 1(178. He resided in Berkley. He
married, January 2, 1706, at Taunton, Sarah
Pain, who is mentioned an heir in the will of
Ral])h Pain, .\pril 2},. \'/22. She was a daugh-
ter of Ralph and Dorothy Pain. Amos Briggs
resided also at Freetown, Massachusetts, and
died at Berkley. His will was dated March
14, 1753, proved May 6, 1760. Children:
Mercy, Jime, 26, 1707; Sarah, June 16, 1709;
Mary, May i, 1711 ; Hannah, November 5,
1712 ; Amos, February 6, 1715 ; Thomas, Janu-
ary 20, 1717, mentioned below; Abigail, June
-?• 1719; John. September 18, 1721 ; Nathan-
iel. December 18, 1724; Nathan, May 10, 1727.
(V) Thomas, son of x-\mos Briggs, was
born in Freetown, January 20, 1717, died No-
vember 10, 1779. He married Thankful Ax-
tell, born December 8, 1725, daughter of Dan-
iel Axtell. Daniel Axtell was born November
4, 1673, ^'^''1 '" January, 1735; married. May
12, 1702, Thankful, daughter of Elder William
Pratt, of Dorchester, Massachusetts, and South
Carolina. Daniel Axtell went to South Caro-
lina and lived there until 1707, and became a
large lantlowner in Berkley, Massachusetts,
then a part of Dighton and Taunton. Lady
A.xtell, widow of Landgrave Daniel Axtell, of
South Carolina, mentions him in her will. Chil-
dren of Daniel and Thankful Axtell : Eliza-
beth, born April 28, 1703 ; Daniel, October 24,
1706; Rebecca, November 22. 1708; Hannah,
April ID, 1710; William, April 13, 1713: Henry.
June 24, 1715; Samuel, October 25, 1717;
Ebenezer, March 24, 1724: Thankful, men-
tioned above; Thomas. September 15, 1727.
Henry Axtell, father of Daniel Axtell, was
born in' England, in 1641, and took up land
with the first proprietors of Marlborough.
Massachusetts, in i6fio; married. June 14,
1665, Hannah Merriam. He was killed bv the
Indians early in i67(). His widow married.
July 5, if)77. Will Taylor. Children of Henry
and Hannah A.xtell: Samuel, born March 27,
i66(5; Hannah, November 18, 1667; Mary,
.\ugust 8, 1670; Thomas, .\pril 16. 1672; Dan-
iel, mentioned above; Sarah, September 18,
1675. Thomas Axtell, father of Henry Axtell,
was the immigrant from liarkhamstead, Hert-
fordshire, England. The earliest appearance
of the name discovered in the records is dated
1535, when John Axstyl's name is found in a
conveyance of property at Gatesden, Hertford-
shire. At St. Peter's Church, f>arkhamstead,
John Axtell, son of John, was baptized in
1539. and W'illiam. son of John, 1541. Nine
children of William Axtell were baptized be-
tween 1614 and 1628. Thomas was baptized
January 26, 1(119, and was brother of Daniel,
born 1622, colonel in Cromwell's army, who
was put to death in 1660, after the Restora-
tion. Mary, daughter of Thomas Axtell, was
baptized in Barkhamstead, September 25, 1639,
and Henry, mentioned above, October 15, 1641.
The family then came to Sudbury, Massachu-
setts. Thomas, the immigrant, died there in
July, 1646. His widow married (second),
September 19, i^S^^, John G(X>dnow.
(V'l) Abiel, son of Thomas Briggs, was
born about 1750. He married, at IJerkley
(intention dated December 9, 1775). Dyer
Paul (see Paul III). Their daughter. Fidelia
Briggs, born about 1777, married Abiel Nichols
(see Nichols IIP).
(The Paul Line).
(I) William Paul, immigrant ancestor, was
born in England, about 1624. He left Grave-
send, England, in 1635, on the "Truelove de
London." and settled in Taunton, 1637. In
company with several others, he purchased
land in what was known as South Purchase,
in the town of Dighton, in 1672, and had lots
3, 28, 45 and 85. He later deeded these lots,
together with his house, to his sons, John and
Edward, February 27, 1687. He was a weaver
by trade, which he followed most of his life,
and died at Taunton, Massachusetts, Novem-
ber 9, 1704, aged eighty years. He married
Mary, born 1639, died October 3, 171 5, daugh-
ter of John Richmond. Children : James, born
at Taunton, April 7, 1657 ; John, July 10, 1660;
Edward, February 7, 1664; Mary, February
8, 1667; Sarah, July 5, 1668; Abigail, May 13,
1673; Ebenezer; Benjamin, mentioned below.
(II) Benjamin, son of William Paul, was
born in Taunton, in 1681, died at Berkley.
January 12. 1757 (gravestone). He was well
educated and taught school ; was selectman of
Berkley, 1740-42. Pie had a son Benjamin,
mentioned below.
(III) Benjamin (2), son of Benjamin (i)
Paul, was born August 7, 1705, died January
25. 1789. He settled at Berkley, formerly
part of Taunton. He married Anne Staples,
who died November 2, 1778, aged seventy-
two. He joined the Berkley church in 1737.
They had four sons and six daughters. Among
their children were: Benjamin, who died May
5, 1S38, at Berkley, aged eighty-six; Seth,
born October i, 1741, at Taunton, removed to
Westmoreland, New Hampshire, and thence
to South Barnard, married, December 8, 1765,
Freelove French, daughter of Captain Samuel
and Freelove (Andrews) French ; Dyer, men-
tioned below; Benjamin Paul, died at South
Barnard, Vermont. .August 21, 1825.
Dyer, daughter of Benjamin Paul, married,
December 9, ,7.5. Abie, B„g,s ,s« EH.gs
(The Hastings Line).
The name Blastings is older than the Nor-
man Conquest in England. It was spelled
Hastang also. The castle and seaport of Hast-
ing were owned by the family that adopted
the surname as early as 911, before the Nor-
mans were in Gaul. There was a Danish
pirate, not of this family perhaps, who was a
formidable foe of the Saxons occupying a part
of Sussex. In nearly every county of England
the family has established itself. Branches
bearing coats-of-arms are found in .\gmon-
disliam, Buckshire : in Dorsetshire and Lei-
cestershire: in Cambridgeshire; in Gloucester-
shire and Derbyshire; in Ireland; at Billesby,
Lincolnshire; at Hinton, Northamptonshire;
vin Nottinghamshire and Northumberland; in
Staffordshire; Yorkshire; Oxfordshire, and
Scotland. Of the numerous coats-of-arms the
American branch claims the following : A
maunch sable. Crest : A buffalo's head erased
sable, crowned and gorged with a ducal coro-
net and armed or. Supporters : Two man-
tigers affrontee or, their visages resembling the
human face proper. Motto : In virtute victoria.
Also : Honorantes me honorabo.
(I) Deacon Thomas Hastings, immigrant
ancestor, was born in England, in 1605. Thomas,
aged twenty-nine, and his wife Susanna, aged
thirty-four, embarked at Ipswich, England,
April 10, 1634, in the ship '"Elizabeth," Will-
iam Andrews, master, for New England. He
settled at Watertown, Massachusetts, where
he was admitted a freeman. May 6, 1635. He
owned land in Dedhani, but never lived there.
He was selectman, 1638-43-50-71 ; town clerk.
1671-77-80; deputy to the general court in
1673, and long held the office of deacon. His
wife Susanna died February 2, 1650, and he
married (second), 'in April, 1651, Margaret,
daughter of William and Martha Cheney, of
Roxbury. He died in 1685. His will was
dated March 12, 1682-83, and proved Septem-
ber 7, 1685. The inventory amounted to four
himdred and twenty-one pounds. Children :
Thomas, born July i, 1652, mentioned below:
John, March i, 1654; William, August 8,
1655, drowned August, 1669; Joseph, Septem-
ber II, 1657; Benjamin, August 9, 1659; Na-
thaniel, September 25, 1661 ; Hepsibah, Janu-
ary 31, 1663; Samuel, March 12, 1665.
(II) Dr. Thomas (2) Hastings, son of Dea-
con Thomas ( i) Hastings, was born in Water-
town, July I, 1652, died at Platfield, Massa-
chusetts, July 23, 1712. He was admitted a
freeman, February 8, 1678. He studied medi-
cine and settled in Hatfield, praticing also in
Northampton, Hadley and Deerfield, and was
for many years the only physician in those
towns. He was also the first school teacher in
Hatfield. A remarkable thing about Dr. Hast-
ings' school was that girls were admitted on
the same footing as boys. Elsewhere in New
England, until after the Revolution, girls were
not taught in the public schools. It was 1789
before Boston schools were open to both aexes
and not until 1802 in Northampton. Dr. Hast-
ings married (first), October 10, 1672, Anna,
daughter of John Hawks, of Hadley. She
died October 25, 1705, and he married (sec-
ond). February 14, 1706, Mary, daughter of
David Burt, of Northampton. She died April
13, 1734. Children of first wife: Hannah,
January 19, 1677; Thomas, September 24,
i()7g, mentioned below; Hepsibah, April (1,
1682; Alehitable, June 2^. 1684: John, at Hat-
field, September 18. 1689.
(IH) Dr. Thomas (3) Hastings, son of Dr.
Thomas (2) Hastings, was born at Hatfield,
September 24, 1679, died April 14, 1728. He
was also schix)l teacher and physician in the
field that his father occupied before him. He
was taken ill in Boston while on a visit, re-
turned to his home, and told his wife that he
should die April 14, 1728, which prediction
was fulfilled. He died a comparatively young
man. He was thought to have been a victim
of slow poison. A quaint tinpoetical but flat-
tering eulogy and an acrostic to his memory
were written at the time of his death by Jo-
sephus Nash. A record of a surgical case of
note is preserved in Rev. John Williams's
■'History of Captivity and Deliverance" ( .App.
31. Dr. Hastings married. March 6, 1701.
Mary, daughter of John and Mary Field, born
February 20. 1680, died November 9, 1764.
Children: Mary, born December 29, 1701,
died January 10. 1702; Thomas, November 6,
1702, died November 4, 1703: Mary. July 26,
1704: Anna, October 13, 1706: Dorothy. July
27, 1709, died July 29, 171 1 : Thomas, May 3,
1713, died voung ; Waitstill, June 3, 1714.
mentioned below; Tabitha, October 6, 171 3;
Hopestill, April 13, 1718; Dorothy, March 20,
1720, died April 6, 1720; Lucy, February i,
(IV) Dr. \\'aitstill Hastings, son of Dr.
Thomas (3) Hastings, was born June 3. 1714,
died April 22, 1748. He settled in Hatfield,
Massachusetts, and there has been of this fam-
ily a physician in that town ever since, except
during the time after his death and the gradu-
ation of his grandson. Dr. John Hastings. He
married, in 1737, Abigail Mar>h. She married
(second), April 10, 1731. Colonel John Eulke-
ley, of Colchester, Connecticut, lawyer, judge
of the superior court, and had Charles Bulke-
ley, born May 22, 1732; Colonel John Bulke-
ley, July 25. 1753. She married (third), No-
vember 3, 1753, Rev. Ephraim Little, of Col-
chester, and had several children. Children
of Dr. Waitstill Hastings : John, mentioned
below; xA.bigail, born February 28, 1739; Han-
nah Barnard, March 16, 1742; Mary, January
10, 1744; Samuel, March 14, 1747, died young.
(\') John, son of Dr. Waitstill Hastings,
was born at Hatfield, January 10, 1738, died
December 6, 181 1. He was a magistrate in
Hatfield for thirty-four years; representative
to the general court and state senator twenty-
eight years ; the foremost citizen of the town
for many years. He married, November 29,
1763, Content Little, born August 10, 1740.
died .April 9, 1829. Children, born at Hat-
field : John Jr., born October 7, 1764; Content,
September 14, 1766; Mary, January i, 1769;
^^'aitstill, May 14 or 19, 1771 ; Elizabeth.
March 7 or 8, 1773; Abigail, May 7, 1773:
Samuel, March 30, 1777; Ephraim, mentioned
below; Son, born April K), 1783; Justin, Feb-
ruary 14. 1786.
(\'I) Ephraim, son of John Hastings, was
born at Hatfield, November 16, 1780. He
married, December 24, 180(1, Lucy, daughter
of (General William and Sarah ( Dewey) Shep-
ard, of Westfield. She was born December
13, 1778, died in Heath, March 3, 1833. Her
father was captain in the French and Indian
war, and was general in the Revolution, in
which he fought in twenty-two battles, being
wounded but once, then in the neck. At
Shay's insurrection he commanded the forces
on Springfield Hill. General Lafayette pre-
sented him with a dress sword which is now
in possession of the family. General Shep-
ard's wife, Sarah Dewey, whom he married
January 31, 1760, was of remarkable ability
for management, and during his absence ran
the farm as well as the house. General Shep-
ard was born November 30, 1739, died No-
vember 16, 1817. Children: William Shepard,
born March K), 1761, died July 13, 1823;
Turner, September 16, 1762. died July 8, 1796;
Charles, September 27. 1764. died May 11,
1813; Sally, February 17, 1767, died April 3.
1847; Noah, February 20, 1769; Nancy, Octo-
ber 25, 1771, died February 17. 1802; Ware-
ham. December 29, 1773; Lucy, December 13,
1778. died March 5, 1833, married Epliraim
Ephraim Hastings went from Hatfield to
Heath abont 1805, and in May, 1848, removed
to Nashua, New Hampshire, where he had
bought a large piece of land. His daughter
Margaret and her husband made a home for
him. He died November 24, 1861, aged eighty-
one. In 181 1 he was chosen first representa-
tive for Heath and continued as representative
almost constantly until 1834, when he was
chosen senator, and two years later member
of the council. He was most of the time
selectman or assessor for Heath. Children :
Twins, born and died January 18, 1813; Jane,
born and died February 8, 1815; Nancy, bom
.April 21, 1816; Sarah Jane, March 15, 1818;
married James Nichols (see Nichols IV);
Margaret; Nancy S., December 28, 1820. died
March 13, 1847.
The DeWitt family, mentioned
DeW'ITT in the following sketch, is de-
scended from Claes DeVVitt, of
Grootholt, in Sunderlant, Holland. The Sun-
derlant. or as it was more frequently called,
"The Sauerland or Surland," was the most
southerly of the three natural divisions of the
old Dutchy of Westphalia, and is described as
"consisting of hills and vales, and having fine
w(X)ds and meadows, suited for grazing and
the dairy." In those respects it was distin-
guished from the other two divisions, which
were more productive of the cereals. Groot-
holt is situated a little east of the river Rhine,
between the Li]ipe and the Imster, and not far
from the manufacturing town of Essen.
DeWitt is one of the very few Dutch-
.American names which were illustrious in the
Fatherland. The grand pensionary, John De-
Witt, administered the government of Holland
from 1652 to 1672. He and his brother Cor-
nelius, who also held important positions in
civil and military life, were killed by a mob
at the Hague, after years of faithful service to
their country. They had incurred the hostility
of the monarchical party.
In the Royal Library, at the Hague, in Hol-
land, "The Geschlacten Von Dordrecht" gives
the descent of the family in an unbroken line
from the year 1295 to September 8, 1639.
After the death of John, of Rarneveldt, Jacob
DeW^itt became "Land Advocate of Holland."
John }r. became "Grand Pensionary of Hol-
The "History of Ulster County" (by Syl-
vester), pp. 298-99, says: "Among the many
old Holland families, who about the middle of
the seventeenth century sought the shores of
the New World, none has been more distin-
guished in social and political life, none has
numbered in their ranks more noted men than
the DeWitts."
They were natives of Dordrecht, one of the
old burgher towns of Holland, and in later
years dear to theology as the meeting of the
Synod of Dort. After the death of John, of
I'arneveldt, Jacob DeWitt succeeded to the
high honors of "Land .Advocate of Holland,"
his son Cornelius, the burghermaster of Dord-
recht, at the head of a Dutch fleet with a
staunch Dutch admiral to do his bidding, sailed
up the Thames river, burning the English ships
and sending consternation into the very heart
of London.
Another son, John DeWitt, one of the most
distinguished men in the history of the Nether-
lands, became "Grand Pensionary of Holland,"
during the period of the separation of Spain
and the opening of the "Thirty Years War,"
a position which at that time required the
most consummate ability and statesmanship.
Through his guidance Holland became a power
among the nations of Europe. Cieddes, in his
recent valuable work, "The History of the
.Administration of John DeWitt, Grand Pen-
sionary of Holland," says of him: "He was
head and shoulders above nearly all of the
notable men of his time and one, moreover, on
whose public virtue there was hardly a blemish
or spot."
The coat-of-arms of the DeWitt family con-
sists of the hare and hounds upon a shield,
beneath which is a scroll and the words "Fortis
et Fidus."
Tjerck Claes DeWitt was the kinsman of
John and Cornelius DeWitt and came to this
coimtry from Zunderland about the middle of
the seventeenth century. A history of John
DeWitt, and incidently his brother Cornelius,
issued in 1885, by Pontalis. shows the political
situation in Holland, during the time of the
grand pensionary.
(I) Tjerck Claeszn DeWitt, son of Claes
DeWitt, immigrant ancestor of the family in
this country, first appears in the records of
New Amsterdam in 1656, when he married,
according to the records of the old Dutch
Reformed Church, P.arbara Andriessen, who
came from Amsterdam, Holland. He resided
in New Amsterdam until 1657, when he re-
moved to Alban}-, and he finally located, in
1661, at Wiltwyck (now Kingston), Ulster
county. New York, where he resided until he
(lied, February 17, 1700. His widow, Barbara,
died July 6, 1714. In 1667, when the British
sent Captain Broadhead and thirteen soldiers
to take possession of Kingston, DeWitt was
one of those who opposed British occupation
and among the complaints made afterward by
the l)urghers was the following: "Captain
Broadhead has beaten Tj crick Claeszen De-
Witt without reason and brought him to prison.
Ye reason why Capy. Broadhead abused Tje-
rick DeWitt was because he would keep Christ-
mas day on ye day according to ye Dutch and
not on ye day according to ye English observa-
tion." The remonstrance of the burghers sent
to the governor against the imprisonment of
Tarentson Slight, was signed among others by
DeWitt. He was granted leave, April 8. i6()q.
to build a house, barn and stables on land be-
tween Kingston and Hurley. He appears to
have been well-to-do and brought servants with
him to Kingston. Complaint was made by an
Indian before the court that DeWitt had re-
fused to pay wages due and the court appears
to have taken a rather absurd snap judgment,
ordering DeWitt's banishment and fining him
six hundred guilders, i'pon appeal, the cjrder
of banishment was rescinded and the fine re-
mitted, and DeWitt was ordered, instead, to
pay a reasonable sum for his services to the
complaining Indian — about eighty cents. De-
Witt was granted the right to occupy a mill
site about five miles from Kingston and to
erect and operate a mill there and a tract of
seventy acres a mile farther distant, known as
"Dead Men's Bones," was addetl for his sub-
The old one-story stone dwelling on the
road from Kingston to Hurley is probably the
site of the house erected by Tjerck Claeszn
DeWitt, in 1669, in pursuance of the license
above mentioned.
This property, with the adjoining estate, re-
mained, in 1872, in possession of his descend-
ants. The owners, in the year last mentioned,
were the two daughters of Isaac DeWitt, who
succeeded to the estate in 1826, through a
series of devises and inheritances.
The records of Ulster county also show that
Tjerck Claeszn DeWitt owned negro slaves,
and also ]30ssessed two sloops which j)lied
upon the waters of the Hudson, and along the
Atlantic coast, carrying on trade at various
])oints. They also show that he sold one of
the sloops, named "Ye St. Barbara," to Cap-
tain Daniel Hobart, a mariner of the Island of
Barbadoes, to be taken to that island for com-
mercial trade. When Tjerck Claeszn DeWitt
died, he left large bodies of real estate in and
about the city of Kingston, and had about
$8,000 in personal property.
When the English required the oath of
allegiance to be taken by heads of families in
1668, he was one of the few who refused to
submit. In the roll of heads of families in
Ulster county, in 1689, his name is not given,
nor is that of his son Andrew, but Tjerck C.
was living at that time, as shown by the fact
that he was a witness at a baptism of a grand-
child in December, 1700. He was also evi-
dently possessed of some Dutch stubbornness.
Of his descendants nearly a hundred served in
the Revolutionary army. Children: i.Andries,
mentioned below. 2. Tjaatje, born about 1659,
in Albany; married, in 1677, Matthys Mat-
thysen Van Kensen ; she was captured by In-
dians at the burning of Kingston in 1663, but
afterward rescued. 3. Jannetje, baptized Feb-
ruary 12, 1662, died 1744: married Cornelis
Switz. 4. Klaes, baptized February 17, 1664,
died before 1698. 5. Jan, baiitized February
14, i6f)6, died before April 12, 1715; married
Wyntje Kiersted. 6. Geertruy, baptized Octo-
ber 15. 1668: married, March 24, 1688, Hend-
rick Hendrickson Schoonmaker. 7. Jacob, mar-
ried Grietje Vernooy. 8. Rachel, married Cor-
nelis Bogardus. 9. Lucas, married, December
22, ifx)5, Annatje Delva. 10. Peek, married
(first), January 2, 1698, Maritje Jense V^an-
derberg; (second), December 21, 1723, Maria
Tennis, widow of Jacob DeMott. 11. Tjerck.
12. Marritje, married (first), November 3,
1700, Hendrick Hendrickson Kortright ; (sec-
ond), September 6, 1702, Jan Wacklin. 13.
Aaggje, baptized January 14, 1684; married,
August 2T,. 17 1 2, Jan Pawling.
(II) Andries, son of Tjerck Claeszn De-
Witt, was born in New Amsterdam in the
early part of 1657. He married, March 9,
1682, Jannetje Egbertson, baptized January
II, 1664, died November 23, 1710, daughter of
Egbert Meindertse and Jaepje Jans. He lived
for some time on a farm at Alarbletown, given
him by his father, but afterward removed to a
farm on which he settled, located about a mile
southwest from Kingston, on the road to Hur-
ley. From an old Dutch Bible, still preserved
at Kingston, we learn that on July 22, 1710.
"Captain Andries DeWitt departed this life
in a sorrowful way; through the breaking of
two sleepers (beams), he was pressed down
and very much bruised ; he spoke a few words
and died." He was buried in the old church-
yard of the Kingston church, his grave being
marked with a flat stone, fastened with iron
bands to a red cedar post ; both are still stand-
ing, as placed in 1710. Children: i. Tjerck,
baptized January 12, 1683, died August 30,
1762: married (first), January 18, 1708, Anne
Pawling: (second), October 17, 1739, Deborah
Schoonmaker. 2. Jacob, baptized September
28, 1684. died in infancy. 3. Barbara, bap-
tized August 22, 1686, died in infancy. 4.
Vlaes, baptized April 30. 1688, died in infancy.
5. Barbara, born October 30, 1689, died No-
vember I. 1715; married, March 25, 1715.
Johannes Van Leuven. 6. Jacob, mentioned
l)el()w. 7. Alana, born January 21, 1(593; n:ar-
ried, October 30, 1713, Jan Roosa Jr. 8.
Helena, December 7, 1695 ; married, June 6,
1719, Jacob Switz. 9. Andries, April i, 1697,
died July 2, 1701. 10. Egbert, March 18. 1699:
married, November 4, 1726, Mary Notting-
ham ; their daughter Mary married Cieneral
James Clinton and became the mother of Gov-
ernor DeWitt Clinton, of New York. 11.
Johannes, March 26, 1701 ; married, June 27,
1724, Mary Broadhead. 12. Andries, bap-
tized February 20, 1704, died in 1764; mar-
ried, December 3, 1731. Bredjen Nottingham.
(HI) Jacob, son of Andries DeWitt, was
born December 30, 1691 : married, May 9,
1731, Heyltje Van Kampen. baptized October
6, 1700, daughter of Jan Van Kampen and
Tjaatje Janse Decker. Children: i. Child,
born probably in 1732, but the parish records
of that time are lost. 2. Johannes, baptized
September 22, 1734. 3. Jacob J., mentioned
below. 4. Elizabeth, baptized September 25,
1738. 5. Maria, baptized October 5, 1740.
(IV) Jacob J., son of Jacob De^\'itt, was
baptized at Rhinebeck Flats (then regarded as
within "Nieu Englant"), August 22, 1736;
married, ]\Iarch 30, 1758, Leah Kortwright.
Children: i. Heyltje, baptized November 22,
1759; married Uriah Masterson. 2. Moses,
mentioned below. 3. Bodewyn, baptized Janu-
ary 8. 1764, died before 1797. 4. Mary, bap-
tized May 28, 1766. 5. Jacob. 6. Samuel, bap-
tized August 27, 1772. 7. Margaret. 8. Sev-
eryn, born February, 1781.
(V) Moses, son of Jacob J. DeWitt, was
born October 23, 1761, died December 8, 1842.
He married Margaret Wilson, who died May
19, 1845. She was a daughter of Richard
Wilson. Children : Hiram, born November 9,
1783: Olive, January 7, 1785; Jezereel, men-
tioned below; Tjerck, April 19, 1788; Evi,
June II, 1789; Moses, September i, 1790;
Mary, April 20, 1792; Aaron, June 24, 1793;
Elizabeth, January 20, 1796; ]\Iargaret, Octo-
ber 13, 1797; John, January 18, 1799; Naomi,
March 23, 1801 ; Jacob, November 27, 1804;
Catherine. March 23, 1806.
The history of Sussex and Warren counties
says that Moses DeW'itt came to Wantage
township. New Jersey, and that he held the
office of ca])tain in the revolutionary war.
The Nc-Ki Jersey Herald, of Newton, Sussex
county, of July 7, 1892, says of Moses DeWitt:
He was at the battle of Minisink in 1779. Dr.
Wilson says several attempts to break our lines had
failed, but just as the lire began to slacken, one man,
who guarded the northeast angle of the hollow square,
and who had kept up, from behind a rock, a de-
structive tire on every side, fell, and the Indian and
Tory crew broke in upon our ranks like a resistless
deluge. Edsall, in his centennial address, claims this
man to have been Moses DeWitt. He escaped the
massacre and after the war moved to Wantage.
On the top of one of the highest mountains
overlooking the Delaware river, near Lacka-
waxen. New York, a monument was erected
in 1904, to commemorate the battle.
The Nczi' York Tribune, of July 17, com-
mented upon the monument, and among other
things said :
The battlefield where it stands is in the town of
Highland, Sullivan County, and is elevated above the
Delaware River about a thousand feet. The ticld
itself is a plateau, formed by a ledge of rock, which
is covered with earth of a sufficient depth to support
shrubbery. With an unobstructed view of the four
points of the compass, its strategical value was recog-
nized by both whites and Indians.
The Indians belonged to the Delaware tribe, and
had been harassing the whites in the vicinity of the
Minisink and Goshen regions, in Orange County.
Under the leadership of the noted half-breed. Brant,
they committed many depredations. Colonel Hathorn
or.ganized a force of two hundred men and started
in pursuit of the Indians, who retreated. Colonel
Hathorn kept up this pursuit for more than fifty
miles, and the forces met at 10 o'clock on the morn-
ing of July 22, 1779, on the fields in the wilds of
what was then Ulster County, now Sullivan. The
whites had entrenched thernselves upon the plateau
and for hours Brant sought to break through their
ranks. He had practically decided to give up the
fight when he learned that the ammunition of the
whites had given out. The Indians then charged
upon the little l)and and massacred nearly all.
Moses DeW'itt. tliough wounded, escaped
from the fury of the Indians and Tories by
descending the mountainside and swimming
across the Delaware river into Pennsylvania.
a short distance below Lackawaxen. After
the war it is said that a large tract of land in
Wantage township. Sussex county. New Jer-
sey, was granted him by the government, in
recognization of his services in the war. The
farm upon which he lived and died is said to
be still in the possession of some of the family.
A large monument in memory of the soldiers
who fell at Minisink has been erected by the
citizens of Goshen, and still stands in that
"Old Ulster." volume 2. at page 333. in its
account of the battle, says:
It was .sunset. Brant was (liscouraged. He was
just ordering a retreat when the defender of the
northwest angle fell. All day he had kept his post
which was the key of the position. His aim had
been deadly, and from behind the rock which shel-
tered him he could not be dislodged. He is said to
have been a DeW'itt. but his name does not appear
among those inscribed on the Goshen monument.
Brant saw him fall and rushed around the rock
where the defender had stood. Many of the savages
followed and before they could prevent it the patriots
were overpowered. Their powder was exhausted,
many of the Americans were slain, and the enemy
was in possession.
The season why Aloses DeW'itt's name did
not appear on the monument at Goshen is be-
cause that monument was erected to the mem-
ory of those who died in the battle and did
not purport to commemorate the survivors.
In the same volume is a poem by Charles E.
Stickney. entitled "Minisink." One of its stan-
zas refers to Captain Moses DeWitt, in the
following language :
The sun to westward wheeled his blazing car.
The river rolled its flashing waters by.
While Hathorn's men through heat and worse by far.
Dread thirst, fought on beneath the cloudless sky.
When these at last had dark despair brought nigh,
DeWitt fell wounded — powder all was spent —
No chance was left except to flee or die.
Yes flee, and leave their wounded: as they went.
Their cries for mercy with the roar of battle blent.
John N. Dolph, late superintendent of the
schools at Port Jervis, New York, a short
time before his death, wrote:
Moses DeWitt could have been only about 18 years
old when he was at the battle of the Minisink. I
have been to the battle ground. It was about one
mile and a half easterly from Lackawaxen. The
whites were on the summit of a hill. The Indians
had them at a disadvantage. They surrounded the
hill. The breast-works which were hastily thrown
up by the whites are now plainly visible. There is a
monument erected on the battle ground to com-
memorate the event. The Indians had the white men
cut ofi^ from all supply of water.
"Old Ulster," volume 2, page 334, has a full
page portrait of this monument.
There has been considerable controversy in
the public prints abotit the birthplace of Gov-
ernor DeWitt Clintnn. some maintaining that
he was born at the residence of his grand-
father. Egbert DeWitt, at Xapanoch, Ulster
county, and others urging that the place of his
birth was the residence of his uncle, David
Rutsen DeW'itt, at Peenpack, near Port Jervis,
in C)range county.
"Old Ulster." vulume <<. page 362. review-
ing the matter, said of David Rutsen DeWitt
and his place of residence :
He built the old stone and frame house at the
Xeversink River, and a grist mill. .\ fort was built
conti.guous to this house which was termed "Fort
DeWitt" and was used as a place of refuge and
safety for women and children during the Indian
wars which preceded and continued during the years
of the Revolution. This Fort DeWitt was located
near the suspension bridge which crossed the Never-
sink River leading from Port Jervis to Cuddeback-
ville. about one mile south of Cuddebackville. The
small house which stood in 1889 near the then dwell-
ing of Jessie Tillson was on the foundation of this
"Eager's History of Orange County." pub-
lished in 1846 and 1847, states:
DeWitt Clinton was born March 2, 1769, at Fort
DeWitt, at the residence of Captain Jacob DeWitt.
This Fort was both a residence and Fort, being a
stone house fortified to an extent to be a protection
against the Indians who for many years before the
Revolution were troublesome in that vicinity, being
on the outskirts of the white settlement.
(AT) Jezereel, son of Moses DeW^itt, was
born Septetnber i, 1786. He married Lucy
Stoddard, born August 2y, 1793, in Groton,
Connecticut. She was the daughter of In-
crease B. Stoddard, who had then removed to
the township of Minisink, Orange county. New
York. A portion of the last-named township,
containing his farm and place of residence was
afterwards set off and became part of the town-
ship of Waway wanda. The children of Jezereel
and Lucy Stoddard I3e\\'itt were as follows:
Simion Stoddard, born July 10, 1815, married
Sallv Venov; Evi, hereinafter more partic-
ularly mentioned; Jezereel, born June 5, 1822,
married Lucy Loomis ; Increase B., born April
3, 1825, married Maria ; Diadama, born
January 9, 1826. married Thomas B. Morgan;
Abel Shute, born April 26, 1830, married Kate
Brown; Chauncy B., born March ig, 1833.
married Elvira Stowell.
Lucy Stoddard DeWitt died May 31, 1834.
Jezereel DeW'itt Sr. married Esther Lambert
for his second wife, about 1835. Their son,
Samuel M. DeWitt, was born in or about
1836, and died, immarried, August 2t,. i860,
at the age of twenty-three years and six months,
Jezereel DeWitt 'died March 10, 1868, and
Esther DeWitt departed this life February 16,
1871, age seventy-seven years and six days.
Jezereel DeWitt Sr. removed from Sussex
county, New Jersey, to Brooklyn, Susque-
hanna county, Pennsylvania, in or about 1823,
where he died and his remains were buried in
the public cemetery at Brooklyn Center.
(VII) Evi, son of Jezereel DeWitt, was
born in Montague township, near the old "Brick
House," Sussex county. New Jersey, Novem-
ber 14. 1819, died March 28, 1903. On De-
cember 28. 1843. he married Annie Elizabeth
W'ilson, at Carbondale, Pennsylvania, who died
February i. 1892. Their children were: Jer-
ome, mentioned below ; Lucy, born at New
Milford, January 22, 1847, '^•'^f' September 10,
1848; Mary, born April 19, 185 1, died Febru-
ary 6, 1865 ; Levi Justine, born May 30, 1859,
married Mary Curley, of Great Bend, Penn-
sylvania, January lo, 1899; William Wilson,
born September 10, 1861, died February 2,
1865 ; Annie, born July 23, 1867, died October
19, 1882; Agnes, twin to .Annie, married Eu-
gene M. Casey, April 10, 1896, and died at
Oxford, New York, March 29, 1903.
Annie E. Wilson, mentioned above, was
born January 24, 1824, at or near Chorley, in
Lancashire county, England, the daughter of
William and Margaret Wilson. Her birth-
place was on the .Avon river, near the home of
Shakespeare. When she was three months
old her parents immigrated to this country,
and lived for a short time in New York City.
Afterwards at West-Farms, near Mott Haven,
in Westchester county, New York, and. while
Annie E. was still young, moved to a farm in
Brooklyn, Pennsylvania, where lier father died
at the age of thirty-three years. Her mother.
with her two daughters, Annie E. and Mar-
garet Wilson, tiicn removed to Carbondale.
Pennsylvania, in or about the year 1839. Annie
E. Wilson was a person of superior education
and intelligence and there opened and conduct-
ed a select school for young ladies until the
time of her marriage to Evi DeWitt. He and
she lived in Eirooklyn one year, then removed
to Nicholson. Pennsylvania, where they re-
sided for two or three years. They then re-
moved to a farm in New Milford. where they
continued to reside until the time of their
deaths. Evi De\\'itt was a strong man. phy-
sically, morally ami mentally. He was one of
the prosperous farmers of Susquehanna county.
(VIH) Jerome, son of Evi and Annie E.
(Wilson) DeWitt, was born at Nicholson,.
Wyoming county, Pennsylvania, February 16,
1845. He married Ida Brougham, of Newark
Valley. New York, January 26, 1892. When
he was two years old he was taken to New
Milford, Susquehanna county, with the fam-
ily, to reside, and his father followed fann-
ing there. He attended the public schools, the
New Milford Academy and afterwards the
Gibson Academy, in which he prepared for
college. He entered the LTniversity of Michi-
gan, at Ann Arbor, from which he was gradu-
ated in 1868. In the autumn of the same year
he came to Binghamton. New York, and began
the study of the law, in the office of the Hon.
William Barrett. After remaining there a
year he read law with Judge Horace S. Gris-
wold for a year, and later with Judge Benja-
min N. Loomis for about six months. He was
admitted to the bar in the old general term, sit-
ting at Albany, in February. 1871. He then
became a partner with the late William H.
Scoville in the practice of law. under the firm
name of "Scoville and DeWitt." which jsartner-
ship continued until the spring of 1890, when
Mr. Scoville died. Since Mr. Scoville's death
Mr. DeWitt has continued to practice alone.
He has for many years occupied a prominent
position in his profession, and has been honor-
ed with many offices of trust. In jiolitics he is
a Democrat.
Mr. DeWitt was a member of the old volun-
teer fire department, jinning the Excelsior
Hook and Ladder Company, No. i, in the
year 1871. He soon became, by election, assist-
ant foreman of that company, and later was
elected foreman, and twice reelected to the
last-named position. He then became, by elec-
tion, second assistant engineer for one year,
first assistant engineer for a like term, and at
the expiration of the last term was elected
chief of the fire department, March 4, 1879.
That last position he again tilled for a sec-
ond term, by reelection. In 1876 he was the
candidate for his party for member of the
popular branch of legislature. The county
(Broome) being very strongly Republican in
politics he was not elected, but ran some-
thing over five hundred ahead of his party
ticket. For the period of twelve years, ending
April 12, 1894. he was the treasurer of the
llinghamton State Hospital for the Insane.
He was one of the first fire commissioners of
the city, under the act of the legislature of
1888, creating a board of fire commissioners
for the management of the volunteer fire de-
partment. He served two years under this
appointment, which was made by Mayor Mor-
gan, and was then reappointed by Mayor .Ste-
phens for a full term of four years, but re-
signed May 26, 1893.
In November, 1897, Mr. DeWitt was elect-
ed mayor of the city of Binghamton, defeating
e.x-Mayor George E. Green. In the fall of
1899 he was reelected mayor for a further
term of two years ; William L. Griswold, Esq.,
being the Republican candidate. .-Vt the fall
election, in 1906, he was the candidate of his
party for the office of county judge and surro-
gate of Broome county, but the Republican
majority being something over four thousand
in the county, he was not elected. December
10, 1906, he was appointed by Governor Hig-
gins to be a member of the board of managers
of the Binghamton State Hospital for the
Insane, to fill a vacancy ; and was reappointed
by Governor Hughes for a full term of five
years, .A.pril 4, 1907. but resigned April i,
He resides at No. 33 St. John avenue, and
still occupies the old law office of the late
Judge Griswold, where he studied ; which, with
the library and belongings, he and Mr. Scoville
purchased in 1871. In January of the present
year (1911) he was appointed a member of
the board of education of the city of Bingham-
ton for the term of five years, a position which
he still occupies.
The surname Goodwin is de-
GOODWIN rived from the ancient per-
sonal name, Godwin, mean-
ing good friend, common in northern Europe
and England as early as the fifth century. Its
use as a surname dates from the adoption of
surnames in England. A Robert Goodwin
lived in Norwich in 1238.
( I ) Ozias Goodwin, the immigrant, was born
in England, in 1596, according to his deposi-
tion in court, September, 1674, when he stated
his age as seventy-eight. Elder William Good-
win, his brother, and he came to this covmtry
about the same time, and both settled in Hart-
ford, Connecticut. Ozias married, in Eng-
land, Mary, daughter of Robert Woodward,
of Braintree, county Essex. Her father's will,
dated May 27, 1640, mentions her as a legatee.
It is believed that the Goodwins were from
this vicinity also. The first record of Ozias,
in Hartford, is as a landholder among "such
inhabitants as were granted lots to have only
at the town's courtesie, with libertie to fetch
wood and keep swine or cows by proportion
on the common." His home, in February,
1639-40, was on the highway from the cow
pasture to Mr. Allen's land on the west, ad-
joining lands of Thomas Burchwood, Thomas
Hale and Richard Lord. This lot is what is
now Trumbull street, near Church street ; later
he moved to a lot on the highway from the
mill to the old ox pasture. He was one of a
company from Hartford, Windsor and Weth-
ersfield. who, April 18, 1659, signed an agree-
ment to remove to Hadley, Massachusetts.
He decided to remain at Hartford. He was a
freeman as early as October 13, 1669. He
died in the spring of 1683 and his inventory
was dated April 3. 1683. The heirs signed an
agreement of partition Ajiril C>, lC^H^|. Chil-
dren; William, born about i'>29; Nathaniel,
about 1637, mentioned below ; Hannah, about
16^9, married, 1661, William Pitkin, of Hart-
(II) Nathaniel, son of C)zias Goodwin, was
born about 1637, and was admitted a freeman
of Connecticut, October, 1662. He was a
townsman of Hartford, 1669-78-82. He mar-
ried (first) Sarah, daughter of John and Han-
nah Coles, of Hatfield, Massachusetts, for-
merly of Farmington, Connecticut. She died
May 8, 1676, aged twenty-nine, and was buried
in the Center church burying-ground. where
her monument is still to be seen, the oldest in
Hartford bearing the name of Goodwin. He
married (second) Elizabeth, daughter of Dan-
iel Pratt, of Hartford. ChiUlren of first wife:
Nathaniel, baptized July, 1665, married (first)
Lois Potter, (second), September 14, 1699,
Sarah Easton, died March 12, 1746: Sarah,
baptized 1668; John, baptized May 19, 1672,
married (first) Sarah , (second), before
June, 1740, Mary Olmstead, died February 6.
1757. Children of second wife: Samuel, men-
tioned below ; Hannah, baptized December 6,
1685, buried January 31, 1693; Ozias, born
June 26, 1689, married, June 6, 1723, Martha
Williamson, died January 26. 1776; Elizabeth,
October 14, 1691, married, September 12. 1713,
John Cole, died December 28, 1773.
(III) Samuel, son of Nathaniel Goodwin,
was born August 22, 1682. He married, March
18, 1707-08, Mary, daughter of Lieutenant
James and Sarah (Barnard) Steele, of Hart-
ford. She married (second), December 2,
1714, Joseph Ashley. He lived in Hartford.
and died before January 23, 1711-12. Chil-
dren: Abigail, born December 12, 1708, mar-
ried, March 23, 1737-38; Nathaniel Eggleston,
died September 30, 1801 ; Samuel, mentioned
(IV) Samuel (2), son of Samuel ( i ) Good-
win, was born October 10, 1710, died September
30, 1776. He married (first) Abigail .
who died September 16, 1748, and (second),
January, 1750, Laodamia Merrill, born January
28, 1728-29, buried May 6, 1790, daughter of
Moses and Mary Merrill, of Hartford. He
lived in Hartford, and held numerous town
offices there; hay ward, 1732: collector, 1737-
45-47; grand juror, 1743. October, 1749, he
was elected ensign of the First Company of
Foot Guard, in the First Connecticut Regi-
ment. Children : Samuel, born October 7,
1752, married, January 18, 1781, Abigail But-
ler, died April 6, 1807 ; James, mentioned
below; George, January 7, 1757, married, De-
cember 2, 1779, Mary Edwards, died May 13,
1844: Abigail, May 28, 1759, married James
Anderson, died December 23, 1843 ; David,
August 7, 1 761, married Susanna Pratt, died
November 15, 1 810 ; Theodore, April 18, 1764,
married (first), November 11, 1792, Lucy
Adams, (second), June 24, 1805, Harriet Prior,
died March 21, 1845; Russell, September 14,
1766. married, July 4, 1789, Ruth Church, died
May 19, 1839; Mary, May 14, I7'i9, buried
Mav 27, 1783.
(V ) James, son of Samuel (2) Goodwin,
was born in Hartford, December 15, 1754,
died in East Hartford, June 24, 1822. He
married, March 10, 1783, Hannah, daughter
of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Allyn) Mather,
born in Windsor, Connecticut, March 20, 1762,
died February 22, 1805. Children: Roxana.
born March 9, 1784, married, November 11,
1828, Chester Wells, died March 9, 1878;
James Mather, mentioned below ; Mary, May
25, 1787, married, March 31, 1811, Timothy
Spencer, died August 28, 1870; Manning, May
2j. 1789, died July 6, 1789; Manning, August
27, 1790, died June 15, 1832; Hannah, Decem-
ber 20, 1792, married, November 27, 1814,
Oliver Wells, died May 24, 1820; Erastus,
March 14, 1795, married, August i, 1821,
Anna Seaman, died June 7, 1882.
(VI) James Mather, son of James Good-
win, was born August 24, 1785, in Hartford;
died March 30, 1870. He married, December
21, 1809, Roxana, daughter of John and Theo-
dosia (Foote) Bulkley, born in Colchester,
Connecticut, May 14, 1788, died August 9,
1869. He began his business life as a West
India merchant in his native town and con-
tinued as such until 1828, when he became
secretary for the ^Htna Fire Insurance Com-
pany, of Hartford, and in 1837 was elected to
the same position in the Protection Company.
From 1819 to 1823 he was major in the (jov-
ernor's Foot Guards. In religion he was an
Episcopalian, and in 1837 was elected junior
warden, and in 1829 and 1838 senior warden.
Children: James Mather, born October i, 1810,
married (first), September 16, 1834, Julia Ann
Dickinson, (second). May 7, 1838, Charlotte
Rebecca Johnson; Frederick, July 24, 1812,
died October 27, 1845 • Mary, February 3,
1816, died March 17, 1817; Mary Jane, Janu-
ary 26, 1818, married. May 16, 1838, Charles
Haskell Brainard ; Henry Wheaton, mention-
ed below; William Alfred, February 14, 1831,
died September 20, 1838.
( VII) Henry Wheaton, son of James ]\Iath-
er Goodwin, was born in Hartford, Connecti-
cut, September 26, 1^23, died at New Flaven,
Connecticut, November 5, 1876. He married.
May 6, 1846, Caroline Althea, daughter of
Joel and Maria (Scovill) Hinman, born in
Waterbury, Connecticut, July 9, 1827, died
March 4, 1874. He lived for a time in Green-
field, Massachusetts, and Waterbury. After
his marriage he returned to Hartford, and for
a number of years was engaged in the crockery
business. In 1862 he removed to West Hart-
ford, and in 1870 to Cheshire. Children :
Maria Hinman, September 20, 1847, married,
January 13, 1868, Percival W. Clement; Al-
fred Scovill, March 30, 1850, married, Febru-
ary 5. 1880, Mrs. Emma Amelia (Atkinson)
Elv ; Henry W'illiam, January 29, 1835, mar-
ried, May 27, 1875, Eleanor C. Steele; Caro-
line Anna, October 31. 1859. married. October
13. 1880. John Dwight^ Parker ; Frederick Ab-
bott, mentioned below.
(VIII) Dr. Frederick Abbott Goodwin, son
of Henry Wheaton Goodwin, was born at
West Hartford, August 28, 1865. He received
his early education in the public schools of
Hartford, in Rutland, Vermont, and Shoe-
makertown, Pennsylvania. In 1885 he enter-
ed the medical department of the University
of Vermont, and graduated in 1887. He then
took a post-graduate course at the Columbia
University Medical School, and graduated in
1888. From 1888 to 1890 he was surgeon in
the Hartford Hospital. In 1890 he went to
Europe, and studied medicine and surgery in
Germany and Austria for two years. From
1892 to 1898 he practiced in New York City,
and was also instructor in orthopedic surgery
at the New York Post-Graduate School and
Hospital. He then became surgeon for the
Erie railroad and removed to Suscjuehanna,
Pennsylvania, where he remained until 1907.
For six years he was coroner of .Susc|ueliaima,
and was the founder and organizer of the
' Simon Barnes Hospital. In 1907 he removed
to Binghamton, New York, where he follows
a general practice. He still continues as sur-
geon to the Erie Railroad, and consulting sur-
geon at the Susquehanna Hospital. He is
a member of the Benevolent and Protective
Order of Elks : of the New Y'ork and New
England Railroad Surgeons' Association, of
which he is president ; of the Erie Railroad
Surgeons' Association ; Broome County Med-
ical Society, of which he is treasurer. He
married, Alarch 2, 1899, Minnie H., daughter
of Dr. Francis Vinton and Mary Elizabeth
(Bensel) Brush (see Brush VIII). She was
a graduate of the New York Post-Graduate
Training School for Nurses, class of 1898.
Children of Dr. and Mrs. Goodwin : Dorothy
Athcrton, born April 3, 1900: Edith Brush,
May 26, 1902. Mr. and Airs. Dr. Goodwin
attend the Episcopal church.
(The Brush Line).
The first of the name of whom there is any
record was Robert De Brush, who went to
England with the Conqueror in 1066. From
this French De Brus or De Brewes are de-
rived the English names of Bruse, Bruce,
Bush and Brush. The following extracts show
perhaps the source from which the family in
this country sprang. William de Brus lived
in Heworth, a mile to the north of Aycliffe.
His son, Adam de Brus, "held the will by
Knights service." William Brus, 1354, "then
styled Chivalier, held the Manor of Heworth
by the fourth part of a Knight's fees and 40s.
\\'illiam Bruys son and heir, 1381. Robert
Bruys sold the estate in 1435."
( I ) Thomas Brush, immigrant ancestor, was
born in England about 1610, and came to this
country before 1633, in which year he is re-
corded as owning a lot in Southold, Suftolk
county. Long Island. In 1656 he witnessed a
will in Southold, and attended a town meeting
there in October, 1660. That same year it
was agreed that "Gudman Brush" shall keep
"the ordinary." He was made a freeman of
Connecticut in 16(14. In 165(1 or i()37 he re-
moved to Huntington, Long Island, having
sold his home in Southold to Thomas Mapes,
his wife Rebecca assenting. About 1666 he.
with two others, was sent by the "Inhabitants
of Huntington with an Indian called Chichinee
to the South Meadow" to find and fix the
boundaries of a piece of land bought from the
Massapagus Indians. This land was South
Neck, and upon it was a marked tree, which
was to serve as a witness to the bargain. The
whites met there some twenty Indians, with
their sachem, who was at first very reluctant
to conclude the transaction. They finally agreed
to point out the tree, however. Thomas Brush
was ahead of the other white men, and went
past the said tree, without noticing it. "Then
an Indian called him back and showed him."
He was one of the proprietors of Huntington
in 1672. He was also chosen one of the over-
seers of the town, and finally constable. He
exercised his authority in the latter position,
when. February 21, 1670, the town "refuse to
repair the P'ort" at New York because they
felt deprived of the liberties of Englishmen.
His wife was Rebecca, daughter of John
Conkling, or Conolyne, who was said to have
come from Nottinghamshire, England. He
was received as an inhabitant of Salem, Massa-
chusetts, September 14, 1640, and had four
acres of land allotted to him in 1649. He was
an active man, who "identified himself with
every new enterprise with zeal and energy and
soon became the cynosure of all the village."
He moved later to Southold, and about 1660
to Huntington, where he is numbered among
the founders of the town. He is believed to
have been born about 1600, and died in 1683.
Thomas Brush died in 1670, and his son
Thomas administered upon his estate in 1677.
It was valued at three hundred and six pounds,
which was a ver)' fair sum for those times.
Children : Thomas ; Richard, mentioned below ;
John, born about 1650: Rebecca, married, Feb-
ruary 8, 1682, Jeremiah Hobart, or Hubbard.
(II) Richard, son of Thomas Brush, settled
on West Neck, on the south shore of Lloyd's
Harbor. This property remained in the pos-
session of his descendants until 1898. Like
his father, he was a town officer, a commis-
sioner to lay out lands and roads, and in 1663
one of the seven trustees annually elected under
the new patent. He marrierl Hannah or Jo-
anna Corey. Following the common practice
of h:s time he divided his real estate among
his sons during his lifetime. In 1700 he gave
a farm to his son Thomas, with the con-
sent of his wife. In 1709 he gave Richard
and Thomas "Meadows and uplands." and in
1 710 his son Robert his home lot, with other
property, including one-half of one hundred
pounds right of commonage. Children : Rich-
ard ; Thomas : Robert, mentioned below ; Reu-
(III) Robert, son of Richard Brush, was
born m 1695. He was a town trustee, and
when a new meeting-house was built, was
among the most liberal subscribers, giving the
sum of twenty pounds. He was executor of
the will of Jeremiah Hubbard Jr.. his nephew,
in 1730. He had four sons, of whom Reuben
married Ruth Woods, February 11, 17^9, and
was a prominent citizen ; Jonathan, mentioned
(IV) Jonathan, son of Robert Brush, was
born and lived at Huntington, Long Island.
He married Elizabeth Sniith. Among their
children was Joshua, mentioned below.
(V) Joshua, son of Jonathan Brush, was
born at Huntington, and alwavs lived there.
He married Margaret Ireland, of West Hills,
Long Island. Among their children was Philip'
mentioned below.
(VI) Philip, son of Joshua Brush, was born
at Huntington and removed to Ridgetield, Con-
necticut. He married Ruth Brush, a distant
relative. Among their children was larvis
born January 6, 1787, father of Professor
George Jarvis Brush, director of the Sheffield
Scientific School, Yale University, from 1872
to 1898; Conklin, mentioned below.
(VII) Hon. Conklin Brush, son of Philip
Brush, was born at Ridgefield, Connecticut
March 8, 1794, died Julv 4, 1870. He was
educated in the public schools. Just after the
war of 181 2 he commenced business in New
York City, with no resources but his good
character and remarkable business tact and
energy, and he very rapidly acquired a reputa-
tion as a safe and successful merchant. He
was a dealer in crockery and hardware. From
1816 to 1840, including'all the periods of com-
mercial disaster, he was at the head of nine
successful firms, no one of which ever failed,
and all of which were highly prosperous. He
came to Brooklyn in 1827 and made his home
in that city the remainder of his life. When
Brooklyn was made a city, in April, 1834, Mr.
Brush was asked to occupy the chair during
the election of the first mayor. George Hall
He wasa member of the board of trustees in
1830, of the common council in 1834-35, and
president of the board. At the close of his
term he was given a unanimous vote of thanks
for the able and impartial manner in which he
presided. In politics he was a Whig until that
party was dissolved. In every movement for
the development and welfare of Brooklyn he
took an active part. When he moved thither,
there was not a public street lamp in Brooklyn,' »
which was then a village. In 1832 he to'ok
steps to have Hicks and William streets lighted
at night and from that time the public lighting
system was extended to all parts of the munici-
pality. In 1834 he was chairman of the citizens'
committee which secured for Brooklyn, against
the opposition of N'ew York City, the South or
Atlantic Ferry. He led the movement to widen
Fulton street below the junction with Main
street against violent opposition. He was ap-
pointed at a public meeting of the city on a
committee to select and secure a site for a city
hall and the committee secured the site on
which the building was subsequently erected,
though instead of a city hall costing'$ 100,000.'
as proposed by the committee, a costly struc-
ture was started and various scandals develop-
ed before the city hall was finally completed.
With Daniel Richards he projected the At-
lantic docks, incorporated in 1840. and he was
a director of the company for six years. In
1848 he erected a grain elevator. In 1850 he
was elected mayor of Brooklyn, as the Whig
candidate, against John Rice,' the Democratic
candidate, and George Hall, independent, and
he served the city with ability and credit dur-
ing 1 85 1 and 1852. It has been said that the
city never had a better mayor. His perfect
familiarity with financial affairs secured for
him the confidence and support of the large
property interests of the city. He was one
of the organizers of the Mechanics' Bank, of
Brooklyn; its first president, remaining in that
capacity until his death. He was influential
in the movement to procure an adecjuate mu-
nicipal water supply, and served, in 1857, on
the first water commission. He was a promi-
nent member and vestryman of the Protestant
Episcopal church. In later years he was a
Democrat in politics. For many years he was
one of the commissioners of Prospect Park.
His favorite motto was "Honesty is the Best
Policy." He was public spirited and often
served the city without compensation.
He married Rosannah Hoyt, July 7, 1816,
at Norwalk, Connecticut. Eleven children,
four sons and seven daughters, among whom
were : Delia ; Jane, married George Smith ;
Anna; Goold ; Henry ; Julia M. ; Francis Vin-
(X'lH) Dr. Francis \'inton Brush, son of
Hon. Conklin Brush, was born August 26,
1844, died July 8, 1882. He was educated as
a physician and loved his profession, but ill
health obliged him to retire from active prac-
tice. He married Mary Elizabeth Bensel.
daughter of James Mcjimpsey and Mary Eliz-
abeth (Wright) Bensel. Children: i. Rosa-
belle, married Herbert L. Joeckel, and had
Dorothy Rosabelle Joeckel. 2. Marie Louise.
3. Minnie H., married, March 2, 1890, Dr.
Frederick A. Goodwin (see Goodwin \'HI).
Walter Dean or Deane, immigrant
DEAN ancestor, was born in the parish
of Chard, in Somersetshire. His
brother John, who was somewhat older, was
also born there. Chard is in Taunton Dean,
and the family name is derived from the name
Dean or valley. From Taunton Dean and
vicinity came many of the families that settled
in Taunton, Massachusetts. There is among the
people of this section of England a proverb :
"Where should I be born else than in Taunton
Dean?" Meaning to express the utmost satis-
faction with their native place.
Walter Deane was born between 161 5 and
161 7. He was admitted a freeman of Taun-
ton, Massachusetts. December 4, 1638. although
he appears to have landed in Boston first and
to have been in Dorchester for about a year
before going to Taunton. His homestead was
about a mile from the present centre of Taun-
ton and adjoined his brother John's place.
Their descendants own and occupy the farms.
or did recently. Walter Deane was a tanner
by trade. He was a deacon of the church. He
was a deputy to the general court at Plymouth
in 1640, and was a selectman of Taunton from
1679 to 1686 inclusive. He is mentioned by
the historians as especially prominent in town
affairs, .^.t the time of King Philip's war he
served on the committee of the town of Taun-
ton to reply to the generous offer of other
towns less exposed to Indian attacks, to shelter
the people of Taunton. The letter declining
the proffered aid and shelter and thanking
those who made the ofifer was signed by Deane
and shows that he, as did also his brother,
used the finel "e" in his surname, which is now
generally spelled without it.
He married Eleanor, daughter of Richard
Strong and sister of Elder John Strong, who
came in the ship "Mary and John" in 1630,
and afterward settled in Northampton. His
wife Eleanor was living in 1693. They had
eight in the family in 1639, from which it is
presumed that they had six children, but the
names of three only are known, viz : Joseph, a
shoemaker of Taunton: Ezra; Benjamin, who
married Sarah Williams and settled in Taun-
( II ) Ezra Dean, son of Walter Deane. was
probably born in Taunton, Massachusetts. He
married. December 17, 1676, Bethiah Edson,
daughter of Deacon Samuel and Susanna Or-
cutt (Amory) Edson. Deacon Samuel Edson.
of l;]ridgewater, was one of the first settlers
and owned the first mill built in Bridgewater.
Ezra Dean died between October 28, 1727,
when his will was made, and February 17,
1732, when it was proved. He lived in Taun-
ton and his children were born there. Chil-
dren: Bethiah, born October 14, 1677, died
November 2"]. 1679 ; Ezra ; Samuel, born .April
II, 1681, died February 16, 1682-83; Seth-
born June 3, 1683. lived at Taunton ; Mar-
garet ; Ephraim, married Mary Allen, of Reho-
(III) Ezra (2), son of Ezra (i) Dean, was
born in Taunton, Massachusetts, October 14,
1680. He married (first) .\bigail, daughter of
Captain James Leonard. He married (second)
Abigail Bretnall, who survived him. He died
July I, 1737, at Taunton. Ezra Dean was a
phvsician of note in his day. A writer in the
Colitnibiaii. of Taunton, in 1825, stated some
interesting facts about Dr. Dean's children. He
had sixteen and their united ages. dead and alive.
amounted to thirteen lumdred and seven years.
The ages of eleven amounted to over a thou-
sand years. His daughter Theodora lived to
see descendants in the fifth generation, and
was the mother of Dr. Job Godfrey, of Taun-
ton, eminent for half a century. Descendants
of several of his sons settled in Worcester
county, some in Hardwick, some in Rutland
and Westminster, and others in Oakham and
vicinity. The children of Dr. Ezra Dean
were : Ezra, died at eighty-nine years ; Theo-
dora, died at age of one hundred years ; Abi-
gail, died at ninety-five ; Bethiah, died at nine-
ty-six ; Nehemiah, died at ninety; James, born
1722, died February 9, 1812, aged eighty-nine,
according to Oakham records, called ninety in
the nev\'spaper ; Seth, died at eighty-eight ; Sol-
omon, died at sixty-one; Elkanah, died at
eighty-seven; William, living in 1825, aged
ninety-four, born 1731 ; George, died at eighty-
six; Elisha, died at eighty-three; Nathaniel,
died at twenty-five; Esther, living in 1825,
aged ninety-two, born 1733; Prudence, died at
eighty; Stephen, died at fifty-one. The pre-
ceding are probably not given in order, Ijut no
better record has been found.
(V) William Dean, descendant probably in
the fifth generation of Walter Deane, accord-
ing to tradition, came from Rhode Island early
in the eighteenth century and settled in Put-
nam county. New York, where he bought
eight hundred acres of land, some of which
has been owned by descendants ever since.
He had five sons : Seth, who settled in Putnam
county, New Y'ork; Benjamin, who settled in
Delaware county. New York; Ezekiel, who
settled in Kent, Putnam county. New York ;
Caleb, who settled in Kent ; John, mentioned
(VI) John, son of ^Villiam Dean, settled
in Putnam county. New York, and was father
of Niles, mentioned below.
(VH) Niles, son of John Dean, married
Nancy, daughter of Stephen Northrop (see
Northrop V). Children: i. Milton N., born
January i, 1815, near Carmel. Putnam county;
"died August 18, 1897; married, October, 1841,
Phebe Jane Haveland. 2. Ranslear, born near
Carmel, October 31, 1816; married Deborah
Ann Peck, in Patterson, New York, May 16,
1844. 3. Aner, born August 29, 1819, near
Carmel; died June 2t„ 1896; married Philip
T. Smith, at Matteawan. New Y^ork. 4. Willis,
born September 10, 1821, near Carmel; mar-
ried (first) Katherine Squires, December 22,
1846, who died without issue, January 2, 1883 ;,
married (second-) Jennie Van Voorhis, Sep-
tember 10, 1889. 5. Ursula, born near Carmel,
August 25, 1823; died January 8, 1892; mar-
ried Benjamin Stone, in Pulteney. New York,
January. 1849. '-•• La Fayette, born near Car-
mel, June 10, 1825 ; married Hattie Sinsebox,
October 20, 1852; she died January 2, 1883.
7. Jackson W., born at Carmel, July 20, 1827;
married Elizabeth D. Knapp, February 22,
1849. 8. Erastus, mentioned below. 9. Oliver,
born near Carmel, March 6, 1831 ; married
(first) Ellen Howe, April 2, 1862, and she
died the same year ; married (second) Jane
.Squires, December 12, 1865 ; he died March 9,
1898. Niles Dean died December 28, 1833;
his wife died April 30, 1863.
(VHI) Erastus, son of Niles Dean, was
born near Carmel, New Y'ork, August 18,
1829. He was apprenticed to learn the trade
of a machinist, and because of his natural me-
chanical ability he soon became an expert in
the business. After working for a while in
Fishkill, New York, he went, in 1840, to Bing-
hamton, where for a time he was a Methodist
preacher. He then found employment as over-
seer for Shepley & Wells, and later entered
the employ of A. S. Bartlett, where for thirty
years he was superintendent of machinery,
until his death. He married, April 30, 185 1,
Mary S., daughter of Stephen and Sophia
(Carpenter) Harris. Children: i. Frank W.,
born August 29, 1853; married (first), Sep-
tember 3, 1875. Ella Rood; married (second),
March 18, 1885, Minnie J. Brown; children:
Edwin H., Minnie H. and Mabel A. 2. Amy
Jane, born January 28. 1859, died October 11.
1859. 3. Mary L., born March 14. 1864; mar-
ried, June 2, 1891, George H. Downing; chil-
dren:' Mildred and Richard B. 4. Arthur E.,
mentioned below.
( IX ) Arthur E., son of Erastus and Alarv S.
(Harris) Dean, was born in Binghamton. New
Y'ork. October 12, 1870. He received his early
education in the public schools of his native
town and prepared for college in the P)ingham-
ton high school. He was graduated from the
New York School of Pharmacy in 1895, and
immediately engaged in business as a druggist,
succeeding his brother, Frank W. Dean, in
1909. His store is located at the corner of
Chenango and Lewis streets, Binghamton. In
religion Mr. Dean is a Presbyterian, and he
is a member of Independent Order of Odd
Fellows, and New York State Pharmaceutical
Association, Binghamton Cliamber of Com-
merce and the Slerchants' and Advertisers'
He married. March 5, 1896. Augusta J. Dun-
lap, born in Ovid. Seneca county. Xew York,
(laughter of Arthur and ^lary Helen (John-
son) Dunlap. Her father was born in Ovid,
Seneca county, New York, son of Andrew Jr.
and Hannah (Kinney) Dunlap. and grandson
of Andrew Sr. and Mary (\\'ilson) Dunlap.
Andrew Sr. was son of John Dunlap, immi-
grant ancestor, who came in ijbo to this coun-
try, settled in Xew York state, and died, in
1801. in Seneca county. His wife was a Gil-
(The Northrop Line).
(I) Joseph Northrop, the ancestor of this
family, came perhaps from Yorkshire, Eng-
land. He was one of "Eaton and Davenport's
Company, of good cjiaracter and fortune,"
who came from England, in 1637, in the ships
"Flector" and "Martin." They landed in Bos-
ton, July 26, 1637, and settled at New Haven,
in April, 1638. They were mostly from York-
shire, Herefordshire and Kent. Members of
this company and of Sir Richard Saltonstall's
company removed to Milford. Connecticut, and
the "free planters of the town" were enrolled
November 30, 1639, but Joseph, not then being
in the church following, appears in the list of
names immediately after the free planters. The
surname Northrop was spelled in the early
records with the "u," with "rup," and some-
times "roop," "rupp," and more often "rop,"
especially in latter days. January 9, 1642,
Joseph united with the First Church, in Mil-
ford. He married Mary, daughter of Francis
Norton, who came to Milford from Wethers-
field with the Rev. Peter Prudden and his
party. He died September 11, 1669. His will
was dated September i, 1669, and it men-
tions of his children only Joseph. Samuel,
Jeremiah and John. Codicil to his will says :
"Aly mother shall have a living in my house as
long as she lives" — perhaps meaning his wife's
mother, Mrs. Norton. His wife survived him.
and made her will January 24, 1683, and men-
tions Joseph, Samuel, Jeremiah, Zophar, Dan-
iel, \\'illiam and Mary, the last two being in
their minority, also her mother, Mrs. Norton.
The inventory of her estate is dated February
28, 1683. Children, born in Milford : Joseph.
July 17, 1649, mentioned below ; Samuel, Octo-
ber 26, 1651 : Jeremiah, January 14. 1633;
John, September 7, 1656; Zophar. June 21,
1661 : Daniel, August 7, 1664; William, June
2. 1666: Mary, January 6, 1670.
(H) Joseph (2), son of Joseph (i) North-
rop, was born July 17, 1649, baptized August
9, 1649, at Milford. He was made freeman,
Alay 12, 1670. He married Miriam Blakeman,
daughter of James and ^Miriam JBlakeman.
Miriam, wife of James Blakeman, was daugh-
ter of Moses Wheeler, and was born 1657,
died about 1789. James Blakeman was son of
Rev. Aaron Blakeman, who was born in Strat-
fordshire, England, in 1598, and entered Christ
College, Oxford, May 28, 1617 ; came to Amer-
ica, in 1638; to Stratford, Connecticut, in
1639 ; died September, 1665 ; his widow Jane
died 1674; she was said to be sister of Moses
Wheeler. Moses Wheeler, father of ]\Iiriam,
wife of James Blakeman, probably came with
Eaton to New Haven in 1638, and his wife was
Miriam, sister of Joseph Hawley. Joseph
Northrop died June i, 1700, and was buried at
Milford. His widow Miriam gave an adminis-
tratrix's bond, dated November 13, 1700. She
married (second) John Smith, and had chil-
dren : Johanna, Josiah and Abigail. Children
of Joseph Northrop, born at Milford: Joseph,
baptized October 29, 1689; James, baptized
January 15. 1(393, nientioned below; Moses,
baptized i\Iarch 31, 1695; ]\Iiriam, baptized
May 15, 1698.
(HI) James, son of Joseph (2) Northrop,
was baptized at ^lilford, January 15, 1693.
He bought lands at Milford with his brothers,
Joseph and Moses, in 171 5-21-27, and settled
there. He also bought lands of Joseph Bene-
dict, for sixty pounds, on Alarch 29, 17 14. He
married (first) Hannah Hine, of Alilford, who
died about 1737- He married (second) Lydia
Mills, widow. Children by first wife: James,
born November 9, 1719, mentioned below ; Na-
than, May 30, 1721 ; Hannah, November 16,
1623, died before 1731 ; Stephen, December 13,
1725; Thomas. December 5, 1727; Hannah,
August 20, 1729; Anna. Children by second
wife: .Ambrose, April 30. 1740, died October
7, 1743: John. November 28, 1743: Benjamin,
October 26, 1747.
(I\') James (2). son of James (i) North-
rop, was born at Ridgefield, November 9. 1719.
He married, January 13, 1742, Rachel, daugh-
ter of Samuel Smith, of Norfolk. She was
born iVIarch 27, 1723. His estate was distrib-
uted July 26, 1784. Children, born at Ridge-
field: James, January 22, 1744-43. died before
NEW \i)liK.
July 15, 1751: Samuel, March 5, 1746; Mat-
thew, April 6. 1749; James. July 15, 1751 : Na-
thaniel, July 15, 1751, twin of James; Rachel,
January 28, 1754: Hannah, February 28, 1755 :
Stephen, mentioned below.
(V) Stephen, son of James (2) Northrop,
was born at Ridgefield, January 22, 1759. He
was a soldier in the revolution for one year
and nine months. He removed to \'enice,
Cayuga county. New York, and from there to
Chardon, (ieauga county, Ohio, October 9,
1827. He was a carpenter by trade. He died
October 17, 1831, at Munson, Geauga county.
He married ( first ) Betsey Murch ; ( second ) ,
about 1793, Deborah Robinson, who was born
June 2, 1776, in Dutchess county, New York,
and died October 4, 1844, in Munson, Ohio.
Ciiildren by first wife: Stephen ; Hannah, mar-
ried Edward Covey, and went to Orange, I'ort-
age county, Ohio ; Ruth, married Peter Baker,
and lived in Broome or Tioga county, New-
York ; Nancy, married Niles Dean ( see Dean
VH) ; Nathan, born February 22, 1791, in
New London, Connecticut. Children by sec-
ond wife: Amaziah, born April 8, 1795: Pru-
dence, February 12, 1797, married and had
children: Rachel, November 5, 1798; Lewis,
March 5, 1801 ; Margaret, March 15, 1803;
Deborah, November 3, i8ori, married, 1825,
Nathan West, and died July 17, 1890, had
children : Jane, Calvin, Alanson, Stephen. An-
son, home near Chicago, Illinois : James, I-"cb-
ruary 25, 1809.
Among the representative fam-
CORBETT ilies of Central New York, who
for generations have taken a
prominent part in the business world, is the
Corbett family, the early ancestors of whom
settled in Mendon, and later Milford, both of
ALassachusetts, then the first settlers of New
Milford, Pennsylvania, and finally the found-
ers of Corbettsville, New York, represented in
the present generation (1911) by Merritt J.
Corbett, of Binghamton, New York, one of
the largest manufacturers of chemicals in the
United'States. The Corbetts settled in Massa-
chusetts in the seventeenth century. They were
Normans, descended from Roger Corbett, a
military leader under William, the First, in the
conquest of England. W'illiam, the eldest son
of Roger, was seated at Wattsborough, wdiile
his second son. Sir Roger Corbett, had for his
inheritance the castle and estate of Cons. Rob-
ert's son, also named Robert, accompanied
Richard, the First, in the Third Crusade, A. D.
1 191, to the siege of Acre, bearing on his coat-
of-arms two ravens. Another Roger Corbett,
in 1649, was one of the signers of Charles, the
I""irst's death warrant, and was beheaded, with
many others who had also signed this warrant,
soon after Charles the Second, came to the
( I ) Robert Corbett, ancestor of this family,
was in Weymouth early, and fought bravely in
King Philip's war, in 1675-76. Many of the
Weymouth settlers became interested in land
in Mendon and Woodstock, then in Massachu-
setts, and Corbett was one of those who set-
tled in Woodstock about 1700. He married,
February 2T,, 1682, Priscilla, daughter of John
Rockwood, of Mendon. Children: i. Dr. John,
born December 7, 1683; settled in the north-
west part of Bellingham ; married Mehitable
Rockwood. 2. Joseph. 3. Daniel, mentioned
(H) Daniel, son of Robert Corbett, was
born in 1690, at Woodstock. He married, De-
cember 14, 1717, Sarah, born 1694, daughter
of Elder John and Sarah Jones. They lived
first at Bellingham. where he was a member of
the Congregational church. Afterwards he
belonged to the Mendon church, joining in
1744. In 1742-44 he exchanged farms with his
brother-in-law, John Jones, and he removed to
North Purchase, Mendon, where he had four
hundred acres of land. He was elected elder
of the churcli in 1749, and "was altogether an
influential member of both civil and religious
society." Children, born in Bellingham : Mercy,
September 2, 1718; Daniel, July 8, 1720. men-
tioned below; Sarah, May 4, 1722; Nathaniel,
March 21, 1724: Bridget, February 25, 1726;
Lois, December 24, 1727 ; Eunice, May 4, 1728;
Priscilla, May 9, 1732: Alice, February 23,
1733. Elder Daniel Corbett died in 1753,
and his widow Sarah administered his estate.
His widow afterward married John Sawin, of
Watertown, October 9, 1755.
(Ill) Deacon Daniel (2) Corbett, son of
Elder Daniel ( I ) Corbett, was born July 8,
1720. He married (intention dated November
4, 1 741 ) Mary Holbrook. It is thought that
they lived for a time in \\'rentham West Par-
ish, now Franklin, Massachusetts, but the births
of children are not recorded there. Deacon
Daniel Corbett inherited and left a large estate,
which appears to have been equital)ly distrib-
uted, after his death, among his children. He
and his wife were among the temporary "come-
NHW \()RK.
outers" from the Congregational church, dur-
ing the pastorate of Rev. Mr. Frost, ami for a
time were among the adherents of Rev. Samuel
Hove}'. Daniel Corbett died in 1761. and his
widow married. I-'ebruary 7. 1770, Lieutenant
Josiah Chapin, whom she survived. She died
November 7, 1809. Children: Kathaniel. born
at Bellingham, May 20, 1742, married Lucy
Thayer; Priscilla, November 16. 1743. Born
at North Purchase, Mendon : Robert, mention-
ed below; Daniel, October 22, 1746; Peter.
.\ugust 2;^, 1748; Josei)li. May 3, 1750; F.ldad,
March 3. 1752, married Hannah Stearns ; Mary,
|ul\- 28, 1753, died young; Mary, November
15, 1755, married Elisha White: Hepzibah.
July 21, 1757, married, June 4, 1777, \\'illiam
Legg; Beidah, October 9, 1759, married, Au-
gust 19, 1778, Daniel Thayer; John, November
22, 1761, married, .April 6, 1786, Lydia Cheney.
(I\') Robert, son of Deacon Daniel (2)
Corbett, was born at North Purchase, later
called Mendon. February 10, 1745. He mar-
ried Elizabeth Daniels, of HoUiston, of an old
.Sherburn family. .\])ril 5, 1769. She was born
in 1751, died Se])tember 25. 1840. Robert
Corbett settled in Mendon, anfl was a soldier
in the revolution from Mendon, a private in
Captain Ciershom .Nelson's company, on the
[,exington alarm, .\])ril 19, 1773, to Cambridge
and RoNbury, and also under the .same cai)tain,
July II), 1776 (p. 995 and p. 999, "Mass. Rev.
Rolls." iii). He was virtually the founder,
and gave to the town of New Mil ford, Penn-
sylvania, the name of his former home. Mil-
ford, Massachusetts, formerly North Purchase
of Mendon. In 1790 he and his family located
on the ground in New Mil ford. Pennsvlvania,
formerly occupied by a hunter named De\'aux.
The history of New .Milford says he came
from "near Boston," through the agency of
Mr. Cooper, of Cooperstown, New York. In
171)9 a road was laid out from Corbett's home
to .Solomon Millard's house, in Nicholson, now
Lenox. In 1801 Corbett was taxed as an inn-
keejier. but must have left New Milford soon
afterward, with his sons Sewell and Cooper,
to locate at the mouth of Snake creek, now
known as Corbettsville, New York, named for
him and his family. His son Asaph remained
in New Milford. and, in 1802. was an assessor
there, in the W'illingborough district, and about
this time he probably built the first frame
house in New Milford, on land later part of
the garden of Henry Burnett. The house was
removed man\" vears aeo to the bank of the
creek and seventy years later, when it was de-
molished, the timbers were so sound that many
of them were used in building the new house
of Charles Ward. The old house was the
temporary home of many of the early settlers.
Asaph Corbett removed, about 1812, to the
west shore of Seneca lake, near Watkin's
Cilen, where he s]ient the remainder of his life.
Robert Corbett died May (>, 1823. .After he
went to Pennsylvania he sold land at Milford,
Massachusetts, November 21. 1793, giving his
then residence as Salt Lick, Luzerne coun-
ty, Pennsylvania. Children, born at Milford:
.\saph, born September 24, 1770, married, at
llopkinton, Massacliusetts, in 1790, Matilda
Reed; Ede, born August 28, 1771. married
Hasper Daniell Hunt; Pruda, July 30, 1773,
died -April 13. 1776; Puah, March 2, 1776, died
March 28, following; Pruda, February 8, 1777:
Ruby, married, March, 1794, Benjamin Hay-
den, of New Milford, son of Samuel: Ruth,
Jime i(), 1781, married Daniel Leach; Eve, July
LS. 1783. married Captain Hezekiah Leach;
Sewell. mentioned below; Cooper, born at New
Milford, lived at Binghamton, New York, to
a great age ; Warren.
( V ) Sewell, son of Robert Corbett. was born
at Milford, b>bruary 26, 1783. died February
24, 1832. He was a farmer at Corbettsville,
New York, and became active in other lines,
owning and operating a gristmill and a saw-
mill, a foundry, and conducting a general store.
He was a prominent man in the community,
living and dying on the homestead, where his
father located in 1804. and on which the old
house is still standing. He was a very large
landholder, owning over eleven hundred acres
of land, and at his death this was divided, and
each of his children received a farm. .A man
greatly beloved and highly respected by all.
The home of Sewell Corbett, at Corbettsville,
was the stopping place of all the itinerant
ministers in the early days. They frec|uently
preached and held religious services under his
roof. He was also postmaster, and kept the
pest office in his house for a number of years.
He married, in 1822. Chloe Smith, who was
born September 23, 1804. in Mount Pleasant.
F^ennsylvania. Children: i. Julia Ann, born
January 13, 1824. 2. .Amanda Jane, .April 17.
1826. 3. Ruby Cornelia, November i, 1828:
married, January 31, 1834, John C. Fish, Esq.,
lawyer of Great Bend, Pemisylvania ; died
September 2. i88r). 4. Julius Smith, mentioned
below. 3. Julia .Ann Elizabeth, .Vugust 26, 1833 ;
married, November 26, 1853, Dr. Alerritt H. C.
Vail. 6. Amanda Jane, July 8, 1838; married,
April 12, 1859, John Bayless. 7. Sarah, born
September 6, 1842, died same day. 8. Sewell
Frank, born September 26, 1843, died April
II, 1845. 9. Myrtis Chloe, born January 31,
1848; married, July 18, 1875, Marcus W.
Scott, superintendent of Binghamton (New
York) schools seventy-three years, a great
teacher antl educator; died Alay 9, 1891.
(VI) Julius Smith, son of Sewell Corbett,
was born November 22, 1831. in Corbettsville.
fie was educated at the Binghamton Academy,
and later at Homer, and as a young man be-
came associated with his father, and after the
latter's death he changed the foundry to a tan-
nery, and conducted this for a time. He then
sold it to Friend H. Burt, of Boston. He also
operated the gristmill and the sawmill, cutting
most of the timber from the large tracts of
land left by his father, and also purchased
other timber lands. This he continued to 1881,
then sold the mill, and, in 1883, came to Bing-
hamton. Some time after selling the mill
he became interested, with John Emmons, \ .
Mandville and Mr. Nitckee, in the chemical
business. They built the first plant at Livings-
ton Manor, the first plant of the kind in the
country. Later he started the building of a
plant at Rockland, New York, but his health
failed and his son completed it and then dis-
posed of it. After recovering his health he
purchased a ]-ilant at Sherman and operated it,
also had an interest with his son, and this con-
tinued up to the time of his death. The Liv-
ingston Manor plant is still operated by his
son, who later, with Mr. Stuart, purchased the
plant at Sherman, both of which they still own.
Mr. Corbett took a great interest in the temper-
ance cause, and at a meeting of the town, of
which he was chairman, a vote was taken by
the citizens of the town on the question of
license or no license. It was a tie vote, and he,
as chairman, cast the deciding vote against
license, and this has since been the policy of
the town.
For many years he represented the town of
Conklin in the board of supervisors, and, al-
though a staunch Republican, he was several
times the candidate of both Democratic and
Republican parties. He was an active member
of the Presbyterian church, at Conklin, which
he supported liberally, but after coming to Bing-
hamton, at the earnest solicitation of Dr. Holly,
pastor of the First Congregational Church, he
became an active member of that church. He
was a fine example of a good, honest, upright,
prosperous citizen. His business ventures have
been of a nature that tended to the welfare
and prosperity of numerous homes, and the
happiness, of which he was indirectly author,
was great. He was essentially a man of honor,
and the integrity of his nature and the upright-
ness of his character were ever visible in his
business and social relations. Kind, manly and
true hearted, Mr. Corbett was always an ex-
ample for good among his associates, and the
beneficent mfluence of his life and the im-
pressions his sterling character have made
upon men will not soon fade away.
His death occurred March 7, 1899, at his
home, No. 82 Chestnut street, Binghamton,
and removed from that city one of its most
prosperous and influential citizens.
Mr. Corbett was of a nature so modest and
unobtrusive that men accepted him for what
he was, and came to reckon with him as a
fixed and stable quantity. His death brought
his personality and his life record into bold
relief, bringing vividly before the mind of
every one who ever had any dealings with him
the picture of a character that might well
awaken enthusiasm and an example well worthy
of emulation. It is a satisfaction to contem-
plate a personality so thoroughly wholesome,
upright and four-square in its substantial out-
lines as that of this quiet Christian gentleman.
The keynote of Mr. Corbett's character was
honesty and a scrupulous regard for every ob-
ligation. He came of a family in which the
sense of duty was very strong. "Full measure,
pressed down and. running over," was the law
of his business dealings. He would rather pay
a man more than was due him than run any
chance of paying less. He usually planned to
meet his obligations before they were due. A
large employer of labor, he was universally
respected and beloved by those who worked
for him. He keenly appreciated the situation
of the working man, and of those less for-
tunately situatea, to whom life is an anxious
struggle for daily bread, and he felt it a ])art
of his Christian obligation to deal generously
with all such. Many was the debt that was
never collected ; many the tenant, hard pressed,
who found a month's rent generously remitted
by his landlord.
Mr. Corbett was a hearty and unquestioning
believer in Christianity. He found in it the
law of right living here and of hope for the
//////tJ . / Gcrf.>e
hereafter. Earl}' in life he took his stand as a
Christian, and the qnahty of his faith was testi-
fied by his works. He was a man who ajipre-
ciated the value of the great conservative insti-
tutions of human society, the family, the state,
the church. In his relationship to his church,
to his political party, and to his business asso-
ciates, he was ever found loyal and steadfast.
Mr. Corbett married, October 14, 1858, Emma
Ruth, born near Chenanfo, Tioga county, New
York, daughter of Rev. J. M. (irimes, a Meth-
odist minister, member of the Wyoming Con-
ference, and Rachel Candficld ( Taylor ) Grimes.
John M. Grimes, a member of Wyoming Con-
ference, was born in the town of Candor, Tioga
county. New York, November 19, i8r2, died
at his home, near Flemingville, .New York,
October 16, 1891. His parents were members
of the Presbyterian church, and after prayer-
ful study of various church creeds and the word
of God he became a member of the Methodist
Episcopal church, at hdemingville. New York,
at about twenty. The pastor, John Griffin,
gave him license to exhort, April 10, 1837. He
received license to preach from George Her-
man, presiding elder, November 19, 1839. So
clear was his call to the ministry that the Quar-
terly Conference, held at Flemingville. July 13,
[844, recommended him to Oneida Conference,
and also for deacon's orders, into which con-
ference he was received on probation in Au-
gust, and ordained deacon, by Bisho]) Ilamline,
August 2^. 1844. John M. Grimes luarried
Rachel C. Taylor, March 22, 1838. Her natural
ability and scholarly attainments, united with
her strong faith and clear Christian experience.
(|ualified her to speak words of wisdom in
])rivate. and in i)ublic her prayers and testi-
uKinv were always a power for good. Reverend
Grimes was a minister fifty-two years, and a
member of conference for forty-seven years,
and never failed to be present at its regular
sessions. For twenty-seven years he received
regular appointments and always entered cheer-
fully upon his work. He served seventeen
charges, and his labors were blessed in the
salvation of souls and the sanctification of be-
lievers. During his ministry he led two tlniu-
sand souls to Christ. Children of Mr. and
Mrs. Corbett, born at Corbettsville : i. Nettie
Eloise. ]\Iarch 15. i860, died May 13, kX)" :
married, February 28, 1883, John L. Stuart;
children: Charlotte E., born October 4, 1885:
Merritt C. born October 27. 1887 ; John Leon-
ard, October 2^, 1892. 2. Julia .Mice, Novem-
ber 12, 1861 : married, September 26, 1883,
Melvin C. Craver ; children: George C, born
Alay 2, 1889; Emma Ruth, April 4, 1891 ;
Helen Louise, June 16, 1892. 3. Merritt J.,
mentioned below.
( \'n ) Merritt J., son of Julius Smith Cor-
bett, was born on the old homestead, at Cor-
bettsville, New York, ]\Iay 3, 1865. He at-
tended the public schools of Corbettsville, New
York, and the high school of Binghamton,
New York. For a time he was bookkeeper
for the firm of Anderson & Gregg, shoe dealers,
and afterward in a similar capacity for the
Merchants' liank, of liinghamton, for four
years. In 1885 he became associated with his
father, as a ]iartiur in the manufacture of
acids. This contiiuied for about three months,
when the partnership was dissolved, and Mer-
ritt J. continued the business alone. After a
short time he admitted his brother-in-law, and
the firm became Corbett &• Stuart. Mr. Corbett
being the secretary and treasurer. They built
their first jilant at Harvard, New York, in
1887, and their second, in 1890, at East Branch,
New York, and, in 1892, a third plant at Trout
Brook, New York, and later they purchased a
plant at Sherman, Pennsylvania, and also one
at Livingston Manor, New York, and, in 1898,
they built their largest plant at St. Mary's,
Pennsylvania, operating in all six plants. Of the
above ]ilants the first five are o]ierated by Cor-
bett & Stuart, and the last plant, at St. Mary's,
is ojierated Ijy M. J. Cnrbett & Company.
Julius S. Corbett, father of M. J. Corbett, was
for many years a stockholder in this concern.
In addition to this business, which Merritt J.
Corbett has built up to its enormous propor-
tions, he has always taken an active part and
interest in ]")ublic affairs in Binghamton. In
1907 he was appointed, by Governor Hughes,
one of the board of managers of the Bingham-
ton State Insane Asylum, to fill an unexpired
term of two years, and at the expiration of this
term, in 1909, he was reapjiointed by the gov-
ernor for the full term of six years, to serve
until 191 5. He has been a director of the
First National Bank since 1904; secretary of
"The Boys' Club" ; member of the Chemist
Club, of New York ; one of the organizers of
the Binghamton Country Club, on the board
of managers ten years and treasurer a number
of years ; member of Binghamton Press Club ;
one of the members of the executive committee
and on the board of directors of the Manu-
facturers' Cliemical Company, of Bradford,
I'ennsylvania ; president of the Binghamton
Cold Storage Company ; vice-president of the
Broome County Reahy Company ; director of
the Acrum Gypsum Company; director of the
Yorktown Chemical Company, and a member
of the Lenape T'ishing Club. He was for sev-
eral years president of the Young Men's Chris-
tian Association, of Binghamton, and under
his direction the present magnificent new build-
ing was erected. He is a trustee of the First
Presbyterian Church. In politics he is a Re-
i\Ir. Corbett married, April 30, 1890, Julia
Morgan, born July 24, 1867, daughter of Closes
and Sarah A. Morgan. Thev have no children.
Robert Ashley, immigrant an-
ASHLEY cestor, is first mentioned as a
resident of Springfield, Massa-
chusetts, on January 13, 1638-39, when there
was a rating of forty pounds agreed upon to
meet a portion of the expense of the minister's
residence and maintenance. At this time Rob-
ert Ashley gave the sum of one pound sixteen
shillings, the fifth in amount on the list. The
first allotment of land that he received was on
January 5, 1640-41, when he had lot No. 3, of
eight rods, he being unmarried, situated be-
tween Widow Searle and John Dibble. The
next important record of him is .\ugust 7,
1641, when Air. Pynchon, founder of Spring-
field, announced on this record the marriage
of Robert Ashley and Widow Horton, which
was to take place soon. At that time she gave
over all her property to him, providing that he
cared for her two sons. He married, 1641,
Mary, widow of Thomas Horton, of Spring-
field. The home lots of the inhabitants were
laid out on the west side of what is now Main
street, extending to the Connecticut river, while
on the east side of Main street was the "wet
meadow," which was allotted to each inhabit-
ant in the same width, opposite his home lot,
and running forty rods to the foot of the hill.
Adjoining the "wet meadow," on the eastern
end, was also given a wood lot, eighty rods in
length and eight rods wide. Robert Ashley's
lot was on what is now the northwest corner
of Main and State streets, and extended to
the river. There were only four other inhabit-
ants who owned more land than he did at this
time, and, in 1647, he was ta.xed on fifty-one
acres. In 1646 he was licensed to keep the
ordinary, and, January 22, 1651-52, he received
a grant of land on Mill river, on condition that
he do so. Un June 27, 1655, he was forbidden
to sell "eyther wine or strong waters to Eng-
lish or Indians." He probably resigned his posi-
tion as keeper of the ordinary in the fall of
1660, for, December 31, 1660, Samuel Marsh-
field was appointed to keep it. By this time
Robert .Ashley owned much land on the west
side of the Connecticut river, and his house
lot there had been granted him in February.
1661, "provided that he build and dwell there."
He probably built soon after this, and he lived
there the remaining twenty years of his life.
He was often called to serve as juryman,
his first appearance being January 2, 1639-40,
when he was on the jury that tried Mr. Moxon's
slander suit against John Woodcock. He also
served on the juries at Springfield, February
13, 1639-40, Alarch I, 1654, and those in the
month of Se];)tember, in 1661-62-64-67-70. He
and Miles Alorgan were chosen for overseers
of the fences of the house lots, November 3,
i')46. He and \\ illiam Warriner were chosen
overseers of fences for the fields in the upper
part of the town, November 5, 1650. He was
chosen surveyor of highways, with Nathaniel
Bliss, November 4, 165 1, and was again chosen
to this oiifice in 1652 and 1657. In 1653, at the
reorganization of the town by the younger
men, he was chosen one of the five selectmen,
and was reelected annually until 1659, and in
1660-62-65 ; being first selectman in 1657. In
1655 he, with two others, refused to serve, and
were fined twenty shillings apiece. He took
the oath of fidelity March 23, 1655-56. On
February 7, 1659, he was chosen town con-
stable, and. March 5. 1659, sealer of weights
and measures, being reelected to the latter office
the next year. In April, 1665 he, with several
others, was fined for being absent from town
ineeting. On March 30, 1669, he was freed
from military training on petition. In Feb-
ruary. 1653. he received three shillings as pay-
ment "for the use of his mare for the use of
the church." He was on the firsit seating com-
mittee of the church, December 23, 1659, and
sat in the first seat. In 1663 he was again on
the seating committee. He took the oath of
allegiance, with the other inhabitants of Spring-
field, December 31, 1678. He died in West
Springfield. November 29, 1683, and his wife
died there, September 19, 1683. She and his
son Joseph were made administrators of his
estate, and he mentioned in his will, made
October 9, 1679, his sons Jonathan, Joseph,
David, wife Mary, grandson John, child of
^•E\^' YORK.
son David, and John Root. Children, born in
Springfield: David (twin), June 3, 1642, men-
tioned below: daughter (twin), June 3, 1642,
died soon after ; Mary. April 6, 1644 : Jonathan,
February 25, 1645-46; Sarah, August 2^, 1648,
probably died young, as she is not mentioned
in her father's will of 1679: Joseph, July A,
( II ) David, son of Robert Ashley, was born
in Springfield, June 3, 1642, died December 8,
1718, ill W'estfield. Massachusetts. He mar-
ried, November 24, 1663, Hannah, daughter
of Henry and Helena Glover, born May, 1646,
Xew Haven : dietl June 7. 1722, W'estfield. He
settled in Springfield, and lived there until he
iiad been married three years. He received a
grant of land at W'oronoco, now W'estfield,
February 8, 1663-64, on condition that he and
the other grantees "pay the Indians for their
purchase within three years and that they go
there to dwell.'' His father had also a grant
of land there in 1661, the title of which was
eventually confirmed on David. The latter
was one of the original grantees on the Fort
Side (Main .street), July 6, i66f), and probably
removed his family there in the spring of 1667.
.March, i6()8. a division of land was made into
three parts, and lots cast for it, and his lands
fell in the first division. He and Joseph Whit-
ing received Sacketts creek, in March, i6fK).
"to set a mill thereon and grind ct)rn." During
King Philip's war he was one of a committee
of three, appointed to convey to the govern-
ment, at P)Oston, the protest of the town against
a letter, dated March 20, 1676, which advised
the inhabitants to abandon W'estfield and re-
treat to Springfield for ])rotection against the
Indians. He was granted, with three others,
liberty to erect a sawmill on the brook, on the
northeast side of the river. Towards the close
of Queen Anne's war, June 9. 1712, his was
one of the houses chosen for a fort. He hekl
a number of responsible offices: juror. 1665:
selectman, i676-77-79-85-g4-ij9 : clerk of the
writs, 1678-86-90: treasurer, 1694. He perform-
ed the duties of these offices in a manner satis-
factor)- to the town and was a highly respected
citizen. He united with the W'estfield church.
January i, 1679-80, and took the freeman's
oath, September 28, 1680. Roth he and his
wife were buried in the old W'estfield cemetery,
where their gravestones may still be seen. Chil-
dren, the first two born in Springfield, the
others in W'estfield: Samuel, October 26, 1664.
mentioned below; David, March 10, 1666-67;
John, June 2J. 1669; Joseph, July 31, 1671 ;
Sarah, September 10, 1673; Mary (twin), De-
cember 26, 1675. died July 19, 1676; Hannah
(twin), December 26, 1675; Jonathan, June
21, 1678; .Abigail, April 2y. 1681 ; Mary, March
3, 1682-83: Rebecca, May 30, 1685.
(HI) Samuel, son of David Ashley, was
born in Springfield, October 26, 1664, died in
W'estfield, 1722. He married, .April 2~. 1686,
in I ladle}-, ^lassachusetts, Sarah, daughter of
Lieutenant Joseph and Joanna Kellogg, born
August 2/. 1666, in Hadley : died January 30,
1729, in W'estfield. He settled in the latter
town, where he was a carpenter by trade. He
was also engaged in farming, and kept the inn
at W^estfiekl for a number of years. He was
a considerable landowner, and had a quarter
interest in a gristmill at Two Mile Brook, in
com]3any with his brother, Deacon David Ash-
ley, and Lieutenant James Dewey. During
Oucen .Anne's war. June 9. 171 2, three houses
in the town were selected "to be forted," as a
protection against the Indians, and his was one
of the three. In 1719 he sold to his brother
David half the home lot which had belonged
to their father, and his name appears on a large
number of deeds of land during his residence
in W'estfield. He held a large number of town
offices: tythingman, 1697-98 antl 1703; select-
man, 1703-04-20: in 1700 he was chosen, with
iiis brother David and two others, a committee
to build the schoolhouse, and, in 17CK), was
elected constable, but refused to serve. March
8, 1713-14. he was appointed one of a com-
mittee to settle the bounds between W'estfield
and Springfield. He united with the church,
April 15. 1 714. and was an active member. He
was ai^pointed on the committee to build a
new meeting-house, in 1719. and on its com-
pletion was chosen on the seating committee,
1721. His services in the church were con-
sidered worthy of a special vote of the town
after his death. Children, born in W'estfield:
Marv, March 6. 1687. died in infancy; Samuel,
November 3, 1688: Daniel, September 7, 1691,
mentioned below: Sarah. September 11. 1693,
died in infancy: Rachel. February 14, i<595;
Jactib, September 24, 1697; Joanna, February
6, 1699: Ezekiel, April 2j. 1701 ; Aaron. Janu-
ary 1, 1702-03; Abigail. May 27,. 1708: Joseph.
October 11. 1709.
(I\') Daniel, son of Samuel .Ashley, was
born .September 7, i6gi, in W'estfield; died in
1726, before November 4, when his inventory
was taken. He married (intentions published
November 15, 1718), in W'estfield, Thankful
(Hawks) Taylor, widow of Thomas Taylor,
and daughter of Deacon Eleazer and Judith
( Smead ) Hawks, born in Deerfield, 1690. She
married (third), March 6, 1728-29, Colonel
\\'illiam Symes, of Northtield, I\Iassachusetts.
He settled in Westfield, and was one of the
original proprietors of the Lower Township,
now Shefifield, on the Housatonic river. There
is no evidence, however, that he ever removed
there. He was appointed from Deerfield to
attend the delegates from the Five Nations,
wdio came to Albany in the summer of 1723.
and were thence conducted to Boston to hold
conference with the English commissioners.
He was a farmer by occupation. Children,
born in Westfield : Samuel, March 20, 1720,
mentioned below: Martin, September 17, 1724.
(V) Colonel Samuel (2)- Ashley, son of
Daniel Ashley, was born March 20, 1720, in
Westfield: died February 18, 1792, in Clare-
mont. New Hampshire. He married, 1742, in
Northfield, Eunice, daughter of Rev. Benja-
min and Lydia (Todd) Doolittle, born July
24, 1724, in Northfield; died in 1807, in Clare-
mont. He spent his youth in Northfield and
settled there after his marriage, in 1742. He
had been an original grantee of the town of
Winchester, New Hampshire, under the Massa-
chusetts charter, and, in 1753, when by the
settlement of the boundary between the former
state and Massachusetts that town became a
part of New Hampshire, he settled there, and
became one of the first selectmen. He was
one of the "Hinsdale petitioners," .August 29,
1753, and also a petitioner and grantee of the
towns of ^\'indsor, \'ermont. in 1761 : Shrews-
bury, A'ermont, 1763, and Claremont, New
Hampshire, 1784. In 1781, in the Vermont
controversy, a contention in which New York
claimed jurisdiction over the former state. Colo-
nel Ashley, with ten others, protested against
the proceedings of the convention, and bv
united and determined action prevented civil
feud. About this time he removed to Clare-
mont, which had been granted to him, and
sixty-eight others. October 26, 1764. and was
chosen first moderator. He and members of
his family at this date, 1784, possessed twenty-
two of the seventy-five shares into which the
town had been originally divided. At a meet-
ing of the proprietors. May 26, 1784, these
shares were laid out into one tract, and the
dividing line named "Ashley's Lane." The
land thus acquired was controlled independently
from the other town proprietors.
Colonel Ashley had a long and brilliant mili-
tary service, from the French and Indian wars,
through the revolution. He served at Fort
Dummer, under Captain Josiah Kellogg, from
August 7 to November 20, 1740, enlisted the
following day in Captain Josiah Willard's com-
pany, for duty at the same place, and was dis-
charged, ]\Iarch 4, 1741-42. He served also
in Captain ^^'illard"s company, from May 25
to November 21, 1742, -and from February 12,
1748, to June 7, 1749. At the outbreak of the
revolution he was a delegate to the provincial
government, as representative from W'inches-
ter, and was at the session. May 10, 1774, at
Portsmouth, at which a committee of corre-
spondence was appointed for the purpose of
exchanging information with similar commit-
tees from other colonies. He was also a dele-
gate to the convention held at E.xeter, July 21,
1774, which appointed representatives to the
first continental congress, at Philadelphia, and
also to those held there January 5 and April
21. 1775- May 17, 1775. at the meeting of an-
other convention, which styled itself the first
provisional congress, the famous committee of
safety was appointed, and at another session,
held that same day, four more members were
added to the latter committee, among whom
Colonel .Ashley was one. He was in continual
attendance from June 14th to June 29th. He
acted as mustering officer from the last date to
October 31, 1775, and was commissioned colo-
nel, August 24, of the first part of the regi-
ment, formerly commanded by Colonel Josiah
Willard. From October 31st to November
i6th he was again a constant attendant on the
committee. He was elected a member of the
council of eight, January 5, 1776, and served
on that body until 1780. He was appointed
first justice of the inferior court of common
pleas, of Cheshire county, January 10, 1776,
and, June 26th, the house voted to appoint a
committee to consider a petition of Colonel
Ashley, and others, for a company of "Rang-
ers." They voted to raise four companies, of
fifty men each, to guard the western frontier,
and Colonel Ashley was to enlist one of these
companies, muster and pay the men. The
following July he was appointed to muster
men for the reenforcement of the army in
Canada. He marched his regiment to Ticon-
deroga, October 21, 177(1, to reenforce the
army there, and returned on November i6tli.
He marched again to Ticonderoga, on May 7,
1/77' with one hundred and nine men, and
served until June i8th, when he was dis-
charged. He reenhsted, on June 29th, and was
present at the evacuation of Ticonderoga. He
was discharged July nth, but volunteered for
General Stark's staff, in the regiment which
was then being raised to check Rurgoyne's ad-
vance, and was present at the battle of Ben-
nington. He continued in the service under
General Gates, at Saratoga, until Burgoyne's
surrender, and held command of his regiment,
the Thirteenth, afterwards the Sixth, New-
Hampshire, until he resigned, June 18, 1779.
March 24, 1779, he had been chosen a repre-
sentative to the continental congress, but de-
clined. He continued a highly respected citi-
zen of Claremont until his death. Children,
the births of the first four recorded in North-
field, and those of all of them in Winchester:
Oliver, October 20, 1743; Tir/.ah, December
24, 1745; Samuel, September 29, 1747, men-
tioned below: Thankful, November 10, 1749:
Eunice, December 17, 1751 ; Daniel. January
15, 1754: Luther, April 27, 1762, died in
infancy: Luther, August 19, I7'')4: Susannah,
December 16, 1766.
(VI) Colonel Samuel (3) .Ashley, son of
Colonel Samuel (2 ) Ashley, was born in North-
field, September 29, 1747; died October, 1820,
in .S]iringville. I'ennsylvania. He settled in
Claremont. where he lived on what is now-
known as the Charles Ainsworth farm. In the
spring of 1818 he removed to Springville, and
remained there until his death. He served in
the revolution, was appointed first lieutenant
of the Claremont company. Colonel Benjamin
Bellows' regiment, .Sixteenth New Hampshire,
served from C)ctober 21st to November i6th,
1776. During this time and the Saratoga cam-
paign he acted as adjutant, on Colonel Bel-
lows' staft". His company had also served at
Ticonderoga until the evacuation, and were
discharged July 8, 1777. He served in Lieu-
tenant Jeremiah Spencer's scouting party, of
twenty-four men. .August. 1780, which went in
pursuit of the enemy who had made a raid on
Claremont and surrounding towns. About this
time Lieutenant Ashley was made captain of
the New Hampshire line. After the close of
the war he continued to take an active part in
military afi^airs. He was appointed lieuten-
ant-colonel of the Fifteenth New Hampshire
Militia Regiment, December 2^, 1784. and its
colonel, September 23. 178^).
He married, August 9, 1770, in Northfield.
his cousin Lydia, daughter of Lucius and
Sarah ( Smith) Doolittle, born December, 1753,
in Northfield. Children, born in Claremont:
Content, 1771; Samuel, 1773; Solomon Will-
ard, 1774: Sarah, 1776; Lydia, November 22,
I77<>: Charles, 1782, mentioned below: Har-
mony, January, 1784, died September 25. 1784 ;
Friendly, 1786, died in infancy; Olive, 1788:
Cynthia, August 8, 1791 ; Susannah, 1793.
(VII) Charles, son of Colonel Samuel (3)
Ashley, was born at Claremont. New Hamp-
shire, in 1782: died March 30, 1848, in Water-
loo. Wisconsin. He married, about 1802, at
Claremont. Roccena, daughter of Nathaniel
and Rachel ( Gould ) Goss. She was born
February 11, 1784, in Claremont: died Novem-
ber 9, 1 861, in Waterloo. Ashley took the
oath of allegiance at Le.xington, X'ermont. in
1796, probably at the first town meeting. He
removed to Danville. \'erniont, where he lived
until 181 1, when he returned to Claremont.
In 1818 he went to Springville. .Susc|Uehanna
county, Pennsylvania, and afterward to Water-
loo, (jrant count}', Wisconsin. He was a farmer
and held numerous town offices. Children :
Nathaniel, born 1803, died 1840: L\(lia, b(irn
June 25, 1805, married (first), in 1825.
Tucker, and (second), in September, 1831.
Daniel Raymond Burt: Charles, mentioned
below: Roccena, 1809. married, in 1834, Jere-
miah Dodge: Oliver, born January 2, 181 1,
died May 12, 1839, married, January, 1833,
Catherine Ainsworth: Samuel, June 18. 1813,
married. October 24, 1843, Sarah Ann Chaft'ee :
Lucius, born May 7, 1815, died February 15,
1873, married. January 29. 1S43, Caroline Bid-
die: Caroline Jones, born April 10. 1817, mar-
ried, .April r, 1838. James I. Blakeslee : Will-
iam Drinker. Iiorn May 5. 1819. died July 11,
1890. married. January 4, 1853, Angeline Jack-
son ; Rachel Matilda, born July 4, 1822, mar-
ried, in 1843. Jeremiah E. Dodge.
(\'HI) Charles (2), son oi Charles (1)
Ashley, was born July 2, 1807, in Danville,
A'ermont : died October 9. 1863. in .Stockton.
California. He married (first ), Alarch 6, 1831.
in Springville, Pennsylvania. Hannah Blakes-
lee, born May i, 1805, in Springville: who.
while crossing the plains on the way to Cali-
fornia, in company with her husband, was
taken sick near Fort Laramie, on the Piatt
river, and died there, June 4. 1852. He mar-
ried (second), April 29, 1855, in Stockton,
Margaret Curry, who died September 14, 18^5.
Charles Ashley came with his father to Spring-
ville, when a cliild. and he lived there until
1834. He removed, in 183ft, to Mauch Chunk,
Pennsylvania, thence to Rockport, Pennsyl-
vania, and, in 1838, to Reading, Pennsylvania,
where he remained for about a year. In the
following summer he located at \\'aterloo, Wis-
consin, with others of the family, and spent
nearly ten years there. In 1852 he located at
Stockton, California, where he lived the re-
mainder of his life. For a number of years
he conducted a livery stable. After moving to
California he gave his attention to farming
and stock raising. Children: Roccena, born
December 29, 1834, died March 5. 1839: Sarah
Catherine, August 28.. 1837, married, Septem-
ber 21, 1855, John E. McKenzie : Edwin Lucius,
born October 15, 1840. married. March 29, 1866,
Emma Robinson Brannack ; Charles Albert,
born March 2, 1843, married, April i, 1866,
Louise Jahont : Robert Asa, mentioned below.
(IX) Robert Asa, son of Charles (2) Ash-
ley, was born June 21, 1846, in a district called
Bee Town, Wisconsin. He married, Octuber
18, 1876, in ]\Iauch Chunk, Lida Rosina \'anne-
man, born April 12, 1849, i" Auburn, Pennsyl-
vania, daughter of Isaac Dana and Wealthy
Zyprali ( Bennett") ^'anneman. In 1852 he
went with his father's family to Stockton, Cali-
fornia, anfl, in 1870, came eastward and located
at Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania. .\ year later
he went to Delano, Pennsylvania, where he
was clerk in the store of his uncle, James I.
P.lakeslec. In 1873 he was appointed station
agent of the Lehigh \'alley Railroad Company,
at Delano, but he also continued in the store.
In November, 1878, he removed to Slattington,
Pennsylvania, and thence to Binghamton, New
York, where, from June, 1879, to April, 1886,
he conducted a retail grocery store. During
the next two vears he was in the employ of
the Crandall Typewriter Company, and since
then (1890) he has been contracting freight
agent of the Central Railroad of New Jersey.
He is a member of the Free and Accepted
Masons, Binghamton Lodge, No. 177; Im-
proved C)rfler of Red Men, Annawana Tribe,
No. 41, having formerly been a charter mem-
ber of the Wanasetta Tribe, but upon the
organization of the Annawana Tribe he be-
came a charter member of this and has passed
all the chairs of this lodge: member of the
Binghamton Club, and with his family attends
Christ Episcopal Church.
Children: i. Charles Asa. born November 7,
1878, died January 21 , 1880. 2. Douglas \'anne-
man, born May 23, 1881 : graduate of Princeton
College, later the New York Law School, and
now practicing his profession in Binghamton,
New York, being a partner of Judge Olstead,
of that city; he married, July 28, 1909, Eliza-
beth R. Stone, of Binghamton, New York.
(The Blakeslee Line).
(I) Samuel Blakeslee, the ancestor of this
family, came from England to this country
with his brother John about 1636. From Bos-
ton he came first to Guilford, Connecticut, and
afterward to New Haven, where he married,
December 3, 1650, Hannah Porter. He died
in 1678. The following account of him is
taken from the notes of a descendant. Captain
Sanniel Blakeslee, who had the facts from his
father and other older men: "In the early set-
tlement of America there was two brothers by
the name of Samuel and John Blakeslee, both
blacksmiths by occupation, left England with
their anvil, vises, hammers, tongs and other
necessary tools fitted to their occupation, and
landerl at Boston, Massachusetts, and purchased
what was and is since called Boston Neck, a
poor barren strip of land which joins the penin-
sula to the mainland upon which Boston is
located ; here they lived for a few years with
their families, following their trade of black-
smithing. But the then village of Boston was
poor and the narrow neck which they had pur-
chased was incapable of affording much for
the subsi.stence of their families. These two
brothers, being stout,' robust, enterprising men,
agreed to seek their fortunes elsewhere. With
their families, they left Boston and proceeded
by the seashore to New Haven, in Connecticut.
They did not dispose of their land in Boston
Neck : time passes and they died, and it was
never disposed of. Samuel Ixiught land in
New Haven and settled with his family, but
his brother John went to the western part of
the state to what is now Woodbury or Rox-
bury." Children of Samuel: John, born 1651.
Born at Guilford: Mary. November 2. 1659.
I'lorn at New Haven : Ebenezer, mentioned
below : Hannah, May 22, 1666 : Jonathan, March
3. 1668, died young; Jonathan, .-\pril. 1672.
died voung.
(II) Ebenezer. son of Samuel Blakeslee.
was born July 17. 1664, in New Haven, and
was one of the earliest settlers of North Haven.
In his house the Presbyterians held religious
services until a church was established, and
later the Episcopalians also held services in his
mansion. He married Hannah Lupton. Chil-
dren, born at North Haven : Ebenezer and
Hannah, twins, born February 4, 1685 ; Sus-
annah, May 21, 1689: Grace, January i, if)93-
94; Abraham, December 15, 1695, mentioned
below: Samuel, 1697; Thomas, 1700; Isaac,
July 21, 1703.
(III) Abraham, son of Ebenezer lUakeslec,
was born in North Haven, December 15, 1A95.
He married, March 15, 1721-22, Elizabeth
Cooper, born February 18, 1694. daughter of
John Cooper, of New Haven. He died March
6, 1759: his wife, January 2, 1776. His will
was dated .Vpril, 1759, and proved in the same
month. Chililren: John, born February 2,
1724-25; .\braham. October 22, 1727; Zophar,
mentioned, below ; Stephen, September 24. 1732:
Jude, March 31, 1735; Joel, December 11,
1737, died young; Joel, June 30, 1739.
(IV) Zophar, son of .\braham lUakeslee,
was born .April 21, 1730, and his estate was
administered in 1798.
(\') Zophar (2), son of Zoj^har ( i ) Blakes-
lee, married (first) Clarinda Whitmore, and
(second) Lucinda Taylor. Children by first
wife: I. Sarah, married Judge .\sa Packer, and
had : Lucy : Marion ; Mary, married Charles
Cunimings ; Robert, and Harry Packer. 2. .\
daughter, married Melvin, and had
Gertrude, Derwin. 3. Clarinda, married Will-
iam Baker, and had a son, Charles Baker. 4.
Hannah, married Charles Ashley (see Ashley
XIH). By second wife: 5. Wallace, married
Tamer Bidle, and had : Emma, Darwin, Will-
iam, Jesse. 6. Frank, married Bonnell,
and had : Mary, Sarah, William, Edward. 7.
Betsey, married Lyman Cogswell. 8. James I.,
married Caroline .\shley, and had : Eugene,
.\lonzo, .\sa Packer, Charles ,\shley. 9. Lem-
uel, married Clementine Bonnell, and had :
Jessie, Carrie, Robert. 10. Lucimla, married
.\braham Luce, and had : Mary, Irwin, George
and one daughter. 11. Eunice, married John
Crellen, and had: Lucius Pittston : Rollin. re-
sides in Scranton ; Lizzie ; Caroline, who re-
sides in White Haven.
The surname Spaulding or
SPAL'LDING Spaldingappearsquite early
in England. Some conjec-
ture that it is a place name, the family deriving
the name from the town of Spalding, in Lin-
colnshire, which is said to have been named for
a spa or spring of mineral water in the market
place. There have been many distinguished
men of this name in England, in ancient and
modern times. Many of the family bore coats-
of-arms. The Spauldings of .America, with the
e.\:ce]3tion of a few that have recentlv emigrated,
are all descendants from three earlv settlers,
one of whom located in Massachusetts, an-
other in Maryland, and the third in Georgia.
The latter are descended from the Ashantilly
.Spaldings, Perthshire, Scotland, from Sir Pierce
Spalding, who surrendered Berwick castle
to the earl of Murray. The (jeorgia pioneer,
James Sjialding, son of Captain Thomas, came
to .America in 1760, and married .Anna Ler-
( 1 ) Edward .Spaulding. immigrant ancestor,
came to New England, between 1630 and 1633,
and settled in Braintree, Massachusetts, where
he appears among the proprietors of the town
as early as 1640, and was admitted a freeman
of the colony. May 13, 1640. He removed
thence to Wenham, and was one of the peti-
tioners for the town of Chelmsford grant, Octo-
ber I. i'')45, and one of the early settlers of
that town. He was a leading citizen; select-
man in 1654-56-60-61 ; surveyor of highways
in 1663, and juror in 1648. He died February
26, 1670. His will was dated February 13,
1666, proved .April 5. 1670, bef|ueathing to
wife Rachel, sons Edward, John and .Andrew,
anl daughter Dinah. His wife Margaret died
-August, i()40. and his second wife Rachel soon
after he died. Children of Edward and Mar-
garet Spaulding: John, born about 1633, men-
tioned below ; Edward, about 1635 ; (jrace, died
in May, 1641. Children of second wife: Ben-
jamin, born .April 7, 1643 ; Joseph. October 25,
1646; Dinah, March 14, 1649; .Andrew, No-
vember 19, 1652.
(II) John, son of Edward Spaulding, was
born about 1633, died October 3, 1721. He
came to Chelmsford with his father, in 1654,
and was admitted a freeman, March 11, 1689-
90. He received numerous grants of land in
Chelmsford from time to time.- He was a soldier,
under Captain Manning, in King Philip's war.
He married, May 18, 1658, Hannah Hale (or
Heald), of Concord, Massachusetts. She died
.August 14, 1689. Children : John, mentioned
below: Eunice, born July 27, 1660: Edward,
September 16, 1663: Hannah, April 25, 1666;
Samuel. March 6, 1668; Deborah. November
12, 1770; Joseph, October 22, 1673; Timothy,
about 1676.
(Ill) John (2), son of John (i) Spaniel-
ing, was born in Chelmsford, February 15,
1659. He married (tirst) Ann Ballard, of
Andover, Massachusetts, September 20, 1681 ;
( second ) Mary Fletcher, widow, November
18, 1700. He removed with his family to Plain-
field, Connecticut. Children, born at Chelms-
ford: Anna, born August 25, 1684; Samuel,
mentioned below; Jonathan, August 7, 1688:
Deborah and Eleazer, twins, August 12 and 13.
1690; Dinah, January 24, 1693; William, No-
vember 14, 1695.
(1\') Samuel, son of John (2) Spaulding.
was born at Chelmsford, August 6, 1686, died
June 9, 1749. He married Susannah .
Children, all born at Plainfield, Connecticut :
John, April 2, 1707 ; Jcdediah, mentioned below ;
Abigail, May 7, 171 1 : Elizabeth, July 16. 1714:
Susannah, October 19, 1723.
(V) Jedediah, son of Samuel Spaulding,
was born at Plainfield, April i, 1709, died July
•8, 1776. He married Mary How, born Marcli
I, 171 5, died March 17, 1794, aged seventy-
nine, daughter of Samuel How. Children, all
"born in Plainfield: Ezekiel, March 18, 1734:
Timothy, February 15, 1737: Samuel, March
28, 1749; Asa, October 6, 1751 ; Stephen, Au-
gust 19, 1754: Daniel, mentioned below; Lem-
uel ; Jedediah ; James.
(VI) Daniel, son of Jedediah Spaulding,
was born at Plainfield, December 18, 1757. He
was a soldier from Connecticut in the revolu-
tion, in Caj^tain Waterman Cleft's company
(Sixth), Colonel Samuel Holder Parson's regi-
ment, at Boston siege, in 1775; also in Lieu-
tenant Clark's company. Twenty-first Militia,
joining the army in New York state in 1776.
He removed from Plainfield to Stephentown,
New York, in the winter or early spring of
1792. and lived there two or three years, re-
moving thence to Coeymans, New York, now
the town of Westerlo, New York. He mar-
ried, November 18, 1781, Mercy Hewitt, born
November 14, 1758, in Preston, Connecticut,
died February 6, 1828, in Westerlo, and he
died January 4, 1852, in Westerlo. Children;
Daniel, born April 25, 1784; ]\Iary, June 17,
1786, at Stonington, Connecticut, married David
Foster; William, September 18, 1791, in Plain-
field; Betsey, September 21, 1794; Closes, men-
tioned below.
(VI I) Moses, son of Daniel Spaulding, was
torn in Coeymans, New York, November 22,
1800, was killed by the cars of the Erie rail-
road, in the town of Conklin, Broome county.
New York, near his home, May 11, 1854. He
married Betsey WMllsey, January 2, 1822. Chil-
dren ; Willsey, born December 27, 1824, died
January 31, 1863, married Miranda Terboss ;
Amanda, January 7, 1827. married
Cross; Daniel, born March 21, 1829, married,
May 5, 1853, Emily I. Conklin ; Ananias, Janu-
ary 8, 1832, died March 10, 1841 ; Sally Maria,
born October 19, 1834, married, September 22,
1863, Henry Terboss; Emily, born March 21,
1837, married, December 23, 1855, Ezra P.
Barton ; William A., mentioned below ; Zerah,
born December 28. 1844, died December 8,
(VIII) William A., son of Moses Spauld-
ing, was born in .\lbany county, New York,
March 11, 1841. He came to Broome county
with his parents, when a small boy, and was
educated there in the public schools. For many
years he was engaged in teaming business. He
is now retired, living at Binghamton. He
married, November 22, 1863, Melvina Jaynes,
(laughter of Holloway and Sarah (Rought)
Jaynes. Children ; Renna Z., mentioned below ;
Elizabeth Jaynes, born February 23, 1872, died
May II. 1892.
( IN ) Renna Z., son of William A. Spauld-
ing, was born at .\bington, Luzerne county,
Pennsylvania. He attended the public schools
at Factoryville, later Scranton, Pennsylvania,
and the Binghamton high school, New York.
The family came to Binghamton in 1877, when
he was a youth. His first venture was as
maker of cigars, and later as dealer. After-
ward he engaged in the bakery business, in
partnership with T. W. Russell, and the busi-
ness was incorporated under the name of
the Russell-Spaulding Company, of which Mr.
Spaulding was president and Mr. G. W. Rus-
sell, vice-president. In 1905 they started a
small shop and from that small beginning the
business has developed into its present large
[iroportion the largest in this line in the city
of Binghamton, and according to the popula-
tion the largest in the United States.
In addition to being successful in business
Mr. Spaulding has taken an active part in vari-
ous fraternal organizations, being a member of
the Masonic order, having passed through all
the various bodies up to and including the
thirty-second degree in the Scottish Rite. He
is a member of the Improved Order of Red
Men, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks,
the Binghaniton Club, and the Press Club, ami
also the Chamber of Commerce. He is one of
the directors in the Merchants" and Adver-
tisers' Association. He has been a member of
the \'olunteer Firemen's Association for some
sixteen years; treasurer of the local company
seven years.
He married, December 24, 1883, Jessie F.
Slatter. Children : Bessie E., born January 6,
1889. married, June i, 1911, E. A. Brewer, of
Cortland; Georgia Lncile, May 17, 1890; Eliz-
abeth Jaynes, August 7, 1893.
Sylvester Hayward Slatter, father of Mrs.
Spaulding, was son of Samuel and Hannah
(Hayward) Slatter, and was born in Sussex
county, England, about 1822; married, Decem-
ber 13, 1854, Emma Drake, at St. Mary's
Church, Lewishaven, county Kent, England,
and died December 22, 1878. Children of
Sylvester Hayward Slatter: i. Alice Miriam
Slatter, born February 29, 1856; married, Au-
gust 15, 1879, Harry Hart, and had: Isaac,
Miriam, Esther and George Hart. 2. Adelaide,
born December 24, 1857; married (first), Sep-
tember 15, 1886, James Shaw; (second) Scott
Bruce. 3. Sylvester B. Slatter, born July 29,
1859 ; married, October 23, 1889, Nancy Brown,
and had Marjorie, born June 30, 1893. 4.
Walter Drake Slatter, born July 6. 1861, died
Januar)- 22, 1890. 5. Jessie Florence Slatter,
born January 17, i8()(): married R, Z. Spauld-
ing ( see Spaulding IX ). 6. Edna Bertha Slat-
ter, born March 29, 1867, died March 11, 1869.
Emma (Drake) .'-ilatter was a daughter of
William and ( Chap])eri Drake, and
was born about 1831, tlied in September, 1879.
Her fatlier was a cajitain in the English mer-
chant marine. Children of William Drake:
Sarah, ^laria, Benjamin, William, Emma, Re-
becca and Jane Drake.
Jacob McKinney, of Scotch
McKINNEY ancestry, was born April 30,
1 77 1, in Pennsylvania, and
died February 4, 1848. He lived in Simsbury,
Pennsylvania, and removed thence to North-
lunberland, New York, and finally to Bing-
haniton, New York, He was a man of the
highest character, and universally respected by
the people of the community in which he lived.
He had much to do with the early history of
Binghaniton, and was widely known by his
title of "Judge" McKinney. In 1808 he was
sheriff of the county, and, in 1809, county
clerk. For a time he was partner of General
Joshua Whitney in the business of general
merchants. He married, August 8, 1805, Eliza
Sabin, liorn November 28, 1780. died May 7.
1844, daughter of Walter Sabin, mentioned
elsewhere in this work, a surveyor by pro-
fession, who came from Norwich, Connecticut,
to Harpersville, Delaware county. New York,
prior to 1788, and then removed to Broome
county, New York, returning eventually to
Connecticut, where he died, leaving a widow,
five daughters and one son. Children: i. Ed-
ward, mentioned below. 2. Ann Eliza, born
June 17, 1808, died September 2, 1862. 3.
"Charles, born June 17, 1810, died June 8, 1884;
married. May 27, 1839, Catherine B. Ely. 4.
Samuel Sweetland, born April i, 1813, died
June 25, 1837. 5. Sabin, born March 7, 1816;
married, January 27, 1847, Elizabeth Sheldon
Corliss. 6. Silas, born November 2, 181 8, died
.April 21, 1888; married (first), February 24,
1847, Fannie M. Nelson ; (second ), 1865, Alary
C. Burt. 7. Amelia, born May 4, 1823, died
October 25, 1823.
( 11 ) Edward, son of Jacob McKinney, was
born .Vugust 18, 1806, in Binghaniton, New
\'ork, and died May 24, 1849. He married,
.■\pril 21, 1832, Marcia Maria, daughter of John
and Mehitable (May) Phillips, of Coopers-
town, New York. Children: Frank, died young;
E. Paschal, mentioned below ; William, mar-
ried Mary Eliza Niven.
(HI) Major E, I'aschal McKinney, son of
Edward McKinney, was born at Phoenix, near
Cooperstown, New York, February 23, 1838;
married, June 18, 1868, Fanny Fee Fish (see
JMsh ). Major McKinney was graduated from
Yale L'niversity in the class of 1861. He im-
mediately enlisted in the Union army, and was
commissioned second lieutenant of Company
(i. Sixth New York Cavalry, October 17, 1861,
and continued in service until the end of the
civil war ; he was commissioned first lieutenant.
Company C, January 20. 1863; captain and
commissary of subsistence, United States Vol-
unteers, May 18, 1864; brevet major, July 7,
1865. "for efficient and merhorious service."
Major ]\IcKinney passed through the follow-
ing battles and operations : Siege of Yorktown,
\irginia : battles of Williamsburg and Fair
Oaks : the Peninsular Campaign ; was escort to
General Keyes, commanding Fourth Corps,
.\rniy of the Potomac, in battle of Chancellors-
ville : brigade commissary on staff of General
Thomas "^C. Devin ; acting adjutant of regi-
ment, battle of Deep Bottom, Trevillian Sta-
tion and the Wilderness, Cavalry Corps, Army
of the Potomac; battle of Cedar Creek, Vir-
ginia, commissary Second Brigade, First Di-
vision, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac,
and Sheridan's Cavalry Corps. He was wound-
ed, August 13, 1864, at Berryville, Virginia,
in an attack by General Mosby's troops, while
serving in the Commissary Department, under
General Phil Sheridan. At the close of the
war he returned to Binghamton, and engaged
in the wholesale grocery business, in partner-
ship with his uncle, Sabin McKinney, and this
still continues. He is a member of the ^lilitary
Order of the Loyal Legion, and of Watrous
Post, Grand Army of the Republic, of Bing-
hamton. Children, born at Binghamton: i.
Ldward, born September 26, 1869; married
Frances Nora Sexton ; children: Frances Ruth,
March 8, 1900: Edward Phillips, May 24, 1902 ;
Elizabeth, died in infancy; IMarcia May, Octo-
ber 31, 1908, and Georgia Christiane. 2. Marcia
May, born December zj . 1871 ; married George
Buell Hollister; died February 12, 1909. 3.
Fanny Lee, born November 7, 1876. 4. Carlos
Tucker, born January 20, 1882, died in infancy.
(The Fish Line).
(i) Nathaniel Fish, the immigrant ancestor,
was born in England, and settled in Sandwich,
Massachusetts, before 1640, when he was one
of the proprietors of that town. His brother
John was of Lynn and Sandwich, and his
brother Jonathan of Lynn, Sandwich, and
finally of Newtown, Long Island, was ancestor
of the famous New York family to which
Governor Hamilton Fish belonged. Nathaniel
married Lydia, daughter of Rev. John Miller,
and from her come the names Miller in later
generations. The widow Lydia and her brother.
John Miller, of Yarmouth, Massachusetts, ad-
ministered the estate of Nathaniel Fish, who
engaged before marriage to pay her as much
as he had with her, £66. The inventory was
dated March 14, 1693-94. Children: Nathaniel,
born November 27, 1648 ; John, April 13, 1651 ;
Thomas, mentioned below ; Samuel, August
10. 1668. died and be(|ueathed £8 to his aged
father, February 2, 1691-92.
(H) Thomas, son of Nathaniel Fish, was
born about 1665. He settled at Duxbury,
Ahissachusetts. Children, burn at Duxbury:
I. Thomas, May 22, 1700. 2. Ebenezer, De-
cember 13, 1703, died I\Iarch 2, 1791. 3. Rev.
Josejjh, January 28, 1705-06: graduate of Har-
vard. 1728: married Rebecca Pabodie (Pea-
liody), great-granddaughter of John Alden,
December 6, 1732; he died May 26, 1781, and
she died at Fairfield, October 27, 1783. 4.
Lydia, born March 24, 1708: married Eliakim
Willis. 5. Samuel, October i, 1710; married
Elizabeth Randall. (>. Nathaniel, mentioned
(HI) Nathaniel, son of Thomas Fish, was
born April ri, 1713, at Duxbury, Massachu-
setts. With his brother. Rev. Joseph Fish, he
settled at Stonington, Connecticut, afterward
North Stonington. He married Mary Pabodie.
a descendant of John Alden (see Peabody),
and sister of his brother Joseph's wife. Chil-
dren of Nathaniel and Mary, born at Stoning-
ton: Miller, mentioned below: William, April
26, 1738: Eliakim, February 2, 1741 ; Joseph.
March 21, 1744; Lydia. March i, 1746.
(IV) Miller, son of Nathaniel Fish, was
born in Stonington, October 9, 1737. He set-
tled in Hartford, and, in 1790, had, according
to the first federal census, five males over six-
teen, one under that age, and three females
in his family. His brother Eliakim had two
females and no sons in his familv at that time.
(V) Miller (2), son of Mifler (O Fish,
was born about 1763, probably in New London
county, Connecticut. He married, July, 1786,
in Hartford, Connecticut, Huldah Corning,
who died January 15, 1806. He died Septem-
ber 16, 1816. He appears to have lived with
his father until about 1790. Children, born
at Hartford: Henry, mentioned below; Re-
becca, September 28, 1790: John, January 15,
1792, died May 2-^. 1807; Mary, December 26,
1795: Frederick, August 3, 1798; Edward,
February 11. 1800; George H.. September 5,
1803: Huldaii C, January 5, 1806, died Sep-
tember, 1853, unmarried.
(\'l) Dr. Henry Fish, son of Miller (2)
Fish, was born October 15. 1788, died Decem-
ber 29, 1850; married Rebecca Birch. He
graduated from Yale College in i8o5, and
studied medicine at Dartmouth Medical School,
from which he received the degrees of AL A.
and AL B. in 1810. In 1826 he received the
degree of M. D. from Yale College. He had
what was then called a country practice in
New York City, with an office in Beekman
street. He removed later in life to Salisbury.
Connecticut, where he resided and practiced
his profession to the time of his death. Chil-
dren: I. Henry F., born October 29, 1813;
married, February 21, 1850, Lucy Wilco.x. 2.
Myron H., mentioned below. 3. Jnhn C,
January ifi, 1822; married, October 3, 1843,
Lydia Kilburn ; removed to California, and
died there, November 24, 1850. 4. William
Tully, born January 13, 1825; married (first).
December 6, 1849. 5- ^Jary Elizabeth, born
June 13, 1826, died unmarried.
(V'll) Myron HoUey, son of Dr. Henry
Fish, was born at Salisbury, Connecticut. .Seii-
tember 21, 1820. He was educated in the pub-
lic schools. In 1854 he went to Illinois and en-
gaged in business as a merchant and banker,
at Rock Island, and died there, December 3,
i860. One of the last acts of his life was to
vote for Abraham Lincoln for President. He
married, August 25, 1845, Fanny Scoville Lee,
born August 11, 1823, daughter of Elisha and
Almira (Scoville) Lee. Children: Fanny Lee,
married Major Edward P. McKinney ; Eliza-
beth Julia, born .\pril 26, 1850, died young;
Mary, March 24, 1853, died in infancy; Myra
Ruth, born September 30, 1856.
(The Corning Line).
(I) Samuel Corning, the immigrant, was
born in England, and came to Salem, Massa-
chusetts, as early as 1638, and was admitted
a freeman June 2, 1641. .An acre of land was
granted him. in 1(141. for sowing hem]). He
removed to Wenham, Massachusetts. His wife
was admitted to the church April 5, 1640. He
was afterward prominent in Ileverly. He was
on the committee. May 13, 1663, equivalent to
the first board of selectmen, though the tnwn
was not incorporated until i6()8. He was
selectman in 1670-74-73-77, and perhaps in
other years; collector of ta.xes in 1676, ensign
in 1667 and afterward; on a committee to
settle the boundary with Wenham in 1682;
licensed to keep an ordinary in 1670; assistant
of the colony in 1670; on various committees
to lay out land for the town. He had many
grants in 1671 and afterward. His widow
Elizabeth survived him. His estate was divided
among his children Samuel, Elizabeth and Re-
member, and his wi 'ow March — , 1694-95.
Children: Remember, baptized May 3, 1640:
Samuel, n^entioned below ; Eliza, or Elizabeth,
June 4, 1643.
(II) Samuel (2), son of Samuel ( i ) Corn-
ing, was baptized March 14, 1640-41, and died
May II. 1714, aged seventy-three years. He
married Hannah r>atchelder, who died Febru-
ary 17. I7i8, aged seventy-two years, daugh-
ter of John pjatchelder. Children, born at
Beverly: Samuel, June i, i()7o; John, 1676;
Joseph, mentioned belijw ; Daniel, September
17, 1686.
(III) Joseph, son of Samuel (2) Corning,
was born in Beverly, November 19, i')79, and
died in 17 18. He removed from Beverly to
Norwich, Connecticut, and settled in the fVes-
ton Society. He married, January 17, 1702-03,
Rebecca Woodbury. Children: Hannah, born
( ktober 6, 1703 ; Joseph, May 22, 1707 ; Josiah,
menti(.ined below ; Nehemiah, April 23, 1717.
(IV) Josiah, son of Joseph Corning, was
born in 1709, and died February 2"/ , i'](yo. He
married, January 10, 1733, Jane Andrews,
of Norwich, who died March 21, 1803, aged
eighty-eight years. Children, born in Preston:
.Sarah. October 13, 1734; Ezra, mentioned be-
low; Daniel, July iS, 1739; Lydia, October 4,
1741 ; Elisha, July 23, 1743: John, November
2},. 1746; E])hraim, died at sea: Polly, or
Mary, May 22, 1749; Ann, April 22, 1731;
.Asa, December 3, 1733, resided at Hartford;
Ephraim, 1753.
( \ ) Ezra, son of Josiah Corning, was born
at Preston, April 10, 1737. He was the first
of the family to come from IVeston to Hart-
fird. He was a shoemaker by trade, and kept
a grocery at Hartford, fie lived near the site
of the Governor Toucey house. He married
(first) Mary, daughter of Captain Thomas
Hopkins; (second) Catherine Hall; (third)
Hannah P.entdn. Children: Marv, died young:
Huli'ah, married, 1786, Miller Fish, of Hart-
ford (see Fish) ; Daniel, married \'ib-
bert : Ezra Jr. Children of second wife : George,
Charles, Catherine, William ; Henry, died
young; Henry, resided at Harford.
( The Peabody Line ) .
The surname Peabody is of ancient English
origin. The generally accepted explanation of
the origin of this name is given by the English
Heraldry office as from a leader of one of the
tribes, a man of wealth and influence named
Peabodie, who by his prowess and exertions
in the brittle on the river D(iuglass aided in ex-
pelling the northern Saxon invaders, and. hav-
ing in his possession, the trophy taken by his
ancestors from a Roman officer at the time
Oueen Boadicea, of Briton, was subdued by
Emperor Nero, the coat-of-arms was confirm-
ed with additions by King Arthur. This an-
cient Roman coat-of-arms is described : Paty
]ier fesse nebule, cjules, aziire, two suns proper
with a gare. Crest: A scroll. The familv motto
\^:Mnrns acncus coiisciciitia saiui. Boadie,
who k'd the Britons in the battle with the
Romans, escaped to the mountains of Wales.
The word Pea, meaning a hill or mountain,
was added to the name, and by it the tribe was
known for centuries. The tribe maintained a
separate existence for five hundred years. Upon
the helmet and armor of the Roman olTicer was
a Roman badge of honor and distinction, con-
sisting of two suns proper in bordure. There
was also a miniature likeness of the Empress
Poppaea, wife of Nero. The spelling Pay-
body, Paybodie, Pabodie and various other
forms are found.
(I) John Peabody, the American immigrant,
came to this cotmtry from England, about
if>3(), and settled in the Plymouth colony, New
England. Ilis name appears on the list of
freeman ]\Iarch 7, 1636-37. He had grants of
land at Duxbury. His will was dated July, 1640,
and was proved April 2"^, 1667. He married
Isabel . Cliildren : i. Thomas, men-
tioned in the will. 2. Erancis, came, in 1635, in
the ship "Planter"; ancestor of most of the
Essex county families. 3. William, mentioned
below. 4. Annis, married, i63<;, John Rowe
(or Rouse).
(U) William Peabodie, or Pabodie, son of
John, was born in England, in 1620, and died
December 13, 1707, at Little Compton, Rhode
Island. He married at Plymouth, December
26, 1644, Elizabeth, daughter of John and
Priscilla (Mullins) Alden. She was born in
Plymouth, and died at Little Compton, Rhode
Island, May 31, 171 7. As her parents came
in the "Mayflower," her descendants are eligi-
ble to the Society of Mayflower Descendants.
William Peabody spent his youth in Duxbury.
In various documents he is called yeoman,
boatman, planter, and, in 1681. wheehvright.
He was also a land surveyor. He bought land
of John Holland and Hopestill Foster, of Dor-
chester, November i, 1648, and other lands at
Mattapoisett and Sepecan. He removed to
Little Compton, Rhode Island, about 1684. He
was deputy to the general court, from Dux-
bury, in 1654-63-68-71 to 1682. He was ad-
mitted a freeman June 5, 1651. His will was
dated May 13, 1707. Children: John, born
October 4. 1645; Elizabeth, April 2. 1647;
Mary, August 7, 1648 ; Mercy and Martha,
January 2, 1649; Priscilla, January 15, 1653;
Sarah, August 7, 1656; Ruth, June 19, 1658;
Rebecca, October 15, 1660; Hannah, October
15, 1662: William, November 24, 1664; Lydia,
April 3, 1667.
(HI) William (2), son of William (i)
Peabody, was born at Duxbury, November 24,
1664. He removed with his father to Little
Compton, and spent the rest of his days there.
He was a farmer. He was admitted a free-
man. May I, 1722, in Massachusetts. He died
September 17, 1744. His will is dated August
7, 1743. He married (first) Judith ,
born 1669, died July 26, 1714; (second) Eliz-
abeth ; (third) Mary (Morgan) Starr.
Children, born at Little Compton : Elizabeth,
April 10, 1698; John, February 9, 1700; Will-
iam, February 21, 1702; Rebecca, February
29, 1704; Priscilla, March 4, 1706; Judith,
January 23, 1708; Joseph, July 26, 1710; Mary,
April 4, 1712, married, November 26, 1736,
Nathaniel Fish (see Fish) ; Benjamin, Novem-
ber 25, 1717.
Lawrence Clinton, the first of
CLINTON the name in New Haven, Con-
necticut, was born in 1679, died
in 1757-58. He settled in what is now North
Haven, Connecticut, in 1704, and became a
member of the Center Church, at New Haven,
that same year, and was one of si.x men who
united in forming an Episcopal Society in
North Haven, in 1723. By occupation he
was a mason. He married, about 1700, Mary
Brockett ; (second) Elizabeth (Barnes). Chil-
dren of first wife: Elizabeth, married, January
20, 1725-26, James Bishop; Abigail; Mary,
married, October 21, 1725, Isaac Griggs ;: Lydia ;
Sarah ; Anne, and Phebe. Children of second
wife: Lawrence, January i. 1737; John, born
April 9, 1740.
(I) Shubael Clinton, possibly a brother of
Lawrence Clinton, probably came with him to
New Haven from Massachusetts, and was
doubtless born in England, as early as 1690.
He married Elizabeth . He joined the
Episcopal church, at West Haven, and this
religious affiliation is almost positive proof of
English birth. Shubael, his wife Elizabeth
and si.x children were baptized in the Episcopal
church, at West Haven, in 1734. Children:
Elizabeth, married, June, 1737, Eliphalet Ste-
vens ; Mercy ; Mary ; Shubael, died in the serv-
ice in the French and Indian war (p. 105, vol.
ix. Conn. Hist. Society French and Indian
War Rolls), he was in the Seventh Company,
First Regiment, and was reported dead Octo-
ber 13, 1756, he served under Captain David
Baldwin, of Milford (Jesse, Henry, Joseph
and L)hn Clinton were also in the French and
Indian wars), in the inventor}- of his estate an
item appears, "for service in his country's
cause, 7 pounds" ; Henry, mentioned below.
(II) Henry, son of Shubael Clinton, was
born in 1727, probably at New Haven, and
died April i, 1814, at North Colebrook, Con-
necticut. He was a soldier in the French and
Indian war, inCaptain Joseph Woodrufif's com-
pany, of Milford, and, in 1757, marched to the
relief of Fort William Henry (p. 220, vol. ix,
I'>ench and Indian War Rolls). In 1790 he
was living in Litchfield county. He settled
at Barkhamstead, Connecticut, and afterward
located at New Milford, Litchfield county,
Connecticut, in 1763. He married, in 1760. at
Derby, Rachel Pierson. Children: i. Elijah
P., baptized at Derby, April, 1762, died young.
2. Henry, 1765, at New Milford. 3. Sheldon,
born in 1767, at New Milford. 4. Lyman,
mentioned below. 5. Clarissa, born 1780, at
New Milford; married, 1799, Ira Andrews.
(III) Lyman, son of Henry Clinton, was
born at New Milford, April 3, 1771, diell April
30, 1855, at Newark Valley, New York. He
moved from Colebrook, with his family, to
Newark, Tioga county. New York, in 1831,
after visiting Newark \alley the previous year
and buying six hundred acres of land, which
he later shared with his sons. He married
Mehitable Pease, who died at Newark Valley,
September 7, 1834, aged fifty-seven years. Chil-
dren : I. Lyman, mentioned below. 2. Samuel,
born April 2, 1800, died December 6, 1858, at
Ithaca, New York ; married Rachel Knapp.
3. Henry, born September 2, 1802; married
Mary . 4. Alehitable, July 24, 1805,
died September 29, 1868, at Newark \'alley,
unmarried. 5. Sheldon, born October 20, 1807;
died June 22, 1876, at Williamsport, Pennsyl-
vania ; married, in June, 1840, Elinor Ogden.
6. George, born June 14, 1809, died April 17,
1853. ^t Newark Valley. 7. Eli, June 25, 181 1,
died August, 1892. 8. Rhoda, born June 12,
1814, died March 9, 1875: married, in 1837,
Albert Williams.
(IV) Lyman (2), son of Lyman (i) Clin-
ton, was born May 7, 1798, at Barkhamstead,
Connecticut ; died July 4, 1873, at Newark
X'alley, New York. He removed wnth his
father from Colebrook, Connecticut, to New-
ark \'alley, in 1831. His farm was a mile and
a half east of Newark \'alley. By trade he
was a cooper. In politics he was a Democrat.
He married, November i, 1821, Miranda Stone.
born December 29, 1801, at Sharon, Connecti-
cut, died February i, 1882, at Newark \'alley.
New Y'ork. Children, born at Colebrook and
Newark Y'alley: i. Royal Wells, mentioned
below. 2. Elizabeth, born April 10, 1824, died
January 26, 1899. 3. Annis M., born April 6,
1825, died ApvW 20, 1885; married James
Ayres. 4. Julian, born May 6, 1826, died Sep-
tember 30, 1857; married Mary Strong. 5.
Stephen P., born November 7, 1827, died Janu-
ary 3, 1881. 6. Corinda, born February 8,
1830, died April 25, 1832. 7. Lucy, born Au-
gust 27, 1831 ; married Myron Hayford. 8.
Oliver P., born June 11, 1833. 9. Amaryllis
P., born February 23, 1837, died October 30,
1898; married Edgar Boyce. 10. Gilbert S., ■
born June i, 1840, died April 20, 1851. 11.
Edwin \'., born May 9, 1841 ; married, No-
vember lO, 1861. Ellen roasted. 12. Alvira,
twin of Edwin \'., died April 20, 1842. 13.
Alvira ]\I., born C)ctober 11, 1842, died Au-
gust 7, 1872; married Porter Moore.
( \' ) Royal Wells, son of Lyman (2) Clin-
ton, was born at Colebrook, Connecticut, March
I, 1823, died at Newark Valley, March 20,
1895. He was educated in the public schools,
and from his youth followed farming for a
calling. From 1850 to 1865 he lived on a farm
a mile and a half east of Newark Valley, and
from that year to 1895 in the village of New-
ark X'alley. He built the first steam sawmill
operated in New York, and was extensively
interested in the lumber business for many
years. In religion he was a Methodist, and
for forty years was superintendent of the Sun-
day school. He was a director of the South
Central Railroad Company from 1868 to 1895,
and a trustee of the Tioga National Bank, of
Owego. He was generous and public spirited.
He gave a handsome school building to the
village of Newark Valley. In politics he was
a Republican. For many years he represented
the town in the board of supervisors. In 1891
he represented the tlistrict in the state assem-
bl}' and served on important committees. He
married, at Newark Valley, May 16, 1844,
Anna C. Knapp, who was born at New Marl-
borough, Massachusetts, September 7, 1825,
died at Newark Valley, June 13, 1882. Chil-
dren: I. Ella J., born April 20, 1845: married,
November 22, 1865, Morris Elwell, born Au-
gust 3, 1840, died December 31, 1894: chil-
dren: i. Cora, born August 20, 1867, married
(first), October 27, 1886, at Scranton, Penn-
sylvania, Grant Dilley, married (second), Feb-
ruary 17, 1898, A. L. Morrison; ii. Clinton,
born April 14, iSCvj. marrieil, January 30,
1895, Mary C. Lawrence; iii. Anna C, born
March 20, 1879, married, September, 1901,
Harry Miller. 2. Austin W., mentioned below.
3. Arthur Ci., born March 3, 1856; married,
June 13, 1880, Addie Roys, born April 27,
1858: children: Edith K., born August 8, 1881 ;
Leonard, June 22. 1885; Ruth, May 15, 1892.
(\'I) Austin \V., son of Royal Wells Clm-
ton, was born March 11, 1850, at Newark
\'alley. Xevv York. He attended the public
schools of his native town, the Cazenovia
Seminary, the Wyoming Seminary, and Cor-
nel! L'niversity, from which he was graduated
in the class of 1872, with the degree of Bach-
elor of Science. h''r(jm 1872 to 1874 he taught
natural science in Wyoming Seminary. He
then when abroad, and upon his return, in
1875, he located at Harford, New Y'ork, and
engaged in the lumber business and operated
a sawmill. In 1882-83 1^^ ^'^^ supervisor of
the town of Harford, and for ten years was
postmaster there. He removed to Galeton,
Pennsylvania, where he had lumber interests.
Since 1895 he has been in the lumber business
in Binghamton, and has made his home in that
city. He is a director of the Tioga National
Bank, at Owego : of the People's Bank, in
Binghaniton ; treasurer of the Lestershire Lum-
ber and Box Company, and ])resident of Lester-
shire Spool and Manufacturing Company. In
politics he is a Rejiublican, in religion a Meth-
odist, and is a trustee of Tabernacle Church,
of Binghamton, New York.
He married, October 13, 1876, Alice Davis,
of Scranton, Pennsylvania, daughter of David
R. Davis. Children: i. Emelius, born July 3,
1878, at Harford Mills, New York; died May
28, 1892. 2. Harry Davis, born November 7,
187C), at Harford; entered Cornell University,
in the class of 1903; was a sergeant in the
British army, in South Africa, in 1901 ; engi-
neering in Ecuador, South America, in 1902 ;
was in Cuba in 1903; at present manager
of the Leicestershire Spool & Manufacturing
Company; married, June 15, 1907, Elizabeth
Newcomb, born April 7, 1886; children: Aus-
tin W., born August 15, 1908; Harry Davi>
Jr., July 16, igio. 3. Louis Royal, born July
4, 1881, at Harford Mills; entered Cornell
University, in the class of 1901 ; married, Sep-
tember 27, 1904, Jessica M. Ostrom, born May
20, 1880; child: Royal Duane, born January
2, 1910. 4. Helen Bessie, born April i;, 1883.
at Harford ; graduate of \'assar College, class
of 1905. 5. Caroline Mabel, born March 11,
1889, at Galeton, Pennsylvania: graduate of
\ assar College, in 191 1.
The Bliss family is believed to be
BLLSS the same as the Blois family of
Normandy, gradually modified in
spelling to Bloys, Blysse, Blisse, and. in .Amer-
ica, to Bliss. The family has been in England,
however, since the Norman conquest, but is
not numerous and never appears to have been.
The coat-of-arms borne by the Bliss and Bloys
families is the same : Sable, a bend vaire, be-
tween two fleurs-de-lis or. Crest : A hand
holding a bundle of arrows. Motto: Scinfier
sursani. The ancient family tradition repre-
sents the seat of the Bliss family in the south
of England, and belonging to the yeomanry,
though at various times some of the family
were knighted.
(I) Thomas Bliss, progenitor of the Amer-
ican family, lived at Belstone parish, Devon-
shire. -England. Little is known of him ex-
cept that he was a wealthy landowner, and was
a Puritan, jiersecuted on account of his faith,
by civil anfl religious authorities, under the
direction of the infamous Archbishop Laud,
that he was maltreated, impoverished and im-
prisoned. He was reduced to poverty and his
health ruined by the persecution of the Church
of England. He is supposed to have been born
about i553-(:)0, and he died about 1636. When
the parliament of 1628 assembled, Puritans or
Roundheads, as they were called by the Cava-
liers or Tories, accompanied the members to
London. Two of the sons of Thomas Bliss,
Jonathan and Thomas, rode from Devonshire
on iron-grey horsej, and remained for some
time — long enough, anyhow, for the king's
officers and spies to mark them, and from that
time they, with others who had gone on the
same errand to the capital, were marked for
destruction. The Bliss brothers were fined a
thousand pounds for their non-conformity, and
thrown into prison, where they lay for weeks.
Even their venerable father was dragged
through the streets with the greatest indignities.
C^n another occasion the officers of the high
commission seized all their horses and all their
sheep, except one poor ewe, that in its fright
ran into the house and took refuge under
a bed. .At another time the three sons of
Thomas Bliss, with a dozen Puritans, were led
through the market place, in Okehampton,
with ropes ar( imd their necks and also fined
lieavily. On another occasion Thomas was ar-
restetl and thrown into prison with his son
Jonatlian, who eventually died from the hard-
ships and abuse of the churchmen. At an-
other time the king's officers seized the cattle
of the family and most of their household
goods, some of which were highly valued for
their age and beauty, and as heirlooms, having
been for centuries in the family. In fact, the
family being so impoverished, b)' constant per-
secution, was unable to pay the fines and secure
the release of both father and son from prison,
so the young man remained and the father's
fine was paid. At Easter the young man re-
ceived thirty-five lashes. .After the father died,
his widow lived with their daughter, whose
husband, .Sir John Calclit'fe, was a communi-
cant of the Cliurch of England, in good stand-
ing. The remnant of the estate was divided
among the three sons, who were advised to
go to America to escape further persecution.
Thomas and George feared to wait for Jona-
than, who was ill in prison, and they left Eng-
land in the fall of 1635 with their families
Thomas, son of Jonathan, and grandson of
Thomas Pdiss, retuained in England until his
father died, and then he also came to .Amer-
ica, settling near his uncle of the same name.
At various times the sister of the immigrants
sent to the brothers boxes of shoes, clothing
and articles that could not l>e procured in the
colonies, and it is through her letters, long ]3re-
served in the original but now lost, that knowl-
edge of the family was handed down from
generation to generation. Children of Thomas :
Jonathan, dieil in England, in i635-3() ; Thomas,
mentioned below ; Elizabeth, married Sir John
CalclifTe, of Belstone ; George, born 1591, died
August 31, 1687, settled in I^ynn, Massachu-
setts, and later at Sandwich, in that province,
and at Xew]3ort, Rhode Island : Mary.
( II ) Thomas ( 2 ), son of Thomas ( 1 ) I'.liss,
was born in England, at Belstone. in Devon-
shire, about 1585. He married in Englaml.
about 1612, Margaret
It is believed
that her name was Margaret Lawrence, and
that she was born about 1594. She is said, by
good authority, to have been a good looking
woman, with a square chin, indicating great
strength of character. After the death of
her husband, which took place about 1639. she
managed the affairs of the family with great
prudence and good judgment. She was ener-
getic, efficient and of great intellectual capacity.
Her eldest daughter married Robert Chapman.
of Saybrook. Connecticut, .\pril 29, if>42, and
settled in Saybrook, wdiere Thomas Dliss Jr.
also settled, removing to Springfield, Massa-
chusetts, on account of the malarial fevers
then prevalent in Connecticut. She sold her
property in Hartford and purchased a tract a
mile square in Springfield, in the south part
of the town, on what is now Main street.
Margaret Bliss tiled August 29, 1(184. full
forty years after the death of her husband,
and nearly fifty after she emigrated. Children :
.\nn, born in England ; Mary, married Joseph
Parsons ; Thomas ; Nathaniel ; Lawrence ; Sam-
uel, born 1624; Sarah, born in Boston, in 1635 ;
Elizabeth. i')37, at Boston, married Myles
Morgan, founder of Springfield; Hannah, born
at Hartford, in 1639: John, mentioned below.
(Ill) John, son of Thomas (2) liliss, was
born at Hartford, Connecticut, in 1640, died
Se])tember 10, 1702. He removed to North-
ampton, in 1672, and was there through his
sister's trial for witchcraft. He removed to
•Springfield, in 1683, and soon afterward to
Longmeadow, where he spent the remainder
of his life. He married, October 7, I&^/,
Patience Burt, born August 18, 1643, died
r)ctober 23, 1732, daughter of Henry Burt, of
Springfield. Children ; John, born Sejjtember
7, 1669; .Nathaniel, January 26, 1671 ; Thomas,
mentioned below : Jo.seph, 1676 ; Hannah, No-
vember 16, 1678; Henry, .August 15, 1681 :
Ebenezer, 1683.
( I\' ) Thomas (3), son of John ISliss, was
born at Longmeadow, October 29, 1673, died
there, .August 12, 1758. He married, ^lay 27,
1714, Mary, daughter of William and Mar-
garet Macranny. She was born November 2,
1690, died March 30, 1761. Children, born
at Longmeadow: IVIary, December 4, 1715:
Thomas, May 3, 1719: Henry. December 3.
1722, died young; Henry, mentioned below.
(A') Henry, son of Thomas (3) Bliss, was
born August 21. 1726, at Longmeadmv ; died
I*>bruary 7-8, 1761. He was a farmer at Long-
meadow. He married Ruby Brewer, of Leb-
anon (published December 22, 1749). The
widow and children removed, in I7(>3, to Leb-
anon, Connecticut, and afterward to Bernards-
ton, ^Massachusetts. Children: Thomas, born
December 7, 1730: Solomon, November 8,
1751 : Calvin, mentioned below; Henry, June
7, 1737: lluldah, July 2, 1759.
I \ I ) Calvin, son of Henry lUiss, was born
at Coleraine, Massachusetts, Alay 14, 1734.
died in October, 184'). He was a farmer at
Bernardston. and, about 1800, removed to
Shorehain, Addison county, Vermont. He was
a soldier in the revolution, in Captain Ephraim
Chapin's company. Colonel Ruggles Wood-
bury's regiment, August 17, 1777, to Novem-
ber 29, and is said to have held a commission
in Washington's army. He married, June 26,
1777, Ruth, born May 11, 1756-57, daughter of
Ebenezer and Sarah (Field) Janes, of North-
field, Vermont. Children: Ruby, born 1778;
Philomela, June 11, 1782; Huldah; Solomon,
mentioned below ; Martha, September 15, 1788;
Ruth, June 10, 1790; Mehitable, May 17, 1792;
Calvin, May 14, 1794; Henry, March 2/, 1796;
Oliver Brewster, July 6, 1799.
(VH) Solon_ion, son of Calvin Bliss, was
born April 9, 1786, died at Wilk-t, New York,
June 6, 1861. He settled at Preston, Chenango
county, New York. He married, January i,
1808, Anna Packer, born at Guilford, Ver-
mont, June 30, 1786, died at Henderson, New
York, January 14, 1866. Children: Eunice
P., born July 28, 1809; Amanda P., July 5,
1813, died young; Lydia J., January 11, 1815;
Ruth, January 11, 1817, died young; Joshua
P., at Preston, April 29, 1818; Ruth C, July
17, 1820; Calvin J., mentioned below; Ira G.,
July 27, 1824.
(VHI) Calvin J., son of Solomon Bliss,
was born May 22, 1822, at Preston, New York,
and settled in Willet, Cortland county, New
York. He married. September 18, 1850, Bet-
sey A. Landers, of Willet. Children : Charles
Emery, mentioned below; Cora L., born Sep-
tember 9, 1870, at Binghamton, died August
9, 1 87 1.
(IX) Charles Emery, son of Calvin J. Bliss,
was born July 5, 185 1, at W'illet, and was edu-
cated in the public schools of Binghamton
and in the academy. He followed farming for
a number of years, and then engaged in the
dry goods business at Binghamton. He was
deacon of the Baptist church and superin-
tendent of the Sunday school for many years.
He died July 30, 1900. He married, June 25,
1874, Florence, daughter of Hon. George Sher-
wood (see Sherwood VI 1). They had one
son, George C. S., mentioned below.
(X) George C. S., son of Charles Emery
Bliss, was born April 18, 1877, at Towanda.
Pennsylvania. Engaged in wholesale dry goods
business in Binghamton. He married, June
25, 1902, Katherine Shieder. Children : George
Emery, born l-'ebruary 24, 1904: Robert Leon,
November 19. 1907; Barbara Ruth, February
27, 1909.
(The Sherwood Line).
(II) Isaac Sherwood, youngest son of
Thomas (q. v.) and Mary (Fitch) Sherwood,
was born in 1655, died in 1739. He had land
grants at Eastchester, New York. In 1678 he
was of Rye, New York, and, in 16S7, of West-
port, Connecticut. He married Elizabeth Jack-
son. Children : Daniel, Isaac, John, David,
Abigail, Thomas (mentioned below), Eliza-
(III) Thomas, son of Isaac Sherwood, mar-
ried Eleanor Churchill, of Green Farms, Con-
necticut. He died at Albany, New York, Au-
gust 5, 1756, in the French and Indian war, in
which he was captain of Whitney's company.
His wife died October i, 1754.
(IV) John, son of Thomas Sherwood, mar-
ried, March 24, 1761, Mary Gorham. Chil-
dren : Asa, mentioned below ; Levi, born June
17, 1764; Ellen, February 23, 1766; Abigail,
November 18. 1770; John, September 10, 1773 ;
Plezekiah, twin of John ; Hannah, July 28,
(V) Asa, son of John Sherwood, was born
July 4, 1762. He was a soldier in the revolu-
tion, enlisting at Fairfield, Connecticut, Febru-
ary I, 1777; also in the Second Connecticut
Regiment, under Colonel Swift, and in the
Fourth Connecticut, under Colonel Meigs. He
married Molly Phillips, daughter of a New
York City merchant, who had also a son in
the continental army, captured by the British
and confined in one of the prison ships, but
finally released through the influence of the
father. ChildreTt: Isaac (mentioned below),
William, Asa, David, Gorham, John, Sally and
(VI) Isaac (2). son of Asa Sherwood, was
born probably at Guilford, New York ;>, mar-
ried Amy Budlong, of Cassville, New York.
Children : Johan, married Frank LTrsley and
lived at Waverly; Ira, married Mary Wallace.
and lived at Genegan, Connecticut ; Asa, died
young; Mary, married William Thomas, and
lived at Pontusac, Illinois ; Eliza, married
David Leach, and lived at Webster, Illinois ;
Stephen, married Clara Babcock, and lived at
(ireene ; Sarah, married Albert Sprague, and
lived at Binghamton ; George, mentioned below ;
Amy, married Myron Stanton, and lived at
Greene ; Lucy, married Joseph Bixby, and lived
'^/iaic/ed ^. ^3/f-U
kJccicic i^^lictss'cod
at \\ averly ; Sophrunia, married Thomas Cow-
an, ami lived at I'ort Crane; Daniel, dietl in
infancy; Mandana, married Edwin Adams,
and lived at Binghamton ; David, married R(js-
anna Warner, and lived at Greene.
( \'I1 ) Hon. George Sherwood, son of Isaac
( 2 ) Sherwood, was born in RIcDonough, Chen-
ango county. New York, January 21, 1821,
died in llinghaniton. New York, May 24. 1903.
He was a farmer, owning land in Cinghaniton,
and a ]5rominent citizen. He represented his
district in the state assembly, in 1874-75, and
was active in the temperance movement, both
as a legislator and a citizen. Before the war
he was an earnest Abolitionist. He was for
many years a leading member and local preach-
er of the I'^irst Bajitist Church. He was ba])-
tized by the late Rev. R. A. Washburn into
the fellowship of the Baptist church, at Gene-
gantslct Corners (now extinct or merged into
other Baptist churches), and later was a mem-
ber of the church at Upper Lisle. He removed to
the town of Windsor, Broome county, in 1857,
and while there was a member of the Baptist
church in that place. He came to Binghamton
and became a member of the First liajitist
Church, where he served faithfully, and was
an honored and valued member. In 1894, on
the organization of the Park Avenue Church,
he ])ecame a constituent member of that church.
In all of his church life, of more than three
score years, he was an earnest and faithful
laborer in the Master's service, and was ever
ready to do any work that he could to pro-
mote the interest of the church and to advance
the cause of Christ. To this end he contributed
liberally of his money, time and talents, of
which he was abundantly resourceful. In him
his pastor always found a true, wise and help-
ful counselor, and he was ever ready to render
any assistance he could. He was a ready and
an earnest speaker, and very often occupied
the pulpit of the pastorless churches in a very
acceptable manner. He was kind and good to
the aged and infirm, and often conducted relig-
ious services in the homes of those who were
unable to attend church. He was a man of
strong and deep convictions, ever battling for
the right, and yet he always did it in his quiet,
unassuming, yet firm and imi^ressive way. He
only wanted to know what was right and from
that he never swerved in the path of duty. His
Christian home life in the family was delight-
fid and winning, and his children now look
back upon it with sweet pleasure and the kind-
liest remembrances.
In public life he was most highly respected
and admired, and his integrity was never ques-
tioned in any way or manner, for he always
lived above reproach, and was as consistent,
firm and true in all his public duties and mat-
ters entrusted to him as he was in his private
and church life. He held the office of super-
visor of his town when the present county
poor house was erected, and was one of the
committee in charge of and entrusted with
that work. He represented the county in the
state legislature for the years 1873-74-75. There
was the crowning work of his life, for in that
body, through his earnest, heroic and inde-
fatigable eft'orts, he secured the passage of the
bill, and the appropriation from the state, that
gave to us and this section of the state the
Susquehanna \'alley Home, of this city, for
orijhan and destitute children, one of the worth-
iest institutions of its kind in the country.
When others said to him he could never suc-
ceed in accomplishing these measures, he only
worked the harder and adopted other methods
and was untiring in his efforts to carry out his
long cherished jilans, and he left no stone un-
turned, but from the governor and the leading
politicians of both parties, down to the in-
dividual members, he continued his persistent
and unceasing eliforts until they were crowned
with abundant success. In this matter, as in
all others he was interested in, he had the
respect and confidence of the leading men of
the legislature. They felt that he was right
and they admired his perseverance, his cour-
age, his energy and his integrity of character.
He succeeded in his efforts and was one of the
trustees of the home from that time until his
death. I le was a recognized leader in the tem-
perance cause and was much sought for to ad-
dress the people upon this subject far and
wide. He was always very earnest, enter-
taining and interesting in his addresses, and
it was a ])leasure to listen to him.
He married, April 8, 1849, Alary Ann Jef-
fords, born February 17, 1828, died November
28, 1906, daughter of Allen Cleveland and
Ann Eliza ( Robinson ) Jeffords. .-Mien C. Jef-
fords was a son of Aniasa Jeft'ords, who was
born in 1748. at Woodstock, Connecticut, and
marriecl (first) Sally Cleveland, and (second)
Sarah Clift'ord. John Jeffords, father of Amasa,
was a soldier at the battle of ISunker Hill, in
1775. and his father was killed in the French
and Indian war. George Sherwood died May
24, 1903. His children: Florence, married,
June 25, 1874, Charles Emery Bliss (see Bliss
IX) ; \'iola, died July i, 1903; Carl G., who
resides in South Dakota, in the political affairs
of which state he had taken an active part,
having been a state senat(ir and a member of
the first constituti(jnal convention, married,
February 10, 1885, Xellie Fountain, children:
(leorge Fountain, Harry Allen (deceased),
Mary Carlton and Dolly Viola: William J.,
married, October 31, 1902, lona May Bills,
and had; Nellie, Mason William (deceased)
and Harold : Grace Eliza, mentioned below.
(Vni) Grace Eliza, daughter of lion.
George Sherwood, was born in riinghamton,
married Charles F. Parker, born September 1 1,
1 87 1 (see Parker III).
(The Parker Line).
(I) .\sa Parker, first of the famil}- in New
York state, came thither from the village of
Green Mountain, X'ermont, and settled at Port
Crane, near Binghamton. He married ]\lary
Wilson. Children: Polly, married Matthew
Carroll ; Caroline, married Joel Scott : Eliza,
married Hervey Cronk ; Henry, married (first)
Olive Prentice, (second) Sarah Scoville ; Mor-
gan; Obadiah, mentioned below; Emily, mar-
ried Norman Bacon ; Daniel.
(II) Obadiah, son of Asa Parker, was born
June 23, 1824, died March 10, 1906. He mar-
ried, June 18, 1859, Candace White. Children;
Delphine, married, December 25, 1878, Ed-
ward Hopkins, and had Elizabeth, Hattie,
Freeman, Amelia, Edward and George ; Ida
May, born February 4. 1865, married, Febru-
ary 15, 1888, Emory Wells; Carrie J., April
3, 1866, married, November 17, 1905, Avery
Dart; George H., October 3, 1867, married,
November 16, 1892, Emma Pond, and had
Florence and Howard ; Edith May ; Frank,
born February 20, 18(19; Charles F., mention-
ed below.
(III) Charles F., son of Obadiah Parker,
was born September 11, 1871 ; married. Sep-
tember I, 1898, Grace Eliza, daughter of (jcorge
and Mary .'\nn Sherwood (see Sherwood III).
Children ; Sherwood, born May 30, 1902 ; Carl
-Sherwood. November 14, 1905.
(The Howland Line).
(I) John Howland, the "Mayflower" ances-
tor, was born in England, in 1593, and came in
the "Mayflower," with the first company of
Pilgrims, in 1620.
(II) Desire Howland, daughter of John
Howland, was born at Plymouth, in 1(123. She
married Captain John Gorham, of Briersfield,
England, who won fame in King Philip's war,
and the town of Gorham, Maine, named for
him. has erected a monument in his memory.
(III) Jabez Gorham, scjn of John and De-
sire (Howland) (jorham. married Hannah
(Sturges) (jray. a widow, and had a son Jo-
se])h, mentioned below.
(IV) Joseph, son of Jabez (jorham, was
born at Bristol, Rhode Island, .\ugust 22, 1692,
died January 11, 1773. He married, January
13, 1726, Deborah Barlow, born at Fairfiekl.
Connecticut, May 3. 1705, antl harl a daugh-
ter Mary who married, March 24, 1761, John
.Sherwood (see Sherwood IV).
The MacDonalds of liing-
M.\cDON.\LD hamton, New York, de-
scend from the famous
Scotch clan of that name, who, both numerous
and powerful, have figured so prominently in
the history of Scotland, known as the Flora
MacDonald clan, The maternal line traces to the
Marquis de Boquet, of France, a Fluguenot,
who escaped from the King's palace on the
night of the "Massacre of St. Bartholomew,"
and found asylum in England, where he mar-
ried and had a daughter. She married a nephew
of Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir \\'illiam Arnold. The
first generation of MacDonalds in .America be-
gins with Thomas MacDonald, of Scotland,
who came to America with his family, settling
in Hoboken. later at Guttenburg, Hudson coun-
ty, New Jersey, 'where he purchased land,
erected a home and cultivated the soil until his
( II) Thomas (2), son of Thomas (i) Mac-
Donald. was born in Scotland, about the year
1740. He came to America with his parents,
settled with them on the Guttenburg, New
Jersey, farm which he afterward owned. He
followed the occupation of a farmer, supple-
menting this by that of a fisherman of the
neighboring bays and rivers, then most bounti-
fully stocked with the finest of food fish. The
produce raised on the farm found ready sale
in New York City, being transported across
the Hudson in small boats or barges. He mar-
ried and among his children was Thomas, see
(III) Thomas (3), son of Thomas (2)
MacDonald, was born on the homestead farm
in Guttenburg, Hudson county. New Jersey,
about 1770. He followed the occupations of
farmer and fisherman, and passed a life
similar to that of his father, cultivating his
fields and in the season drawing his nets, and
finding a good market for all he could produce
in the city across the river. He married
. Children: 1. Thomas (4). married
Jennie English. 2. Jeremiali. of further men-
tion. 3. James, married Elizabeth . 4.
Sarah Maria, married James Demorcst Mc-
Donald. 5. Rudolphus, married -Sarah Ann
Gardner. 6. David, married Mary Sedore.
(I\') Jeremiah, son of Thomas (3) Mac-
Donald, was born in Guttenburg, Hudson coun-
ty. New Jersey, December 19, 1807, died July
26, 1880. He was educated in the town schools,
and forsaking the farm and bays learned the
trade of cabinet-maker with Henry Lee, nf
New York City. After completing his years
of apprenticeshi]x he began as a journeyman
with Joseph Bradley, at 317 Pearl street. New
York City. Tliey sold out their business to
Creore & Rogers, who were succeeded by James
T. Pratt & Company, they in turn selling out
to Swaim & Company, with whom Jeremiah
MacDonald was connected for many years,
continuing until within a few years of his de-
cease. During all the firm changes mentioned.
he remained with each succeeding firm, work-
ing for forty-seven years at his trade in the
same building, at the same number, 317 Pearl
street. His residence was in New York City,
at 129 East Fiftieth street, between Third and
Lexington avenues (now No. 131 ). He was a
member of the P)aptist church; a Democrat in
politics, and a member of the Tammany Hall
organization from its foundation. He mar-
ried (first), February 16, 1832. Susan Whit-
church, born April i, 1812, died May 7. 1848:
married (second). May i, 1852, Rebecca .\nn
Howland, born July 7, 181 7, died January 7.
1904 (see Howland). Children by first wife:
1. Thomas Whitchurch, born November 20,
1832, died August 11, 1836. 2. Charles H.,
born June 2, 1835, died June id, 1863. prob-
ably at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, while serving
as a soldier in the L^nion army, during the
civil war. 3. Thomas Whitchurch (2). born
October 15. 1839, died .August 7, 1847. Child
by second wife: 4. Jeremiah (2). of further
(V) Dr. Jeremiah (2) MacDonald. son of
Jeremiah (t) and Rebecca Ann (Howland)
MacDonald, was born in New York City, 129
East Fiftieth street, May 22. 1859. He was
educated in the city schools, public and private,
and as a child and youth became deeply inter-
ested in the "(Jccult Science." When a lad of
''ix years he says "1 remember my grand-
mother Howland telling hair-raising stories
(she died at age of ninety-six years), and the
next day 1 would tell them over again to the
children at school (a small private school kept
by Miss Rose Failing). I heard so nuich about
visions, apparitions and clairvoyance that at
about fourteen years of age I also began to
'see things' and foretell things that would hap-
])en, imtil 1 became the wonder of the neigh-
borhood and began to a]iply myself diligently
to the study of everything in that line, devot-
ing especial attention to astronomy, geography,
mathematics, clairvoyance, medicine, and every
species of mystery." Xotwithstanding this
early predilection for the "mysterious," he
began life as a real estate agent in New York
City, and contituied for several years with
offices at 171 Broadway. .At last he decided
to follow his natural inclinations and entered
Chicago Medical College, where he was gradu-
ated M. D. in 1893. He located in Detroit,
Michigan, later removing to ^liddletown. New
York, removing to Binghamton, New York,
in 1895. where he continued the practice of
medicine, later engaging in the manufacture
and sale of a proprietary medicine, known as
Atlas Compound, which he still continues
(191 1 ). During these years he continued his
investigation, giving especial attention to astro-
logy and clairvoyance : traveling as he says
"Many thousands of miles: accumulated thou-
sands of rare books: cast more than one hun-
dre 1 thousand nativities: treated another one
hundred thousand sick and ailing people : cheer-
ed the discouraged and foretold peril and dan-
ger." He is the author of a work on astrology,
pulilished in 1904. He is a graduate of the
Chicago School of Psychology; and of the
.\mcrican .Academy of Physics and Medical
College; member of St. fluke's Ho.spital, Niles.
Michigan ; Surgeon's American College of
.Science, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the
New York Osteopathic Physicians' Society.
He married. June 8, 1881. Alida MacDonald
(a third cousin), born March i, 1839, daugh-
ter of Abraham and Sarah Ellen MacDonald.
Children: i. Reuben Howland, born March
14, 1882: married, October 27, 1910, Lillian,
daucrhter of Nathaniel Livernmre. 2. .Arthm"
NEW \()RK.
Cleveland, born August 28, 1884; married,
September 12, 1906. Fanny M. Noyes, of Port
Dickinson, New York. 3. Elsie Dinsmore,
born May (>, 1887, died July 19, 1888. 4. Edgjar
Coe, born March i, 1889, died February, 1890.
(The Howland Line).
Rebecca Ann ( Howland ) AlacDonald.nidther
of Dr. Jeremiah MacDonald, is a descendant
of the Marquis de Boquet, born in France, in
1542. He was apposed to the Duke of Guise,
who ruled the kingdom under King Francis II. .
and to whom the Protestants attributed all
their calamities. The Duke owed his ascend-
ency in the kingdom through the marriage of
his niece Mary, Queen of Scots, with the young
King, Francis II., who was only fifteen years
of age when married, and died one year after
ascending the throne. The Huguenots were
oath-bound Protestants, who were much ilread-
ed by the Duke of Guise on account of their
views on personal freedom. When Francis H.
died, the Queen Mother, Catherine de Medici,
gave tolerance to free worship throughout
France. The Duke rashly infringed this ordi-
nance by disturbing" a Huguenot C(.ingregation,
which had assembled for worship. The Duke's
suite attacked the place, stones were thrown
and swords drawn. The Duke was wounded
and forty-nine of the Huguenots slain. This
was in 1562. at Rouen, and then followed the
frightful religious war, that arrayed family
against family, noble against noble, town
against town, until 1572, when Catherine open-
ed her court to the Huguenots. On August
23, 1572, the King, Charles IX., gave orders.
'"Kill all, let none be left to reproach me." At
midnight, on the eve of St. Bartholomew's
Day, August 24, 1572, while the palace was fill-
ed with Huguenot gentlemen, who were attend-
ant on the King of Navarre, the great Ijell of
St. Germain rang out as a signal and the
slaughter began in the palace. Tlie King, mad-
dened by horror, killed his nurse and surgeon
and would have killed the Spanish King of
Navarre, if his (Charles IX.) wife, Elizabeth
of Austria, had not stepped between them.
The Marc|uis of Boquet escaped from the
palace, fled from I'aris. readied the coast in
safety and continued his flight to England.
There he married an Englisli lady of title, who,
in 1584, bore him a daughter, who, in 1616,
married Sir William Arnold, a nejihew of Sir
Walter Raleigh. In 1619 Sir William .Arnold
sailed fcjr .\merica, on -i vessel that sailed a
few weeks after the "Mayflower" ; was wreck-
ed on the Connecticut coast, and was rescued
from the waves by a man named Abijah
Brown. Sir William in his gratitude declared
that if ever he had a child born it should be
called Abijah. In 1624 a daughter was born
whom he called Abijah; she was later of Am-
sterdam, Flolland, where, in 1659, she married
Jacob Van Zanett. In 1661 they had a daugh-
ter bcTrn to whom was also given the name
Abijah. In 1686 she married Jacob Arden.
In 1702 their ilaughter, Boquet Arden, was
born, who. in 1735, married Jacob Beekman.
Their daughter Rebecca, born 1742, married
Henry Wilt. Their daughter, Rebecca Wilt,
was born March 22, 1784, married Henry How-
land, a descendant of the English family
through the New York City branch. Their
daughter, Rebecca Ann, married Jeremiah
MacDonald, and they are the parents of Dr.
Jeremiah MacDonald, of P.inghamton, New
The Sessions family had its
SESSIONS origin in Wantage, I5erkshire,
England. There is at present
but one family of the name to be found in
England, in the county of (iloucester. The
head of this family is, or was lately. Hon. J.
Sessions, who was mayor of the town of
Gloucester, at the age of eighty years. His
three sons were associated with him in a large
manufacturing business in both Gloucester and
Cardiff (Whales), under the firm name of J.
Sessions & Sons. There is also a daughter
who is actively engaged in benevolent and re-
formatory work. The mother established and
built a "Home for the Fallen," which is man-
aged by members of the family. The entire
family belongs to the "Society of Friends,"
and Frederick Sessions, besides being at the
head of a large business, gives his entire time,
without salary, to reformatory work, lecturing
and organizing Sunday schools, temperance
and other beneficient societies.
The crest of the English Sessions family is
a griffin's head. This mythological creature
was sacred to the sun, and according to tradi-
tion, kept guard over hidden treasure.
( 1 ) Samuel Sessions, immigrant ancestor,
came to this country in 1630. He had a son
.Alexander, mentioned below.
(II) Alexander, son of Samuel Sessions,
was born in 1(^^45. and lived in Andover, Massa-
chusetts, in \(>(n). at the age of twenty-four
years, according" to a deposition niaile by him,
January 27, 1669. He married, April 24, 1672,
Elizabeth, daughter of John Spofford. of Row-
ley, Massachusetts. After his death, his wife
married a Mr. Low. Both Ale.xaniler Sessions
and his wife were members of the church in
Andover, and continued so until their death.
He was freeman there, in 1677, and was also
one of the proprietors of the town, as appears
by a vote. He died there, February 26, 1689-
90. His will was admitted to probate, March
8, 1696-97, and inventoried at one hundred and
nineteen pounds. His widow was named as
administratri:5. Mis name was originally spell-
ed "Sessins," or "Sutchins." Children; John,
born October 4, 1674 ; .\lexander, October 4,
1676; Timothy, .April 14, 1678; Samuel, Alarch
8, 1680, drowned at Bosford, 1750; Nathaniel,
August 8. i'68i, mentioned below; Josiah, May
2, 1(184; Joseph, March 28, 1686.
( HI) Nathaniel, son of Alexander Sessions,
was born .August 8, 1681, and was one of the
first settlers of I'omfret, Connecticut. He was
also a large pro])rietor of Union, Connecticut,
and bought there, June 12, 1721, of William
-McCoy, one-thirteenth of the town, but never
lived there. He sold it to his son Darius, in
January, 1742. He married Joanna ,
and died at Punifret, in 1771. Children: Eliz-
abeth, born December 15, 1707; Nathaniel,
(Jctolier 22. 1709; John, August 18, i/i I ;
.Mexander, October 4, 1713,3! Warren, Massa-
chusetts ; .\masa.1715 ; Darius, August 11, 17 17,
graduated from Yale College, 1737, lieutenant-
governor of colony of Rhode Island, 1745;
Simeon, February 11, 1720; Abner, March 4,
1722, mentioned below ; Mary, August 4, 1724;
-\bijah, February I, 1726, mentioned below;
Joanna, January 19, 1729.
(IV) Abner, son of Nathaniel Sessions, wai
born March 4. 1722. He settled in Union,
Connecticut. He was town clerk from 1747
until 1780; was captain of the militia antl
justice of the peace .some thirty years; was
active in the struggle for independence and was
for many years deacon of the Congregational
cluirch. He died February, 1781. He mar-
ried Mary Wyman, widow of Ebenezer \\'y-
luan. first Congregational minister of Union.
Children: Ebenezer, mentioned below; Silence,
born 1749; Mary, 1751.
(V) Ebenezer, son of Abner Sessions, was
born at Union, March 6, 1748. He married.
May 13, 1769, Huldah Hayward, of Ashford,
Connecticut. Children : Anna, married Cap-
tain Robert Paul, and their daughter Marcia
married Lyman Sessions (see Sessions \ I ) ;
Abner ; Ebenezer.
(IV) Abijali. son of Nathaniel Sessions,
was born February i, 1726, in I'omfret. He
was a farmer by occupation, and, about 1752,
removed to Union, Tolland county, Connecti-
cut. He had a gift deed of two hundred and
ninety acres of lanrl there, March 4, 1750,
from his father. He married, about 1752, jo-
anna, daughter of Isaac Dana, of I'omfret,
who died March 20, 1797. He is said to have
been a large, strongly-built man, and died April
12, 1753, in consequence of over-exertion and
fatigue, caused by participation in a wolf hunt.
His widow never married and was rendered
partly insane by grief over his deatli. Child,
Abijah, mentioned below.
(V) Abijah (2), sou of Abijah (i) Ses-
sions, was born June 2, 1751. He passed his
early life in Ptnnfret, but went back to Union
when twenty-one years of age. He was a
soldier in the revolution ; served first as a per-
sonal attendant of General Israel Putnam and
afterwards as ensign. He served through three
campaigns; was at Cambridge and at the battle
of AVhite Plains, where he was slightly wound-
ed. After the war he settled in Union, and
was known as Colonel Sessions, from holding
that office in the state militia for a long time.
He was a selectman for many years, justice
of the peace thirty years, and fdso in the state
legislatiu'e for many years. He died July 6,
1834. He married Hannah May, of Holland,
Massachusetts, February 8, 1778. She was
born February 17, 1754, died .\pril 14, 1845,
daughter of Nehemiah May, of Holland. Chil-
dren; William Pitt, born F'ebruary 6, 1779;
Sarah W., September 5, 1780; Louisa, March
10. 1782: Joanna, February 11, 1784; Hannah,
December 11, 1789; Abijah, April 12, 1791 ;
Lyman, .April 7, 1793, mentioned below ; Olive,
November 11, 1794: Alary, married
Dana, same family as Richard H. and Charles
.A. Dana; the}' had two children, Jare<l and
( \'I ) Lyman, son of .Abijah (2) .Sessions,
was born April 7, 1793. He was justice of
the peace, selectman and member of the legis-
lature. He was a farmer, merchant and manu-
facturer by occupation. He luarried, January
16. 1823, Marcia, daughter of Captain Robert
and Anna (Sessions) Paul. Children: i. Jo-
anna Dana, born December i, 1826, died June
TO, 1875. 2. Alarcia Paul, May 13. 1831. died
1890: married Closson M. Stone; cliildren :
Fred ; Helen, deceased : Grace ; May, antl Fran-
ces M. 3. Gilman Lyman, mentioned below.
(VII) Gilman Lyman, son of Lyman Ses-
sions, was born at Woodstock, Connecticut.
February 14, 1833, died July 8, 1900. His early
life was spent upon the farm of his father at
Woodstock, in the town of LTnion, Connecti-
cut, and his early education was in the district
schools. His studies preparatory for college
were at Monson Academy and Williston Semi-
nary, Massachusetts. He entered Dartmouth
College in the year 1849. and was graduated
in 1853. After leaving college he taught school
for several terms in N'ew England, and was
for a short time an instructor in Latin and
Greek at a boys' school in Washington, D. C.
In the year 1855 he located at Binghamton,
Broome county. New York, and engaged in
the study of law in the office of Hon. Daniel
F. Dickinson, and was admitted to practice as
an attorney and counselor in the state of New
York, at a general term of the supreme court,
held at the village of Delhi, Delaware county,
in July, 1856, and soon thereafter he com-
menced the practice of his profession at Bing-
hamton. He was a law partner of (jeorge
Bartlett, who died in 1870, and after that date
became a partner of Daniel S. Richards, which
partnership continued for a period of about
seven years.
During a period of several years, commenc-
ing about 1862, Mr. Sessions" health became
im])aired and he spent several years in change
and travel, visiting the principal cities and
health resorts of Europe, and, in about the
year 1869, he returned to Binghamton, re-
sumed his practice and was busily engaged as
a practicing attorney for a period of more
than twenty-five years from that time. He
attained honor and distinction in his profession
and gave much attention to literary matters,
writing many papers on public and historical
questions and doing considerable in poetry and
verse. His private library of general works
was one of the most complete in the city of
In politics he maintained his independence,
although usually voting with the Republican
party. He never sought public office, yet was
keenly interested in public afifairs. During
the latter years of his practice, partly on ac-
count of lack of perfect health and partly on
count of ])referment, he gave u|) the practice
of active litigation for the more pleasant branch
of a lawyer's business, such as examination of
titles, general consultation, probate court busi-'
ness and the management of large trusts and
estates. For a period of many years he was
a trustee and vice-president of the Bingham-
ton Savings Bank and its general counsel ; also
a director and officer of the Suscjuehanna \'al-
ley i^>ank, which offices he held up to the time
of his death.
On November 22, 1866, he married Eliza
Hartlett, born July 20, 1835, died October 16,
1904, daughter of Robert S. and Dorcas M.
Bartlett. Dorcas M. Bartlett was born April
14, 1812, daughter of Colonel Loring Bart-
lett and granddaughter of Sylvanus Bartlett.
The children of Robert S. and Dorcas M.
ISartlett were Eliza, mentioned above; John
Stephens Bartlett, born December 15, 1838;
James Henry Bartlett, born February 15, 1841 ;
George Loring Bartlett, born November 15,
1852; Georgianna I'artlett, twin sister of
George Loring, married Oliver W. Sears.
( \'III ) George Dana, son of Gilman Lyman
Sessions, was born in Binghamton, New York,
May 6, 1877. He attended the public schools
there and graduated from the Binghamton high
school in 1895. He entered Hamilton College
in the fall of that year, and was graduated in
the class of 1899. After completing his college
course he studied law in his father's office and
in the law office of Theodore R. Tuthill, at
liinghamton, and also in the New York Law
School. He was admitttd to the bar, Novem-
ber 20, 1901, and immediately thereafter began
the practice of his profession in Binghamton.
In politics he is a Republican. He is a mem-
ber of several clubs, ^n officer of the Bingham-
ton Country Club, and of Otseningo Lodge,
Free and .Accepted Masons, at Binghamton.
He married, June 2~. 1903, Margaret Emma,
daughter of Mrs. Margaret Clark, of Tomp-
kinsville, Staten Island, New York. They have
two children, (iilman Lyman Sessions and
Margaret Clark Sessions, both born on July 6,
1904. Mr. Sessions still resides in the home
built by his father, in 1876, on Court street, in
Binghamton, and his children were born in the
same house in which he was.
Among the representative fam-
Cl'RTISS dies of Central New York,
whose members, by dint of per-
severance and energy have risen to a com-
manding place in the professional world, should
be mentioned the Curtiss family, represented
.\I':\V YORK.
by the eminent United States district attorney,
and compiler of the great work. "Protection
and Prosperity." George B. Curtiss. of Bing-
hamton. New York, who was born at Alt.
Morris. Livingston county, Xew "S'ork. Sep-
tember 1 6, 1852.
He traces his hne through George to Rozell
Curtiss. who was the son of Samuel Curtiss,
an English sea captain, and the founder of the
family in this country. The early history of
the different branches of this family is too
well known to need repetition here ; suffice to
say that among them was William Curtiss.
who came to Xew England in the ship "Eion."
in 1632, and settled in Boston, later in Rox-
bury, Massachusetts; Richard, William and
John, who settled in Scituate, Massachusetts,
in 1643. and a number of others who were
among the pioneer families of the New World.
(I) Rozell Curtiss, mentioned above as the
son of Samuel, was born about 1785, in Royal-
ton. \'ermont. He later removed to Livings-
ton county, New^ York, to the town of Mt.
Morris, and took a prominent part in the af-
fairs of that section. He was a farmer, and.
as were many of the early pioneers who clear-
ed the new country, also engaged to quite an
extent in lumbering. A man of a considerable
intelligence, with a knowledge of surveying,
which profession he followed to a certain ex-
tent, he also took a j)rominent part in the mili-
tary affairs of the state, rising through the
various ranks to that of brigadier-general,
which office lie held for some years. He spent
his life, after coming to New ^'nrk state, in
Mt. Morris, where he died and is buried.
He married Rachel French, born in Xew
Hampshire, in 1802, died at Marengo, Illinois,
in 1892. When a child of twelve years she
travelled from Xew Hampshire to Livingston
county. New York, with her brother, making
the journey on horseback in the middle of win-
ter. Children: i. George, of further mention. 2.
John, married Sophrona Marsh ; children :
Olive, Frank, John, May, Samuel and Irene.
3. Frank S., attended Antioch College, 'S'ellow
Springs, Ohio, and Oberlin College, graduating
at the latter. He settled in Chicago, where
he was admitted to the bar in 1860-61. He
enlisted in the Union army, as first lieutenant
of the Fifteenth Illinois Volunteer Regiment,
and, after serving about a year, resigned and
reenlisted in the One Hundred and Twenty-
seventh Regiment, Illinois \'olunteers, of which
he became major and later colonel, and was
in command when the war closed. After the
war he settled in St, Louis, Missouri, where
he was attorney for the Missouri Pacific Rail-
road until his death, in i8i)8. He married
Mattie Pope, of C^hio. diildren : Leroy and
Lillian. 4. Ira R., attended college at Antioch,
C)hio. and Union ( New York ) College, grad-
uating from the latter in 1859 or i860. He
located at Marengo, Illinois, where he became
a well-known lawyer and banker, and still re-
sides. He married Josephine Dayton, no issue.
(Ill) George, son of Rozell and Rachel
(French) Curtiss, was born about 1819; died
at \'icksburg, Mississippi, July 2, 1863. He
followed agricultural pursuits, removing to
Illinois in 1836, settling in McHenry county,
near Marengo, where he remained until 1861,
when he enlisted in the L'nion army, serving
in the One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Regi-
ment, Illinois \'olunteer Infantry. This regi-
ment formed a part of the army under Gen-
eral ( irant, at X'icksburg. He died shortly be-
fore the surrender of General Pemberton. and
was buried at the foot of a great cottonwood
tree, standing near the river bank. In 1867
Cokine! Frank S, Curtiss visited the spot to
remove the remains to a northern burying-
gripund, but found the river had encroached
and carried away the tree and immediate vicin-
it\'. ("icorge Curtiss married 1 luldah Hart
Bougliton, daughter of Harry and Elizabeth
(Gordon) Boughton (according to Boughton
genealogy) (data says Huldah Hart Boughton,
daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Hart)
Boughton). Huldah Boughton was the daugh-
ter of Harry, son of Hezekiah (2), son of
Hezekiah ( i). son" of Eleazer. son of John (2)
and Sarah (Greggorie) P>oughton. John (2)
was the third child of John Boughton (i), son
(as is supposed) of Count Nicholas Boughton.
John (i) was a Huguenot, who fled from
France to England, thence to America, landing
at Boston, ATassachusetts, in December, 1635,
from the barque "Assurance." He married
(first) Joan Turney, lived in Boston and
Watertown, Massachusetts ; was an early set-
tler at flartford and Norwalk, Connecticut:
representative to the general court of Connecti-
cut, and served in many responsible capacities
at Xorwalk. where his wife died. He married
(second), January i, 1656, Abigail Alarvin :
married (third), 1673, Mrs. Mary Stevenson.
John Boughton (2) was a son of second wife.
Huldah (Boughton) Curtiss died on the farm,
at Marengo, Illinois, in 1873, having survived
her husband ten years.
ChiUlren : i. \\'illiam Henry, born 1849, died
at ^larengo, Illinois, December, 1905 ; he was
a veterinary surgeon. 2. George Boughton, of
further mention. 3. Rozell Morgan, born 1856,
studied medicine, and is a practicing physician
of Marengo, Illinois; married (first) Sarah
Sears: died without issue: (second) Adela
Stull : child, Hulda Elizabeth, 4. Ira Oliver,
educated at Oberlin (Ohio) College; prepared
for the practice of law, was admitted to the
bar, and located at Aberdeen, South Dakota ;
was elected state senator in 1908, reelected in
1910; married, no issue.
(R') George Boughton, son of George and
Huldah (Boughton) Curtiss, was born at Mt.
Morris, Livingston county. New York, Se])-
tember 16, 1852. His early life was spent on
the farm, near Marengo, where his parents
removed when he was four years old. He was
educated in the public schools and at Marengo
Academy. In the spring of 1875 he entered
the Northwestern Business College, Madison,
Wisconsin, being graduated in the following
September. During the following v^inter he
taught a private school and a class in penman-
ship. In April, 1876, he came to Binghamton,
Xew Y'ork, where for four years he was in-
structor in penmanship and bookkeeping, at
Lowell's Business College. He had, as a young
man, been ambitious to become a lawyer, and
bent all his energy in this direction. During
this period he read law, and with Professor
Magoris, of the high school, also took a spe-
cial scientific course. He pursued legal studies
under Hotchkiss & Millard, of Binghamton.
also with A. D. Wales. During the general
term of the supreme court, held at Ithaca, in
May, 1880, he passed the rec|uired examina-
tions, and was admitted to the bar. In 1880
he opened a law office in Binghamton. In a
very short time he began to attract attention
for his marked ability. .Mthough a [perfect
stranger in the city of I'.inghamton, he rose
rapidly to a prominent position at the bar. His
first case before the su])erior court was the de-
fense of \'ictoria Scott, a colored girl, charged
with the crime of murder. The case was ably
prosecuted by David II. Carver, the then dis-
trict attorney of Broome county, assisted by
.Alexander Cummings as counsel, yet so skill-
ful was the defense by Mr. Curtiss that, after
a remarkable trial lasting one week, his client
was only convicted of manslaughter in the
fourth degree, and sentenced to eighteen
months in prison. This case attracted a vast
amount of favorable comment from the press,
and in the fall of that year, 1883, Mr. Curtiss
was nominated for district attorney of Broome
county, and, as a result of the favorable im-
pression which he had made upon both the
press and the public, was elected to this office.
He served three years, and, in 1886, was again
elected, serving till 1889 — two terms of three
years each. During this entire time he never
drew a defective indictment, and, in addition
to all of the other business connected with,
this office, he conducted one hundred and
twenty criminal prosecutions, and although all
were ably defended by the best legal talent, he
was successful in nearly every case ; in fact,
but twelve were decided against him. In 1886
he formed a partnership with Taylor L. Arms,
the firm being known as Arms & Curtiss. This
continued till 1889, when Mr. Arms was elect-
ed county judge and surrogate, and the part-
nership was dissolved. From 1892 to 1896
he was associated with W. W. Kewell as part-
ner. In 1900 he was appointed by President
McKinley. L^nited States district attorney, ami
has been reappointed successively by Presi-
dents Roosevelt and Taft; his present term
will expire in 1913. January i, 1901, he again
formed a partnership with Judge Taylor L.
Arms and Thomas J. Keenan, under the firm
name of Curtiss, Arms & Keenan. The firm con-
tinued a successful career until 1908, when it
was dissolved by the death of Judge Arms.
Theodore Tuthill was then admitted as the
jmiior partner, and as Curtiss, Keenan & Tut-
hill. the firm still cont-inues.
For more than a quarter of a century Mr.
Curtiss has appeared in the most important
trials in Broome county, during which time he
has been called upon to cope with the ablest
lawyers in southern New York, and in all cases
his adroitness, legal acumen, and thorough
knowledge of the law have been readily recog-
nized by his opponents. During all his ])ublic
career, first as prosecutor for the county and
later as L'nited States district attorney, he has
proved a valuable official, doing his duty fear-
lessly. His actions have commanded the at-
tention of the leading jurists in the L'nited
States courts, and upon each appointment by
the President, he has received many flattering
letters from the judges and others. He stands
high in the legal fraternity, and holds the re-
spect of all. His practice is very large, and his
career is one that he can review with satisfac-
But it is not only as a great lawyer that Mr.
Curtiss has achieved distinction, but in a far
wider scope as a speaker and writer on the
subject of the tariff. For thirty years he has
devoted all of his leisure time to a close study
of this great subject, and, in 1896, he published
his first work upon this subject, under the title.
"Protection and Prosperity," an account of
the tariiif legislation and its effect in Europe
and .\merica. Introduction written by Will-
iam McKinley and Thomas B. Reed. Air.
AIcKinley says in his introduction:
The value of such an exhaustive work to students
comes from the fact that the author shows in the
logical order pursued the economic conditions which
suggested and brought into existence protective prin-
ciples and has given the historical origin of the
essential principles. While writing from the pro-
tective standpoint there is no indication of any hobby
or new scheme of political econoiny. The apparent
endeavor is to show what the experience of business
men and the practices of nations have proven to be
wise, just and beneficient ; that the principles of pro-
tection had their origin with the institution of society
and governments, and are a necessary part of that
policy under wliich civilization has advanced.
Speaker Reed says in his intr(.)duction :
The book which Mr. Curtiss has written is unlike
any other which has been presented on the subject
in its method of treatment, and in the width of
range. * * * The calin and careful history in this
book of the protection system in England which pre-
ceded the Cobden movement, and the history of the
Cobden movement itself will go far to rectify the
false ideas which have been so long prevalent, an<l
if it contained nothing else will be worth all the book
will cost and all the trouble of understanding the
story therein narrated. * * * This book is also the
story of how the nations discovered that the best
way to be protected and prosperous was not to leave
things alone but to use their brains and make things
better. * * * This book gives the history of experi-
ments tried all over the world of the two systems
and the results which have followed. It teaches
what the facts teach and nothing more. It does not
teach that this law or that law, this rate or that rate,
is essential to national success ; for rates change with
circumstances and laws with conditions ; but it teaches
that protection whether it be at one rate or another,
whether it be by one law or another, so long as it is
protection it is the sole essential.
It contains eight hundred and sixty-four
pages and embraces a history of the tariff
question of all nations from the earliest time
to 1895. On account of the importance of the
silver c|uestion which was injected into the
campaign of 1896, entirely supplanting the
tarilT question as a political issue, only ab(jut
fifteen hundred copies of "Protection and Pros-
])erity" were sold, about four hundred of which
were suld in England. L'pon Lord Masham's
(who was president of the Fair Trade League
of I'jigland ) attention being called to the work,
he voluntarily sent a circular to all of the lords
and members of parliamenf, in which he said
that "Tt was by far the most important and
comprehensive work ever published." Pro-
fessor Gunton, reviewing the work in Gunton's
Magaciiic of .liiirrican Hcouoiiucs and Political
Science, sail] :
The work itself has elements of breadth, perma-
nence and endurance reaching not only far beyond
any presidential campaign and beyond the limits of
any single country, but beyond also the popularity
or permanence of any particular form of govern-
mental institutions or type of national civilization.
For neither in Europe nor America has there ever
lieen furnished in a single purely historical work the
tnaterials for so exhaustive a study or for so suc-
cessful a mastering of the Tariff Question in all its
The part of the work devoted to the British tariff
policy far exceeds in e.xhaustivencss and value the
writings of any Englishman and even of Sir .\rchi-
bald .Mison, an achievement to which we had not
thought any American would be equal.
Of Mr. Curtiss we may say he has found enough
to compel every statesman, publicist, economist and
historian who desires to say anything bearing on the
tariff cjueslion, to carefully study the question over
again. It will not do not to know the new matter
here brought to light.
The above are selected from scores of a
similar nature written by the most learned men
not only of the L'nited States but of England
as well, each and all of whom admit that it is
by far the most exhaustive work ever publish-
ed upiin this or any kindred subject, and is the
oidy complete consecutive history of the tariff
from a protective standpoint ever written up
to the date of its publication.
On account of urgency of friemls who de-
sired that the work appear in the campaign oi
1896, which at that time it was thought would
be fought on the tariff (|uestion, the work was
published before Mr. Curtiss' plan had been
entirely worked out, and the history of tlie
United' .States prior to i860 was greatly abbre-
viated. Since that time Mr. Curtiss has been
carrying out his original decision, and will
soon bring out a new edition contained in two
volumes, the first to be devoted entirely to the
tariff' question in foreign countries, the second
volume to the United States. The latter volume
will contain a carefully written account of the
industrial life and development of the Amer-
ican colonists from the earliest time to the
adoption of the Federal Constitution, and the
most complete and exhaustive history of the
tariff legislation from 1789 to i860 that has
been written. The data pertaining to the his-
tory of all nations will also be brought down
to the present time.
Mr. Curtiss has always been an ardent su])-
porter of the Republican party, and while
political preferment has ever been within his
reach, he has declined all such except his pro-
fessional appointments. He has spent much
time in the selection of a library of the choicest
literature, comprising works upon a large num-
ber of subjects, among which are over one
thousand volumes and four hundred pamphlets
upon the tariff question, this exceeding any
private collection in the L'nited States, in fact,
any public collection, except that of the Con-
gressional Library, at Washington.
Mr. Curtiss married, May 7, 1888, Mary D.,
daughter of Calvin and Elizabeth Bliss, of
Lisle. Broome county. New York. Of this
marriage two children have been born : Eliza-
beth Hulda. .August i, 1890; Isabella Bliss,
June 22, 1894.
Sergeant George Darrow, the
DARROW first of the family in this coun-
try, settled at New London,
Connecticut, about 1675, and died there, in
1704. He married, about 1678, Mary, widow
■of George Sharsvvood, and she died in 1698.
He married (second), August 10, 1702, Eliza-
beth Marshall, of Hartford. The children
were : Christopher, baptized at New London,
December i, 1678; George, October 17, 1680;
Nicholas, May 20, 1683; Jane, April 17, 1692.
( I ) Richard Darrow, probably nephew of
George Darrow, was born in May, 1682, antl
was, according to family tradition, of Welsh
descent. He resided first in New London, and
later located at East Haven, Connecticut, on
an island that separates the town from Bran-
ford and is still called Darrow's Island. After-
ward he removed to the center of the town,
where he died March 19, 1775, aged ninety-
two yearsA ten months. He married Sarah
She]5ard. Children, born at East Haven: Rich-
ard, May, 171 1 : John, June, 1713 ; John, Octo-
ber 24, 1716; Ebenezer, mentioned below.
(II) Ebenezer, son of Richard Darrow, the
only child to grow to maturity, was born in
1719, at East Haven. He married Lydia .Aus-
tin. In 1760 they moved to Plymouth, Con-
necticut. He was a shoemaker by trade and
also a farmer. Children, born at East Haven :
Ebenezer, March, 1743: Abigail, July 29,
1745, married (first) Johnson, of West
Haven, and (second) Bishop; Jemima,
February or July 9, 1748. married Benjamin
Barnes ; Asa, mentioned below ; Titus, July or
.Se|)tember 15, 1753, soldier in the revolution,
married, in 1778, .Anna Hill: Eunice, married
John Warren: Lydia, born 1759.
(Ill) Asa, son of Ebenezer Darrow, was
born at East Haven, May 22, 1750. He learn-
ed his father's trade as shoemaker, and follow-
ed it. He died in Plymouth, Connecticut, No-
vember 16, 1821. He married Lyrlia Bartholo-
mew. Children, born at Plymouth : Martha,
July 15, 1775, married David Roice : Lydia,
December 13, 1778, married J. Morton; Lucy,
March 12, 1781, married Ebenezer French;
Asa, mentioned below; Andrew S., March 3,
1785. married (first) Nancy Adkins, who died
May 16, 1815, and (second) Phoebe Woodin ;
Rosella, Alarch 19, 1787, married John Brad-
ley; Freelove, September 17, 1789; Jania, May
12, 1792.
(I\') Asa (2), son of Asa (i) Darrow.
was born January 11, 1783. He was a farmer
and shoemaker. He married Clarissa Birch-
ard and settled at Farmington, Connecticut.
Children : John ; .Asa B., mentioned below ;
Clarissa, Maria, George and Charles.
(\') Asa B., son of Asa (2) Darrow, mar-
ried Sarah Garner. Among their children was
Ralph Samuel, mentioned below.
(\T) Ralph Samuel, son of Asa B. Dar-
row, was born September 18, 1840, in Con-
necticut, died at Binghamton, New York, De-
cember 13, 1889. He came to Binghamton
with his parents when he was six years old,
and was educated there in the public schools,
academy and business college. He was em-
ployed for a time as clerk by the firm of Pres-
ton & Sears, and afterwards in the bank of
Judge Phelps. In ])artnership with David
Hogg, he engaged in the hay, grain and feed
business in Bingliamton. .After a few years
the firm was dissolved and the business was
continued by Mr. Darrow as long as he lived,
with abundant and substantial success. He was
a member of the board of education of Bing-
hamton for several years. In politics he was
a Republican. In religion he was a prominent
Methodist and for a number of years was
superintendent of the Sunday school and also
on the official board of the Methodist church
up to his death.
He married, September 30. 18(14, Louise,
daughter of John C. and lietsey ( Seaverson )
Moore (see Moore II). They have one child.
Ray S., born November 17, 1870.
(The Moore Line).
(I) Andrew Moore was, according to fam-
ily tradition, a major in the American army,
and was killed in the revolutionary war, lie
married Louise Remington. Children: Jdhn
C. ; Emeline. married Solomon Orcutt ; Lima.
married Alonzo Kattell : Folly, died young;
Harriet, married Cornelius DeW'itt ; B. Frank-
lin, married Fannie \'an Trump ; George W.,
married Anna \\ ard. .Andrew Moore was an
early settler in P)inghamton and owned sev-
eral farms within the limits of the present
city, but then the town of I'inghamton.
(II) John C., son of .\ndrew Moore, was
born in Binghamton, on his father's homestead,
about iSof). died in 18A4. He was educated
there in the public schools and for a few years
taught school. He studied medicine but never
practiced. He was county clerk and held other
offices of trust, and was prominent in the
Methodist church, of which for many years
he was superintendent of the Sunday school.
He married Betsey, daughter of Peter and
Maria Seaverson. Children, born at Bingham-
ton : Louise, married Ralph Samuel Darrow
(see Darrow \ I ) ; John .\.. married F'hebe
Rhinevautt, and had : Minnie. Ida, Carrie and
Charles; George, born 1840, married Belle
Towner, and had ; Anna, Georgia, Bessie and
Ethel ; Charles, married Ida Mead, and had
Edson and .Arthur.
|. George Quirin, father of Lniil
OriRlX J. F. Quirin. was born in West-
liofFen. .Alsace, then France, now
in Germany, and died at Olean, Xew York,
April I, 1907. He came to the Lnited States
in 1852. and became an apprentice in the calf-
skin shop of Mercer, in Cambridge, Massachu-
setts. He then removed to Iowa, where he
was engaged in the business of tanning imtil
1807. He returned to the east with his brothers.
Philip and Jacob, and, in June. 1869. together
with them, purchased the tannery of the lata
Colonel William Ransom, at Tioga Centre,
Xew York, and converted it into an upper
leather tanncrv. under the firm name of L G.
Quirin & Com])any. I'hey gave em]5loyment
to from one hundred to one hundred and fifty
men in the tanning of wax calf, and were con-
nected with William C. Quirin & Company, of
Boston. William C. Quirin remained at the
head of this firm until his death in 1901. The
latter firm had a currying shop on Longwood
avenue. Roxbury, Massachusetts, where two
hundred men were employetl in finishing the
])roduct of the tannery. At that time they
were the largest manufacturers of wax calf-
skins in the country, ami produced skins of a
superior quality to the P'rench calfskins then
in such demand. Philip Quirin died in 187 1,
and Jacob in 1880. and. in 1887, J. George
Quirin retired from active business life, and
spent the remainder of his life on his farm in
summer, and with his sons, at Olean, in winter.
Pie was later for a time engaged in operating
a stuffing mill for a Mr. Hofl:'man, in Somer-
ville, Massachusetts. .After his retiu'n from
the west he wrote a number of articles on this
subject, which appeared in The Shoe and
Leather Re pari er. in 1867-68-69. and which
attracted consitlerable attention at that time.
he having been one of the first men to operate
machinery for this pur]50se.
He married Madeleine P>ernliardt. Chil-
dren; William C. A., married Lilibie Deane ;
Emil J. F., mentioned below; George L. A.,
married Celia F. Sewell. of Boston ; Frederick,
died young; Edward X.. married Edna L.
Earle ; Charles X.. unmarried; Lydia E.. mar-
ried Etlward Muller : .Albert, deceased ; Frank
J., married Elma Bromdage, of California;
Larrie L., deceased ; Angelica F"., unmarried.
( 11 ) Emil J. F., son of John George Quirin,
was born in Buffalo, Xew A'ork. February 21,
1855, and was educated in the schools of
Owego and at Boston Business College. He
entered the employ of his father, and later
became a partner in the firm. He is at present
general manager of the Quirin Leather Press
Comjianv. of (31ean. He married. .September
_'. 1880. Cecilia Eleanor, daughter of Stejihen
Durkee and Mary Robbins (Magray) Archer
(see .Archer HI), and they have one child,
\'iolet Madeleine, born June 21. 1884.
Mrs. Cecilia Eleanor Quirin had for her
revolutionary ancestor Joseph Robbins. who
left the following autoljiography ;
I w.TS born at Kingston. Plymouth county, in the
State of Massachusetts, in the year of our Lord 1757.
When T was between seventeen and eighteen years of
age I cnhsted the first day of May, 1775, in Middle-
burg, where I then resided, as a private soldier to
the American Army in the Revokitionary war, for
the first eight months' service in Captain Isaac Wood's
company, under Colonel Cotton Jr., General Thomas'
brigade. I marched from Middleburg to Roxbury,
where I served my time out at the siege of Boston.
Soon after this I enlisted in the same company, but
under Colonel Bailey's command, in General Heath's
brigade, for the time of one year, in 1776, and
marched with the army to New 'V'ork. While I was
in New York I worked considerably at my trade as
an artificer. C)n the 25th of December, 1776, I took
part in the capture of the Hessians at Trenton. My
time of service e.xpired Jan. ist, 1777. Then I volun-
teered anew for six weeks longer, and followed
General Washington into the field of battle at Prince-
ton. I remained with the army until my six weeks
was expired, and then was discharged and came
home and remained until June, 1779, then I enlisted
in the army and went one campaign with General
Sullivan, up in the wilderness in the back country,
to fight the Indians. I think my captain's name was
Services: 8 months at Roxbury, Mass.; 12 months
at New York, and there about 1 ' _> month volunteers;
6 months in General Sullivan's army; 2"/ months and
twelve days, which I claim a pension for.
The following will show that his claim for
pension was successful:
Revolution-ary Claims.
I certify that in conformity with the law of the
United States of the 7th June, 1832, Joseph Robbins,
of Nova Scotia, who was a Private in the war of the
Revolution, is entitled to receive eighty dollars and
cents per annum, during his natural life,
commencing on the 4th of March, 1831, and 4th of
September in every year.
Given at the War Office of the United States, this
9th day of January, one thousand eight hundred and
thirty-eight. [Seal] J. R. Pomteli,.
Secretary of War.
Examined and Countersigned,
J. L. Edwards,
Commissioner of Pensions.
(The Archer Line).
For more than five hundred years the fam-
ily of Archer has been of some note in Eng-
land. Like the origin of most patronymics of
the earlier Anglo-Sa.xon period, that of Archer
appears to be involved in some obscurity, and
it is doubtful whether the armorial bearings of
the family were derived from the name and
that still earlier from the occupation or pro-
fession of archery, or were assumed, either in
fanciful reference to the name or in allusion to
the tenure by which John Archer, champion
to Thomas, earl of Warwick, held his estates
of that noble, namely, annual payinent of
twelve broad arrows. The Archer family of
Umberslade has been the principal family of
the name in England. The line of descent
down to the time that the American ancestor
of the Archer family left England is given
below :
Fulbert Archer came to England with Will-
iam, the Conqueror, and his name is on the
roll of Battle Abbey.
Robertus, son of Fulbert Archer, was of
Tamworth, Warwick county, England, mar-
ried Selida, daughter and heir of Roger de
Hulehall ; had children : Richard, John and
William, son of Robert Archer, married
Margeria, daughter and heir of John Saway
de Oxton Saway, Leicestershire. Children :
Thomas, John, William and Flenry.
John, son of William Archer, married Mar-
gery, daughter of William Barneville, and had:
William, Ela and John.
John (2), son of John (i) Archer, was of
Tamworth ; married Margery, daughter of
William Tracy de Tuddington, and they had :
Thomas and John.
John (3), son of John (2) Archer, married
Isabell, daughter of Radi de Erasat, and they
had : William and Thomas.
Thomas, son of John (3) Archer, was of
L'mberg, of Tainworth or Tanworth ; married
Margaretta, daughter and heir of Walter Cle-
bury, of Clebury. He died in the forty-sixth
year of Edward IIL
Thomas (2), son of Thomas (i) Archer,
married Agnes, daughter of John Hanbury, of
Hanbury, Staffordshire, and they had : Henry
and Richard. He died in the fourth year of
Henry VL, aged eighty-four years.
Richard, son of Thomas (2) Archer, mar-
ried Alice, daughter of William Hugford,
widow of Thomas Lucy. He died in the elev-
enth year of Edward IV.. aged eighty-five.
John (4), son of Richard Archer, married
Christina, daughter and heir of Rodi Balklow,
widow of Henry Sewell.
John (5), son of John (4) Archer, was of
Tanworth ; married Alice, daughter of Bald-
win Montfort.
Johannes, son of John ( 5 ) Archer, was of
Tanworth ; married Alary, daughter of I lumph-
rey Stafl-'ord.
Richard (2), son of Johannes Archer, mar-
ried Matilda, daughter and heir of Edward
Hutnfrey Archer de Tanworth, son of Rich-
ard (2) Archer, married Anna Townsend,
(laughter ef Robert Townsend.
icw^-v }-hs!,:.ricnl fu.h (.■
Andreas Archer, son of Hunifrey Arclier de
Tainvorth, was of Tanworth : he (hed there,
April 6, 1629; married Mary, daughter of
Simon Raleigh de Farnborow. She died Au-
gust 10. 1614. Children: Simon, Thomas and
Richard (3), son of Andreas Archer, mar-
ried Maria Bull, daughter of Roland Bull.
Richard died in 1646-47, at Xethope, in Ox-
Simon, son of Richard (3) Archer, married
.\nne, daughter of John Ferres de Tanworth.
The connection with the American ancestor
has not been definitely established, but he was
doubtless from a branch of the family outlined
above, founded by John Archer, rector of Car-
hayes, instituted there about 1614. The rector
had a son Nicholas who inherited from his
uncle, Richard Archer, of St. Kew, all his
jiroperty, but, dying without issue, beciueathed
liis estate to the eldest son of his brother Ed-
ward, who married, in 1683, Judith Swete.
The son of Edward Archer married Sarah,
co-heir of John Addis, of W'hiteford. John,
the .-\merican immigrant, came from Cornwall,
and was perhaps a grandson of Edward Archer,
mentioned above.
(I) John Archer, the American immigrant,
was the progenitor of the Archer family of
Nova Scotia, as well as of many in New Eng-
land and other sections of the country. He
came to America during the French and In-
dian wars, 1757-62, having been impressed in
the British navy. He left the navy, perhaps
deserting, like many seamen who were forced
to enter the navy against their wills, and he
settled at Cherryfield, Maine. He was well
educated and found employment in his new
home as a teacher and land surveyor. He took
up a lot, afterward occupied by his son John,
situated on the Beddington road. He had a
family of twenty-three children, most of whom
were sons and nearly all of whom grew to
maturity. The youngest of the family, David
Cobb Archer, who lived near Cherryfield, was
well known to travelers in his day, going from
Columbia Falls to Jonesboro, Maine. John
Archer was a soldier in the revolution in the
American army, a private in the artillery com-
pany of Colonel John Allen's regiment in 1778-
79, under Captain Thomas Robbins. He was
also in Captain Jeremiah (I'Brien's company
of rangers. Colonel Allen's regiment, serving
at Machias, Maine, late in the year 1779. John
Archer married Elizabeth Gates Tupper, niece
of General (jates, of the American army at
Saratoga, etc., and granddaughter of Governor
Mayhew. She was daughter of Peleg ( born
1731) and Deborah (Fish) Tupper, born at
Sandwich, Massachusetts. Children: William
Gates, married Mullhall, of Liverpool,
Nova Scotia, and had two children, Henry and
Elizabeth: Henry; Robert; John; Thomas;
Joseph Tup|jer, mentioned below; George;
Allan ; Mary ; Eliakini and David Cobb.
(II) Joseph Tupper, son of John Archer,
was born at Cherryfield, Maine, in 1782. He
received his education in the public schools,
and at home under his father's instruction.
He learned the trade of mason and stone-cutter.
He went to Yarmouth and Liverpool, Nova
Scotia, when a young man, and soon engaged
in contracting for mason work in that vicinity.
He worked on many public buildings, and, in
later life, did much cemetery work, at which
he was especially skillful. In 1854 he removed
to Sudbury, ^Massachusetts, where he bought
a farm. He died there, October 11, 1863, at
the advanced age of eighty-one years. In re-
ligion he was an active and consistent Baptist.
In politics a Republican. He married (first)
Dorcas Nickerson, of Harrington, Nova Scotia.
He married (second) Eleanor Durkee, daugh-
ter of Stephen and Lydia' (Lovette) Durkee,
of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Children of Jo-
seph Tupper and Dorcas (Nickerson) Archer:
Freeman, born May 8, 1812. died 1885; Jo-
seph .Mien, born May 17, 1814, died November
2"/. 1889. Children of Joseph Tupper and
Eleanor ( Durkee) Archer: Dorcas Eliza, mar-
ried Benjamin Crosby ; Mary Eleanor, born
1820. died August 12, 1890. married. October
14, 1841. Charles W. Wynian. of Yarmouth,
Nova Scotia ; George Edward, lost at sea in
1837; Caroline, married, November 28, 1844.
Joseph Churchill, of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia ;
"Stephen Durkee, see below ; Lydia, married
Caston Harris, of Boston, Alassachusetts.
(HI) Stephen Durkee, son of Joseph Tup-
per Archer, was born at Yarmouth, Nova
Scotia, September 22, 1826. He received his
education in the town of Yarmouth. Although
his schooling was ended when he was sixteen,
he was a lifelong student. He learned the
mason's trade of his father and made it his
life business. He built the Yarmouth Bank,
also the Clements and Rierson buildings. Short-
ly after his marriage, in 1850, he removed to
New York City, where he worked at his trade
for three vears on the liible House building.
He then came to Sudbury, Massachusetts,
where he and his father bought a farm, which
they carried on for four years. He continuetl
also to work at his trade in the vicinity. He then
removed to Danvers, Massachusetts, where he
followed his trade for about si.x years, thence
going to Amesbury, where he worked for three
years. In 1864 he removed to Yarmouth.
Nova Scotia, for the purpose of building the
courthouse and jail there. After three years
he located at Boston, where he was a con-
tractor. He removed to Hyde Park and was
employed by the h'rancis Estate, which was
located on the present site of Boston College,
and remained until 1891, when he bought an
estate at Maiden and settled there, where he
lived retired for the remainder of his days,
and died December 8, 1902. He was a member
of the South Ba]itist Church, of Boston, and
was active and ])rominent in his denomination.
He had ])reviously belonged to the Baptist
church, of Yarmouth. In politics he was a
Republican. He was also a member of the
Ancient Order of .American Mechanics. His
portrait, found in this work, has been placed
here by his daughter, Mrs. Emil J. F. Ouirin,
in loving remembrance of his many fine qual-
ities of mind and heart.
He married, January 15, 1850. Mary Robbins
Magray, who was born at Yarmouth, May 21,
1827, daughter of Captain John and Abigail
(Robbins) Magray, and a lineal descendant
of Elder Thomas Cushman, passenger in the
"Fortune" in 1621, and of Mary Allerton,
passenger in the "Mayflower" to Plymouth, in
1620. Children: i. Eudora Frances, born
May 21, 1851 ; married, in September, 1870,
Joseph E. Webster, of Berwick, Maine, and
they had twelve children. 2. George Edward,
born February 15, 1853, died December, 1903;
chief architect of the New York and Lake Erie
Railroad Company for seventeen years, and
one of the leaders in his profession in this
country; married, August 2, 1880, Catherine
Henry, of New York City, and had two chil-
dren, Annie Louise, and Viola Agnes, who
married Wilbur Clements, of New York City.
3. Cecilia Eleanor, born April 16, 1855: mar-
ried, September 2, 1880, Emil J. F. Ouirin, of
Tioga, New York (see Ouirin H). 4. Luella
May, born .August Ti, 1857; married, .April 2,
1878, Warren \lontague, of Portland, Maine,
and they have : George Warren, Harry Messen-
ger and Walter Emil. 5. Viola .Alberta, born
July 2, i860; married, July 15, 1884, George
L. Haines, of Milton, Massachusetts, and they
have one child, Luella .Archer Haines, born
July 27, i8qi. 6. Calvert Bradford, born at
Danvers, .April 22, 1862; rubber manufacturer
of Milford, Massachusetts; married (first),
February 3, 1883, Myra Violet Linscott ; (sec-
ond), February 14, 1889, Mary Poole; chil-
dren : Stephen Calvert, Lillian and Alicia Vio-
let. 7. .Agnes Lillian, born January 25, 1865;
married, July 16, 1884, Elmer E. Walter, of
Hyde Park ; children ; Warren Theodore, born
January 26, 1887; Lucile Agnes, June 23,
1 89 1 ; Clara Josephine, February 6, 1894. 8.
Stella May, born November 18, 1867; married,
in 1893, Captain A. S. Maloney, of St. An-
drews, New Brunswick, deceased.
Mary Robbins (Magray) Archer, mother of
Mrs. Quirin, was the daughter of Captain John
and Abigail ( Robbins ) Magray, married at
Yarmc:)uth, 1803. Captain John Magray was
born at Marblehead, 1774: died at Yarmouth,
November 9, 1845. Abigail, born at Plymouth,
Massachu.setts, September 17, 1788; died at
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, April 2, 1870, was the
daughter of Joseph Robbins, born at Plymouth,
December 11, 1756; died at Yarmouth, July
8, 1859; married, June 6, 1779, Elizabeth Ste-
phens, born at Plymouth, March 15, 1760;
died at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, October 27,
1843. Joseph Robbins was the son of Benja-
min Robbins. born at Plymouth, 1732, drown-
ed at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, 1762; married
Abigail Cushman, born at Kingston, April 3,
1737; died at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Abigail
Cushman was the daughter of Robert Cush-
man, born at Kingston, July 2, 1698; died
there, 1751 ; married there, April 17, 1725,
Mercy Washburn., born at Kingston, 1702.
Robert Cushman was the son of Robert Cush-
man, born at Plymouth, October 4, 1666; died
at Kingston, September 7, 1757 ; married, 1697,
Persis , died at Kingston, January 14,
1743. Robert Cushman was the son of Thomas
Cushman, born at Plymouth, September 16,
1637; died there, August 23, 1726; married
there, November 17, 1664, Ruth Howland,
born at Plymouth, and died there, between
1672 and 1679, daughter of John Howland,
who came over in the "Mayflower," and Eliza-
beth Tille\', daughter of John Tilley, of the
"Mavflower." Thomas Cushman was the son
of Thomas and Mary ( Lerton ) Cushman.
married 1636. She died 1699, daughter of
Isaac Lerton, of the "Mavflow^er," who died
in New Haven, 1659. . Elizabeth .Stephens,
wife of Joseph Robbins, \va.s the daughter of
Edward Stephens, who died at Carver, April
9. 1788; married. 1747, Phebe Harlow, born at
Plymouth, October 21, 1728. Phebe Jrlarlow
was the daughter of William Harlow, born at
Plymouth, July 26, 1692; died there, April 11,
1731 ; married Mercy Rider, born Plymouth,
November 14, 1696; died there, January 2,
1772. William Harlow was the son of Samuel
Harlow, born at Plymouth, January 2f, 1052:
married Hannah , who died at Plym-
outh. Samuel Harlow was the son of William
Harlow, who died at Plymouth, August 26,
1 69 1 ; married Rebecca Bartlett, at Plymouth.
Rebecca Piartlett was the daughter of Robert
and Mary (Warren) Partlett. Mary Warren
was the daughter of Richard Warren, of the
Of the twelve patentees of the
DEYO town of New Paltz, New York,
two bore the name Deyo and were
father and son. They were among the last of
the twelve to come to come to the new world,
the others having been in .America several
years. New Paltz was one of the few Hugue-
not settlements in this country and perhaps
the only one in which the stock of the original
settlers was. not speedily overwhelmed by a
flood of newcomers from other Eurojiean
nationalities. With the exception of Kingston,
no other place in that part of the C(iuntrv was
settled at so early a period. The New Paltz
clnirch was organized exactly forty years be-
fore the first church at Poughkeepsie was
erected. The old Deyo house in the village
came down in the same family nearly two hun-
dred years. In 1675 Pierre Deyo was still in
the Palatinate, as shown by the following cer-
tificate of good standing antl church member-
ship still preserved in the family :
This is to certify that Peter Doio and .\gatha
Nickel, both in honor hving in C Pfahz, Miitter-
stadt. circuit of New Sladt. have hcen united in mar-
riage, the intent of such marriage, having been an-
nounced three times from the puh^it, that they arc
members of the Reformed Church and as far as we
know, the same are well behaved people.
J.\coB Amvot.
Mutterstadt. Curr Pfaltz, Pastor.
21 January 1675.
Christian Deyo was quite an old man at the
time of settlement of New Paltz and lived only
ten years afterward. His will is recorded in
book A, county clerk's office in Kingston. He
was called "Grandpere" or grandfather in the
old documents, and, in fact, was the grand-
father of most of the children in the new
settlement. His son I'ierre (Peter) was a
patentee, as were his four sons-in-law, Abra-
ham Hasbrouck, John Hasbrouck, Simon Le-
Fevre and Abraham Du liois.
( II ) Pierre, only son of Christian Deyo,
was of Huguenot extraction; was married in
the German Palatinate, to Agatha Nickel, and
with his father came to .America in 1675. He
was one of the twelve patentees of the town
of New Paltz, lister county. New York, and
tradition says that he lost his life while on an
evjiedition to find a route from New Paltz to
the river, and that long afterwards a buckle of
a truss that he wore was found. It is probable
that this was Pierre, son of I'ierre, the pat-
entee, who grew to manhood, but left no chil-
dren. Pierre, the patentee, left four sons; i.
Abraham, born at Ilurly, October 16, 1676;
married Elsie Clearwater, and left .Abraham
(2), Alarytje and Wyntje. 2. Christian, of
whom further. 3. Pierre, bajnized at New
Paltz, 1683, probably the one lost in the forest.
4. Hendricus, baptized at Kingston, October
12. 1690; married Margaret \'on Bummel, and
left a large family.
( HI ) Christian, son of Pierre, the patentee,
and Agatha (Nickel) Deyo. was baptized at
r.rooklyn. New York, 1681. He settled in the
Sjiringtown district, where descendants yet re-
side. His name appears in a list of taxpayers
in 1712; in a list of soldiers of Captain Hoff-
man's company in 1716; in the list of those
who built the first stone church in 1720; in a
list of freeholders in 1728. and in a list of
slave holders in 1735. His name a[ipears as
deacon in the church at New Paltz. in 1733.
and as elder in i7()5. He married, at New
Paltz. in 1702. Marytje De Graff. This mar-
riage is recorded on both the church books of
New Paltz and Kingston. He left children:
I. Moses, born 1706; married. 1728. Clarissa
Stokhard. and lived about a mile north of
Springtown. His name appears in the list of
New Paltz soldiers in 1738. He and his wife
joined the New I^altz church in 1752. 2.
Jacobus, of whom further. 3. Mary, married,
in 1731. J Ackmoidi, a Scotchman, and
ancestor of the Auchmoody family.
( I\') Jacobus, son of Christian and Marytje
I De ( iratif ) Deyo, was born about 1708. He
left the Springtown home and settled in Kings-
tun, where he married in 1724. In 1738 he is
friund in a li'-t of fnot soldiers of Kingston,
which proves liis residence there, ahhough the
marriage record names them both as of New
I'altz. Afterward he or his widow removed
to Dutchess county, and in the records of the
Poughkeepsie church is found a record of his
widow's second marriage, April 22, 1754. He
married Janitje Freer. Children, several daugli-
ters, and sons. Jacobus (2) and Peter.
(V) Jacobus (2), son of Jacobus (i) and
Janitje (Freer) Deyo, was born in 1732. He
was twenty-two years old when his mother, in
1754, married (second) Richard Gryn, and it
is supposed that he then left home and settled
at Nine Partners, Dutchess county, New York.
He married and had issue.
(VI) William, son of Jacobus (2) Deyo,
was born about 1775, and settled in the town
of Ghent, Columbia county. New York, where
he married and reared a family. Among his
sons were David, Jonathan, Israel T. and Rich-
(VH) Richard, son of William Deyo, was
born in the town of Ghent, Columbia county,
New York, in 1819; died 1888. He removed
to Broome county, where he engaged in farm-
ing. He married Caroline B., daughter of
Jonas and Gertrude Eckert. Children : Alar-
tin L. ; Christina; Joseph H. ; Israel Tripp, of
whom furtiier ; Gertrude ; R. Herbert.
(VIII) Israel Tripp, son of Richard and
Caroline B. (Eckert) Deyo, was born in the
town of Union, Broome county, New York,
January 28, 1854. His education was obtain-
ed in district schools and at the high school in
Binghamton, where he was graduated in 1875,
valedictorian. He entered Amherst College,
whence he was graduated A. B., class of 1879,
and was a member of the Delta Kappa Epsilon
and Phi lieta Kappa ( jreek letter fraternities.
For several years, after leaving college, he was
engaged in teaching, being principal of the
school at Whitney's F'oint, New York, and
later an instructor at the State Normal, at
Cortland, New York. Deciding to embrace
the profession of law, he entered the law
office of David H. Carver, under whose per-
ceptorship he continued until 1883, when he
was admitted to the bar. A partnership was at
once formed with David H. Carver, and under
the firm name of Carver & Deyo a successful
legal business w-as transacted. In 1901 Charles
H. Hitchcock was admitted, constituting the
firm of Carver, Deyo & Hitchcock, as it re-
mained until the death of Mr. Carver, in 1908.
]\lr. William B. Carver, a son of Mr. D. H.
Carver, was then adiuitted to the firm, and the
firm name was changed to Deyo, Hitchcock &
Carver, as it still remains. This is one of the
leading law firms of Binghamton, command-
ing an extensive clientage and holding a high
position at the New York bar. In 1890-91-
92-93 Mr. Deyo was elected a member of the
state assembly, where he rendered important
service on house committees, and in shaping
beneficial legislation. He was appointed by
Governor Flower a member of the commission
to investigate the management of the State
Reformatory, at Elmira, the report of that
commission forming the basis of some needed
reforms in that institution. He is vice-presi-
dent of the New York State Bar Association ;
member of the local board of managers of the
State Normal School, at Cortland; director of
the liinghamton Gas Works ; director and sec-
retary iif the Deyo-Macey Engine Company,
and interested in other business enterprises of
his city. He is a member of the New York
State and Broome County Bar associations,
and prominent in the Masonic Order, holding
all degrees of the York Rite, including that of
Knight Templar and all of the Scottish Rite,
up to and including the thirty-second. In
religious connection he is a member of the
Congregational church, which l>e serves as
trustee. In political faith he is a Republican,
and an ardent supporter and active worker.
He married, in Binghamton, New York.
June 26, 1889, Edith A., daughter of Eliakim
and \'erena .\. \\'eld. Children: .Austin \\ .,
born September 15, 1891 ; Dorothy, born March
22, 1899; Martin W., born December 12, 1902.
Eli Sleeker was born in Duanes-
MEEKER burg, of an old New England
family, and removed to Quaker
Lake, Pennsylvania, where he bought a tract
of land, covered with the primeval forests,
and he cleared a farm and brought it to a high
state of cultivation. This farm has remained
in the family to the present time and the fam-
ily burying-ground there contains the last rest-
ing places of many of the family.
(II) Samuel, son of Eli Meeker, was born
in Massachusetts, where his homestead still
stands. He was educated in the public schools
and worked on the homestead until the time of
his marriage. Then he located at liingham-
ton. New York, where he purchased wild lan<l.
cleared a farm and conducted it for many
years. He lived for a time at Ilawleyton, New
York, and on the shore of Quaker Lake, Siis-
((iiehanna county, Pennsylvania. His later
years were spent in the village of Ringhamton,
with his son Eli, and he died there in February,
1892, aged eighty-six years. Fie was a zealous
Methodist in religion and often walked several
miles to attend church. He married Sarah
Finch, of Susquehanna county. Her last years
were spent in the home of her son Eli, where
she died, aged nearly ninety. Children : An-
drew ; Eli S., mentioned below ; Oliver, kill-
ed in the civil war ; Samuel ; Elvira, married
(first) William Bell, (second) George Vos-
hurg; Deborah, married Frank Rulison ; Ann
Eliza; \'an Rensselaer; Elijah; .Alfred; Lor-
(Ill) I"lli S.. son nf Samuel Meeker, was
born near Hawleyton, January 29, 1833. He
had a common school education, and when
twenty-two years of age engaged in the lumber
business at Hawleyton. For many years he
was a ]iartner in the firm of Weed. Meeker &
Mundy. wholesale dealers in lumber. In 1881
he came to Bingliamton. New York, and en-
tered into partnership with Waring S. Weed,
under the name of W. S. Weed & Company,
and the firm did an extensive business in lum-
ber in western Pennsylvania, as well as a large
retail business in blinds, sash, doors, etc.. in
Binghamton. While in Hawleyton he was a
supervisor and school commissioner. In Ring-
hamton he was for two terms alderman from
the second ward, in 1888-89. I" politics he
was a staunch Republican. He was one of
the commissioners of Ross Park, and was
president of the Columbian Manufacturing
Company. He married Samantha L. Morgan,
who was born at Richfield Springs, New York,
and lived in Madison county. He and his wife
were members of the Tabernacle Methodist
Episcopal Church. Children: I. Helen, mar-
ried George F. Twining, and had one son,
Laverne, who married \"iolet Woodley. and
has one daughter. Adelaide Twining. 2. Rollin
Weston, mentioned below.
(I\^) Rollin W^eston. son of Eli S. Meeker,
was born December 25, 1870, at Binghamton,
and was educated in the public and high schools
of his native town and by private tutors. In
September, 1888, he began to study law in the
office of Hon. Edmund O'Connor, and he was
admitted to the bar at Ringhamton, February
5, 1892, just after he came of age. In the same
office in which he read law, he began to prac-
tice and was soon actively engaged in litigated
cases and trials before juries, not only on his
own account but was also associated with Mr.
O'Connor in a number of notable cases. Mr.
Meeker has taken a ])rominent place among
the attorneys of the county and enjoys a large
practice. He is at present president of the
Broome County Rar .Association, and a mem-
ber of several committees of the New York
State Bar Association. In Masonic circles he
is well known throughout this section, a mem-
ber of Binghamton Lodge; of Binghamton
Chapter. Royal .Arch Masons, of Ringhamton ;
of Malta Commandery. Knights Templar; of
C)tseningo Consistory, first lieutenant com-
mander since 1895. "'"c years in all, still serv-
ing ; master of Otseningo Lodge of Perfection,
which t)ffice he has held nine consecutive years ;
past potentate of Katurah Temple, Mystic
Shrine, two }'ears. and he had conferred upon
him at lioston. 1906, thirty-third degree in
Masonry, a distinction attained by but few.
He is treasurer of the Columbian Manufac-
turing Com])any ; secretary of the Binghamtim
Woolen Company, and member of the Chem-
ical Fire Company, antl of the Binghamton
Club. In politics he is a Republican, and he
has been on the executive committee of the
Republican League of the Second Ward, and
secretary of the Second Ward Republican Club.
In religion he is a Methodist, attending and
supporting the Tabernacle Church.
lie married. July I. i8<)3. Sarah Stoddard,
daughter of John and Mary ( Stoddard) Lewis,
l)oth deceased, a prominent family in Lisle.
New York. Thev have no children.
Jonathan Miller, the first of this
MILLER family in Pennsylvania. vi'as born
December 10. 1789. probably in
the old home of the family in Connecticut. He
settled in Pleasant Mount. \\'ayne county.
Pennsylvania. He acquired large tracts of land
there and was a well-to-do farmer and black-
smith. He held the office of justice of the
peace for many years, and was a useful and
influential citizen. He married. March 10,
18 14. Tryphena. daughter of James Rigelow
(see Rigelow V). Children, born at Pleasant
Mount: i. Jonathan, mentioned below. 2.
John G.. born February 18. i8i(). died May
15. 1S16. 3. Mary T., born June 24. 1820.
died .August 20, 1848; married, September 3,
1838. Dr. Rodney T. Harmes. 4. James, born
March 31. 1826; married (first), June 11,
i8si. .Anna W. .Smith, and (second) Mary
. 5. Joseph, twin of James, died Febru-
ar}- 4, 1831. 6. Hervey D., born September 15,
1830; an engineer, was killed in a railway acci-
dent, September zj, 1861 : married, August 17,
1859, Sarah M. Day.
(II) Major Jonathan (2) Miller, son of
Jonathan ( i ) Miller, was born in Pleasant
Mount, Wayne county, Pennsylvania, (Jctoher
29, 1814, died there October 29, 1898. Like
bis father he ];>ecame a blacksmith. He was one
of the leading citizens of Pleasant Mount,
where he held several town offices. He was
the constable and town officer for many years,
and known to everyone. For manv years he
was connected with the state militia, and, in
1842, he was elected major of the Seventh
Regiment of Pennsylvania \'olunteer Militia,
receiving his commission from the governor,
August 7, 1842. He married, November 5,
1834, Polly .\., daughter of .\bner Stone. Chil-
dren: I. Helen, born March 8, 1836; married,
January i. 1857, John J. Fulkerson, and had
a child, Jennie, who married Judson Tififany.
2. Evaline A., born May i. 1838; married
(first), December 22, 1859, George VV. War-
ner, and had one daughter, Anna W. ; mar-
ried (second), December 13, 1866, Robert
Clark, and had children: Nellie and Mabel,
twins. 3. Henry AI., born November 18, 1843;
married, December 26, 1867, Laura E. P.on-
ham ; children : Nelson, Robert, Estella and
Grace. 4. Sanford J., born May 20, 1849;
married (first), April 8, 1880, Libbie Under-
wood, and (second) . 5. Anna
M., born November 15, 1854, died September
20, 1857. 6. Frederick D., mentioned below.
( III ) Frederick D., son of Major Jonathan
(2) Miller, was born at Pleasant Mount, Penn-
sylvania, April 23, 1857. He was educated at
the Academy at Pleasant Mount, and at an
early age began his business life as clerk in a
general store, where he remained until he was
twenty-one. He then ojjened a general store
at Herrick Centre, Pennsylvania, and two
years later removed to Dinghamton, New York,
and became floor manager for the firm of Hills
McLean & Haskins, where he remained until
1890. He next held various positions with the
Erie Railway Company for eight years, up to
1898, when he engaged in the undertaking
business in Binghamton, which he has since
conducted in a very successful manner. He
is a member of Otseningo Lodge, No. 435,
Free and .Accepted Masons ; Press Club ; New
York State Indertakers' .Association and Em-
balmers' Association. He married, June 6,
1878, Josephine G., daughter of Charles A.
and Sarah J. (Sherwood) Campbell. He has
one daughter, Mabel Pearl, and has legally
ado])ted two grandchildren, Dorothy Marie
and Ruth .Sherwood.
(The Bigelow Line).
(II) Daniel Bigelow, son of John ((|. v.)
and Mary (Warren) Bigelow, was born in
Watertown, New York. December i, 1630,
died about 171 5. He married Abigail or Abial
Pratt, daughter of Thomas Pratt, and settled
in Framingham, in 1686, where he was a tailor
by trade. He lived near the east end of what
was known as Gleason's Poni. His wife sur-
vived him. Children, born in Framingham :
Abigail, October 28, i68g ; Daniel, November
24, 1691, mentioned below; Abiel, January 20,
161)3: Susanna, March 4, 1696: Ep'hraim, May
12, 1(598; Lydia, January 2, 1702.
(III) Daniel (2), .son of Daniel (i) and
.Abigail ( FVatt ) Bigelow, was born November
24, 1(391, in Framingham, Massachusetts. He
married (first), June 2"], 1723. Rebecca, born
July 25, 1697, died July 7, 1738, daughter of
Nathaniel and Anna Fames. He married ( sec-
ond), July 17, 1746, Prudence Stone, widow
of Ebenezer Stone. He is said to have died
in 1752, and his brother F]3hraim was adminis-
trator of his estate. Children, born in Fram-
ingham: Rebecca, May 15. 1726, died July 3,
1729: Daniel, October 29, 1727, died March
30, 1730; Joseph, October 28, 1729, died May
18, 1730; Daniel, July 16, 1732; Rebecca. May
ID, 1734, died July 20, 1734; Joseph, 1736,
mentioned below ; .\.nn, June 29, 1738, died the
same day.
(IV) Joseph, son of Daniel (2) and Re-
becca (Fames) Bigelow, was born in Fram-
ingham, in 173(1, and when not yet of age went
to Leicester to work. There he married, .April
30, 1756, Sarah, daughter of Captain John
Stebbins. Soon after marriage he returned to
Framingham, where he lived until he was
twenty-one and came into possession of his
father's estate from the hands of his Uncle
Ephraim. He removed to Leicester soon after
this, and, about 1766, moved to Spencer, where
he lived until his tleath, April 19, 1774. His
widow married ( second) Ezekiel Howe, of
Shrewsbury, and died in Shrewsbury, April 5,
i8o<'). Children: John, born August 24, 1757;
Joseph, December 6, 1759; James, Jutie 7,
1762, mentioned below ; Jabez, March 17, 1764 ;
Daniel, February 14, ijdb; William, Jul)' 1,
1768; Sarah, October 3, 1770; Elizabeth, Janu-
ary 13, I773-
(V) James, son of Joseph anil Sarah ( Steb-
bins) Digelow. was born in Leicester, Alassa-
chusetts, June 7, 1762. He married, Decem-
ber 18, 1783, Mary, daughter of John (Iraham,
and they moved to Mount Pleasant, Pennsyl-
vania, where he died in 1841. Children : John ;
Tryphena, married Jonathan Miller ( see Miller
I); Sarah; Tryphosa, born 1801, married,
1822, Clayton Rogers, of Towerville, Wiscon-
sin, she died 1870. and he died i8(X), children
born at Mount Pleasant: John S., Martha
Ann, Clayton E., Cushman S., Eldad A., Earl
M., Helen M.
The surname Skinner is like a
SKIXXER large class of English trade
and business names adopted
about the twelfth century as family names,
like butcher, baker, chantller, merchant, brewer,
etc. Skinner means simply a dealer in furs
and hides. The .Skinners Company, of Lon-
don, received a charter of incorporation as
early as the reign of Edward HL, and has a
coat-of-arms of ancient date. The families of
Skinner are found in all parts of England.
The Skinners of Le I'lurtons and Ledbury,
county Hereford, descended from Stephen
Skinner ( 1557), elder son of Stephen Skinner,
of county Herefiird. .\rms : Sable, a chevron
or between three griffins' heads erased, argent,
a mullet for tlifference. Crest : A griffin's head
erased, argent, hokling in the beak a hand,
couped gules on the breast, a mullet for differ-
ence. .\ common device in various Skinner
arms is : .Sable, three griffins' heads erasetl,
argent. The families at Cowley, Devonshire, in
London, in county Esse.x, the Isle of Wight,
Dewlich, and various other localities, also bear
arms. Thomas Skinner was lord mayor of
London in 1596.
(I) Sergeant Thomas Skinner, immigrant
of the Essex county families, was born in
1617, in England, and died ALarch 2, 1703-04,
in Maiden, Massachusetts, He came from
Chichester, county Sussex, England, bringing
with liim his wife and two sons. He lived at
one time at Subdeanery and Parish, Chichester.
He was a victualler, and. May 31, 1652, was
licensed to keep an inn at Maiden. His house
there was situated at the southeast corner of
Cross and W'alnut streets. It was given to
Skinner's son Abraham, March 13, 1694-93.
He was admitted freeman May 18, i()(y^. He
married (first), in England, Mary ,
who died April 9, 1671 ; (second ) Lydia ( Shep-
ardson ) Call, widow of Thomas Call. She
died December 17, 1723, aged eightv-seven.
Children, born at Chichester, England : Thomas,
mentioned below; Abraham, bajitized in Pal-
lant I'arish C'hurch, September 29, i(>49.
(II) Thomas ( 2 ) , son of Thomas ( i ) Skin-
ner, was born in Subdeanery and Parish, Chi-
chester, England, July 23, 1(143. He married
Mary, daughter of Richard and Mary Pratt,
of Maiden, Essex county, England. Richard
Pratt was baptized there, June 29, 1615, died
ifM)!. Deacon Thcimas Skinner removed, with
his wife, sons Richard. Penjamin, Ebenezer,
Nathaniel, and daughter .\bigail, to Ctilchester,
Connecticut, where he was one of the original
proprietors. His name and that of his son
Ebenezer frequently occur in the early records.
He held various town officers and served on
important committees. He and his son Ben-
jamin were granted lots, January 21, 1702,
and, in May, 1702, he drew his house lot. The
diary of his son Thomas has lieen iireserved
and gives many interesting details of family
history. All his children were born in Maiden.
His wife died March 26, 1704. Children:
Mar_\-, Ixjru November 3, i66(i; Thomas, No-
vember 3, i()f)8, removed to Norton, Massa-
chusetts; -\biah, June if), 1671; John, April
3, t('>73, mentioned below ; Richard, June 2,
1673; Joseph, January 13, i()78; Hannah, died
October 20, 1728; Penjamin, born January 30,
1681 ; Ebenezer, .\pril 2^. 1684; Nathaniel,
January 27, 1686; Abigail, February 17, 1691.
(III) John, son of Tliomas (2) Skinner,
was born April 3. 1673, in Maiden, Massachu-
setts. He and his brother Thomas settled in
Norton, Massachusetts, though for many years
he was a member of the church at Wrentham,
Massachusetts, in which his children were bap-
tized, 1701-17. He may have lived in Wrent-
ham, though probably not, for the births of
the children are recorded at Norton. The
births of his brother Thomas's children were
recorded at Wrentham, The Norton history
tells us that John's home was in the west part
of the North Purchase of Taunton (Norton),
and he was a member of the church at its
organization. He died at Wrentham, April 8,
1734, according to the town records. He mar-
ried Sarah . Children, Ijorn at Norton
and baptized at Wrentham: i. Sarah, born
January 31, 1697, bai)tized Sejitember 11, 1 701.
2. lolin. born December 17, 1700, baptized
September 11, 1701. 3. Ezra, mentioned below.
4. Ebenezer, "born January iq, 1707, bajjtized
Marcli 16, 1707; married Joanna Bacon. 5.
Hepsibab, born June 27, 171 1, baptized August
26, 171 1. 6. Abigail, born August 26, 1713,
baptized October 18, 1713; married Seth Ricb-
ardson. 7. Jemima, born January 2. 1717,
baptized April 7, 17 17.
(IV) Ezra, son of Jobn Skinner, was born
at Norton, April 26, 1703, baptized at Wrent-
ham, April 26, 1703. He married Elizabetb
Swan, or Swaine. January 8, 1724, at JMedford.
Children, born at Norton : Timothy, mention-
ed below: Elijah and Elisha. twins. February
27, 1725-26; Ezra, February 14, 1730. Per-
haps others.
(V) Timothy, son of Ezra Skinner, was
born at Norton, September 10, 1724: married
there, November 6, 1748, Hannah Tiffany. He
settled in Mansfield, Massachusetts, originally
a parish of Norton. Children, born at Norton :
Elizabeth, October 3, 1749: John, November
12, 1751 ; Elisha, July 20, 1754; Hannah, Octo-
ber 10, 1756. Born at Mansfield: Timothy,
mentioned below.
(VI) Timothy (2). son of Timothy (i)
Skinner, was born at Mansfield, February 10,
1761. He was a soldier in the revolution from
Mansfield, enlisting September 2, 1777, in Cap-
tain Silas Cobb's company. Colonel Dan forth
Keyes's regiment : also a private for six months,
June 28, 1778, to January i, 1779, in Colonel
John Daggetts' regiment, and in Captain Jo-
seph Cole's company. Colonel John Jacobs's,
regiment: also, in 1779. in Captain Enoch
Robinson's company. Colonel Samuel Fisher's
regiment (vol. xiv, Mass. Rev. Rolls, p. 282).
He married, at Westmoreland, New Hamp-
shire, September, 1790. Ruth Warner, born at
Westmoreland, November 6, 1770, died at
Keene, New Hampshire, where two of her
sons lived. July 2, 1849. aged seventy-eight
years. Children : Alanson, settled in Chester-
field, New Hampshire, about 1815. Barton,
born December 19, 1801, resided at Chester-
field, 1853-56. and died at Keene, February 11,
1865 ; Warren : Cynthia : Avery, mentioned
below: Hiram: .\dol]3hus ; John: Albert.
(VII) Hon. Avery Skinner, son of Timo-
thy (2) Skinner, was born in Westmoreland,
New Hampshire, June 9. 1796. He worked
on his father's farm in his native town during
his boyhood, attended the public schools there.
and taught school in winter in order to com-
plete his education in the Chesterfield Acad-
emy. In 1816 he started for the Black River
country on horseback, and ten tla)s later reach-
ed Watertown, JefTfer.son county. New York,
where he remained si.x years and followed
various occupations. In 1823 he came to what
is now Union Square, Oswego county, the
name of which he gave. He cleared a farm,
conducted a tavern, and was appointed post-
master by President John Quincy Adams, and
held the office more than fifty years. He was
one of the founders of the Alexico Academy,
and trustee and secretary for many years. In
1831 he was elected to the assembly of New
York, and reelected in 1832. In 1826 he was
elected county treasurer, and held that office
by reelection from term to term for a period
of twelve years. In 1828 he was appointed
county judge and held the office until 1839,
when he declined reelection. He represented
the county in the state senate, 1838-42. He
was nominated for congress in 1846, and was
defeated by Hon. William Duer by a few votes.
In politics he was a strong and influential
Democrat. He filled the many offices which
he held, with exceptional ability and efficiency,
being fitted not only by natural qualifications
and ability but by good training and sterling
character, and for many years was one of the
most prominent and useful citizens of the
county. He married, June 9, 1822. Elizabeth
Lathrop, daughter of Solomon and Ann
(Jones) Huntington. Her father came from
Norwich, Connecticut, to Mexico, New York,
in 1804: was a near relative of Samuel Hunt-
ington, signer of the Declaration of Independ-
ence and president of the Continental Con-
gress (see Huntington). Avery Skinner mar-
ried (second), in 1834, Charlotte Stebbins, of
Watertown, New York. Children: i. Lucretia,
born September 13, 1824, died Seiitembcr 27,
1824. 2. Timothy Warner, mentioned below.
3. Solomon Avery. Irorn July 23, 1829, died
September 6, 1830. 4. Eliza Huntington, born
July 13. 1833: married Charles Richardson.
Children of second wife: 5. Rev. James A.,
born November 15, 1835: Protestant Epis-
copal clergyman of New York City. 6. Char-
lotte G., born January 22. 1837. 7. Infant,
died December 14, 1841, unnamed. 8. Albert
T.. born November 12. 1841. 9. Charles R.,
August 4, 1844: former assemblyman and con-
gressman, now an officer of the custom house,
New York Cit\'. lo. Mary Grace, born Sep-
tember 12, i84r); married Hon. Manrice I,.
AVright ( see Wright ) .
(\"III) Timothy Warner, son of Hon.
Avery Skinner, was born at Union Stiuare,
town of Mexico, Oswego county. New York,
April 24, 1827. [le attended the public schools
of his native town, and worked on his father's
farm there until he was twenty-five years old.
[■"or several years he taught the district school
in winter, and had charge of the farm in sum-
mer. In 1852 he was elected a justice of the
])eace of the town and served two terms. He
moved to the village of Mexico in 1853, and
has resided there since that year. In 1857 Mr.
Skinner was admitted to the bar, and, in nji 1.
after practicing tifty-five )-ears, he is the oldest
practicing attorney in Oswego county. In Ncj-
vember, 1857, he entered into partnership with
Judge Cyrus Whitnew in the law and banking
firm of Whitney iK: .Skinner. The firm con-
tinued until 1870, when the senior partner re-
moved to Oswego. .Maurice L. \\'riglit, brother-
in-law of Mr. Skinner, then became his part-
ner, and the firm name became Wright iK:
Skinner. Since 1880, when the firm was dis-
solved, Mr. Skinner has practiced alone. In
public life Mr. Skinner has had a long and
distinguished career. He was elected surrogate
of Oswego county in 1863. reelected in 1870,
and again in 1876. serving in this office longer
than any other incumbent. He has taken an
active part in village affairs, and was jjresi-
dent of the incorporated village of Mexico for
many years. For many years he was one of
the trustees of the old Alexico Academy. In
politics he was formerly a Democrat, after-
ward a Republican. He is also prominent in
the Masonic fraternity, a member of the lodge,
and past high jiriest of Mexico Chapter, No.
135, Royal Arch Masons, and now the oldest
Free Mason in the town. In religion he is a
Methodist. He married, January 17, 1856.
Sarah Elizabeth Calkins, died in 1861. daugh-
ter of Minor H. Calkins. He married ( sec-
ond), August 18, 1862. Sarah L. Rose, born
January 4, 1833, died May 23, 19 10, daughter
of Joseph Rose. Child of first wife: i. Lizzie
B., born June 18, 1857; married J. B. Stone,
of .Auburn. New Y'ork ; children : .\very J.,
.\lliene. Grace and Charlotte Stone. Children
of second wife: 2. Grace, died December 24,
1894. 3. .Avery Warner, born August 18,
1870: graduate of Syracuse University; princi-
pal of Oneida high school, later principal of
Andes Academy and of the Mexico high school,
and now state inspector of schools of New
York : married Nancy Brown Bates, of Titus-
ville. Pennsylvania ; children : Margaret and
(The Huntin.citon Line).
( I ) Simon Huntington, immigrant ancestor,
was born in England, and sailed for New Eng-
land, in 1^133, with his wife and children, but
was taken ill and died on the voyage, of small-
pox. His widow, Margaret (Barrett) Hunt-
ington, settled with her children first in Rox-
bury, Massachusetts, where she married ( sec-
ond). 1633-36, Thomas Stoughton, of Dor-
chester. They removed to Windsor, Connecti-
cut, and settled there. Margaret was probably
born in Norwich, England. Practically noth-
ing is known of Simon Huntington — even his
name was a mystery to the early genealogists
of the family. Children: William, settled in
.Salisbury, in 1640: Thomas, settled in Con-
necticut: Christopher, settled in Norwich, one
of the founders: Simon, mentioned below;
.Ann, mentioned in a letter written by Peter
Barrett to his sister. Margaret ( Barrett) Hunt-
(11) Simon (2), son of Simon (i) Hunt-
ington, was born in England, about 1630, and
came to .\merica on the ill-fated voyage with
his mother, in 1633. He settled in Norwich
and was a member of Mr. Fitch's church there,
and a deacon of the church until 1696, when
his sons succeeded him. He was a member of
the general assembly in 1674. had a grant of
land in 1686, was townsman in 1690 and 1694.
In i^ii;4 he was on a committee to search out
anil rejjort the deficiencies in the public records.
He served on the committee to seat the meet-
ing-house, i6<;)7-i7oo, and was on a committee
to give deeds and fix titles of lands in dispute
or with defective title. He married. October,
1653. Sarah, daughter of Joseph Clark, of
Windsor, Connecticut. She died 1721, aged
eightv-eight. He died at Norwich, June 28,
1706, aged seventy-seven. Children: Sarah,
born at Saybrook. August, 1657, married Dr.
.Solomon Tracy : Mary, born at Saybrook, .Au-
gust, 1657, married Forbes, of Preston ;
.Simo!i Saybrook, February, 1659, succeeded
his father as deacon: Joseph, mentioned below.
Born at Norwich: Elizabeth, February, 1664,
died young; Samuel, March i. 1665; Eliza-
beth, October 6, 1666, married Joseph Backus;
Nathaniel. July 10, 1672, died young; Daniel,
March 13, 1673-76.
(Ill) Deacon Joseph Huntington, son of
Simon Huntington, was born at Norwich, Sep-
tember, 1661, and (bed at Windham, Decem-
ber 20. 17 17. In 1687 he went to Windham,
Connecticut, and built his house, materials
from which were used in the construction of
the house now on his old farm. He was elect-
ed deacon in Windham church in 1729. He
owned land in \Villiamantic and in W^indham.
He married, November 28, 1787, Rebecca,
daughter of Deacon Thomas Adgate. Chil-
dren : Deacon Joseph, born at Norwich, Au-
gust 29, 1688, married July 6, 1719, Elizabeth
Ripley; Nathaniel, born at Norwich, Septem-
ber I, 1691. Born at Windham : Jonathan, Oc-
tober 7, 1695, married, Noveiuber 7, 1734,
Elizabeth Rockwell, (second), August 7, 1754,
Sarah Norton; David, December 6, 1697, mar-
ried, June 30, 1725, Mary Mason, born Au-
gust 31, 1707; Solomon, mentioned below ; Re-
becca, September 18, 1712 (doubtless 1702),
married January 24, 1734, John Crane; Sarah,
born May 25, 1706, married March 28, 1728,
Ebenezer Wright ; Mary, August 4, 1707, mar-
ried Theophilus Fitch, of Canterbury.
( 1\' ) Solomon, son of Deacon Josejih Hunt-
ington, was born in Windham, February 6,
1700, and died April 30, 1752. He married,
October 31, 1727, Mary, daughter of Thomas
and Margaret (Griswold) Buckingham, grand-
daughter of Rev. Thomas and Esther (Hos-
mer) Buckingham, born June 5, 1705, died
September 7, 1778. Children: Solomon, born
November 24, 1728, died January 2, 1729;
Margaret, born April 8, 1730; Jeremiah, Feb-
ruary 24, i72,2-2,i, a soldier in the revolution;
Rebecca, June 7, 1735 ; Solomon, mentioned
below; Temperance, October 6, 1739; Mary,
October 8, 1741 ; Lydia, Novemijer 2, 1744.
(V) Solomon (2), son of Solomon (i)
Huntington, was born October 19, 1737, and
died Marcli 3, 1809. He married, March 28,
1762, Anna Denison, born 1742, died Septem-
ber 6, 1807. She joined the church, 1770. He
was prominent in town atTairs. Children, born
at Windham : Minor, April 22, 1763, removed
to Nova Scotia, 1784; Alathea, November 29,
1764; Elizabeth, January 15, 1767; Anna and
Solomon (twins), April 7, 1770; Joseph Deni-
son, October 28, 1778; Mary, February 25,
(\T) Solomon (3), son of Solomon (2)
Huntington, was born April 7, 1770, and mar-
ried, October 25, 1801, Anna Jones, of New
Haven. He removed to Mexico, New York.
Children, first born in Connecticut, the rest in
Mexico: Elizabeth Lathrop, September 13,
1802, married Avery Skinner (see Skinner) ;
William Jones, February 9, 1804; Herbert
Nelson, April 9, 1807; Benjamin Lathrop, Feb-
ruary 16, 1810; Samuel I'eck, May 25, 1811 ;
John Lathrop, March 24, 181 7.
(HI) Lieutenant Sam-
HCNTIN(;T0N uel Huntington, son of
Simon Huntington (q.
V.I, was burn in Norwich, March I, 1665,
ilied at Lebanon, May 10, 1717. In 1700
he removed to Lebanon, Connecticut, after
selling his house and lot for a parsonage,
r.efore his removal he had been in public life
and held various offices. In 1692 he was elect-
ed constable and he had been one of the towns-
men. Ten years after settling in Lebanon, he
was appointed by the citizens of Norwich on a
committee to locate the new meeting-house,
about which a serious dispute had arisen. He
owned much land both in Norwich and Leb-
anon. His name was on the list of members
of the Lebanon church in 1707, and his wife's
name in 1701. He married, in Norwich, Octo-
ber 29, 1686, Mary, daughter of William Clark,
of Wethersfield ; she died October 5, 1743.
Children, born in Norwich : Elizabeth, April
24, 1688-89; Samuel, August 28, 1691 ; Caleb,
mentioned below; Mary, October i, 1696; Re-
becca, February, 1698-99. Born in Lebanon :
Sarah, October 22, 1701 ; John, May 17, 1706;
Simon, /\ugust 15, 1708.
( I\ ) Caleb, son of Lieutenant Samuel Hunt-
ington, was born at Norwich, Connecticut.
February 8, 1693-94; married there, January
28, 1720, Lydia Griswold, born May 28, 1696.
Children, bom at Lebanon, Connecticut : Caleb,
December 9. 1721 ; Lydia, June 3, 1722 ; Elisha
and Elijah, twins, April 25, 1724; Abner,
March 6, 1726; James, .April 25, 1728; Sus-
anna. June 2T„ 1730; Ezekiel, August 2, 1732,
mentioned below.
(V) Ezekiel. son of Caleb Huntington, was
born at Lebanon, Connecticut, August 2, 1732.
He lived at Lebanon, and perhaps for a time
at Sharon, Connecticut, locating after the revo-
lution at Stephentown, Albany county. New
York, where he was living in 1790, according
to the first federal census, with two males over
sixteen, two males under sixteen, and three
females in his family. He married twice.
Children, born at Lebanon : Joseph, May 25.
1758, was of Rensselaerwyck, New York, in
i/yo; r.etsey, Septeml)cr 3, 17(10, livcil at
Cornwallis, Nova Scotia ; Estlier, July 5, 1763 ;
Ezekiel, Novt-niber, 1764, settled at Stephen-
town, and was head of family there in 1790;
Daniel. September 6, 1766; Caleli, mentioned
(\'I) Caleb (2), .son of Ezekiel Hunting-
ton, was born at Sharon, Connecticut, October
4, 1770. He was a millwright by trade, and
settled when a young man in (Jtsego county.
He came to the town of Me.xico, New ^'ork,
January 15, 1824, and was contractor and
builder of many of the mills erected in Cen-
tral New York. He and his son Edwin own-
ed and operated the Huntington Mills, at Mex-
ico. He married (first), in 1795, Sarah Joyce,
who died September 13, 1823: married (sec-
ond) Demaris Wight, ("aleb died in Mexico.
October i, 1839. Children: Allen, born June
12, 1797: Eli, December 22, 1799; Harry, De-
cember 25, 1801 ; Edwin, of whom further;
Willis l'.,\May 9, 1808; Lester 11. ; Sarah M.,
\o\ember id, 1812: Olive .\.. December 12,
(\ n ) Edwin Huntington, son oi Caleb (2)
Huntington, was born in Burlington, Otsego
county, New York, June I, 1805, and died at
Mexico, C)swego count}', New York, May 20,
1870. He attended the common and high
schools of the town of Mexico, and for sev-
eral years was a school teacher. He learned
the trade of millwright of his father, with
whom he was afterward in partnership, own-
ing and ciperating the Huntington Mills, at
^Mexico. L'pon the death of his father he suc-
ceeded to the ownershi]) of the mills and con-
ducted them until some ten years before he
died. In connection with the mills he had a
general store in Mexico, and for many years
was postmaster there. In early life he was an
old-line Whig in politics, afterwards a Re-
publican. He was a prominent member of the
Methodist Episco]>al church, and a member of
the order of Sons of Temperance. He died May
20, 1870. Fie married, January 20, 1831, Mary
Charity Gregory, who died July 6, 1834. He
married (second), in 1835, Lucy Ann Gregory,
a sister of his first wife, wdio died January i,
1851. He married (third), June 3, 1853, Mar)-
E. (Borden) Hewett, who died in 1881. Chil-
dren of first wife: Marion, born March 20,
1832, died in infancy; Mary H., born May 10,
1834. Children of second wife; Lester B. ;
Edwin L., mentioned below; Sarah H. ; Lewis
J., born 1846, enlisted during the civil war in
Battery L, Ninth Regiment Artillery, New
York, died in Washington, D. C, July 9, 1864,
of fever contracted in the Wilderness cam-
(\'I11) Ca])tain Edwin L. Huntington, son
iif Edwin Huntington, was born in Mexico,
New ^'ork, July 8, 1839, and was educated in
the public schools there and in the Mexico
Academy. Vrnm 1856 to 1858 he was in Wis-
consin and Michigan. In 1861, when Presi-
dent Lincoln called for volunteers, after the
attack of Fort Sumter, he was one of the first
to enlist, and from first to last during the civil
war was active in service. He went to the
front in the first regiment that left the county,
being mustered in as a private and winning
promotion from grade to grade until he was
captain of his company. He enlisted in Com-
pany B, Twenty-fourth New York Volunteer
Infantry, First Brigade (the famous Iron Bri-
gade), I-'irst Division, First Army Corps. Mr.
1 luntington took part in the following engage-
ments during the years 1861-63; Bailey's Cross
Roads, July 25, 1861 ; h'alls Church,' October
8, 18^)1; Falmouth. April 17, 1862; Massa-
ponax, August 6, 1862; Rappahamiock River,
.\ngust 22, 1862 ; (iainesville, .\ugust 28, 1862 ;
Sulphur Springs, August 29, i8(>2; Groveton,
August 29, 18(12; I'uU Run, August 30, 1862;
Little River Turnpike, September i, 1862;
South Mountain, September 14, 1862; Antie-
tam, .Sej)tember 17, 1862; Fredericksburg, De-
cember 14-13, 1862; Pollock's Mill Creek,
.\pril 29, i8()3; Chancellorsville, May 2-3, 1863.
At Chancellorsville Mr. Huntington was the
only private in Company B to escape injury,
all the others being wounded or killed. He
was slightly wounded at Fredericksburg. He
was honorably discharged and mustered out
May 29, 1863. He reelisted in 1863, and was
commissioned second lieutenant in Captain
Frank Sinclair's Battery L, Ninth New York
.Artillery, and was commissioned captain July
6, 1863. His regiment was in the Second Bri-
gade, Third Division, Sixth Army Corps, and
took ])art in the following engagements in
18(14-65; Cold Harbor, May 31 to June 12,
1864; Petersburg, June 15-19, 1864; Weldon
Railroad, June 21-23, 1864; Washington, July
12-13, 1864; Charlestown, August 21, 1864;
Summit Point, August 29, 1864; Winchester,
September 19, 1864; near Cedar Creek, Octo-
ber 26, 1864; assault on Petersburg Works,
March 25, 1864; fall of Petersburg, April 2,
1865 ; Sailors' Creek, April 6, 1865, and Appo-
matox Court House, April 9, 1865. He was
slightly wounded at Cedar Creek. He was
honorably discharged and mustered out Sep-
tember 6, 1865.
Upon his return from the front Captain
Huntington engaged in business as a druggist,
in the town of Mexico, and enjoyed a large
and flourishing business for a number of years.
Since the war he has been prominent in the
state militia and in the public service. In June,
1878, he organized a company which was at-
tached to the Forty-eighth Regiment, New-
York National Guard, commonly known as
the Huntington Guards, and for a period of
twelve years was captain. It was composed
largely of veterans and won the reputation of
being one of the finest companies in the regi-
ment. It was called into service several times,
the most important being at the time of the
railroad riots at Hornellsville and otlier parts
of New York state. In 1880 Captain Hunting-
ton was unanimously nominated for the office
of sherifif of Oswego county, on the first ballot
in the Re]niblican county convention, being the
first nominee in the county to receive the nomi-
nation for this office without a contest. He
was elected bv an unusually large plurality.
In 1894 he was elected supervisor of the town
of Mexico and reelected from year to year
until he had served fourteen years, and he be-
came one of the most prominent members in
the board of supervisors of the county. He
has always been a Republican. His first vote
was cast for Lincoln. He was commander of
Melzar I^ichards Post, No. 367, Grand Army
of the Republic, for twenty-one years, and the
camp of Sons of Veterans in Mexico was
named for him. He has always taken a keen
interest in village improvement, and largely
through his energy and support the electric
lighting system was secured. In the move-
ment to raise funds for the soldiers' monu-
ment he was an earnest worker. The monu-
ment was erected in the Mexico cemetery.
He is a member of Mexico Lodge, No. 136,
Free Masons, and has been honored with all
the offices in succession ; member of Mexico
Oiapter, No. 135, Royal Arch Masons: of
Lake Ontario Commandery, Knights Templar.
In religion he is a Methodist.
He married (first), September i, 1868, Flor-
ence A. Allen, born in Mexico, died April 20,
1888, daughter of Alonzo .'\llen. He married
(second), in 1891, Mary A. Tourdot, born in
Mexico, 1862, daughter of Joseph and Mary
Tourdot. Children: i. Edith L., born July 30,
1871 : married, March 5, i8gi, Clinton E.
Avery : child, l<'lorence Avery. 2. Lulu Adelle,
born March 22. 1875 : married, June 18, 1902,
Dr. L. D. Pulsifer, of Mexico: children, Allen
Huntington and Helen D. Pulsifer.
John Everts, or Evarts, immi-
E\'ERTS grant ancestor, was born in
England, and settled early in
Concord, Massachusetts, of which he was made
a freeman by the general court in March, 1637-
38. He resided there several years, and at
least two of his children were born there. He
removed to Guilford, Connecticut, and took the
freeman's oath in Connecticut, February 5.
1631-52. In 1655 he was defendant in two
civil suits, being then a resident of (juilford.
He purchased John Mepham's allotment at
Guilford, for twenty-one pounds, July 29,
165 1. In 1667 he was appointed tithingman.
He is said to have lived also at New Haven
for a time. He died at Guilford, May 9, 1669.
He married (first) Elizabeth .and (sec-
ond). May zy, 1663, Elizabeth, widow of John
Pannelce, who died in November. 1688. Chil-
dren of first wife: John, born February 29,
1639-40, mentioned below: Judah, October 27,
1642, at Concord; Daniel, 1643: James, 1648:
Elizabeth, married Peter Abbott, and was mur-
dered by her husband at Fairfield, for which
offence he was tried, convicted and executed,
October 16, 1667.
(II) John Everts, son of John Everts, or
Evarts, was Ijorn at Concord, February 29,
1639-40, died at Guilford, December 28, 1692.
He married (first), September 14, 1663, Mary,
daughter of Thoma's French. She died in 1668,
and he married (second) Mary, daughter of
Alexander Bow, of Middletown, Connecticut.
She died April 25, 1700. Children of first
wife, born at Guilford: Mary, born August 12,
1666: John, September 16. 1668. Children of
second wife, born at Guilford: Hannah, No-
vember 12, 1670: Sarah, June 4, 1673; Eliza-
beth, 1674: Nathaniel, mentioned below; Me-
hitable, February 23, 1678-79: Ebenezer, Sep-
tember 15, 1681 : Silence, January 26, 1683-84:
Patience, May 14, 1689.
(III) Nathaniel, son of John Everts, was
born at Guilford, July 24, 1673, died in May,
1739. He lived at East Guilford, where he
was assessed, in 1716, for sixty-six pounds
seven shillings six pence. He married. May 7,
1707, Margaret, daughter of Dr. Thomas Hast-
XF.W ^■()KK.
ings, of Hatfield, Massachusetts. Children,
born at (inilford: John, September 21, 1708,
lived at Salisbury and New Haven, X'ermont;
Margaret, August 22, 1710; Rllijah, mentioned
below; Nathaniel, May 9, 1719: Sylvanus,
March 31, 1721.
( I\' ) Elijah, son of Nathaniel Everts, was
born at (juilford, April 4, 1712. He probably
married Ciillette.
(V) Samuel (iillett Everts, son or nephew
of Elijah Everts, was born at (juilford, Janu-
ary 29, 174A. Many of his near relatives set-
tled in \'ermont and New York. In 1790
Euther, Ambrose, Timothy, Solomon, Jesse,
Jesse Jr., James, Gilbert H., Edward, Eber.
Charles and Abner were heads of families in
New Haven. Salisbury, Middlebury, Sunder-
land and other towns in \'ermont. Many of
the \'ermont families afterward moved to New
York and westward. .\mos, Jonathan ami
Solomon were heads of families in Massachu-
setts, in 1790, according to the first federal
census. Luther Everts, of Lanesborough, and
Judah Everts, of Stockbridge, were soldiers
from Massachusetts in the revolution. Eben-
ezer Everts, a brother of Samuel Everts, set-
tled in the town of Me.xico, Oswego county,
New York, in 1804, clearing a farm in the
southwest ])art oi the town, and had sons Fred-
erick and I'hilo Everts. Saiuuel Everts came
to Mexico about 1804 and settled on the farm
which his descendants still own and occupy.
Samuel married, September 10, 1771, .Sarah
Fuller. Their sons Elijah, Walter, Samuel
and Luther Everts took up farms in Me.xico.
Children of Samuel (jillette and Sarah FN-erts :
Elijah, Samuel (mentioned below), \VaIter,
Luther, Electa, Sarah, Asenatli, ( )live and
(\'l ) Samuel, son of Samuel Cillett FIverts,
was born in Connecticut, September 20, 1780,
and came with his father and uncle's family to
Mexico. He drew land and cleared a farm in
Mexico and besides following farming was a
land surveyor. He gave the land for a church
in his neighborhood, now called North Mexico
church. He married Lucinda Roberts. He
died at the age of seventy years; his wife at
the age of eighty. Children: Myron, mention-
ed below ; Alma, Matilda, Milton, Sarah and
Avery, the last dying in young manhood, the
others living to an advanced age.
(\'n) Myron, son of .Samuel Everts, was
born in ^lexico, in 1816, died there, in 1908, at
the age of ninety-two. He attended the com-
mon schools of his native town, and worked
during boyhood on his father's farm. On ac-
count of his father's illness, he had to take
charge of the farm at an early age, and he fol-
lowed farming throughout his life. Fie was
a competent and successful business man. In
jjolitics he was a Republican. He married, Oc-
tober 20. 1840, Lucretia Matthews, born x\pril
3, 1820, (lied in 1892, daughter of Edmund
Matthews. Fler father was born in Massachu-
setts, January 3. 1775. died September 2. 1848,
one of the first settlers of Mexico, t)swego
county. New York; married (first), iMcy
liruce. born .March 11, 1780, died October 12,
1803. Edmund Matthews married (second),
December 24. 1806. Lucy McLellan, born Jan-
uary 10, 1779, died February 2, 1862. Child
of Edmund and Lucy (Bruce) Matthews:
Charles I!. Matthews, born March 27, 1803.
Children of Edmund and Lucy (McLellan)
.Matthews: Henry Matthews, born January
25. 1808, died June 24, 1874; Lucy Mat-
thews, born December 11, 1810. died (Jctober
8, 1861 ; Pa.schal P., born August 5, 1812, died
in Chicago, Illinois, in 1906, one of the great
financiers of the country, who achieved his
wealth by his own efforts, who married. May
I, 1840, Louisa Vinton, born November 11,
1809, anil had one child, Lucy .Mice Matthews.,
born December 2, 1842, died .-\ugust 4, 1882;
Emery Matthews, born September 12, 1813,.
died in i860; Lucretia Matthews, married
Myron Everts, as stated above. Children of
Myron and Lucretia Everts: Edmund M., men-
tioned below ; Charles IL, mentioned below.
( VHI) Edmund M., son of Myron Everts,,
was born June 11, 1850, in Mexico, on tl'.e old
Matthews homestead. Fie attended the iwblic
schools of his native town and th.e Mexico
Academy. For nearly fifty years he lived on
the farm vvdiere he was born and followed
farming from his early youth. In 1901 he re-
tired from active labor and since the:i he has
resided in the village of Mexico. In ])oIitics
he is a Republican ; in religion a Presbyterian.
He married, September 25, 1879, Margaret
Cadby, born November 6, 1853, in Jefferson
county. New York, daughter of George and
Marg,?ret (Dean) Cadby. Fler father was
born in England and settled in Jefferson county.
New York, when a young man. Children of
Mr. and Mrs. Everts: i. Paschal P., born July
I, 1880, educated in the public scl.oi L and a
graduate of Mexico Academy and Columbia
College, a pharmacist in New York City : mar-
ried, June 28, 1905, Mrs. Ella (Sherman)
Mabey. 2. Ethel Lucretia, February 9, 1888,
a graduate from the Mexico high school and
academy, also a graduate of the State Normal
School, at Oswego, now a kindergarten teacher.
(\'III) Charles H., second son of Myron
Everts, was born in Mexico, April 20, 1854,
and was brought up on the old Matthews home-
stead on which he was born. He attended the
public schools, Mexico Academy and the State
Normal School, at Oswego. After completing
his education he engaged in farming and
other occupations. He is a member of the
Mexico Lodge, No. 136, Free and Accepted
Masons; of Mexico Chapter, No. 135, Royal
Arch Masons ; of Ontario Lake Command-
ery. Knights Templar, of Oswego; of Media
Temple, Mystic Shrine, of W'atertown ; of the
Citizens Club, of Syracuse. In politics he is a
Republican. He married, December 29, 1883,
Emma E. Aird, born in Richland, Oswego
county. New York, March 15, 1854, daughter
of Robert and F'hilinda (Tyler) Aird. Her
father was born in New Y'ork state, son of
Matthew Aird, who was born in Scotland, and
came to New York soon after 1800. Matthew
Aird married Sarah Howard (see Howard V).
Robert Aird was a soldier in the civil war,
serving three years in the One Hundred and
Tenth New York Regiment, \'olunteer Infan-
try, and is a member of the Grand Army, the
Free Masons, of the Methodist Episcopal
church, and a Republican in politics ; married
Philinda Tyler, born in Pulaski, Oswego coun-
ty. New Y'ork, daughter of William and Ruha-
mah ( Morton ) Tyler, of New Haven, (L)swego
county, previously of Connecticut. William
Tyler was a farmer at New Haven, and a
soldier in the war of 1812. Child of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles H. Everts: Myron Aird, born
1887, died aged two months.
(The Howard Line).
(I) Henry Howard, immigrant ancestor,
was doubtless born in England, and he settled
early at Wethersfield, Connecticut. He also
lived at Hartford. He was a malster by trade.
He was born probably in 1623. His will was
proved .\pril 4, 1709. His inventory amounted
to five hundred and thirty-one pounds fourteen
shillings six pence. He married, at Hartford.
September 28, 1648, Sarah Stone. Children :
Mary, born 1651 : Sarah, 1633 : Elizabeth, i()56 ;
John and Lydia (twins) ; Mary; Samuel, men-
tioned below.
(11) Samuel, son of Henry Howard, was
born in Hartford or Wethersfield, about 1660,
died in 1716. His inventory dated May 30,
17 16, amounted to two thousand two hundred
and five pounds seventeen shillings and seven
pence. His will was tlated F'ebruary 23, 1716,
proved August 17 following. He was a pros-«
perous shop keeper or merchant at Hartford.
He married Susanna . Children, men-
tioned in the will, the daughters being minors :
.Samuel, mentioned below ; Susanna, Abigail
and Ruth.
( III ) .Samuel (2 ), son of Samuel ( i ) How-
ard, was born in Hartford, about 1690. He
and his mother were executors of his father's
will in 1716, and he inherited house, land and
business at Hartford. He was in business in
Hartford. He died there in 1749. His inven-
tory shows an estate valued at four thousand
four hundred pounds, January 12. 1749-50.
His widow Alice sold real estate in 1751 and
the estate was distributed in that year. She
was appointed administratrix, March 22, 1749-
50. He had only one son, Samuel, and several
daughters, whose names are not known.
( I\'') Samuel (3), son of Samuel (2) How-
ard, was born about 1720. He received a
double share from his father's estate in 175 1.
Sons : Samuel, mentioned below ; James ; Ben-
jamin ; Daniel.
(\ ) Samuel (4), son of Samuel (3) How-
ard, was born at Hartford, and removed to
Benson, Rutland county, \'ermont, according
to the history of that town, with several
brothers. In 1790 Samuel Howard, of Ben-
son, had one son under sixteen and three
females in his family, accortling to the first
federal census; his* brother James had two
sons under sixteen and tvv'o females, and his
brother Benjamin two males over sixteen,
three under that age and two females. His
brother James was deacon of the Benson Con-
gregational Church in 1797, and died in 1831,
aged sixty-eight. All of the brothers lived on
Howard Hill. Sanuiel, James, Daniel and prob-
ably Benjamin. Samuel Howard was a soldier
in the revolution in Captain James Davis's
company in 1781, in Connecticut, and went to
Vermont about 1785. He was selectman of
Benson from 1791 to 1795; in 1800, from 1806
to 1 81 6; and represented the town in the state
legislature in 1815 and 1823. He died there
in .'\pril, 183 1, aged seventy years. His son.
Major Edward S. Howard, was an active an-d
successful man in lienson, representative to
the legislature in 1S42. died June 7, 1863, aged
seventy-two years. Sarah lloward, daughter
of Samuel llovvard, married Matthew Aird and
settled in Xew York state; her son, Rohert
Aird, married I'hilinda Tyler and their daugh-
ter, Emma E. Aird, married, in 1883, Charles
H. Evarts (see Evarts VIII).
Christopher (Goodwin, the im-
GOODWIX migrant ancestor, was horn
in luigland and settled in
C'harlestown, Massachusetts, wdiere his wife
Mar}- was admitted to the church, August 9,
1656. He was a mason by trade. He ilied
there, according to his gravestone, January 22,
1682, aged sixty-five years. Children : En-
sign Nathaniel, deputy to general court from
Charlestown. removed to Reading, where his
son, John was a prominent citizen : Christo-
pher, mentioned below ; John, iiad son John,
not one mentioned below ; Mary, married, 1672,
\\'illiam ISrown; Elizabeth, born March 13.
1659: Timothy, bajitized June 8, 1662.
(II) Christopher (2), son of Christopher
(i) Goodwin, was born in 1647, according to
his deposition, 1682, giving his age as thirty-
five. He was like his father, a mason by trade.
He and his wife were admitted to the Charles-
town church,. March 18, 1676-77. He married
(first). May 11. 1672, Mercy Crouch, who died
July, 1678, aged twenty-five ; ( second ), Decem-
ber 10, 1678, Joanna Johnson. Children (jf
first wife: Mary, born December 15, 1672;
Hannah, baptized April 30. 1676; Mercy, bap-
tized June 6, 1680. Children of second wife:
Deborah, baptized June 6, 1680: Christo^jher,
baptized r)ctober 8. 1681 : John, mentioned
(III) John, son of Christopher (2) Good-
win, was born about 1683-85, in Charlestown.
He resided in Boston, Cambridge, Maiden and
Charlestown. He was a housewright by trade,
and left a large estate for his day. He mar-
ried (first) : (second) Lydia
Sprague, November 25, 1714: (third), Sep-
tember 3, 1751, Margaret Gibbs, who died in
1759, probably a Prentiss of Cambridge. He
was taxed in Charlestown 1727-48; was of
Cambridge in 1724. His son Edw^ard was ap-
pointed administrator February 19, 1753. He
owne'l land to the eastward with the Plymouth
Land Company. His widow Margaret was tax-
ed in 1756. Children : Edward ; John, men-
tioned below; Samuel, born March 16, 1716-17.
(I\') John (2), son of John (ij Goodwin,
was born about 1710. and was baptized, an
adult, November 2, 1736. at Charlestown. He
was also a housewright. He was a soldier in
the revolution, a private in Captain Sanford's
company, enlisting January 11, 1777, Colonel
Phili|} I'). ISradley's regiment, from Connecti-
cut ; also in Captain Jcinathan Rudd's com-
[lany. Colonel Chapman's regiment, August
2, to September 12, 1778; also in an inde-
pendent company from Lebanon, Connecticut,
in Twelfth Regiment, under Cajitain John.
\aughan. He married (first). April 8, 1736,
Ann Davison, who died June 14, 1752, aged
according to her gravestone, thirty-seven years.
He married (second) (intentions dated March
I. 1753), Anna Cox. of Boston. He was tax-
ed in Charlestown, \j2y-2[j. In 1770 he deed-
eil land on Bow street, formerly owned by his
father. His widow had a claim for loss on
account of the battle of Bunker Hill. Chil-
dren, born and baptized at Charlestown: John,
horn November j^. 1726, Baptismal dates:
Ann, .\pril 2;^. 1738: Samuel, December 30,
1739; Sarah, February 21, 1742; David, Octo-
ber 19, 1744; Jonathan, mentioned below;
Hannah, May 2-. 1730; William, October 12,
1735; Elizabeth, November 2~. 1737; Rebecca,
February 24, 1760; Mary, August 9, 1761 ;
Abigail, January i, 1 7^)3.
I \' ) Jonathan, son of John (2) Goodwin,
was born at Charlestown. in May, 1747, and
baptized there, July 26, 1747. He married, in
1768, .Anna Clark.' He and his brother Will-
iam located at Lebanon, Connecticut. In 171)0
the first federal census shows that Jonathan
had two males over sixteen, one under that
age. and two females ; William had a son under
sixteen and four females, wliile .Samuel, a son
of Jt)nathan or William, had one son under
si> teen and two females.
( \'I ) Rev. Jonathan (2) Goodwin, son of
Jonathan ( i ) (ioodwin, w'as born about 1770,
in Lebanon. Connecticut, or came there with
his ])arents. He became a minister of the
Bajjtist church. In June. 1810, a committee
was appointed by the church at Mansfield,
Connecticut, to arrange for the calling of Mr.
(Goodwin, and he preached there for eighteen
}'ears. After he was dismissed from Mans-
field he removed to Middletown, Connecticut,
to the \\'estfield Society. He preached for
forty years, anil was well known and highly
respected. In 1830 he founded the Baptist
church at Mexico, New York, and preached
there as its pastor for five years, after which
he returned to Connecticut. He married Alary
Cheever, who died in 1825. He married (sec-
ond), in 1826, Sarah Wilcox, who died in
1829; (third) Abigail Wilcox, in 1835. He
died at Mexico, aged eighty years. Children :
Mar)'; Alilo; Calvin, mentioned below; I'hilo;
Lucinda ; Jonathan, born at Alansfield, lulv i.
(Vn ) Calvin, son of Rev. Jonathan (2)
Goodwin, was born in Lebanon, Connecticut,
December, 1800. He was educated in the
public schools in Connecticut. In 1828 he came
to Mexico, New York, and settled on a farm,
which is now the site of the village of Mexico.
He continued to follow farming until 1855,
when he retired. He held various offices of
trust and responsibility. For many years he
was a trustee of the Baptist church. He died
in Mexico, in 1869. He married (fir.st), at
Mansfield, Coimecticut. December 16, 1824,
Emily Hinckley, born there, in 1802, died at
Mexico, 1845. He married (second) Rhoda
Druce, died in 1887. Chiklrcn of first wife:
Josiah Austin, born at Mansfield, September
15, 1825; Joseoh Clark; Henry; George H.,
mentioned below ; Lucia ; Louisa. The two
youngest died in infancy, and George H. was
the only survivor in 191 1, in which year he died.
(VIII) George H., son of Calvin Goodwin,
was born in Mexico, New York, December 15,
1833. He attended the public schools and the
Mexico Academy. He studied law in the
offices of Judge Cyrus Whitney, of Orville
Robinson and James Noxon, and was gradu-
ated from the Albany Law School, in the class
of 1856. He practiced his profession in Os-
wego county and in the state of California
for several years, but was afterwards diverted
in some degree from the law by ill health and
the cares devolving upon him in the settle-
ment of various estates, and in recent years
gave more time to business and literature than
to his profession. He formerly took a keen
interest in politics and held many offices of
trust and honor. He was chairman of the
Democratic county committee many years, and
was fre(|uently chosen delegate to state and
other nominating conventions of his party. In
1879 he was president of the incorporated
village of Mexico, and, in 1883, supervisor of
the town, being the only Democrat, with one
exception, that had been elected supervisor of
the town for fifty years or more. Mr. Good-
win traveled extensively both in this country
and al)n 1,-1(1. In 1882 he \'isited Ireland, Englancl,
France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium
and Holland. In 1889 he made a more ex-
tended tour in the east, ascending the Nile
river, visiting Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Greece,
and many islands in the Mediterranean Sea.
i le has traveled in almost every part of North
.America. W'hile he was abroad he wrote a
series of letters that were published in the
local newspapers and widely copied in the
newspapers of the state. In recent years he
silent the winters in California. His courtesy
and kindliness of manner, his social qualities
and broad culture explain in some degree his
popularity. Vew men in the county, if any,
were as well known and highly esteemed. He
married, June, 1883, Adelaide E. Alfred, died
April II, 1884, daughter of Charles L. Webb,
of Mexico. Their only child, Mabel A., died
.September 28, 1884.
John Richardson, immi-
RICHARDSOX grant ancestor. came from
England about 1636 and
settled in Watertown, where he had a grant
of land in the Beaver Brook Plowlands, within
the present city of Waltham. His name is not
found in Watertown after 1643, as he doubt-
less emigrated from there with many others.
There was a John Richardson in Exeter, New
Hampshire, in 1642. but he did not continue
there. It seems probable that he was inijili-
cated in the .Antimomian controversy in 1637,
which wt)uld account for his leaving Water-
town in 1637, and if he, being an ardent, im-
pulsive, indiscreet young man. was a favorer
of the Rev. Air. Wheelwright, it is quite likely
that he followed the latter to Exeter, and later
to W^ells. Alaine, where Air. Wheelwright had
])urchased about five hunilred acres of land, in
April, 1643. Here a church was formed with
Wheelwright as its pastor, and Richardson
doubtless was one of its members. John Rich-
ardson, of Exeter, had a wife there, Hannah
Tryer, or Truair. It is safe to conclude that
this John Richardson who came to Watertown
and was afterwards in Exeter and later \\'ells.
Alaine, was the father of John, who appears
in the latter place in 1673, and, in 1679, mar-
ried Rebecca Clark, of Medfield, Alassachu-
setts. There is no mention of the Aledfield
Richardsons until 1679.
(H) John (2), son of John (i) Richard-
son, was born about 1(150, in \\'ells, Alaine.
and married, Alay i. 1678-79, Rebecca, daugh-
ter of Joseph and Alice (Pepper) Clark, born
August 16, iUm. in Aledfielil. died I-Vbruary
17- 173S-39. in Slierborn, Massachusetts. She
married (second) John Hill, of the latter place.
John Richardson first appears in Medfield, in
1676, when he was credited with a month's
service in the Medfield garrison. In 1678 he
had a grant of land from the town on the west
side of the river. February 21, 1675, Medfield
was attacked by five hundred Indians and fifty
buildings antl two mills were destroyed and
twenty people killed. During this time John
Richardson was doubtless in Maine, but after
the death of King Philip, in August, 1676, the
war ceased in Massachusetts, but continued to
rage in Maine, and he then moved to Medfield.
His home there was very near the present village
of East Medway, which was up to 171 3 a part
of Medfield. He was a cordwainer by trade
and cultivated a small farm of less than fifty
acres. He was a member of the MedfieKl
church before 1697, as was also his wife. He
died there May 29, 1697, about fifty years of
age. No will is founfl on record, and he pos-
sessed but little property. The inventory of
his estate, February 22, 1699, included a home-
stead of twenty-six acres, with orchard and
buildings, valued at thirty pounds, eight acres
of meadow near Boggastovv Brook, and ten
acres of upland and swamp near Bear Hill.
Powers of administration were granted his
widow, July 18, 1700. Children: John, men-
tioned below ; Elizabeth, born September 24,
1681 ; Daniel, August 31, 1685; Joseph, 1687;
Mehitable, June 16, 1689; Benjamin, 1693;
Rebecca, February 28, 1696-97.
(HI) John (3), son of John (2) Richard-
son, was born in Medfield, now Medway. April
25. 1679. He was a cordwainer, but later be-
came a husbandman, and was also a carpenter.
He refused the real estate left him by his
father, which was accepted by his brother Dan-
iel. He owned considerable land, as shown
in various deeds. He and his wife sold to
Nathaniel Fairbank, of Wrentham, two parcels
of land in Wrentham. For two hundred
pounds he sold to his son Moses of Medway
forty acres of land in Medway. He died in
Medfield, now East Aledway, May 19, 1759,
and his son John was appointed, February 13,
1761, his administrator. He married, about
1699, Esther, daughter of John Brack, of Mod-
field, born there, 1679: died of cancer, x\ugust
17, 1774. Children: Sarah, born April 25,
1700: John, C)ctober 22, 1701 ; David, June
10, 1703, died March 2^, 1723-24; Jonathan,
February i, 1704-05 ; Esther, January 2, 1706-
07; Mary, September 9, 1709; Joseph, April
3, 171 1 ; Samuel, January 3, 1713-14; Solomon,
mentioned below; Moses, February 8, 1717;
Asa, October 16. 1720; David, December 6,
( I\ J Solomon, son of John (3) Richard-
son, was born April 21, 1716, and died Novem-
ber, 1771. He married, at Medway, Rebecca
Alann. Children, born at Medway: Amasa,
March 8, 1744; Sarah, October 24, 1746; Asa,
September 25, 1752; Oliver, mentioned below.
(V) Oliver, son of Solomon Richardson,
was born in Medway, August 12, 1754. He
appears to be the Oliver Richardson who set-
tled .1 Oneida county probably after 1790, and
removed later to Oswego county. New York.
Children: Oliver; Reuben; John M., mention-
ed below ; Alvin ; Edward. Alvin was an
assemblyman of New Y'ork state from Oswego
(VI) John M., son of Oliver Richardson,
was born about 1775. He settled in Mexico,
New York, and, in 1838, represented his dis-
trict in the state assembly. He cleared a farm
in the wilderness at what is now Mexico.
(\'I1) Alvin, son of John AI. Richardson,
was born about 1800, in Massachusetts, and
came with the family when a child to C)swego
county. He was apprenticed to a blacksmith,
and followed this trade many years. He be-
came one of the leading men of the town, for
many years was justice of the peace and a
faithful town officer and magistrate; in 1868
he represented the town in the state assem-
bly. He married Nancy Douglass. He died
in 1883, at the age of eighty-three years; his
wife died in the 70's. He had a large family,
who all (lied young excepting Charles H., men-
tioned below.
( Mil ) Charles H., son of Alvin Richard-
son, was born in Mexico, New York, in 1823.
In his youth he attended the public schools and
worked on a farm. He also attended the
Mexico Academy. His occu[)ation through
life was farming, and he lived in his native
town. He was a member of the Icjcal lodge of
Odd Fellows, a Baptist in religion, and a Re-
publican in politics. He married Eliza H.
Skinner, born in 1833, died in 1880, daugh-
ter of Hon. Avery Skinner (see .Skinner).
( IX) Webster M.. only child of Charles H.
Richardson, was born in Mexico, New York,
August 25, 1853. He attended the public
schools of his native town and Mexico Acad-
emy. During his boyhood he worked at farm-
ing, and continued to make farming his occu-
pation when a young man. He was active in
poHtics and town affairs, and, in 1880, was ap-
pointed notary public. He came to the village
of Mexico in 1884, and has lived there since.
For twelve years he was justice of the peace,
and largely occupied with his duties as mag-
istrate and member of the town board. For
eleven years he was clerk of the incorporated
village of Mexico. Since August i, 1899,
he has been postmaster of Mexico, having
been appointed by President McKinley and
reappointed by President Roosevelt. In poli-
tics he is a Republican. He is a member of
Mexico Lodge, No. 136, Free Masons; of
Mexico Chapter, No. 135, Royal Arch Masons ;
of the Order of the Eastern Star. He attends
the Presbyterian church. He married, April
II, 1875, Ida A. Bettinger, born February 27,
1858, daughter of Hiram and Ruth (Rose)
Bettinger, of Oswego county. Children: i.
Matie E., died aged one year. 2. Alvin W.,
born Mav 24, 1878, assistant postmaster; mar-
ried Sadie Eason ; children : Robert and Velma.
3. Charles H., bom May 19, 1884; now in the
employ of the American Express Company at
Phineas Osborn was probably a
OSBORN native of Vermont, who settled
in Herkimer county, New York,
and removed thence to Clayton, Jeft'erson coun-
ty, New York, in 1817. His farm in Clayton
was about three miles northwest of the fjlls,
three miles north of Depauville, on what was
known as "Elm Flats." He married Ann Frame,
and they ha<l children : Caroline, Clarissa, Eliza,
Mary, Eleanor, Duane, Daniel Webster, Will-
iam, Phineas Alden and Orlando. Another
source of information gives Thomas Schuyler.
The home of the family in Vermont has not
been located, but it may be said that the first
federal census of Vermont, taken in 1790,
gives the names of these heads of family, John,
Joseph, Lemuel; Benjamin, of Tinmouth ;
Isaac, of Pittsford.
(II) Orlando, son of Phineas Osborn, was
born in Clayton, Jefferson county. New York.
May II, 1835. He attended the district school
in his native town, anil at an early age began
to learn the trade of miller in the old mill at
Depauville. For several years he followed his
trade in Jefferson county and then in Kansas
and .Arizona, remaining in the west for sixteen
years. In 1898 he returned to New York state,
and in partnership with his son, W. H. Os-
born, purchased the mills at Woodville and the
\'alley Mills in Madison county, New York,
and he continued in business to the end of his
life. He died January 6, 1905. In politics he
was a Republican, in religion a Universalist.
He married, December 2^, 1858, Elizabeth
Faire. wlio was born in Clayton. September 3,
1836, daughter of Thomas and Alargaret
( Bearon ) Faire. Her father was born in
Dublin, Ireland, of English parentage, and was
a iarge landowner in Dublin. He came to
Canada in the British army and when his term
of service expired, he settled at Clayton and
followed farming, and for many years worked
in the .\shery, Margaret Bearon was a native
of France and came with her father's family
to settle in Montreal, Canada. The chiUlren
of Thomas and Margaret (Bearon) Faire
were : William ; Mary ; Elizabeth ; Juliann ;
Marcella, who died young; Junia ; Alice Mar-
cella ; Joseph, who died young ; Ella and Lu-
cinda. Mr. Faire died April 13, 1890, and
his widow died in the following year.
Children of ( )rlando and Elizabeth ( Faire j
Osborn : Clara ; Lorantine ; DeWitt Clinton ;
William H., mentioned below ; P'rederick ; Eva,
and Charles, the latter died in infancy.
(HI) William H., son of Orlando Osborn,
was born in Cape Vincent, Jefferson county.
New York, .August 16, 1864. He worked in
the mill with his father during his boyhood.
His schooling was very limited even for those
days. When he was fifteen he went to work
in a mill owned by his uncle, Phineas .\lden
Osborn, at Dexter, New York, and afterward
worked for two years for A. H. Herrick &
Son, at Watertow'n. New York. .After an-
other year in the employ of his uncle at Dexter
and four years in the employ of Farwell &
Rhines, of Watertown, he entered upon a busi-
ness career on his own account. He had ac-
c|uired a broad and detailed knowledge of the
lousiness and a wide and diversified experience,
entirely through his own efforts and perse-
verance. In 1891 he bought the old Bryant
mill at the village of Evans Mills, New York,
and contluctcd it until he sold it in 1895. Two
months later, in May, 1895, he bought the old
S. H. Pitcher mill, at -Adams, New York, and
conducted it three years. In 1896, in partner-
ship with his father, he bought the Woodville
Mill. In March, 1898, he bought the .Almerion
N. Thomas mill, in Alexico. New York, an<l
conducted it until May i8, 1910. In tlic mean-
time he also bought a half interest in the Pots-
dam Mills and iield this interest for three years,
and in addition to his various sawmill prop-
erties, he had organized the Wright & Osborn
Lumber Company and had an extensive busi-
ness in lumber and in building and contracting.
Before he sold his mill, Mr. Osborn had bought
a half interest in the Wilson Canning Com-
pany, with factories at Mexico, in Oswego
county ; Taberg. Oneida county, and at Rush,
Monroe county. The comjiany also has a
leased factory at Taberg. The business of the
concern is extensive and among the largest in
this line in northern New York, having a total
capacity of two million five hundred thousand
cans of fruits and vegetables per annum, and
the plant is run to its full caj^acity. He is
also the treasurer of the Wilson Canning Com-
pany ; vice-president of the Citizens National
Bank, of Adams, and formerly vice-president
of the Majestic Furniture Coni[)any. In all
liis various investments and enterprises he has
been highly successful, possessing the execu-
tive ability and business sagacity to bring pros-
perity to every undertaking, an<l is noted for
iiis fair and scjuare business methods. Though
an exceedingly busy man, he has never neglect-
ed the recreations and diversions necessary for
a healthy mind and body. He is fond of driv-
ing and has raised and owned some fine horses,
among which may be mentioned : "Colonel Os-
born," with a record of 2:o8'4: "Mohonk."
2:25; "Prodigal Queen." z-.z^^y^; "Miss Bar-
ney," 2:i3'4: "John Engart," three-year-old,
2:21 '4. and many others. In ]iolitics he is a
He married (first). April 5. 1888, Mary C.
Casler. of Dexter. Jefferson county, daughter
of Melza and Lydia Casler. She died October
31. 1895. ^nd he married (second). June 27,
1900, Lillian M. Ingersoll. who was born at
Palermo. Oswego county. New York. Ajiril i.
1 87 1, daughter of Alonson and Lydia (Jen-
nings) Ingersoll. Children by first wife : Leon
C'., born November 25, 1890. now manager of
the Rush Canning Factory; Gaylord F.. born
September 11, 1894; Kent M.. October i, 1895,
died November 13, 1897.
The Lockwoods of Amer-
LOCKWOOD ica, descendants of Robert
and Edmund Lockwood.
who came in Governor W'inthrop's fleet, are of
English lineage. The Lockwood arms, as de-
rived from Rev. Richard Lockwood, rector of
Dingle)- Church, Northampton county, in 1530.
are: "Argent, a fesse between three martlets
sable." Crest : "On the stump of an oak tree
erased proper a martlet sable." Motto: "Tutus
in L'ndis" (secure against the waves).
The line herein recorded begins with Rob-
ert Lockwood. who came from England about
i')3o: settled in Watertown. Massachusetts,
where six of his ten children were born. He
was made a freeman, March 9, 1637. About
1 64 1 he removed to Fairfield, Connecticut, where
he died in 1(138. He was made a freeman of
Connecticut, May 20, 1652; appointed sergeant
at Fairfield, in Alay, 1657. He married Sus-
annah — ■ , who after his death was ap-
pointed administratrix. Of the ten children of
Robert and Susannah Lockwood, Ephraim.
luentioned in the next paragra])h was the fifth.
( II ) E])hraim, son of Robert and Susannah
Lockwood. was born in Watertown. Massachu-
setts. December i. 1641. He removed to Con-
necticut with his father wdien a youth ; was
made a freeman, October. \H^'j \ married, June
8, 1665, Mercy, daughter of Alatthias Sention
(I), of Norwalk, Connecticut. Of their ten
children. Deacon Eliphalet, mentioned in next
paragrajih, was the fifth.
(III) Deacon Eliphalet Lockwood, son of
Ephraim and Mercy (Sention) Lockwood,
was born in Norwalk, Connecticut, February
2y, 1676. died there, October 14, 1753. He
was representative to the general assembly
from Norwalk, 1724; deacon of the church;
married, October 11, 1699, May, born 1673,
died March 6, 1761. daughter of John Gold,
of Stanford. Of their nine children. Deacon
Peter, of further mention, was the eighth.
( I\ ) Deacon Peter Lockwood, son of Dea-
con Eliphalet and May ( Gold ) Lockwood,
was born in Norwalk, Connecticut, March 16,
1711. died in Danbury, Connecticut, in 1775.
He served as representative from Norwalk
six terms, between 1755 and 1764; was deacon
of the church before removing to Danbury,
wdiere he died. He married ( first ), September
8, 1737. Abigail, daughter of Rev. Thomas
Hawle_\'. of Ridgefield. Connecticut; she died
June Ci. 1747; married (second). January I.
1 75 1. Elizabeth, born January 17. 1728. daugh-
ter of David and Laurana ( Piill ) Lambert, and
granddaughter of John Bill, of Lebanon. Con-
necticut: married (third) Hannah Fitch. C)f
his nine children. Lambert, of further mention.
was the eighth.
(V) Lambert, son of Deacon Peter and his
second wife, Elizabeth (Lambert) Lockwood,
was born in Norwalk, Connecticut, July 17,
1757, died February 11, 1825. He was a mer-
chant of Bridgeport, Connecticut, and lived on
State street. He was of full stature, fine pres-
ence and affable manner. In 1792 he built a
store and wharf at Bridgeport and had a dry
goods and general store ; also ran a packet
sloop, the "Julia," to New York. In 1806 he
was a subscriber and organizer of the Bridge-
port Bank, and, in 1807, a director. In 181 1
was chosen first clerk of the Bridgeport and
Stratford Burying-Ground Association. He
was a public-spirited man, a devoted member
of the Congregational church, and his home
was always open to visiting clergymen. Dur-
ing the revolution he diil active service ; was
taken prisoner by Colonel Tryon on his Con-
necticut raid, but .soon released, as the Amer-
icans were closely pursuing. He served as as-
sistant deputy quartermaster-general, his widow
Elizabeth drawing a pension of six hundred
dollars annually, on account of his services.
He married, December 5, 1793, Elizabeth, born
March i, 1771, died February 3, 1846, daugh-
ter of Rev. Azel Roe, D. D., of Woodbridge,
New Jersey. Of his live children, Peter, of
further mention, was the third.
(VI) Rev. Peter Lockwood, son of Lam-
bert and Elizabeth (Roe) Lockwood, was born
at Bridgeport, Connecticut, February 9, 1798,
died at Binghamton, New York, November 16,
1882. He was graduated at Yale College, in
1817; Andover Theological Seminary, in 1821 ;
ordained a minister of the gospel, 1823, and
for a time preached in Virginia ; was settled
as pastor at Peekskill, New York, 1824. The
Presbyterian church was established in Bing-
hamton, New York, in 1817; Rev. Niles was
the first pastor, serving until 1823, and was
succeeded by Rev. Peter Lockwood, who con-
tinued as pastor until 1833. He filled the pul-
pit and was pastor in charge at Cortland and at
Berkshire, Tioga county. New York ; then re-
turning to his former charge in Binghamton,
where he died, aged eighty-four years nine
months and seven days. He was a faithful
Christian ; a devoted minister and served well
his Master's cause. A successor. Rev. J. P.
Culliver, D. D., writes of him, "I had always
regarded Mr. Lockwood since I knew him, as
a very remarkable man. His force of char-
acter seemed to press up into view on all occa-
sions and in all directions, as from an inex-
haustible fountain. His simplicity and art-
lessness were even more remarkable, as it
seemed to me. Happy shall we be if we can
bear such a record." He married, October 22,
1822, Matilda, born April 17, 1798, died July
4, 1886, daughter of Hon. Abraham and Mary
Sylvester (Wells) Davenport, and granddaugh-
ter of Hon. Abraham and Elizabeth ( Hunt-
ington) Davenport, and granddaughter of Rev.
Noah Wells, D. D., and his wife, Abigail
( Woolsey ) W^ells. Rev. Peter Lockwood and
wife celebrated their golden wedding and spent
an entire married life of sixty years, he being
the first to die. Children: i. John Davenport,
born October 9, 1825, died December 20, 1844,
at Yale College, where a monument was erect-
ed to his memory by his classmates. 2. Theo-
dore, born June 30, 1827, died May 8, 1831.
3. Radcliffe Boorman, born May 6, 1829, died
February 5, 191 1 ; married, June 3, 1896, Mary
Brewster Angier, born June 23, 1868, daugh-
ter of the Rev. Marshall Bullard Angier and
Emma ( Brewster ) Angier, who was in the
ninth generation from Elder William Pirewster,
of the "Mayflower." Rev. Marshall B. Angier
preached for many years in Windsor, Broome
county, New York. 4. James Boorman, born
May 31, 1831, died June 3, 1831. 5. Mary
Elizabeth, born February 28, 1835. 6. Annie
Matilda, born October i, 1837, died March 30,
1909; married. May 18, 1865, Josiah Salisbury
Leverett, born Windsor, Vermont, January 24,
1810, son of John and Elizabeth ( Salisbury)
Leverett. John Leverett was born in Boston,
Massachusetts, 1758, died 1821, in Windsor,
Vermont. Elizabeth Salisbury, his wife, was
born in Boston, 1773; married, 1803; died
1848 daughter of Deacon Samuel Salisbury
and his wife, Elizabeth Sewell. Children of
Annie Matilda: i. John, born March 4, 1866;
ii. Theodore Lockwood, born October 8, 1867;
iii. William Josiah, born January 11, 1870; iv.
Annie Matilda, born October 12, 1871, died
March 5, 1903 ; v. Mary Elizabeth, born No-
vember 2(1, 1873; vi. Samuel Salisbury, born
June 4, 1875, died March 3, 1877. 7. Theo-
dosia Davenport, born July 28, 1839, died
December 19, 1907; married, July 23, 1884,
Henry Harris Jessup, D. D., born April 19.
1832, died .■\pril 28, 1910. He was for fifty-
three years a missionary in Beirut, Syria, and
a work of two volumes of nearly fifteen hun-
dred pages has been published, showing the
facts of his wonderful life there.
1-^ .
(The Davenport Line).
Matilda (Davenport) Lockvvood. wife of
Rev. Peter Lockwood. was a lineal descendant
of Rev. John Davenjiort. who was of the
seventeenth generation from Ormers de Daven-
port, born 1086. and assumed the local name
of Davenport, a township m the county of
Chester, England.
( I) Rev. John Davenport, son of John and
grandson of Henry Davenport, was born in
the ancient city of Coventry, Warwickshire.
England, in 1597. His father was a merchant
of Coventry, a city of which his grandfather
was at one time mayor. He pursued his aca-
demical studies at the grammar school in Cov-
entry, and, in 1613, was admitted to Merton
College, Oxford University. After two years
at Merton, he removed to Magdalena Hall, in
the same University, where he received the
degree of A. 11. He was cliaplain at Hilton
Castle, then assistant in London, and soon
after vicar of St. Stephens, in that city. This
was at the time of the dreadful plague which
carried oi¥ thousands, but the young pastor
remained at his post. He next returned to
Oxford, where he received the degree of Mas-
ter of Arts and also that of Bachelor of Divin-
ity. Eor the next few years he lived a stormy life,
as the storm of intolerance and persecution
was now ready to break against all ministers,
showing the faintest signs of freedom of
thought, or action contrary to the authorities
in control of the Established Church. His
friendship for Rev. John Cotton soon result-
ed in his liecoming a non-conformist, a result
that caused him to resign his pulpit and forced
liim to take refuge in Holland. His next re-
solve was to collect a band of colonists and
seek asylum in America. They sailed on the
ship "Hector," arriving in Boston, June 26,
1637. In the fall of that year, with Mr. Eaton,
he journeyed to Connecticut, where they select-
ed a spot for his colony to settle, Ouinnipiack,
the Indian name, at the head of a harbor four
miles from Long Island sound. .April 14, 1638,
Air. Davenport, with his band of pilgrims, ar-
rived at the future New Haven. He was then
forty-one years of age. The next day was the
Sabbath ; service was held under the spreading
branches of an oak tree, and the new settle-
ment consecrated to God. In 1639 a civil gov-
ernment was formed and a church organized,
Mr. Davenport being chosen pastor. Two
months later the general court, consisting of
the "seven pillars" of the church, elected offi-
cers of the new col(.)ny of New Haven. The-
ojihilus Eaton was chosen governor and solemn -
ly charged by Rev. Davenport. He was annual-
ly chosen governor for twenty succeeding years,
until his death, January. 1658. In 1654 Rev.
Davenport brought forward a plan for estab-
lishing a college at New Haven, the town mak-
ing a donation of land. Governor Hopkins
donated five hundred pounds sterling. The
general court erected the college school into a
college for teaching the three learned lan-
guages, Latin, Greek and Hebrew. Rev. Dav-
enport took care of the colony school, which
after his removal to Boston terminated in a
grammar school, which continued to hold the
Hopkin"s fund. This was not the origin of
Yale College: that occurred in 1700. In 1667
he accepted a call from the Second Church, of
Boston, where he was installed pastor. Decem-
ber 9, after fifty years in the ministry, twenty
in England and thirty years in New Haven.
He did not long live to minister to his Boston
congregation, but died of apoplexy, March 15,
1670. His tomb is in the burying-ground of
the Stone Chapel Church, on Tremont street,
Boston. A broad slate stone monument marks
the spot on which are the following inscrip-
tions: "Here Lye Intombed the Bodyes of the
Pamous Reverend and Learned Pastors of the
Eirst Church of Christ in Boston, viz : Mr. John
Cotton aged 67 years, deceased December 23,
1652, Mr. John Davenport aged 72 years, de-
ceased May 15, 1670, Mr. John Oxenbudge
aged ()C) years, deceased December 28, 1674."
He was a great man. He married, in England,
Elizabeth , died September i, 1672, aged
seventy-three years. Pier monument was dis-
covered in T831, in King's Chapel Burial-
Oounds, near the tomb of Governor Winthrop,
and not far from the grave of her husband.
( II ) John (2), only child of Rev. John ( i )
and Elizabeth Davenport, was born in Lon-
don, and did not accomjiany his parents to
America. He came over in charge of Mr.
Penwick, in 1639, in one of the only two ships
that ever came from England to New Haven.
He was one of the judges of New Haven
courts in 1661. After removing to Boston
with his father he was register of probate, but
at the time of his death, March 21, 1677. is call-
ed a merchant. He married, November 27,
1663, Abigail, daughter of Rev. Abraham Pier-
son, of Branf(.)rd, Connecticut, sister of Rev.
Abraham (2) Pierson, the first rector of Yale
(III) Rev. John (3) Davenport, son of
John (2) and Abigail (Pierson) Davenport,
was born in Boston, February 22, 1668, and
was baptized by his grandfather six days later.
He was graduated at Harvard College, 1687,
and began preaching in 1690. In 1691 he be-
came assistant to Rev. Air. James, of East
Hampton, Long Island. In 1692 was called
to the Stamford church, Fairfield county, Con-
necticut ; taught the Hopkin's grammar school
in New Haven before going to Stamford, and
was a member of the corporation of Yale Col-
lege from 1707 until his death in 1731. He
married (first), April 18, 1695, Martha, widow
of John Selleck, formerly a Miss Gould, who
bore him seven children ; she died December
I, 171 2, and is buried at New Haven. He
married (second) Mrs. Elizabeth Maltby,
daughter of John Morris, by whom he had two
children. Children by first wife: i. .Abigai'.
married Rev. Stephen Williams, D. D., by
whom she had eight children, three of whom
became ministers. 2. John, married Sarah
Bishop, and was one of the twenty-four orig-
inal members of the Congregational church, of
New Canaan, Connecticut. 3. Martha, married
Rev. Thomas Goodsell. 4. Sarah, married Cap-
tain William Maltby, and had a son. Rev. John
Maltby, graduate of Yale and for several years
pastor of a church in Bermuda, West Indies.
5. Theodora, died young. 6. Deacon Deodate,
married Lydia, daughter of Rev. John Wood-
ward. 7. Elizabeth, married Rev. William
Gaylord. 8. Abraham, of further mention. 9.
Rev. James, graduate of Yale, and a most won
derful preacher and revivalist.
(IV) Abraham, son of Rev. John (3) and
his first wife, Martha (Gould-Selleck ) Daven-
port, was born 1715, and was graduated at
Yale College, 1732, and became one of the
most prominent and best known men in th.e
state. He represented Stamford in the state
legislature for twenty-five sessions, and at sev-
eral times was clerk of the house. He was
state senator from 1766 to 1784, judge of nro-
bate several years, and judge of the county
court, and was equally active in the Congrega-
tional church, holding the office of deacon,
1759-89. In 1776 he, his son John and Tha 1-
deus Burr were sent to the army under Wash-
ington, to assist in "arranging it into companies
and regiments," and to commission the ofiicers
appointed by the assembly for the battalions
raised by the state. He was also empowered
to arrest and bring to trial persons suspected
of irresolution or disloyalty. "In 1777 he was
one of the Committee of Safety for the state
and was always consulted by Governor Trum-
bull and General Washington, as one of tht
wisest counselors in our most trying days."
An instance in his career was pleasingly ren
dcred into verse by John G. Whittier and
alludes to the "Dark Day" in Connecticut. The
legislature was in session at Hartford and it
was the general opinion that the day of judg-
ment was at hand. The house being unable
to see to transact business adjourned. A pro-
posal to adjourn the council was under con-
sideration, when the opinion of Colonel Dav-
enport was asked, he said, "I am against an
adjournment. The day of judgment is either
approaching, or it is not. If it is not here,
there is no cause for adjournment. If it is I
choose to be found doing my duty. I wish
therefore that candles be brought." He held
his last court at Danbury, where he heard a
considerable part of a trial; gave the charge
to the jury, then retired from the bench and
was soon after found dead in his bed, Novem-
ber 20, 1789, aged seventy-four years. He
held the title of A. B. from Yale ; deacon from
the church ; colonel from the state and honor-
able from his long public service. He was best
known as Colonel Davenport and greatly be-
loved, especially by the young. He married
(first), at Windham, Connecticut, November
16, 1750, Elizabeth Huntington, whose mother
was a daughter of Rev. Timothy Edwards and
the sister of President Jonathan Edwards ; she
died December 17, 1773; he married (second).
.\ugust 8, 1776, a widow, -Mrs. Martha Fitch.
Child by first wife : John, of further mention.
(V) John (4), son of Colonel Abraham and
Elizabeth ( Huntington ) Davenport, was born
in Stamford, Connecticut, January 16, 1752;
graduate of Yale College, 1770, where he was
appointed tutor in 1773. He was major of
militia during the revolution. In 1799 he was
elected to congress, to fill the vacancy caused
by the death of his brother, Hon. James Dav-
enport. Here he was continued for eighteen
years. He served on important committees,
but was more known as a worker than as a de-
bater. He declined reelection in 181 7, and
spent the remainder of his life at his country
home in Stamford, where he had the honor to
welcome and entertain General Lafayette, He
was a lawyer by profession ; deacon of the
Congregational church : a benevolent, active
and exemplary Christian; died November 28,
1830: he married. May 7. 1780, Alary Syl-
vester, daughter of Rev. Noah Wells, D. D.
Children: i. Elizabeth Huntington, born March
4, 1781 ; married Judge Peter W. Radcliffe, of
Brooklyn. 2. John Alfred, graduate of Yale
College, and for fifty years was a well-known
prosperous merchant of New York City; mar-
ried, in 1806, Eliza Maria, daughter of Dr.
William Wheeler, of Red Hook, New York.
3. Mary Wells, born September 12. 1785:
married James Boorman, of New York, No-
vember 10, 1810. Tie was a member of the
firm of Boorman, Johnson & Company, a lead-
ing firm of New York City: ])resident of the
Hudson River Railroad Comjiany : founder of
the P.ank of Commerce, and one of the orig-
inal members of the Chamber of Commerce.
4. Theodosia, died aged twenty-one years. 5.
Deacon Theodore, born January 26, 1792, re-
sided for sixty years in the mansion erected
bv his father, in 1807, on Main street, Stam-
ford; active member of the Congregational
church and deacon ; married, May 9, 1833,
Harriet Grant Chesebrough, of New York. 6.
Rebecca Ann, died aged twenty-two years. 7.
Matilda, born in Stamford, April 17, 1798;
married Rev. Peter Lockwood ( see Lockwood
This is a very old family
HASBROCCK in southern New York and
was founded by Abraham
and Jean Hasbrouck. brothers, who were among
the original patentees of New Paltz, Ulster
county, and were active in both civil and
ecclesiastical afifairs of that section. Both left
a large progeny and their descendants have to
some extent intermarried. Prom L'lster the
family spread to Orange, Dutchess and other
counties in the vicinity, and is now very numer-
ously represented throughout the region. The
family was conspicuous in the settlement and
development of St. Lawrence county, and of
various sections of Central New York. Abra-
ham and Jean Hasbrouck were born in Calais,
France, of which town their father was also
a native. The latter with his two sons, above
named, and a daughter, who was the wife of
Pierre Ilayaar, was driven out of France by
the persecutions of the Huguenots, and re-
moved to Mannheim, Germany, in the lower
palatinate, and there they resided several years,
being higiily respected and affiliating with the
local churches. Numerous other families were
similarly situated and a considerable group
migrated to the new world in the latter part
of the seventeenth century, settling in CIster
county, New York. Jean, with his wife, Anna
Duyon (Deyo) Hasbrouck, removed in 1673
from Germany and settled at Esopus, New
( 1 ) .\braham Hasbrouck removed from
Mannheim to Holland, whence he sailed in
April, 1675. landing at Boston, Massachusetts,
thence he proceeded direct to New York, and,
in July, arrived at Esopus, where he found his
brother and many old former Europeon friends.
In 1677 a group of these including the Has-
brouck brothers obtained a patent from Gov-
ernor Andros to a large tract south of Kings-
ton, where they settled and named the place
New Paltz. Here they formed what was
known as the Walloon Protestant Church after
the name and discipline of the church at
( ieneva. a Calvinistic organization. For about
half a century until after the death of the Has-
brouck brothers the services of this church
were conducted in the French language, after
which it was changed to the Dutch language.
.Abraham Hasbrouck was a member of the
provincial assembly, and was major of the
Lister county regiment of militia. He died at
New Paltz, Alarch 17, 1717. He married, No-
vember 17, i'')75, at Hurley, Marie, daughter
of Christian Deyo, whom he had known in
Euroije. and who came to this country on the
same vessel with him. She was probably a
sister of his brother's wife. Children: Rachel,
baptized May 12, 1680, in New York; Anna,
baptized October 9, 1682, in Kingston, died
young; Joseph, baptized October 23, 1684, in
New Paltz; Solomon, October 17, i68fi ; Jonas,
October 14, 1691 ; Benjamin, mentioned below.
Some others died in infancy.
( II ) Benjamin, youngest surviving child of
Abraham and Marie ( Deyo) Hasbrouck, was
baptized May 31, 1696, in New Paltz. and was
one of the original grantees of the Rumbout
Patent, in what is now Dutchess county. About
1720 he settled near Hopewell, in the present
town of Fishkill, where he married, February
13, 1737, Jannetje De Long (sometimes writ-
ten De Lange). Children: Daniel; Benjamin;
John ; Jacob ; Mary, married John Halstead ;
Heiltje, married Dr. Nathaniel House ; Francis.
(Ill) Daniel, eldest child of Benjamin and
Jannetje ( De Long) Hasbrouck, was born
about 1738, in Fishkill, and there resided on
the paternal homestead. He married Diana
\*an \'!ecken and their familv included : Tunis,
died in infancy. 2. Benjamin, born Septem-
ber 7, 1703; married (first) Elizabeth Parker,
(second) Margaret Stedman, four children. 3.
Mary, born October 23, 1705; married her
cousin Henry, son of Thomas Cheney, seven
children. 4. Hannah, twin of Mary, married
Cai)tain Zachariah Goodale, eight children. 5.
Colonel Thomas, born about 1708, served in
the French and Indian war, in the Eighth
Massachusetts Regiment ; commissioned captain
at Louisburg, June 20, 1745, by Governor Shir-
ley; colonel of militia; representative to the
provincial congress, 1774 and 1773 : large land
owner and wealthy business man. He married
his second cousin Sarah, daughter of John and
Sarah ( Squires ) Fessenden. 6. Joseph, born
November 2, 1709; married Elizabeth Tucker;
four children. 7. Ebenezer, died at age of
twenty years. 8. Ruth, born about 1713; mar-
ried Elias Mason ; three children. 9. John,
born about 1716; married Martha Fessenden.
10. William, of further mention. 11. A daugh-
ter, died young.
( I\' ) William ( 2 ), son of Benjamin and his
second wife, Mary (Herbert) Cheney, was
born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, about 1718.
He joined the Ashford church. May 16, 1742;
bought land there in 1746, a part of which he
later sold to his brother, Colonel Thomas
Cheney. He was a farmer and figures in sev-
eral land transactions. Six of his children
were living at the death of the colonel and
inherited shares in his estate. He enlisted in
Fifth Company, Third Regiment, Colonel Isaac
Putnam, ^Iay i, 1775, and was killed June 17,
1775, at the battle of Bunker Hill. His name
is on the bronze tablet in the park at Charles-
town, Massachusetts. He married (first), in
.\shford, Connecticut, March 14. 1739, Ruth,
born April 23, 1722, died October 16, 1756,
daughter of Philip Eastman. He married (sec-
ond), February i, 1757, Mehitabel Chubb.
Children: i. Ebenezer, born May 23. 1740;
married Priscilla, daughter of Seth and Abi-
gail Lyon, eight children. 2. Thomas, born
July I. 1742. 3. Benjamin, of further men-
tion. 4. William, born April 17, 1747. 5.
John, died young. 6. Joseph, died young. 7.
Elizabeth, born September 6, 1752; married
John Babyno. 8. John, died young. 9. Jo-
seph, baptized February 23. 1759. 10. A daugh-
ter, twin of Joseph. 11. John, son by adoption,
baptized October 12, 1760.
(V) Benjamin (2), son of William (2)
and his first wife. Ruth (Eastman) Cheney,
was born June 10, baptized June 27, 1744, in
Ashford, Massachusetts, where he continued
to reside. He married, May 30, 1765, Abigail,
born May 5, 1745, died September 21, 1790.
daughter of John Parry. Children: i. Mehit-
abel, born September 26, 1766. 2. Huldah,
September 9, 1767. 3. Thomas, June 24, 1769.
4. Daniel, of further mention. 5. Abiel, born
August 10, 1773, removed to Littleton, Ver-
mont: married Irene Munson. 6. Elizabeth,
August 2"], 1775. 7. Benjamin, September 12,
1777. 8. Nabbey, born May 17, 1779. 9. John,
August 17, 1781. 10. Hannah, November 19,
1783. II. William, Februarv 17, 1785. 12.
Ruth, July 31, 1788.
( \T ) Daniel, son of Benjamin ( 2 ) and .Abi-
gail (Parry) Cheney, was born in .Ashford,
Connecticut, June 9, 1771, died in the town
of Olean, New York, January 23, 1837. At
an early day he removed from Connecticut to
Essex county. New York, where he remained
but a short time, later settling in the town of
Olean, Cattaraugus county, where he was high-
ly respected for his honest and kind heart. He
married Irene Ashford, who died November
4, 1842, aged sixty-eight years and five months.
Children: i. Sally, married a Mr. White. 2.
Eunice, married a Mr. Randall. 3. Rachel.
4. Welles, born April 6, i8o5, a farmer of
Delevan, New York ; married Deborah R.
Hawkins, and had Munson. Nancy L. and
Mehitabel. 3. Mehitabel. 6. John, of further
mention. 7. Lyman. 8. Eletheer. 9. Walter.
(\ II ) John, son of Daniel and Irene (Ash-
ford) Cheney, was born in Olean, Cattaraugus
county. New York, June 6, 18 13, died in York-
shire, same county, August 20, 1881. He spent
his whole life in Cattaraugus county, except a
few years passed in the present town of (Gar-
field, Pennsylvania, where he was engaged in
operating a sawmill. He was a successful
farmer and by energy and thrift secured a
competence. He was a man of upright. Chris-
tian life and character, honored and respected
wherever known. He was active in the Meth-
odist Episcopal church, and held several im-
portant town offices. In political preference
lie was a Republican. He married, in Penn-
sylvania, September 20, 1840, Sarah A., daugh-
ter of Leonard and Mary Hodges, of \\'arren,
Pennsylvania. Children: i. Clark Abial, born
April 30, 1842, in Yorkshire. New York, own-
ed and operated the Truman Coal Farm, in
Yorkshire ; married, August, 1863, Jeannette,
daughter of \\'illiani and Laura ( Davis) Lang-
/ .■>
made, of Yorkshire: children: Sarah Belle,
born August 24, 1867 : Georgia Anna, August
26, 1873; Fred Mason, born February 6, 1876:
Myrna, born October 11, 1883. 2. Walter
W'ilmot, born in Warren county, Pennsylvania,
July 6, 1844, was extensively engaged in oil
production in the oil fields of Pennsylvania
and Western New York, with residence at
Delevan, New York; married, March 10, 1873,
Louise, daughter of Henry Strong, of Sar-
dinia, New York ; child, RIabel Strong, born
January 8, 1879. 3. Eunice Irene, born March
24, 1846: married, December 31, 1866, Henry
L. Crooker, of Arcade : children : Charles Fran-
cis, born April 16, 1872: John Cheney, born
December 26, 1874: Walter Elgene, born De-
cember 16, 1878. 4. Francis John, of further
mention. 5, George Hamline, born March 7,
1850; educated in the public schools, Arcade
Academy and Griffith Institute, Springfield,
New York, and Ten Broeck Free Academy, at
Franklinville. He taught in the public schools
several years ; was principal of the I'nion
School, at Hinsdale, New York, and was pro-
fessor of mathematics in Northern New York
Conference Seminary, at Antwerp, New York.
He prepared for the ministry, and, in 1873-75,
was pastor of the EUicottville (New York)
circuit. In the fall of 1875 he entered Boston
Cniversity School of Theology, being grad-
uated therefrom in 1879. He joined the New
England Conference of the Methodist Epis-
copal Church, in 1878, on probation, being ad-
initted to full connection in 1880; was ordain-
ed deacon by Bishop Foster, at Lynn, Massa-
chusetts. April 8, 1877 ; ordained elder by
Bishop Peck, in Worcester. Massachusetts,
April 10, 188 1. He has filled important pul-
pits in Massachusetts, and is an eloquent, suc-
cessful minister of the gospel. He married Elea-
nor Robinson, of Somerville. Massachusetts :
children: Emily M.. born May 14. 1882; David
McGregor. December 12, 1884: Sarah R.. June
30. 1887; Eleanor R.. June 11. 1893. 6. Charles
Summer, died aged five years. 7. Lyman
Josiah. born October 11. i860, was successively
druggist and dry goods merchant in Delevan.
New York. In 1892 he was appointed clerk
in the L'nited States railway postal service :
prominent in local politics and a supporter of
the Republican party. He married, in .\rcade,
Wyoming county. New York, March 8. 1882.
Florence N.. daughter of Charles and Ravilla
Cagwin : children : Lloyd Lyman, born April
23. 1884: Clifford Carleton. June 17. 1887.
(\T11) Francis John, son uf John and
Sarah A. ( Hodges ) Cheney, was born in War-
ren. Pennsylvania. June 5, 1848. His parents
removed to Cattaraugus county. New York,,
when he was six years of age. and his early
education was obtained in the district schools
during the winter months, his summers being
spent in assisting his father in farming opera-
tions. He remained on the farm until he was
twenty years of age, working and studying.
In this way and by a few terms at Arcade
Academy he prepared for college. In i8(-)8 he
entered Genesee College, and was graduated
A. B.. class of 1872, at head of his class, the
first class graduated after the college was
merged with Syracuse University. Immedi-
ately after graduation he entered upon the pro-
fession of teaching, a line of activity he has
ever since continued with honor and success.
His fame as an educator is more than state-
wide, but the institutions he has served are the
best witnesses to his ability. In the spring of
1872 (even before graduation) he was elected
to the chair of mathematics in the Northern
New York Conference Seminary, at .\ntwerp
(Ives .Seminary I. where he remained two
years, resigning to accept a call to the principal-
ship of Dryden (New York) Union School.
Here he remained seven years, finishing a
course of legal study, and, in 1880, was ail-
mitted to the bar. He had ilecided to settle
in the west and devote his after life to the
jiractice of law, all necessary arrangements
Iiaving been made. While still at the head of
Dryden Union School he received such a flat-
tering offer from the Kingston (New York)
board of education, to become principal of
Kingston Free Academy, that his western plans
were abaniloned and the offer accepted. He
remained at Kingston ten years at the head of
the Academy, raising the standard of the school
and wonderfully increasing its etificiency. These
years had thoroughly established his standing
as an educator, and his services were frequent-
ly sought by other cities and institutions. Syra-
cuse L'niversitv offered him the chair of Eng-
lish and Belles Lettres : Olean. New York,
elected him city superintendent of schools,
which he did not accept because the Kingston
board of education did not want to release him.
In i8t)o he was a candidate for the principal-
ship of the State Normal School, at Greeley.
Colorado. Having been appointed inspector
of high schools and academies of New York,
by the board of regents, he withdrew his ap-
plication, however, although it was so favor-
able considered that, it is said, he would prob-
ably have been appointed, had he not with-
drawn it. This necessitated severing his con-
nection with Kingston Free Academy, although
the board of eilucation offered a substantial
increase in salary and such an increase in
teaching force as to leave him little actual
teaching, but his decision was made in favor
of the inspectorsliip. The "School Bulletin"
said regarding his appointment : "The lioard
of Regents are to be congratulated for the
good sense shown in the selection of such a
man for the place." The Kingston papers
spoke of his departure with regret, one saying :
"He is one of the men who is vastly broader
than his profession. He is fully abreast of the
times not only as an educator but as a man of
affairs." He only held the inspectijrship one
year, resigning to accept the appointment of
the State Normal and Training School, at Cort-
land, New York. He began his duties there
with the opening of the fall term, 1891, and
now, twenty years later (1911), he is still the
honored head of the institution. These have
been years of improvement and progress for
the school, years also broadening and strength-
ening the man. The school has doubled in
size, buildings, apparatus, and teaching staff
keeping pace. Mr. Cheney out of his wide ex-
perience is a most able instructor of instructors
and much in demand for lectures and addresses
before educational associations and other soci-
eties. In i8go-Qi he was president of the
Associated Academic Principals, of the state
of New York, and holds membership in the
state and national educational associations. In
1885 he made a tour of Great Britain and
Europe, visiting the principal countries and
cities, gathering information of special value
to him in his profession. In 1888, after an
examination at the School of American His-
tory, Syracuse I'niversity conferred on him the
degrees of .\. M. and PIi. D. In i8(/) he was lay
delegate to the general conference of the Meth-
odist Episcopal church, being sent from Cen-
tral New York. He is a member of the Ma-
sonic Order, belonging to Cortlandville Lodge.
Dr. Cheney married (first), July 30, 1873,
Lydia Henrietta, died March 21, 1896, daugh-
ter of Buel G. and Lucy (Thornton) Smith,
of Delevan, New York. Child, Genevieve
(ado])ted), born May q, 1885. He married
(second), July 20, 1898, Clara Jane, daugh-
ter of John J. and Margaret (Livingston) Rob-
inson, of Fort Edward. Child, Clara Frances,
born January 20, 1900.
The Keators of Cortland. New
KEATOR York, trace from Holland an-
cestry. The name is an uncom-
mon one in early days and the present form
is evidently an anglicized form of a Dutch
name. It is impossible to trace definitely be-
yond John Keator, of Ulster county. New
York, who was ambushed and slain by Indians
with another of his family. In 1676 John
Keator made a purchase of land in the town
of Marbletown, Ulster county, New York.
This was no doubt the emigrant from Holland,
and founder of the Ulster county family of
Keator. The name is met with in the Leister
records and the family seem to have borne
well their part in the development of the coun-
try. Among the founders and subscribers to
the fund for erecting the first house of worship
for the Reformed Protestant Dutch church, at
Marbletow^n (where the Keators seemed to
have centered), is found the names of Au-
gustinus, Johannes. Melgert and Jacob Keator.
This church was organized in 1737, and a
church built in 1743. Among the signers in
the Troop of Horse in Ulster, at Kingston,
June 9, 1775, from the town of Marbletown,
the name of Johannes Keator is second.
(HI) John Keator, of Marbletown, was
born about 1700, and was probably a grand-
son of the emigrant, John Keator, of whom
nothing seems to be known after his land
purchase in 1676. John (2) Keator was killed
b)- Indians and there is no record of his family
further than that his son John met his death
at the same time. PTe was the signer to the
enlistment rolls in 1735, his father being among
the first members of the Dutch Church, at
]\Iarbletown. who signed the subscription list
in 1743, when the first building was erected.
He is enrolled as a soldier of the Third Regi-
ment I'lster County Militia (Land Bounty
Rights). He was undoubtedly of the third
generation in .America.
( I\') John, son of John Keator, was of the
town of Marbletown, P'lster county. New
York, where he was born about the year 1730.
Nothing. further can be told of him than that
he was married and had at least a son Cor-
nelius, and met his death at the hands of the
( V ) Cornelius, son of John Keator, of
Marbletown, was born in New York, in 17(13,
(lied in Roxbury, Delaware cuunt\', about
1856. He married Elizabeth Krom from near
High Falls, Ulster county. After his marriage
several years Cornelius removed to the town
of Roxbury, Delaware county, New York,
where descendants are yet seated. This was
when that town was yet virgin forest, except-
ing the first settler, Isaac Inman, 1788; a party
of twenty families from Fairiield, Connecticut,
1789. and the Scotch settlement of John Moore,
on the headwaters of the Delaware river, now
known as Grandgorge, then called "Moore's
(\ Ij Joseph, son of Cornelius and Eliza-
beth (Krom) Keator, was born in Marble-
town, Ulster county, New York, about 1784.
He was living at Kingston Creek, that county,
in 1797, and from there went to Roxbury, Del-
aware county, probably at the same time his
father settled in that town. He was a farmer
and general trailer; owning considerable prop-
erty of various kinds. After an active life in
Delaware county, he died about 1820. He
married Polly Wight, who survived him until
1852. Children : Thomas ; Harvey ; Chauncey ;
Mary, married Noah Dimmick ; Hettie, mar-
ried Levi ulead ; Rachel, married John T.
Mead ; Betsey, married Jeremiah G. Baughton ;
Debby, married Jonas Al. Sweet.
(VH) Thomas, son of Joseph and Polly
(Wight) Keator, was born in Roxbury, Dela-
ware county, i\ew York, November 25, 1803,
died in Cortland, New York, June 19, 1879.
He was educated in the public schools and for'
a time followed the occupation of a farmer,
exchisively. Later he established a small mer-
cantile business at what is now \'ega. not far
from Roxbury. He continued farming and in
merchandise until 1854, when he removed to
Cortland, New York, where he became jiromi-
nent. He purchased what is now known as
the Wickwire farm and for a time was engaged
in its operation. He later established himself
in the mercantile business in the village of
Cortland, continuing for two or three years.
He was a man of great energy and unusual
business capacity. In 1863 he effected the
organization of the First National Bank, of
Cortland, and was elected its first president,
holding that important office until his death.
He was president of the village corporation of
Cortland and in many ways aided in the devel-
opment of the village. In Delaware county he
was a member of the Dutch Reformed church,
but after coming to Cortland attended the
Presbyterian church. He was broad-minded
and liberal in all things, giving to every man
his justice, and leaving behind him a reputa-
tion for upright, generous dealing. His political
creed was Whig, later Republican. He mar-
ried (first) Sarah, born 1806, died May 8,
1834, daugliter of Samuel Slaughson. He mar-
ried (second) Betsey More, born 1812, died
1891, daughter of Edwin and Charity (Mc-
Ginnis) More, granddaughter of John and
Betty (Taylor) More, the latter coming to
the United States from Edinburg, Scotland,
their native land. Children by first marriage :
I. Samuel, of further mention. 2. Polly, mar-
ried R. B. Smith. Children by second mar-
riage : 3. Edward, died aged seven years. 4.
Sarah, deceased. 5. Esther, married Oliver
Porter, whom she survives, a resident of
Homer X'illage, New York (1911). 6. Jane,
married (first) William S. Newkirk; (second)
Henry C. Rogers, and resides in Cortland. 7.
Elizabeth, married Brainard N orris, who sur-
vives her. 8. Joseph, died aged thirteen
years. 9. Edward, now president of the First
National Bank, of Cortland ; married Hattie
L. Jones, of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania ; chil-
dren : Thomas, born November 12, 1890 ; Oliver
Porter, November 9, 1892; Martin Derby, July
14, 1899. 10. Mary, marrieil William 1". Chad-
(\'II) Samuel, eldest son and child of
Thomas and his first wife Sarah (Sally)
( Slaughson ) Keator, was born in Roxbury,.
Delaware county, New York, August 26, 1826.
He was educated in the public schools ; work-
ed with his father in the Roxbury store and on
reaching the age of twenty-one years was ad
mitted to a partnership. He remained in busi-
ness at Ro.xbury two years after his father's
removal to Cortland, then disposed of his en-
tire interests and removed to Broome county,.
New York, where he took charge of a tannery,
forming a partnership with his father. He
continued there nine years, until 1865, when he
removed to Cortland, New York, which has
since been his continuous residence. He had
large farming interests and dealt extensively
in live stock for many years. Upon the death
of Thoiuas Keator, in 1879, he succeetied to
the presidency of the First National Bank, of
Cortland, holding that position for nine years,
and is still a member of the board of directors.
In 1903 Mr. Keator came into possession of
the Cortland Foundry and Machine Shops.,
which he still owns and operates. He has led.
an exceedingly busy, active life and the success
that has attended his efforts has been fairly
earned. He has worthily and capably filled
every station in life to which he has been
called, shirked no duty and faithfully executed
every trust. He is a Republican in politics,
and while in Delaware county was town col-
lector. In religious faith he is a Presbyterian.
He married, June 29, 1858. Annie S. Stewart,
born in Scotland, died in Cortland in 1903.
Children: i. Sarah, married Charles F. Brown,
a leading merchant of Cortland, many times a
member of the state legislature, where he is an
important and useful legislator ; children :
Florence and Thomas Keator. 2. Annie, mar-
ried Frank J. Peck, of Cortland ; child, Susan.
3. Clara, married Thomas F. Ward, whom she
survives : children : Thomas and Madeline.
"Burke's Commoners," vol-
WICKWIRE ume 4, states: "The family
of Ware claims a descent
from Roger de Ware, Lord of Isefield, and a
Baron of Parliament in the reign of Edward
I." The founder was Jordan Ue la War, of
Wick, Gloucestershire, England, whose de-
scendants enjoyed extensive grants of land in
the southern, middle and western counties of
England, for bravery in various wars, partic-
ularly on the fields of Cressy and Poictiers.
In early records the name is spelled : War,
Ware, Warr, Warre and Weare. Arms : "Gules,
a lion rampart between eight crosslets, argent."
Crest : "Out of a ducal coronet or, a griffith's
head azure." During the century following the
grant of the Manor of Wick to John La Warre
( 1207) the Manor gradually acquired the name
of Wyke- Warre. In 1290 the parish of Wick-
war was established. The advowson of the
church belonged to the Warre family, passing
from them after the death of Thomas. Lord
de la Warre, governor of \'irginia, when the
Manor of Wickwar was sold to Sir Robert
Ducie, and descended to his heirs. The town
of Wickware or Wickwaire lies in the parish
of the same name about twenty-six miles south
from Gloucester on the best road from there
to Bath. The town has the privilege of a
weekly market and a yearly fair, granted by
Edward I. Wickware as a surname was not in
use until 1500 and probably first came from
a branch of the family resiiling at or near the
Manor of Wick, or Wickwarre, and assumed
that name to distinguish themselves from the
main l)ranch, which after a few generations had
their principal seat in Sussex county. In the
earliest entries, the name is spelled Wyckwarre,
Wyckwarr, \\'yckware, Wickwarre, Wickwarr,
and Wickware. There are many entries of the
name prior to the year 1700 in various parishes
but none are found that give a John Wickwarr,
whose age corresponds with the supposed age
of John of New London except one. John
\A'ickware baptized May 18, 1656, son of John
Wickwarr, of Wotton-Under-Edge, in Glou-
cestershire. His father died when he was less
than a year old and this lack of a paternal care
may have been a factor in his determination
to seek his fortune in the new world. The fam-
ily is said to be almost extinct in England and
the name is not a common one in the United
( I ) John \\'ickware (Wickwire), the ances-
tor of the American family uf Wickware and
Wickwire, settled at New London, Connecti-
cut, in 1675. He is supposed to have been the
son of John and Mary Wickware, of Wotton-
Under-Edge, England, baptized May 18, 1656,
died in March or April, 1712. He was a soldier
io King Philip's war and was engaged in the
Great Swamp fight, December 19, 1675, when
the power of the Narragansetts was broken.
For his service in this war, he afterwards re-
ceived from the general court a grant of one
hundred and forty acres of land in Voluntown.
His name appears on the list of residents in
New London, in 1676; he settled in the north
parish of New London, now known as Mont-
ville. He was one of the seventy-seven paten-
tees of New London named in the patent grant-
ed by Governor Winthrop, October 14, 1704.
By deed, datetl June 30, 1798, he and Mary,
his wife, granted to Rene Grigon, the tract of
land in Voluntown, received for his service in
the Indian war. At the time of his death he
owned several tracts of land besides his home-
stead and was considered a man of wealth for
those times. The use of the word "Mr." be-
fore his name in the clerk's certificate indicates
the social position as it was only applied to
men of social rank. He married, November 6,
1676, Mary, daughter of George and Margery
Tonge. George Tonge was an early settler in
New London, and, in 1656, the general town
meeting chose him to keep an inn for five
years. In those times only trustworthy citi-
zens were accorded this privilege. In the same
year he purchased a house and lot on the
Thames river, "and here he opened the house
of entertainment which he kept during his life
and which being continued by his family, was
the most noted inn of the town for sixty
years." Children of John and Mary (Tonge)
Wickware : i. George, born October 4, 1677.
2. Christopher, of further mention. 3. John,
born December 2, 1685. 4. EHzabeth, born
March 23, 1688-89 '< married, at New London,
.September 9, 1708, Jonas Hamilton, born about
1678, son of David Hamilton, a Scotchman of
Berwick, Maine, who was killed by the In-
dians, September 28, 1691. He and his wife
were baptized at New London, June 25, 1710.
He joined the church at New London, October
8, 1738. In 1748 Jonas Hamilton was described
in a petition to the general court as a member
of the church in the parish of New Salem.
Children : Jonathan, Solomon, Mary, Eliza-
beth, James, Lucretia, Daniel, Ann. 5. Jona-
than, born February 19, 1690-91. 6. Peter,
born March 12, 1694. 7. Ann, born Septem-
ber 25, 1697 ; married, October 14, 1714, James
Brown, of Colchester, who was probably son
of James and Remembrance (Brooks) Brown,
of Colchester. She was baptized with her
daughter Ann, by Rev. James Hillhouse, Octo-
ber 28, 1722. Children: James, Ann, Jonathan.
(II) Christopher Wickwire, second son of
John and Mary ( Tonge ) Wickware, was born
January 8, 1679-80, in the North Parish of
New London, now Montville. On January 16,
1716-17, he conveyed to Lieutenant-Colonel
John Livingston a tract of land at New Lon-
don, the deed was acknowledged at Norwich.
One of the points described in the deed is "a
cellar that John Wickwire built." In 1734 he
removed to Lyme. On June 5, 1739, Christo-
pher Wickwire, "of New London, now a resi-
dent in Lyme," conveyed to Peter Wickwire,
his farm in the North Parish, near Stony
Brook. He married, in New London, Eliza-
beth . Children: i, Ichabod, of further
mention. 2. .Solomon, born about 171 5. "The
Colonial Records of Connecticut," volume 9,
page 371, show that in May. 174S. a memorial
was presented to the legislature of Connecti-
cut by Solomon Wickwire and twenty-two
others, members of the church and inhabitants
of the society or parish of New Salem, "lying
partly in Colchester in the county of Hartford
and partly in Lyme in the county of New
Haven," praying they might be authorized to
call a minister and levy a ta.x for the support
of the' church. He was a soldier in the French
and Indian war, serving in Captain Edmund
Well's Hebron company, in 1756. 3. Nathan.
4. Elizabeth, married Joshua Parker, of New
London. 5. Ann, married a Mr. Chapman,
who died before 1747. 6. Mary, married Na-
thaniel Avery, of Lyme, born January 30,
1702, son of Samuel and Susannah ( Palmes)
Avery, and grandson of Captain James Avery.
One child, Mary, baptized May 24, 1729. 7.
James, born 1725, died October 2^, 1726. 8.
Zebediah, baptized March 22, 1729-30. 9.
( III ) Ichabod, son of Christopher and Eliz-
abeth Wickwire, was born about 1713, died
al)out 1763-64. On October 16, 1764, his son
"Samuel Wickwire was allowed to be guardian
to Oliver Wickwire, bonds given, etc." Oliver
was then about nineteen years of age, and it is
])robable that the appointment was necessary
:ii order that the father's estate might be set-
tled. About 1770 the widow and children re-
moved to Cornwall. Ichabod is said to have
served in the French and Indian war and to
have participated under General Wolfe in the
campaign against Quebec. He married, at
New London, March 19. 1736, Deborah, daugh-
ter of Jonathan Fairbanks,«the ancestor of the
American family, who came from Yorkshire,
England, to Boston, Massachusetts, in 1633. He
had a son Jonathan who was a soldier in King
Philip's war, serving in the Mount Hope and
several other campaigns. Children of Ichabod
and Deborah (Fairbanks) Wickwire: i. Sam-
uel, liorn 1738; married Jane Brown. 2. Elisal,
born 1740: married John Gilbert. He was a
soldier ( with James Wickwire and John Grant )
in Captain .Stephen Hosmer's New Salem com-
[lany. in the French and Indian war in 1755.
3. Oliver, of further mention. 4. Ichabtid, born
1746: married (first) Widow Huntley, mar-
ried (second) Submit Ford, February 27, 1794.
(I\') Oliver, son of Ichabod and Deborah
( Fairbanks) Wickwire, was born in 1745, died
August 17, 1829. Gold's "History of Corn-
wall" says : "Oliver Wickwire came from New
London county before the time of the Revolu-
tion. He settled in the old road long since dis-
continued, running northeast from near Ches-
ter Wickwire's. His nearest neighbor in the
south was James Douglas." The house of
C)i'ver Wickwire was situate 1 on Cream Hill,
in the northern part <.)f Cornwall. His son,
Newton C. stated, in 1901, that Oliver served
in the war of 1812. He married (first) Lois
r>eckvvith. born 1752, died January 28, 1813.
.She and her husband were both buried at
Ljmc Rock. He married (second) Widow
Mary Gibbs Havvley- Children by first mar-
riage: I. Esther, born 1773, at Lyme; married
Lumaii Howe ; children : Alvah and Lucretia.
2. Joseph, born 1775, at Cornwall ; died Janu-
ary 18. 1813. 3. Joshua, born 1781. 4. Daniel,
of further mention. 5. Richard. 6. Ransom.
7. Lois, married James Robb. of Salisbury.
Connecticut; they had several children. 8.
Lucretia. born June 4. 1789; married Calvin
Butler, and had ten children. 9. Julia D., mar-
ried James E. Kellogg. 10. Mary, married
Paul Price, born 1782, son of Sergeant Paul
and Sarah (Berry) (Viall) Price, of Goshen,
and had four children. Children by second
marriage: 11. Clarissa, married Lucius Foote,
born June 22, 1815, son of Colonel Samuel
and Lucy (Lord) Foote. 12. Newton C, born
August 20, 1818. 13. Jeannette, born 1825:
married Charles Page, of Aurora, Illinois.
( V) Daniel, son of Oliver and Lois (Beck-
with ) Wickwire, was born in 1782, died in
1870. In April, 1825, he was appointed a
member of a committee to build a meeting-
house for the society of North Cornwall. He
was the owner of a large farm of over a thou-
sand acres in Cream Hill. He married, at
Cornwall, December 30, 1803, Mary Scoville.
Children: i. Irene, born January 12, 1806;
married Lewis Dean, and died March 3, 1824.
at birth of twins, who died when two years
old. 2. Chester, born May 29, 1810. 3. Ray-
mond, of further mention. 4. Mary, born De-
cember 28, 1817, died July 30, 1850; married
Joseph Kinney, of Cortland, New \'ork ; chil-
dren: .-Kmelia, married Daniel Smith, after her
death he married Sarah Jane Wickwire ; Helen,
died unmarried ; Edgar, deceased.
(VI) Raymond, son of Daniel and Mary
(Scoville) Wickwire, was born January 28,
1816. died at Cortland, New York, September
4, 1866. He married, at McGrawville, New
York, February 2/, 1840, Elmira, daughter of
Homer B. Greenman, born at Stephcntown,
New York, son of Benjamin Greenman, born
at Block Island. Rhode Island. Homer B.
Greenman married Rachel, daughter of David
Waterbury, born at Nassau. New York. Ray-
mond Wickwire resided at Cortland. New York.
Children: i. Mary Celcstia. born February 13,
1841 : married, September 18. 1861, Edward
Stilson, born July i, 1839, died October 23,
1868, son of Ansyl Ford and Susan (Dewey)
Stilson; children i. Arthur Ford, born Decem-
ber 9, 1864. married, January 22. 1890, Carrie
Louise, daughter of Henry F. and Carrie (Put-
nam ) Benton. Mrs. Stilson is an active member
of the Daughters of the American Revolution;
children: a. Raymond Putnam, born October ii,
1892, died December 11, 1893; b. Chester Ben-
ton, born January 16, 1896; ii. Edward, born
March 9, 1867, married, March 4, 1891, Mar-
tha, daughter of Frank \\\ Collins; children:
a. Georgia Jennette, born July 22, 1892; b.
Mary Wickwire, born July 13, 1894; c. Laura
Ford, born November 15, 1895; d. Edward,
born November 18, 1899. 2. Chester Franklin,
of further mention. 3. Chauncey John, born
May 22, 1845, died October 14, 1872, unmar-
ried. 4. Ella Adelia. born January 13. 1849;
married, August 19, 1868, Charles W. Sanders,
M. D., of New York City, son of Charles W.
Sanders, the author of "Sander's Series of
School Books." He graduated from Columbia
College, and from the College of Physicians
and Surgeons in 1878; children: i. Grace Eliz-
abeth, born August 18. 1870, graduated at
\'assar in 1890; married John Hicks Macy (2),
November 7, 1894; he died in 1903; children:
a. John Hicks (3), born .September 22, 1895;
b. Grace Elinor, born August 31, 1897; ii.
Mary Noxon, born November 6, 1876, gradu-
ated at \'assar in 1896, class president ; mar-
ried William Henry Hays, October 19, 1898:
he graduated at Columbia in 1896; he is a
member of the L^niversity Club; children: a.
Ethel Sanders, born June 12, 1901 ; b. Will-
iam Henry (2), born May 3, 1903; c. Grace,
born March I, 1907; iii. Ethel Blanche, born
February 28, 1879, graduated at Miss Brown's
school in 1897; married William Stocking
Gould, April 20, 1898; children: a. ?Ie!en
Sanders, born June 18, 1900; b. William Stock-
ing (2), born Septetpber 12, 1903; c. Marian
Ethel, born January 18. 1906. 5. Theodore
H., of further mention.
(VII) Chester Franklin Wickwire, son of
Raymond \Vickwire, was born on the home-
stead on the hill south of McCjrawville, May
31, 1843, ^T^l '"IS attended the public schools
o* Cortlandville. In 1865 he came to Cort-
land village and started a grocery store in
the north part of the Riley building on the
west side of Main street, at what is now 16
Main street. For forty-five years he continued
in active and successful business there. He
died Septemljer 14, 1910, and he was active
until a few days before his death. After about
a year, however, he sold his grocery stock and
continued in the hardware business in the same
store, under the firm name of C. F. Wickwire
I Xj'^ir^^r.iiLi
& Company, his father being in partnership.
When his father died about a year later, his
younger brother, Chauiicey J., succeeded to his
interests. Chauncey J. died October 14, 1872,
and was succeeded in the firm by the youngest
brother, Theodore H. Wickwire, the name
being changed then to Wickwire Brothers, and
thus it lias continued since. The firm bought
the Rose building on the opposite side of Main
street. It was destroyed by fire in February,
1884, after which the present four-story brick
Wickwire building was erected. The store
has been located in this building since its erec-
tion. In 1873 an old loom came into the pos-
session of the firm in the way of trade, and
Chester F. Wickwire, who was gifted with
inventive genius and mechanical skill, began to
experiment with the loom in wire weaving and
succeeded in making it operate perfectly. In
1873, accordingly, the firm began with the old
loom to manufacture wire screen and other
wire goods in a small building at the rear of
the store. More looms were added and the
business grew rapidly. The factory was en-
larged until it occupied all the available space
within the square. In 1876 the hardware store
was sold, and in, 1881, the firm began to draw
fine wire for use in the business, erecting a
large brick factory for the purpose on South
Main street. In 1884 the wire weaving and
wire goods departments were moved to this
location. The business was incorporated in
1892, under the same name, Wickwire Brothers,
of which Chester F. Wickwire was president,
and Theodore H. W'ickwire, treasurer. Other
additions were made from time to time. A rod
mill, an open-hearth steel plant and other de-
partments were added. This industry became
the most important in Cortland. The present
plant occupies thirty-six acres of land, nearly
covered with buildings. It is also known as
the largest and best equipped factory for tlie
manufacture of wire goods in this country.
The machinery used in weaving, spooling,
painting and finishing wire cloth was largely
invented by Mr. Wickwire, and nearly all built
for the concern. lie could operate all the
machines and knew every detail of the manu-
facture, and he used to spend much time in
watching the machinery and making improve-
ments in operations, to increase the efficiency
or production. He was always respected and
liked by his employees. He avoided labor
troubles through his fairness and considerate-
He was a clirector of the First National
Bank for many years and previously had been
director of other banks. He was interested
keenly in public alYairs and gave his time free-
Iv to public duties. He was appointed, June
6, 1892, one of the five sewer commissioners in
charge of constructing a sewer system for Cort-
land, and, in iqoo, the same sewer board be-
came' under the city charter the board of
public works. The same men continued in
office afterward and Mr. Wickwire's death
brought the first change in a remarkably able
and efficient commission. Mr. Wickwire was
determined to have public work performed
right, and he had peculiar opportunities to
carry out his wishes and determination. The
slag with which the streets are paved was
given by Wickwire Brothers to the city, and
even the cost of crushing and preparing this
material for the roads was borne by Wickwire
Brothers. For many years Mr. Wickwire was
a trustee of the Presbyterian church. For all
public charities and many private needs he has
given freely. His greatest single gift was the
handsome new hos|)ital, which was nearly com-
pleted at the time of his death, and which he
gave to the city and county. For many years
he was on the board of trustees of the hospital
and always gave liberally of his tiiue as well
as his money for this institution. He took the
greatest personal interest in superintending the
erection of the building. He made various
changes from time to time to improve the
hospital, bearing cheerfully the added cost, and
it is believed that the total value of the gift
was fully a hundred thousand dollars. The
forenoon before he suffered the fatal stroke of
paralysis he had spent at the hospital. The
building will be one of the finest memorials
to the first citizen of Cortland. Mr. Wickwire
was also director of the Wickwire Steel Com-
pany, incorporated in 1907, having a large,
modern plant on the Niagara river, just north
of Bufifalo. T. H. Wickwire Jr. is treasurer.
The following editorial from the Cortland
Daily Standard shows the appreciation of Mr.
Wickwire's character and service to the com-
munity :
It is only the simple truth to say that the death of
no other citizen of Cortland could cause the wide-
spread and deeply-felt loss which follows upon the
death of Chester F. Wickwire. Xo other citizen
has done so much for the place in so many ways, or
has shown such interest and pride in its progress
and welfare. More than any one else he has con-
tributed to make Cortland what it is, not only by
laying the foundations of the great business of which
he was head and lending his remarkable mechanical
genius and sound judgment tu building it up to its
present proportions, but by years of faithful, intelli-
gent and self-sacrificing service on its board of pub-
lic works, and last of all by the splendid gift which
he recently made the city in the hospital building
which is not yet completed. He was quiet and mod-
est, simple and sincere, kindly and genuine. His
word was never given to be broken, and his sym-
pathies and acts were always on the side of that
which was straight and square and right. Careful
in reacliing his conclusions, he stood like a rock when
his mind was made up. -And there was throughout
his whole career an unwavering faithfulness and
perseverence and loyalty in whatever his hands found
to do which won admiration and commanded success.
The story of the great mills which grew up from
the seed of an old liand-wire loom under the touch
of the genius of the man reads like a fairy tale of
American business. Opportunity knocked at his door
and did not knock in vain. But not one man in a
million would have made of the opportunity \vhat he
did, and even he had no vision of what it would
bring in its train. He simply saw a piece of machin-
ery to be put in order and then improved, and he
did the work and did it well. .And so it was with
every demand which increasing business and enlarg-
ing outlook put upon him. He did the day's duties to
the best of his ability, without self-consciousness or
greed, and he grew and things about him grew with
Those who worked with him and under him liked
him and respected him. He had done work and the
hardest kind of work himself, he knew what a fair
day's work was, and he was never unreasonable or
exacting, but always- appreciative of intelligent and
efficient effort. Few employers have commanded to
a greater degree the sincere affection and coniidence
of their employees.
As he was in business, so he was in his social and
domestic life. He was a true friend, a kind and gen-
erous husband and father, a public-spirited and right-
minded citizen. Friends who were closest to him
believe that what he had already done for his city
in the gift of a hospital building by no means 'repre-
sented all that he had in mind. While few men as
busy as he was give the public more and better serv-
ice than he gave to Cortland by his years of member-
ship on its board of public works, his modesty led
him to think that he had done little where he might
have done much, and had his life been spared it
would undoubtedly have been still richer in labors
and benefits for his fellow townsmen.
His death means a loss to Cortland which no one
can estimate. He was its most honored and valiied
citizen. He leaves a vacancy in the community which
cannot be filled. And there is a universal and heart-
felt sympathy with those to whom he stood in the
closest relations and upon whom his death falls with
a weight all the harder to bear because he was
stricken down in apparent health and with the pros-
pect of years of usefulness before him.
He married. October 2, i8(t6, Ardell L.,
daughter of Sinieon and Sabrina ( Rowley )
Rouse, of Cortland. Children: i. Ra^^mond
Chester, born .August 2, 1872, died January
15, 1878. 2. Charles Chester, born June 23.
1879, mentioned below. 3. Frederic Ross, born
January 16, 1883, graduated from Andover,
1902: graduated from Yale, 1905; a director
and secretary of Wickwire Brothers ; also di-
rector in Wickwire Steel Company, and suc-
ceeded his father on the hospital board.
(\'III) Charles Chester, second son of Ches-
ter I'ranklin and Ardell L. ( Rouse ) Wick-
wire, was born in Cortland, New York, Jtme
23, 1879. He was educated at Cortland Normal
Sthool and Phillips Academy, at Andover, Mas-
sachusetts, being graduated from the latter
class of 1898. Immediately upon the comjdc-
tion of his studies, he entered upon an active
business life, becoming associated with his
father in the manufacturing plant of "Wick-
wire llrothers," in Cortland. He rapidly de-
velope 1 fine executive qualities, and, in 1907,
was elected vice-president of the corporation,
an office he now fills (1911). He holds other
positions of trust and is interested in other
enterprises, including membership on the board
of directors of the National Bank, of Cortland ;
director of Wickwire Steel Company, near
Buffalo. He is a member of the Presbyterian
church. In 1904 he was presidential elector,
and succeeded his father on the board of public
works. Politically he is a Republican. He
married, October 9, 1902, Mabel Louise, daugh-
ter of Hon. Lawrence Fitzgerald, ex-state
treastirer of New York. She was educated in
the Cortland schools, and at Smith College,
where she was graduated in class of 1901.
Children: Helen .\rdell. born September 18.
1904: Charlotte Rouse, March 20, 1909.
( VII ) Theodore H., youngest child of Ray-
mond and Elmira ( Greenman ) Wickwire, was
born in Cortland, New York, March 29, 1851.
In 1873, '" association with his brother, Ches-
ter Franklin Wickwire (now deceased), he
engaged in the mantifacture of wire cloth and
wire goods, under the firm name "Wickwire
Brothers." The business steadily increased in
volume, and, in 1892, was incorporated umler
the same name, with Chester F. Wickwire,
president, and Theodore H. Wickwire, treas-
urer. The plant is very large and is well
e(|tiipped with special machinery invented by
members of the company. Mr. Wickwire has
numerous other business activities. He is presi-
dent of the Wickwire Steel Company, with
plant on the Niagara river, just north of Buf-
falo : vice-president of First National Bank,
of Cortland ; director of the Second National
Bank, of Cortland ; chairman of the board of
trustees of the First Presbyterian Church, of
Cortland ; secretary of the local board of the
Cortland State Normal School ; director of the
Albany Theological Seminary, and other minor
interests. In 1896 he was presidential electur
for the state of New York, on the ticket of the
Reiniblican party. He married, June 12, 1878,
iMiinia \'. Woodmansee. Children: i. Theo-
dore Harry, born at Cortland, New York, April
6, 1879; prepared for college at Phillips An-
dover Academy, whence he was graduated
1898; entered Yale University, being gratlu-
ated in 1903, with the degree of A. B. ; mar-
ried, at Brooklyn, New York, October, 1903,
Sophie Bremmer, daughter of Charles Gor-
hani Hedge, and has sons, Theodore Harry
(2), born September 27, 1906, and Hedge W'..
born February, 1910. 2. Jere Raymond, born
Jul\- 3, 1883: graduated at Phillips Andover
Academy, 1902: Yale L'niversity, 1906, degree
of A. P>. ; married, April 21, 1908, Constant
Lounsberry, daughter of Isaac Bradley John-
son, of New York City; one child, Jere R. Jr..
born March 31, 191 1. 3. Ward .\llington, born
March 31, 1885 : entered Yale University, class
of 1909. 4. Harriet Allington.
The Kinney family of Cortland,
KINNEY New York, trace their ancestry
in unbroken male line to the
emigrant who landed in New England more
than two and one-half centuries ago. He was
of English birth, son of a titled Englishman,
and was doubtless reared in aflluence. Like
many of his day he demanded for himself en-
tire freedom in matters of religion, and being
denied in his native land, he joined the tide of
emigration flowing to Holland, the one bright
s]X)t in Europe where religion was conceded
to be a matter of personal arljustment and not
to be governed by dictate of jirince or church
(II) Henry Kinney, born in England, in
1642, was the son of Sir Thomas Kinney, of
Norfolk, England, who had been knighted for
n valuable service rendered his king. Henry
Kinney came to America from Holland, in
1633, and settled on a farm at Salem, Massa-
chusetts, where he died in 1712. He served in
King Philip's war: was a prosperous farmer,
and a most religious man, often officiating at
public service endeavoring by precept and ex-
ample to advance the cause of his Master.
He held public office in Salem, where his name
is found as Keyney, Kenney, Kenny, Kinney
and Kinne. He married Anna . Chil-
dren: John, born 1651 ; Thomas, of further
mention; Hannah, born 1658: Mary, 1659;
Sarah, 1661 ; Elizabeth, it)()2 ; Lydia, 1666;
Henry, 1669.
(III) Thomas, second son of Henry Kin-
ney, was born in Salem, Massachusetts, 1656,
died in that town, 1687. His name appears in
the "First Booke of record of ye proprietors
of ye common lands in Salem and of their first
meeting which was ye 29 day of June, 1713, in
a list of ye proprietors," as Thomas Kenney
He was also a farmer and a religious man. He
married, 1677, Elizabeth Knight, who bore him
four sons.
(IV) Thomas (2), eldest son of Thomas
( I ) and Elizabeth ( Knight ) Kinney, was bo.rn
at Salem, Alas.sachusetts, 1678, died at Preston,
Connecticut, October i, 1756. In 1715 he sold
his Salem property and removed to Preston
(now Griswold), Connecticut. When he made
deeds for his Salem property he signed his
name Kinne and carried that spelling to Con-
necticut with him. His gravestone on the
banks of the Tackany bore the same form
which is still adhered to by some branches of
his descendants. He was one of the founders
and a deacon of the "Second Church of Christ"
in Preston, now the First Congregational
Church, of Griswold. He married Martha
Cox, who bore him, between 1702 and 1727,
ten sons and six daughters. His eldest son.
Jeremiah, died in \'oluntown, Connecticut;
married Mary Strackweather and had thir-
teen children ; another son. David, married
Eunice Cogswell, who bore him twelve chil-
dren, of whom the eighth. Elizabeth, was the
mother of eleven children. Amos, fifth child,
married Sarah Palmer, and had eight children.
His son served in the revolution, as did twenty-
two others of the name Kinne from Connecti-
(\ ) Moses, sixth scjn of TiKimas (2) and
Martha (Cox) Kinney, was born in Salem.
Massachusetts. May 8, 17 10, died in \'olun-
town. Connecticut, 1798. He married Abigail
Read. Among their children was Ira.
( \'I) Ira, son of Moses and Abigail ( Read)
Kinney, was born in Vokmtown. Connecticut.
August 7, 1740. He married Miriam ,
and had a son Moses.
(\'II) Moses (2), son of Ira and ^Miriam
Kinney, was born June 7. 1768. died at Cort-
land, New York, 1853. In the vear 1800 he
was living in Preston. Connecticut, from
whence he departed on this long overland jour-
ney to Cortland county, New York, where he
had selected a farm in the town of Homer, one
and one-half miles east of the village of Cort-
land. His journey took him through an un-
broken wilderness filled with the wild things of
the forest, ever ready to do him harm. The
journey, however, was safely made. He im-
proved his farm to such an extent that it was
considered one of the very best in Cortland
county. In the spring of 1836 he sold this
farm to his son Gilmore, realizing $6,000 for
it. He then settled in the village of Cortland,
where he resided until his death. In early life
he united with the Presbyterian church and
lived according to the strict tenets of that faith.
His punctuality and regularity at church serv-
ices were proverbial and the story is told of
his horses running or walking away, going to
the church where they stopped long enough
for the family to alight (had they been there),
then proceeding to the church sheds and stand-
ing orderly until Moses came after them. He
was very positive in his opinions and exceed-
ingly loath to admit himself in the wrong, but
so sturdy and inflexible in his integrity that he
held the respect of all. He was appointed
lieutenant of militia, April 8, and ensign, April
29, 1805, his commission bearing the signature
of Governor Morgan Lewis, of New York.
He married (first) Adah , who died in
Homer, New York, February 23, 1810, only
surviving the burdens of a pioneer's wife ten
years. In 1811 he married (second) Polly
Forbes, who died in Cortland, New ^'ork,
April 13, 1838. Children by first wife: i. Bet-
sey, born September 10, 1789, died at Delevan,
Wisconsin ; ten children. 2. Moses, born March
II, 1792. died June i, 1849, vvithout issue. 3.
Lorin, born September 18, 1794, died July 29,
1 81 5, without issue. 4. Gilmore, of further
mention. 5. Clarissa, born August 27, 1799,
died July 11, 1815. 6. Azor, born October 13,
1803. 7. Olinda, born January 28, 180C).
8. Giles, born February 9, 1808. Children by
second marriage : 9. Norman, born January 25,
1812, died May 22, 1875. 10. Adah, born No-
vember 22, 1813, died January 28, 1819. 11.
Anna, born February 23, 1816. 12. Frances
A., born July 10, 1818. 13. Esther A., born
February 14, 1822. 14. Ronielia F., born June
29. 1829.
(Mil) (iilmorc, fdurth cliild of Moses (2)
and his first wife, .\dah Kinney, was born July
22, 1796, at Preston, Connecticut, died at Mc-
(jrawville, Cortland county. New York, De-
cember 16, 1856. He came to Cortland county
with his parents in 1800. He assisted in wrest-
ing the farm from its wild uncultivated state,
obtaining his education at a school three miles
distant, taking turns with his two other brothers,
during the three winter months of school. He
remained with his father until his marriage,
then rented a farm on the share plan, meeting
with indifl'crent success. About 1828 he was
elected constable anfl was reelected seven suc-
cessive years. During his last three years of
office he was also under-sheriff and lived in
the Cortland county jail, then located at the
west end of Court street, in Cortland Village.
In 1836 he purchased the homestead farm of
his father, moved there, where he continued
his residence until the spring of 1840, when
he sold the entire property of one hundred and
seventy-five acres and removed to Cortland
X'illage, remaining until the following Decem-
ber. For the next seven years he was owner
and proprietor of the McGrawville Hotel; dis-
posing of that property he purchased a home
just west of the hotel, where he lived until his
death. He was a successful man of business
and left his family a competence. He joined
the Presbyterian church when young, but in
later life adopted more liberal views and firm-
ly believed in future happiness for all. He
was a Whig in politics. He married, February
23, 1819, Lois Noble. Children: i. Lorin A.,
born January 20, 1820, tlied May 17, 1836. 2.
(Jrson .Alonzo. of further mention. 3. Minerva
A., born January 9, 1823. died June 7, 1843.
4. Selina, born February i, 1824; married,
February i, 1866, Alanson Pike. 5. Clarissa
M., born April 28, 1827: married, June 13.
1850, Lucius Babcock. 6. Edwin R., born
January 13, 1831 : married, January 14. 1852.
Eleanor Decker ; children : Arthur, Emma,
Mary, Edwin, who died June 4, 1857.
(IX) Orson .\lonzo, second son of Gilmore
and Lois (Noble) Kinney, was born in Cort-
land, New York, October 31, 1821, died at Mc-
Grawville, New York, June 17, 1896. He
attended the common schools, and early began
working on his father's farm, first settled by
his grandfather, Moses Kinney. There was a
great deal of stock raised on the farm and
(irson A. made trips across country to Phila-
delphia, driving the cattle, which were dis-
posed of on arrival at the city mentioned. In
1846 he settled about two miles south of Mc-
Grawville, on a farm, remaining there until
1857, when he removed to Blodgett's Mills.
In 1870 he returned to the village of McGraw-
ville, where he lived until his death. He dealt
extensively in real estate, built many residences
and did much to improve McGrawville ; was
town trustee many years and aided greatly in
every movement for the advancement of the
town. He was prominent in the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows; was for twenty years
a member of the old lodge and became a char-
ter member of the new lodge instituted in
1880; held the rank of past noble grand at the
time of his death. He was a Democrat in
politics. He married (first) February 25,
1846. lulia E. (jreenman, of Solon, New York,
born February 29. 1824, died July 24, 1876.
He married (second) Nancy E. Lamont, of
McGrawville. Children, all by first marriage ;
I. Clarissa, born January 7, 1847, died Octo-
ber 28, 1861. 2. Clara .Augusta, born .\pril
II. 1848, died October 20. 1861. 3. Roger,
born .April 10, 1850, died December 20, 1863.
4. Gilmore, born January 2, 1852, resident of
\\'eehawken, New Jersey : married Celia Os-
born : children: Benjamin, born May 6, 1875;
Montrose, September 22, 1876; Julia, Febru-
ary 8, 1880: Clarine, Alarch 25, 1883; (Jilmore,
June 9, 1886: Charles, February 7, 1889. 5.
Julia Etta, born May 29, 1834: married Colo-
nel Daniel S. Lamont: children: Elizabeth,
born December i, 1881 ; Julia, September 22,
1883, died August 26, 1902; Frances Cleve-
land, November 18, 1888; Catherine. Cktober
II. 1896. 6. Orson A. (2), of further men-
tion. 7. Jessie, born December 21, i8()8, died
February 19, 1871.
( X ) Orson Alonzo ( 2 ) , son of Orson Alonzo
fi) and Julia E. (Greenman) Kinney, was
born in Rlodgetts J^Iills, Cortland county. New
York, February 8, 1866. He was educated at
AIcGrawville Free Academy, and on leaving
school at the age of seventeen years associated
with his brother for several years, engaged in
ranching in Kansas. From 1888 until 1892 he
was cashier of the First National ISank, of
Dighton, Kansas. In 1892 he returned to
Cortland and until 1899 was employed in the
ofifices of the "Wickwire Brothers" manufac-
turing plant. In 1899 he was elected secretary
of the H. F. Benton Lumber Company ( estab-
lished in 1866. incorporated in 1899), and ujion
the death of Mr. Benton, in 1910, was elected
president of the corporation, which position he
now holds (1911). He is an elder of the
Presbyterian church, of Cortland : member of
the McGrawville Lodge, Independent Order
of Odd Fellows, and of the Cortlandville
Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. Politically
he is a Democrat. He married (first), Octo-
ber 26, 1887, Sadie G. Taylor, born December
29, 1865, died .August 29, 1893, daughter of
\Vilson Taylor, of East Palestine, Ohio. He
married (second), November 19, 1896, Mar-
garet Townsend, of Moravia, New York, born
February 8, 1872, daughter of James J. and
Amy (.Arnold) Townsend. Children: I. Mar-
garet Reade, born September 16, 1901. 2.
Orson .Alonzo (3), born April 21, 1903, died
March 10, 1904. 3. Daniel Lamont, born July
22, 1905.
Lieutenant William Clark, immi-
CL.ARK grant ancestor, was born in Dor-
setshire, England, in 1609. Ac-
cording to family tradition, he came to New
England in the shi]i "Mary and John," which
left Plymouth, England, .\iarch 30, 1630. The
name of William Clark also appears in the list
of passengers who took "Oathes of Supremacy
and Allegiance to pass for New England in
the 'Mary and John' of Lqndon, Robert Sayres,
Master, 24th Mar. 1633." He settled at Dor-
chester, Alassachusetts, before 1635. There
were three other Clarks among the first set-
tlers at Dorchester, who were buried beneath
one gravestone, which bears the following in-
scription :
Here lie tliree Clarkes. tlieir ace Hints are even.
Entered nn earth, carried np to Heaven.
The name is by many families spelled with a
final ''e."
William Clark was a prominent citizen of
Dorchester, and was a selectman, 1646-50. In
1653 he was one of the petitioners to the gen-
eral court of Massachusetts for permission to
settle in the "New Country," now Northamp-
ton, Massachusetts, and removed to that town
in 1659. A history of Northampton says "Lieu-
tenant William Clarke moved his family to
Northampton in 1639. His wife rode on horse-
back, with two baskets called 'panniers' slung
across the horse, carrying one boy in each
basket and one on her lap, her husband, fifty
vears old, preceding on foot." From the
town records of Northampton, it appears that
William Clark received twelve acres of land
on the west side of what is now Elm street.
bordering on Mill river. Here he erected a
log house, which he occupied from 1659 to
1681, when it was burned. An historian says
of this occurrence: "Here behold a sad picture
of the times ! Jack, a negro servant of Sam-
uel Wolcott, of Wethersfield, set fire to the
house of Lieutenant William Clarke by taking
a brand of fire from the hearth and swinging
it up and down, for to find victuals, and was
sentenced to he taken from the bar to the place
whence he came, and then to be hanged by the
neck till he was dead, and then to be taken
down and burnt to ashes in the fire. He con-
fessed that he did it and did it in carelessness
and the law had its course." The new house,
erected in 1681, remained standing in North-
ampton until 1826. Lieutenant William Clark
organized, in 1661, in Northampton, a train
band of sixty men, for defence against the In-
dians, and he commanded the company in King
Philip's war and other Indian wars. He was
one of the seven incorporators of the first
church in Northampton ; he was also a judge
of the county court. He married (first) Sarah
, who died September 6, 1675. He
married (second) Sarah Cooper, November 15,
1676, who died May 6, 1688. He died at
Northampton, July 19, 1690. A monument has
been erected to his memory in the Northamp-
ton cemetery. Children: Sarah, born 1638;
Jonathan, 1639: Nathaniel, 1642; Experience,
1643; Increase, 1646; Rebecca, 1648; John,
1651 ; Samuel, 1653; William, 1656, mentioned
below ; Sarah, 1659.
(II) Captain W'illiam (2) Clark, son of
Lieutenant William ( i ) Clark, was born at
Dorchester. His birth is recorded as follows:
"Wm. Clarke ye sonne of Wm. Clarke borne
3 :5 :56." When he was three years old, his
father removed to Northampton, and he was
carried there in a "pannier" on horseback. He
was an early settler, large landowner, and
prominent citizen of Lebanon, Connecticut.
He was one of the purchasers of the tract of
land in the north part of the town, known as
"The Clarke and Dewey Purchase," from
Ow^anecho. sachem of the Mohegan Indians,
who claimed rights under Uncas, and was also
one of the "fifty-one original land proprietors."
He was the first representative of Lebanon in
1705, in the general assembly, and continued
in that office for thirteen years. He was also
a selectman sixteen years and town clerk, 1700-
25. He was captain of militia, and served in
several wars with the Indians. He married
(first) Hannah Strong, at Northampton, July
15, 1680. She died January 31, i(>93, and he
married ( second ), 1(394, Mary Smith, who died
April 2^, 1748. He died at Lebanon, May 9,
1725. Children of first wife: Hannah, born
1682: Abigail, 1683; William, 1685; Jonathan,
1688. mentioned below ; Thomas, 1690; Joseph,
1691 ; Benoni. 1693. Children of second wife:
Timothy, 1695: Gershom, 1697.
( HI ) Jonathan, son of Captain William ( 2 )
Clark, was born at Northampton, May 13,
r688. He was a farmer by occupation, and
died at Lebanon, January 12, 1743. He mar-
ried Hannah Smalley, January 6, 1713. Child,
Jonathan, mentioned below.
(IV) Jonathan (2), son of Jonathan (i)
Clark, was born at Lebanon. November i.
171 5. He was a farmer by occupation and in-
herited large landed property. This property
he sold, and lost his fortune by the continental
money of the revolution. In 1757 he was
selectman of Lebanon. He married, January
16, 1734, Mercy Dewey. Children: Hannah,
born 1735 ; Jonathan, 1737 ; Dan. 1741 ; Mercy,
1745; David, 1748: Zerviah, 1751 : Lemuel,
1753: Gershom, 1755.
(V) Lemuel, son of Jonathan (2) Clark,
was born at Lebanon, August 8, 1753, died at
Candor, New York, 1831. He was a farmer
by occupation, and lived successively at Leb-
anon, Connecticut ; Columbia county. New
York ; West Stockbridge, Lenox, and Loudon,
now Otis, Berkshire county, Massachusetts,
and Canaan, Bridgewater and Candor, New
York. He served in the revolution for a short
time, and his name is on the roll of Captain
David Tilden's company, raised in Lebanon,
April, 1775, and also in the ofiicial "List of
the Men who marched from the Connecticut
Towns for the Relief of Boston in the Lexing-
ton Alarm, April, 1775." He married
Children: Sarah, born 1773; Lem-
uel, 1775: William, 1777, mentioned below;
Erastus, 1779; Ruth, 1781 ; Daniel, 1783;
Gershom, 1785; Benjamin. 1787: Ira, 1789;
Gustavus, 1791 : John Flavin, 1793; Amos,
1794; Alvin, 1797.
(VI) William (3), son of Lemuel Clark,
was born in Lebanon, September 22, 1777. He
became a well educated and successful Pres-
bvterian clergyman, licensed by the Berkshire
Presbyterian Association, 1803. From 1803
to 1808 he was a missionary in western New
York. He preached successively at Romulus,
Ovid, Wolcott, Huron, Hannibal, Danby and
Ira, New York. He was a fluent and im-
pressive speaker, an ardent friend of law and
order, education, all social and moral reforms,
and was a pioneer in the crusades against in-
temperance and slavery. He was distinguished
for his fine physique and commanding pres-
ence, strong and logical mind, ready wit and
remarkable memory. He married, July 16,
1807, at Cjenoa, New York, Sophronia Tillot-
son. Children: Elizabeth, born 1808: William,
1810, mentioned below : Samuel, 181 1 ; Darius,
1814: Sophronia, 1816: Corintha, 1818: Em-
mons, 1827: Tillotson, 1828.
(VH) William (4), son of William (3)
Clark, was born at Ovid, .Seneca county. New
York, February 9, 1810. His ancestors on his
mother's as well as his father's side served with
credit in the revolution. Two of his younger
brothers were John T. Clark, late judge of the
state of Wisconsin, and General Emmons
Clark, of New York City, for twenty-five years
colonel of the Seventh Regiment, and since
1866 secretary of the New York health de-
partment. He came with his father at the age
of six years to Huron, Wayne county, and re-
mained there, except for about two years, until
he was twenty, when he went to Lyons to study
law. Here he entered the office of Graham H.
Chapin and afterwards that of John M. HoUey.
He was admitted to practice as an attorney
at law in the supreme court, January, 1838,
and practiced at Lyons for two years. He then
entered into partnership with Hon. John M.
Holley, which continued until the latter's death.
While a member of congress, January, 1841, he
was admitted under the system then in force in
New York, as a counselor of law in the su-
preme court, as a solicitor in chancery, January.
1838, and as a counselor in chancery, January.
1843. In March, 1842, he was also admitted
to practice in the district and circuit courts of
the L'nited States, in and for the northern dis-
trict of New York, From the time of Mr.
Holley's death, Mr. Clark practiced alone to
the time of his leaving Lyons for Denver, Colo-
rado, except for a few years when Colonel An-
son S. Wood, late of \Volcott, New York, was
associated with him under the firm name of
Clark & Wood, and from 1870 to 1876, when
his son, William H. Clark, was associated with
him under the firm name of W. & W^ H. Clark.
Mr. Clark was a strong and convincing advo-
cate, and was particularly well known as a
thoroughly informed and safe legal advisor, a
reputation which gained for him the term of
'"Counselor" Clark, He took a deep interest
in politics, first as a Whig and afterwards as a
Republican, and was state senator in 1854-55,
and chairman of the judiciary committee. In
December, 1878, Mr. Clark removed to Denver
for the benefit of his health, which had been
much impaired from asthma. While on his
return tu that city from a visit to Lyons he fell
from a train near Clyde, Ohio, July 9, 1890,
and was instantly killetl. He was a member of
the Central Presbyterian Church, of Denver.
He married, October 13, 1847, Amelia R. Heer-
mans, formerly of Nassau, New York, who
died October 16, 1880. They had six children,
of whom two died when very young. Surviv-
ing children : William H., mentioned below ;
John H., for many years principal of the Lyons
L^nion School, afterwards superintendent of
schools at Flushing. New York, now principal
of the Flushing high school, a part of the
(jreater New York system; Mrs. James W.
Putnam, of Lyons, New York, and Mrs. James
II, Brown, of Denver, Colorado.
(VIII) William Heermans, son of Hon.
William (4) Clark, was born at Lyons, New
York, August 12, 1848. He was educated at
Hamilton College, which he attended in 1865-
66, and at Union College, 1866-68, from which
he obtained the degree of A. B. He took the
tlegree of A. M., in 1871, and delivered the
Master's oration at commencement that year.
While in college, he took the Ingham and War-
ner prizes and other prizes in speaking and
writing. He was a member of the Phi Beta
Kappa .Society. In 1869 he was admitted to
the bar and practiced law until April i, 1876,
in which year he bought the Cortland Stand-
ard, a weekly newspaper, now a daily and semi-
weekly. Since 1903 he has also been presi-
dent of the Norwich ( New York ) Publish-
ing Company, publishing the Norzvich Daily
Sun and Chenango Scnii-U'eekly Telegraph.
He is also president of the Cortland Standard
Printing Company. In 1875 he was a member
of assembly from Wayne county, and was a
member of the Republican state committee,
under the chairmanship of Chester A. Arthur.
He is now jiresident of the local board of
managers of the State Normal and Train-
ing .School at Cortland, postmaster of the
city of Cortland, and was one of the first
Cnion P'ree School commissioners of Cort-
land. He married. December 31, 1879, Helen,
daughter of Rev. Thomas Street, D. D. ChU-
dren: .Antoinette, born 1880: Thomas Street,
]\Iay 4. 1884, (lied May 12. 1909, graduated
from Cortland High and Normal schools, and
from Princeton University, 1908, and was a
student at Harvard Law School at the time of
his death; Eilward Heermans, 1886; Helen.
The Saunders family is one
SAUNDERS of the oldest in Rhode Isl-
antl, Tobias Saunders hav-
ing made settlement in Taunton as early as
1643. He was the associate of Robert Burdick
when they were arrested and brought before
Governor John Endicott for "forcible entry
into the Pequot lands." He was later deputy
and an important man. The Cortland, New
York, branch, however, claim descent from
Jonathan Saunders, believed to have been an
emigrant from England. He was a resident of
Stonington, Rhode Island, a member of the
Seventh Day Baptist Church and a preacher.
He married a Miss Sisson. Children: Benja-
min, Cyrus, Jonathan (2). Henry Ziba, Bina,
and Elisha.
(H) Cyrus, son of Jonathan and
f Sisson) Saunders, was born near Stonington,
Rhode Island, Alay 19, 1772. He married in
his native state and with his young wife came
to Central New York, settling in the town of
Freetown, Cortland county, in 1795, where he
passed fifteen years of toil, privation and lone-
liness, being the first settler in the town. He
labored hard to clear, cultivate and pay for his
farm. When the last payment was made and
he deemed himself in a home secure from debt
he found to his dismay that his title was imper-
fect and worthless. He lost his farm, then re-
moved with his family to Factory Hill, in
Homer \'illage, where he remainecl until the
factory burned in 1815. From Homer the
family removed to the town of Solon, settling
on fifty acres of land for which he paid three
hundred dollars. This tract was covered with
forest and here Mr. Saunders had practically
to begin life over again. The first step was to
build a log cabin, then clear enough land to raise
a crop. For nineteen years he labored on his
farm, then with his son. Perry H., went to
McGrawville. New York, and bought the card-
ing and cloth dressing mill, which had been
conducted by Eber Wilcox and John Peat. This
business Saunders & Son conducted for ten
years, then removed to Cuyler, in what was
known as the Kinney settlement. Later he
removed to Chautauc|ua county. New York,
where he died in 1856. He married, in Rhode
Island, 1794, Nancy (Nabbie) Hiscock. born
near Stonington, Rhode Island, January 15,.
1772, died in Cortland county. New York, July
18, 1852. In 1796 she took her infant daugh-
ter Nabbie (later a resident of Westfield, Chau-
tauqua county), and made the journey from
Freetown to her former home in Rhode Island,
making the journey on horseback in company
with a neighbor woman. A year's sojourn in
the wilderness where she seldom saw a white
woman had caused such a longing for home
and kindred that she was willing to brave the
dangers of such a trip to see again her loved
ones. The journey was made in safety as was
the return, both ways on horseback. Children :
I. Nabbie, born (October 2^. 1796, married
Gabriel House, and at age of eighty-nine years
was in good health. 2. Catherine, born May
14, 1799; married Alvin Hodges. 3. Richard.
4. George. 5. Lavinia, born February 8, 1802.
6. Almeda, born December 23, 1803; married
Henry G. Randall. 7. Maria, born October 22,
1805 ; married Billings Browning. 8. Cyrus
( M. D. ), born June 4, 1807, died February 29,
1858, his death was caused by drowning in his
attempt to ford a river while on his way to
minister to a sick patient : married (first) Sally
Ann Dunning, (second) Cynthia Gallup. 9.
Nancy B., born August 20, 1809 ; married Pres-
ervoid Bromley. 10. Perry Howlett, of fur-
ther mention. 11. Elisha, born November 22,
1813: married Cordelia C. Chenev. 12. Cvn-
( III ) Perry Howlett, son of Cyrus and
Nancy (Nabbie) (Hiscock) Saunders, was
born in the town of Cincinnatus, Cortland
county. New York, May 11, 181 1, died Janu-
ary 12, 1890. He was educated in the public
schools ; was his father's assistant on the farm
and for ten years engaged in business with
him at the cloth dressing mill in McC^rawville.
For many years thereafter he was engaged in
farming. He was a man of great energy and
high character, commanding the respect of
all. For over half a century he was a devoted
member and active worker in the Methodist
Episcopal church. He married, April 23, 1835,
Sarah Emerson, born in Groton, Massachu-
setts, January 2, 1816, died July 30. 1889,
daughter of Dearborn and Sally ( Brooks) Em-
erson. Children: i. Edwin, born May 10, 1837,
married Mary Woodruff. 2. Samuel, born De-
cember 17, 1838, died July 6, 1905 ; enlisted in
1 86 1 in Company G, Seventy-sixth Regiment,
New York \'olunteers ; was severely wounded
at (Gettysburg, which later caused his honor-
able discharge ivLnn the army ; he rose to the
rank of lieutenant of Company G; married
Alary W'heelock. 3. George E., born May 15,
1840, died November 22, 1876: married Ber-
tha E. Kibbe, died April 4. 191 1. 4. Sarah,
born January 29, 1842,, died November 23.
1866: married \\'alter Thompson. 5. Juliette,
born September 3, 1843, 'I'^d January 23,
1866: married Ilomer D. Call. f>. Mary E.,
born September 17, 1845, married Almond M.
Kibbe. 7. Charles \V., born August 24, 1847,
married Mary Brown. 8. Franklin P., of fur-
ther mention. <). William F.. born July 20,
1853. married Ellen Skinner, of Syracuse. 10.
Lucia B.. born May 28, 1835, married Samuel
H. McCuIlough and lives in Idaho. 11.. Fred-
erick J., born September 18, i860, married
Alice Bunnell.
(IV) Franklin P., son of Perry Hewlett
and Sarah (Emerson) Saunders, was born in
the town of Fabius, Onondaga county, New
York, February 27, 1849. He was educated in
the public schools of the town of Truxton
(where his parents had removed), and at the
Seventh Day Baptist Seminary at De Ruyter.
finishing his education at Cazenovia Seminary.
.After completing his studies he engaged in the
nursery business for several years, represent-
ing well known firms of Rochester and Syra-
cuse. He later engaged in the same business
on his own account, emjiloying many agents
and doing a successful business in New Eng-
land and in New York state. In 1879 he mar-
ried and settled on a farm in Truxton, which
he operated until March, 1883. when he re-
moved to Truxton Village, and, in 1892, re-
moved to Cortland, New York. During his years
of residence in Truxton Mr. Saunders gave
special attention to live stock, buying, breeding
and selling, shipping mostly to tlie New York
and Philadelphia markets. He was a most
successful farmer and stock dealer and is well
known all over the county. He is a director
of the Second National Bank, of Cortland,
and interested in other business enterprises in
Cortland. He has devoted much of his time
to the public service and although a Republican
in politics, he obtained strong endorsement
from his Democratic friends of Democratic
Truxton. In 1887 he was elected supervisor
by a large majority, reelected in 1888-89, re-
fusing another nomination, being the only Re-
publican so honored during a period of twenty-
four years. In 1895 'i*^ was tlie candidate of
his party for the state assembly, and was elect-
ed, receiving two thousand more votes than his
nearest opponent. During the session of 1896
he served on legislative committees, taxation
and retrenchment, villages and internal aft'airs.
During the session he introduced bills: "Pro-
viding for the issuing of railway mileage-
books : to punish the pollution of streams ; to
punish violations of the .Agricultural Law : re-
garding the collection of taxes ; providing that
notices of political primaries shall be given :
relative to affidavits under foreclosure : re-
garding the foreclosure of mortgages." In
1896 he was reelected to the assembly by a
large majority, serving in the session of 1897
on committees: judiciary: banks and public
education, and was chairman of committee on
printed and engrossed bills. Mr. Saunders'
life has been a successful one from whatever
point viewed. He has an abundance of world-
ly goods, the confidence and respect of his
community, has been honored publicly and has
a nature that enjoys and appreciates. He is
a member and trustee of the Methodist Epis-
copal church, of Cortland, and interested in
church and benevolent work.
He married, C)ctober 22, 1879, Harriet L.
Peck, born in Solon. New York, .August 20,
185.S, daughter of Piatt and Mary .Ann (Kin-
ney) Peck, of Solon, granddaughter of Cap-
tain .Stephen N. Peck, and the ninth in line
from William Peck, the progenitor, who was
line of the founders of the New Haven colony.
Children: I. Carrie, born August 8, 18S0, died
Jannarv 17, 1881. 2. .Arthur Franklin, born
Ausiist I, 1882, engaged with his father in the
cattle and live stock business : married Ger-
trude Huber, of \'an Etten, New York ; child.
Franklin Arthur, born October 7, 1910. 3.
-Anna Harriet, born November 18, 1883, died
February 24, 1910; married Harry A. Jenni-
son : child, Harriet, died in infancy. 4. Fannie
Sarah, born September 4, 1891. 5. Helen
Peck, born .\pril 8, 1897.
This name is not as numerous-
TISD.ALE ly represented in .America as
many others, but it is among
the earliest, and has contributed many useful
citizens. Its connection with the settlement
and development of Central New York has
been an honorable one, and it is still associated
with the annals of the region. It appears in
the early New England records with various
spellings, such as Tisdall, Tisdel, Tisdell and
numerous other forms. The English arms of
the family represent an arm passing through
a crown holding a javelin. Among the earlier
generations were Elkanah Tisdale, a noted
lawyer, and Nathan Tisdale, an eminent class-
ical scholar and teacher of Lebanon, Connecti-
cut. The family has its part in the various
wars, incident to the building and preservation
of the Union, and in civil affairs has taken no
mean part.
( I ) John Tisdale, ancestor of nearly all now
bearing the name in this country, was born in
England. 1615-20, and settled in Du.xbury,
Massachusetts, 1636. He was styled "yeo-
man," and his name appears on the list of
planters and proprietors. He brought suit in
court, June 7, 1636, against Stephen Hopkins
for an assault and battery by which Tisdale
was dangerously wounded, and Hopkins was
fined five pounds and costs. He was admitted
an inhabitant of Duxbury, 1638: was among
those able to bear arms according to the list
of 1643: constable, 1645: removed to Taunton,
where he was living December 26, 165 1, when
he bought lanils of William Brett, at Dux-
bury. In Taunton, he was constable in 1659:
was among purchasers of Taunton North
Purchase, 1668; selectman, 1674; deputy to
Plymouth general court, same year. He was
murdered by Indians in King Philip's war,
June 2-]. 1675. His wife, Sarah, died Decem-
ber, 1676. His will, proved November 2, 1676,
bef|ueathed to sons, John, James, Joshua and
Joseph ; to daughters, Elizabeth, Sarah, Mary
and Abigail. The court made note in its record
that the two younger sons had endangered
their lives in protecting the property. The
estate was divided by agreement between these
sons and the three sons-in-law, John Smith,
James Dean and Nathaniel b'rench. His in-
ventory amounted to one hundred and fifty
I)ounds. He owned land at Taunton and near
Assonet. He married Sarah Walker, born
1618, died December, 1678, daughter of Widow-
Walker, of Rehoboth. Children : i. John, born
in Duxbury, died about the last of December,
1677: married, November 23, 1664, Ann,
daughter of John Ruggles, of Duxbury. 2.
James, born 1644, died January 15, 1715 ; mar-
ried, November 5, 1666, Mary Avery, who died
September 9, 1713, aged sixty-six; resided at
P>erkeley. admitted a freeman. May, 1670. 3.
Joshua, born at Duxbury, 1646, died aged
seventy-two, in Freetown ; married. July 5,
1688, Abigail, daughter of Henry Andrews;
she died 1741 ; resided at Taunton, or Assonet
River. 4. Joseph, mentioned below. 5. Eliza-
beth, married John Smith. 6. Sarah, married
James Dean. 7. Mary, born at Taunton, died
there. May 18, 1731. 8. Abigail, born at Taun-
ton; married, February i, 1683, Edward Bob-
bett, born July 15, 1653, son of Edward Bob-
bett : child, Edward, born February i, 1684.
Each of the four sons named his oldest son
for himself.
( II) Joseph, fourth son of John and Sarah
(Walker) Tisdale, was born 1656. in Duxbury,
died 1721-22, in his sixty-fifth year. He set-
tled in Taunton, of which Norton was former-
ly a part, and inherited a large estate of his
father. He married, .\ugust, 1681, Mary
Leonard, born .\ugust 2, 1663, daughter of
Major Thomas Leonard. Their children were:
I. Joseph, of whom later. 2. Elkanah, born
1684. 3. Mary, 1686. married Joseph Winslow,
of Swansea. 4. Hannah, 1688 ; married, Feb-
ruary 8, 1710-11, William Hodges, of Norton,
died March 7, 1715. 5. Sarah, 1690; married
Thomas Reed, of Dighton. 6. .Abigail (twin).
1(192; married Ephraim Hayward, of Bridge-
water. 7. Elizabeth (twin), 1692; married
Elkanah Leonard, of Middleburg.
(HI) Captain Joseph (2) Tisdale, eldest
child of Joseph (i) and Mary (Leonard) Tis-
dale, was born in 1682, at Taunton, died in
1739. He married there, March 13, 1707, Ruth,
daughter of John and Bethiah ( Frye) Reed.
She died August, 1748, in her sixty-third year.
Their children, mentioned in his will of May,
1735, were: Job, Joseph, Loved, Seth, Eben-
ezer, Simeon (father of James, ancestor of
Samuel R. Tisdale, merchant, late of New
York City). Bethsheba. Mary and Hannah.
(R') Job, son of Captain Joseph (2) and
Ruth ( Reed ) Tisdale, was born 1708, in Taun-
ton, where he resided and died May 19. 1755,
at the age of forty-seven years.
( \ ) James, son of Job Tisdale, was born
1740, died 181 1. He resided in West Taunton,
was a Presbyterian clergyman, and wrote his
own funeral discourse in preparation for his
e.xpected death. He married .Abigail Free-
man, of Norton. Massachusetts, December 22,
1774, and among their sons were Leonard and
Rev. James. The latter was graduated from
Brown L'niversity. 1821, studied theology with
Rev. A. Cobb, of West Taunton, and was or-
dained September 29, 1830, over the churches
in Chiildhall and Granby, Vermont, whence he
was dismissed May 4, i83('i. He preached four
years in Dublin. Xew Haiupsliire, seven years
in Gilsum, same state, and after October, 1851.
in Shutesbury, Massachusetts.
( \'I ) Leonard, son of James and Abigail
( Freeman ) Tisdale, was born August 23, 1776,
in \\'est Taunton, died February 18, 1850, in
Cortland, New York, where he settled in 1803-
04. Fie married, February 8, 1805, Sallie
Hicks, born February 18, 1774, died February
8, 1862. Children: i. Alonzo, mentioned below.
2. Minerva, born August 21. 1807; married,
June 3, 1832, Noah Ashley. 3. Almira, Janu-
ary 24, 1809; married, January i, 1829, Alan-
son Van \'alkenberg. 4. Loring, May 2, 1812;
married, February 18, 1836, Sophia Dutter-
field. 5. Evaline, April 21, 1816; married, Feb-
ruary 24, 1842, Ephraim Spencer, and died
November 11, 1897. 6. Orlando, November 16,
1818: married (first), February 16, 1843, Emily
Eggleston, who died March 16, 1844: mar-
ried (second), November 7, 1849, Ann Wes-
cott, born July 2"/, 1818. 7. Orsamus, Novem-
ber 28, 1820: married, February 12, 1845, Julia
Sholes, and died March 24, 1898. 8. Lovinia,
October 7, 1823; married (first), October 12,
1843, L^c Rose, who died November 5. 1853;
married (second), January 20, 1859, Edwin
(A'H) Alonzo, eldest child of Leonard and
Sallie (Hicks) Tisdale, was born December
12. 1805, in Cortland, where he died July 7,
1865. He received a common school educa-
tion, learned the trade of carpenter, and con-
ducted an extensive milling business at Blod-
getts Mills, also had a saw and gristmill there.
He was captain of state militia. He married,
January 17, 1832, Dorliska, born 181 1, died
1899, daughter of Loren and Nancy (Salis-
bury) Blodgett. Children: i. Theresa, born
March 17, 1833. died February 21, 1908; mar-
ried Lucian Hale; children: Wayland, Clara,
Frank. Elvena. Mabel. 2. Aldoretta, born
1835, died March 3, 1908; married Rev. W. R.
Stone ; child, Anna. 3. Wayland D., see for-
ward. 4. Elvena, born 1843: married Charles
Hinman ; three children : William, Carrie and
(\'ni) Wayland D., son of Alonzo and
Dorliska ( Blodgett ) Tisdale, was born in Cort-
land, New York, December 10, 1837. He was
educated in the town schools and Cortland
Academy. He taught school several years,
then engaged in lumber business in Cortland
for a time, later engaged in coal business, under
firm name of W. D. Tisdale & Company, and
continued in coal business up to 1874, when he
went with the Cortland Wagon Company, and
was treasurer of that company from 1874 to
1888. He was president of the Erie and Cen-
tral New York railroad, and treasurer for five
years, or until they sold out to the Delaware,
Lackawanna & Western railroad ; at the pres-
ent time is secretary of the Cortland & Auburn
railroad. He was president of the village in
1873 and 1894, and was trustee: was elected
member of assembly in 1887-88, and served on
committees on banks and public education, and
was chairman of committee on villages. Mem-
ber of Cortlandville Lodge, No. 470, Free and
.Accepted Masons. He married, June 2, 1863,
Rosetta Burlingham, of Salon, New York,
daughter of Philip and Hulda ( Feet) Burling-
ham. Children: i. Glenn A., born July zj,
18*^)4; educated in town schools and Cortland
Normal : was ticket agent at Cortland when
sixteen years of age ; was telegraph operator
and manager for Western L'nion several vears
in Cortland ; was -in brokerage business in
Providence, Rhode Island, for ten years ; is
now with the Franklin Automobile Company,
of Syracuse. He married Kate Pratt, of
(iloversville. New York, and has four children:
(jlenn W., born August 2, 1890; Doris, Sep-
tember 30, 1896; Katherine, May 4, 1899;
Hulda, June 7, 1902. 2. Maud, born July 23,
1871, died July 2T. 1880.
The surname Rowley is of an-
R()WLEY cient English origin, derived
from some place name at the
time (jf the adoption of surnames in England.
Many of the family in England, as well as in
America, have been distinguished in various
walks of life. There are several coats-of-arms
borne by Rowley faiuilies in the old country.
Most of the American colonial families of thi'^
name descended from Henry Rowley, men-
tioned below.
( I ) Henry Rowley, immigrant ancestor, was
born in England and diefl in Barnstable or
Falmouth, Massachusetts, in 1675. He was
one of the early planters of Plymouth and was
a taxpayer as early as 1632. According to
some accounts he came with Pilgrims from
Leyden in 1630. He was admitted a freeman
in 1634, after removing to Scituate, where he
and his wife Anne joined the church. January
8, 1634. In 1638 he removed with Rev. John
Lotlirop to the new settlement at Barnstable,
on Cape Cod. He was a deputy to tlie general
court at Plymouth. In 1650 he removed to
West Barnstable and later to Falmouth. He
married (first) Sarah, daughter of William
Palmer. He married (second), October 17,
1633, Anne, daughter of Deacon Thomas Blos-
som, who started for New England in the
"Speedwell" from Holland, in 1620, but had
to return ; came to Plymouth in 1629. Chil-
dren : Moses, mentioned below ; Joseph, said
to have gone to the Barbadoes ; Sarah, mar-
ried, April II, 1646, Jonathan Hatch, of Barn-
stable and Falmouth.
(II) Moses, son of Henry Rowley, was
born about 1630, died in 1705, at East Flad-
dam, Connecticut. He married, April 11, 1652,
at Barnstable, Elizabeth, daughter of Captain
Matthew Fuller, soldier and surgeon-general
of the colony. She died at East Haddam or
Colchester, Connecticut, after 1714. Moses
is mentioned in the will of William Palmer, as
legatee "Moses whom 1 love." The grand-
father Palmer gives evidence of some Part-
ridge, that "he might be. brought up in the
feare of God & to that end if his father suffer
it, I give Mr. Partridge five pounds." Ap-
parently Moses lived with his grandfather,
and, March 7. 1653-54, the court allowed him
a cow from Palmer's estate. He was ad-
mitted a freeman in 1677: was constable at
Falmouth in 1681 ; deputy to the general court
in 1693. He bought sixty acres of land of
Jonathan Gilbert, at Haddam, Connecticut,
originally laid out to John Henderson, May 3,
1692, by deed of CJctober 4, 1^393. He prob-
ably removed to Haddam in 1691, but his
wife did not approve of the removal, for she
refused to sign the deeds, and in a deed of her
dower rights, she declares that her husband
left her without support and dependent on
the bounty of her sons, John and Moses. His
will is dated August 16, 1704. at Haddam. He
left his homestead to sons, Moses and Mat-
thew. Children: Mary, born March 20, 1653,
married, January 7, 1675, John Weeks, of
Falmouth; Moses, November 10, 1654; Child,
died August 16, 1656; Shubael (twin), born
January 11, 1659, married Catherine Cri])pen ;
Mehitable (twin), married John Fuller: Sarah,
September 16, 1662 ; Nathan, mentioned below :
Aaron, Alay 16, 1666, married Mary Weeks;
John, October 22. 1667; ]\Iatthew. married
Joanna .
(III) Nathan, son of Moses Rowley, was
born at Falmouth, on Cape Cod, in 1664. He
married IMercy Hatch, born April 27, 1667,
at Falmouth, in Barnstable, daughter of Jon-
athan and Sarah (Rowley) Hatch. Children,
born at Barnstable: Mercy, August, 1691 ;
Sarah, October, 1693; Elizabeth, 1695; Alary,
September, 1699; Nathan, April, 1700: Moses,
February, 1704-05 ; John, May 25, 1706 ; Hatch,
Alarch, 1706-07; Mehitable, May, 1709; Alat-
thew, November 10, 1720, mentionetl below;
Anna, June 8, 1724.
(IV) Matthew, son of Nathan Rowley, was
born at Falmouth, in Barnstable, November
10, 1720, died there. May 31, 1801. He was
a carpenter by trade and resided at Woods
Hole. Barnstable, on Great Neck. He was a
grand juror in 1767; highway surveyor in
1758-61-72. He married, February 24, 1744-45,
Christina \\'eeks, of Falmouth. She died
Alarch 15, 1808, aged ninety-two years. Chil-
dren, born at Falmouth : Mary ; Nathaniel
Chamberlain, mentioned below, and probably
( \') Nathaniel Chamberlain, son of Mat-
thew Rowley, was born at Falmouth, in 1756,
died in 1830. He came to New York state be-
fore the year 1800, and settled at South Cort-
land in 1 82 1, and bought a farm of five hun-
dred acres. He was a soldier in the revolu-
tion. He married (first) ; (sec-
ond) Lucy Lamont. born in 1778, died Sep-
tember 28, 1851. Children: Philemon C, Lu-
cina, Moses, Sabrina, Nathan Weeks, Caroline,
Silva, Washington and Daniel.
(VI) Philemon Chamberlain, son of Na-
thaniel Chamberlain Rowley, was born in
Greene county, New York, July 7, 1800, died
in South Cortland, New York, Alay 26, 1874.
He came with his father to South Cortland in
1821, and engaged in business in a general
store there for several years. He brought his
stock from Albany in carts and carried pro-
duce to market. For a number of years he
conducted a four-horse stage line between
Cortland and Owego. In 1835 he sold his
projierty in Cortland and went west, driving
in his own carriage. He bought land in Illi-
nois, and lived there for a time, and afterward
in Kalamazoo county, Michigan. He spent
his last years in Cortland, however, and died
there. He was captain in the state militia in
his younger days. He was an energetic, cap-
able and upright man. He married, September
17, 1823, Alary Sweet Curtis, born November
12, 1803, died November 24, 1882, daughter
of Gideon and Fanny (Rice) Curtis. Chil-
(Iren : Curtis, born December 29, 1825, died in
1908, in Santa Barbara, California; Addison
Porter, mentioned below; Mary L., March 12,
1832, married John Gere; Charlotte, July 12,
1835, married Frederick Downs; Charles Mil-
ton. July 10, 1838.
(\'II) Addison Porter, son of Philemon
Chamberlain Rowley, was born at Cortlancl-
ville, New York, June 2, 1830. He attended
the public schools of his native town and
Homer Academy. He taught school for a time
in Russellville .\cademy, Camden, South Caro-
lina. In 1851-52 he had a general store at
Congaree, South Carolina. Upon his return
to New York he settled at South Cortland
and for a period of fifty-two years followed
farming. He won two prizes on corn raised
on his farm, exhibited at the World's Fair,
Chicago. He dealt also in live stock and was
general agent for the McCormick farm ma-
chinery. From 1862 to 1894 he was post-
master at South Cortland and during this long
period gave the utmost satisfaction to both
government and patrons of the office. He has
always been active in politics. He is a Repub-
lican and for fifteen years was a member of
the board of registration. lie contributed to
the Presbyterian church fund for the church
at Cortland. Since 1904, when he retired from
active business, he has lived at Cortland City.
His daughters are members of the Daughters of
the .American Revolution.
He married, in 1854, Mary E. Smith, of
Pitcher, Xew York, daughter nf .Moses Smith
and .\urelia ( Pierie ) Smith. She died in
1898. Children: Cora May, married Lewis E.
Waters, attorney of Syracuse, Xew York ;
children : Lewis .Addison and Lillian Louise
Waters: Lizzie, died in childhood; Louise,
married ( leorge Harkness, of Cortland.
Peter \\'right, immigrant ances-
WRIGIIT tor, was one of three brothers,
said to be grandsons of Sir
Thomas Wright, of Kilverston, England, who
immigrated to .\merica in i'''36-37, and set-
tled first at Lynn, Massachusetts, and shortly
after at Sandwich, Massachusetts. In 1653
they removed to Long Island with Rev. Will-
iam Leveridge, and purchased land at Oyster
Bay for the sum of four pounds sterling, a
quantity of beads and other trinkets. The
other brothers were Nicholas and Anthony.
Peter Wright married Alice . He died
in 1669, leaving a widow and eight children.
.Alice married ( second ) Richard Crale. Chil-
dren, among them Adam, mentioned below.
(II) Adam, son of Peter Wright, was born
March 20, 1663, and married .
Children ; Peter, Rachel, Deborah, Thomas,
James, Solomon, Abigail. Reuben, mentioned
(III) Reuben, son of Adam Wright, was
born February 11, 1726. He was a member
of the Society of Friends and therefore did
not engage in the military operations during
the revolution. He was a miller by trade, and
during the war his mill provided flour for the
.American army, and at one time, when a Brit-
ish attack was feared, a brigade was sent under
General Israel Putnam to guard it. Like many
others, who had faith in the government, he
lost heavily by the depreciatitm and final repu-
diation of the continental currency. He de-
clined to put his money in real estate when it
still had some value and his grandchildren and
their children used thousands of dollars of it
for bookmarks and play money. He lived in
the town of Somers, Westchester county, New
York, and had at least nine children. .Accord-
ing to the census of 1790, p. 206, he had at that
time four males over si.xteen, three under six-
teen and si.x females in his family. He mar-
ried (first) Sarah Smith, 1754; (second)
Phcebe (Juimby, 1770. Children: Thomas.
James, Elizabeth, Sarah; Reuben, mentioned
below; Phcebe, Mary, Ephraim, Hannah.
{I\') Reuben (2), son of Reuben (i)
Wright, was born Alarch 26, 1778. He mar-
ried, Alarch 3, 1808, Margaret, daughter of
Thomas Strang (see Strang I\'). He had
thirteen children : Caroline .A. ; Thomas Strang,
mentioned below ; George W., Joseph .Sackctt.
Ann E., Mary E.. Phoebe Ouimby, Susan, Eliz-
abeth. Ephraim R., Charles, .Abby Jane, Theron
(V) Thomas Strang, son of Reuben (2)
Wright, was born in Somers, Westchester
county. February 5, 1813, died a resident of
Lisle, New York, in September, 1876. He was
educated in the common schools and became a
prominent contractor and builder. He was
ambitious, enterprising and capable, and was
especially noted for his skill in building rail-
road and other bridges and erecting churches
and other large edifices. He removed to Car-
mel, Putnam county. New York, soon after
his marriage, and lived there for seven or eight
years. He then removed to the town of
Somers, Westchester county, New York, on
the \\ right Homestead." After remaining
there for one year, he removed to Brooklyn
New \ork, and at the end of a year moved
back to the home.stead, where he lived for three
years. Pie finally removed to a farm in the
town of Richford. Tioga county, New York
in the spnng of 1850. During this time his
occupation was farming. He was also a car-
penter and joiner, master workman. In i860
he removed to Lisle, Broome county, New
York, and he died a resident of that place in
September, 1876. In politics he was a Whig
until the Republican party was formed, when
he became a member of the latter party and
continued so for the remainder of his life He
married, January 24, 1837, Mary Elizabeth,
daughter of Nathaniel and Martha Ann ( Town-
send) Lrane, born July 29, 1818 (see Crane
■ VI). .She died January 28, 1897, at the resi-
dence of her son, Benjamin T., who was named
tor her maternal grandfather, Benjamin Town-
send, who was of Quaker ancestry, but himself
an active and zealous Methodist. Children-
Benjamin Townsend, mentioned below • Sackett
LeCrand: Reuben Augustus, lives at Ithaca,
^ew York; Alarj; Augusta, married (first)
l:rank Stone, (second) William J. Walker, and
live at Elizabeth, Colorado: Morton Crane-
Amelia Phebe, married Nelson Ripley and
fives in Syracuse, New York; Frederick K -
bophia Elizabeth, married William N. Haynes'
(VI) Benjamin Townsend, son of Thomas
Strang Wright, was born in Carmel, Putnam
county, New York, February 28 1838 He
was educated in the district schools and the
Cortland Academy, at Homer, and took up
the study of law in the office of McDowell &
Edwards, of Lisle. New York. He turned
away from the law, however, on account of
the civil war, and, in 1862, enlisted in Company
t' ? J , Twenty-seventh Regiment, New
'i^ork Volunteer Infantry, for two years but
was transferred to Company H, One Hundred
and Sixty-eighth New York Regiment, and
served m the Army of the Potomac. In 186^
his regiment was transferred from the Army
of the Potomac to Georgia, with the troops
sent as reinforcements after the battle of Chick-
amauga, and when Sherman marched to the
sea his regiment was detailed to watch and
guard the bridge across the Tennessee at
Bridgeport, Alabama. While in the service he
was on a gunboat during three naval eno-a<re-
ments, in one of which he was an active par-
ticipant. In 1863 he took part in a hazardous
mtantry raid to within a few miles of the city
of Richmond for the purpose of destroying
certain military and medical stores belonging
to the Confederates. The raid was success"
tuJ, but the command narrowly avoided cap-
ture. It was composed of volunteers from
several regiments, and included one hundred
and forty men of his regiment,. who were sta-
tioned finally at an advantageous position at a
cross roads, a few miles from the objective
point of^ the expedition, with orders to hold
the position at all hazards and keep open com-
munication. His detachment was attacked by
a .superior torce of rebels and an engagement
lasting several hours ensued, but the position
was held and the commanding officer especially
commended the men who saved the day and
made the success of the raid possible
He was mustered out of service with the
rank of corporal, October 31, 1863, and im-
mediately resumed the study of law. He was
for .several months a clerk in the office of the
United States provost marshal, at Owego New
York. May 12, 1864, he was admitted to the
bar and began to practice at Whitney's Point
New \ ork. After two years there he removed
to Marathon, Cortland county, New York
where he practiced for the ne.xt eight years'
Since 1874,^ however, he has been located at
Cortland, New York. At Marathon he built
up an extensive practice and took an active
and prominent part in public affairs. He was
attorney and counsel for the incorporated
village of Marathon and rendered valuable
service in that capacity in drafting the by-laws
ot the village. He was one of the founders
in Marathon of a council of. the Loyal Lea^^ue
and was for several years its president. In "the
tall of 1873 he was elected district attorney
of Cortland county and, in February following-
moved his office to the county seat and took up
his residence there in April. As a district
attorney he made an exceptionally good repu-
tation for ability and zeal in the trial of cases
Many of the criminal cases in which he secured
convictions were important, and the fines and
penalties paid into the county treasury durino-
his term of office were substantial evidence 0I
his efficiency as a public prosecutor. He held
the office until 1877 and since then has devoted
himself to his private practice, which has been
very large. In politics he is a staunch Re-
publican, though he has on occasion given an
example of political independence. On ac-
count of his good fighting qualities, his ad-
f'^JU^O-yiy^A^s^^ U (TUnAyOJ!^<^cl_ /fHj^^^jC^
■versaries in politics came tu calling him Ben-
jamin "Tecumseh" Wright, and the nickname
has for many years been used by his friends
generally. As a public speaker at banquets, in
the court room, on the political platform, and
at other gatherings he has won a reputation
second to none in the county.
He is a member of Grover Post, No. 98,
Grand Army of the Republic, and for two
consecutive terms was its commander. In
1880 he was inspector general of the Depart-
ment of New York, on the staiif of Hon. L.
Coe Young, department commander, and his
report received the hearty commendation of
the annual encampment as the m<i^t complete
and useful one ever submitted. He was also
a member of the staff of General Russell .A.
Alger, national commander, and is now a mem-
ber of the Russell A. Alger National Staff
Association. He is a member of the Cortland
County \'eterans Association and other organ-
izations of veterans of the civil war.
Mr. Wright is a lover of nature and in his
younger days was an enthusiastic sportsman.
He continues to enjoy his annual seasons of
recreation in field and forest, on the lake, or
beside the stream with rod and gun. In relig-
ion he is a Congregationalist and a member of
the First Congregational Church and Society
of Cortland, has been a member of its board
of trustees and for several years chairman of
the board, an active worker in the Sunday
school, of which he was the first librarian. He
was raised a Mason in Upper Lisle Lodge, No.
388, and afterward became a charter member
of Western Light Lodge of Free Masons at
Lisle, New York, and its first junior warden
and a warden thereof, and then affiliated with
Marathon Lodge, at Marathon, .New York,
and has been for many years a member of
Cortlandville Lodge, No. 470; also a member
of Cortland Chapter, No. 194, Royal Arch
Masons, by affiliation from Ringhaniton Chap-
ter, No. 139, and is now a member of Cortland
Commandery, No. 50. Knights Templar.
He married. May 9, 1866, Mary .\nn How-
land, born December 23, 1840. daughter of .\r-
temas and Liicinda L. ( Raker) Howland. Chil-
dren: Mary Lida. Elizabeth Linncll, Margaret
(The Strang Line).
( I ) Daniel L'Estrange. or Strang, the im-
migrant ancestor, was born in Paris, France.
in 1656. He married Charlotte, daughter of
Francis Hubert. They were Huguenots, and
as such were obliged, upon the Rev(K-ation of
the Edict of Nantes, October 22. i')85, to be-
come refugees and to flee t(j England. There
they settled in London, where he obtained a
lieutenancy in the Guards of James, Duke of
York, then King of Great Britain. In 1688 he
immigrated with his wife to America, together
with other French Protestants, and settled in
.New Rochelle, New York! In 1697 he re-
moved to the town of Rye, Westchester county,
New York, where he kept a hotel for a time.
Fkth he and his wife died there, the former in
1706, the latter in 1722, and were buried in the
Episcopal churchyard. They had seven chil-
dren, of whom E)aniel, mentioned below, was
( 11 ) Daniel (2). snu of Daniel ( i ) Strang,
was born in England, and married I'hcebe
I'urdy. They had eight children, of whom
Henry, mentioned below, was one.
(HI) Henry, son of Daniel 12) Strang,
married. 1761. Margaret, daughter of Thomas
Hazard, of the Island of Nassau. He was a
lieutenant or captain in the revolution and
had a brother Joseph who was a major in the
same service. Both served at or near Harlem,
New York. He died July 22, 1832, aged
ninety-three years. He had twelve children,
Thomas, mentioned lielow, being one.
(I\') Thomas, son of Henry Strang, was
born in 1763, and lived near Crum Pond, in
Westchester county. He married ( first ) Eliz-
abeth Sammis. and ( second ) Abigail Brown.
.Among their children was Margaret, who mar-
rie 1 Reuben Wright (see Wright IV).
(The (_'rane Line).
(I) Benjamin Crane, immigrant ancestor,
was born about 1630. and was in Wethersfield,
Connecticut, as early as 1655. Ellery B. Crane,
in his "Crane Genealogy" says : "It is not posi-
tively known when he came to Wethersfield,
but Hinman, in his 'History of Connecticut
Settlers.' seems t(j think that he came from
Massachusetts, which statement all investiga-
tions thus far seem to warrant." On February
24, 1656. he was grantefl a home lot of two and
a half acres in the centre of the town. He was
admitted a freeman. May 12. 1658, and his
name appears on the court records in 1655-56.
He bought of John Dixon or Dickenson, Sep-
tember 14. 16(14. land in the West Field, and
there built his dwelling-house and tanneries, on
Mud Lane. The house was one of the six
houses fortified by town vote in 1704. He also
had a grant of land on Beaver, now Tando's
brook, in 1660. He served on the jury in 1664,
drew land in the allotment of 1670, and pnr-
chased land of Daniel Rose in 1673, and other
tracts at various times. In May, 1682, he was
one of those who petitioned the general court
for liberty to "erect a plantation in the Wabay-
nassit country" (Windham county). He car-
ried on his tanning business about a mile below
the village on the Middletown road, and the
.spot for years has been known as "Old Crane's
Tannery Place." At his death. May 31, 1691,
his son John succeeded to the business. He
married, April 23, 1655, Mary liackus, who
died July 8, 1717, daughter of William and
Sarah (Cliarles) Backus. Children : Benjamin,
born March i, 1656; drowned June 20, 1693;
Jonathan, December i, 1658, mentioned below ;
Joseph, April i, 1661 ; John, April 30, 1663;
Elijah, 16(55; Abraham, 1668; Jacob, 1670;
Israel, November i. 1671 ; Mary, 1673.
(11) Lieutenant Jonathan Crane, son of
Benjamin Crane, was born December i, 1658,
died in Lebanon, Connecticut, March 12, 1735.
He was one of the settlers of Windham, Con-
necticut, and at the first public meeting, May
18, 1691, was chosen, with three others, to run
the town lines. During that summer he built
and set in operation his gristmill, which was
on the site of what is now known as Brig-
ham's Mills. October 6, i6gi, he, with ten
others, petitioned the general court to grant
them a town charter, the town to be called
Windham. The petition was granted May 12,
1692. At the first public meeting, June 12,
1692, he was chosen one of the "Townsmen,"
, and at the same time was on a committee to
secure a minister. He held also various minor
ofifices. In May, 1695, he was elected ensign
of a military company and commissionetl by
the general court in October of that year. Janu-
ary, 1695, he exchanged property with Ser-
geant William Backus, and received for his
gristmill, a new dwelling-house in Windham,
together with several acres of land, known as
the "Hither Place." This property he sold
again in April of the same year. January 30.
1700, he, with Rev. Samuel Whiting, pur-
chased a lot of land in Windham, which they
gave to the town for a "meeting-house plat or
common." It was afterwards called "Wind-
ham Green," and upon it the first meeting-
house was erected. In iCyc)8 he and Thomas
Huntington had purchased, in behalf of the
])roprict(irs (if W'indham, a tract of land con-
taining about ten thousand acres, lying between
Windliam and Norwich, and, in 1700, this tract
was made over to him and Rev. Samuel Whit-
ing to lay out and sell to settlers. That same
year he received permission from the court at
Hartford "to keep a public victualing house
for the entertainment of travelers and strang-
ers, and the retailing of strong drink," and, in
1703, the town agreed to have but "one ordi-
nary. Lieutenant Crane to keep it." He was
also in that year commissioned lieutenant by
the general court. The following year, when
the Indian war broke out afresh, the military
company of Windham was reorganized and
he was chosen lieutenant. He was exceedingly
active in all church affairs, and, in 1726, was
chosen, with two others, to act with the dea-
cons as councillors of the church. June 26,
1726, at the first court of common pleas, he
was one of the first set of jurymen emjianelled
in the county of Windham. He was also
deputy to the general court from Windham
for nine years, 1701-03-05-07-14-17-18-21-22.
July 3, 1734, he is called of Lebanon. He
married Deborah, born May, 1661, died 1704,
daughter of Francis Griswold, who was first
in Saybrook, in W^indsor, in 1649, and in Nor-
wich, 1660. He died June 6, 1735. Children
of Jonathan Crane: Sarah, born November 16,
1680; Jonathan, February 2, 1684; John, Octo-
ber I, 1687; Mary, October 20, 1689: Hannah,
March 7, 1692; Isaac, April 6, 1694; Joseph,
]\Iay 17, 1696, mentioned below; Elizabeth
(twin), February, 1698, died same year ; Deb-
orah (twin), February, 1698, died same year;
.\bigail, February 15, 1700.
(Ill) Joseph, son of Lieutenant Jonathan
Crane, was born May 17, 1696, in \Vindham,
died .August 20, 1781. In 1713, when a new
meeting-house was built in Windham, he and
several other young men built a pew for their
own use. Some time before 1719 he removed
to Fairfield, and that year married and re-
ceived property there from his father-in-law,
deed dated September 8, 1725. Later it ap-
pears that he removed to Norwalk, and thence
to South East, Putnam county. New York.
He located in the latter town, about 1730. and
on the east branch of the Croton river, built
"Crane's Alill." In 1747 he was chosen high-
way master. He married, 1719, Mary, daugh-
ter of Samuel , of Fairfield, born De-
cember 13, 1695, died January 9, 1766. Chil-
dren: Zebulon, born January 25, 1721, men-
tioned below; Joseph, October 2, 1722; Mary,
I\Iay 30, 1726; Thaddeiis, March 27. 1728;
Abigail, April 3, 1730; Anna, April 12, 1732;
Stephen, May 19, 1734; Adah, October 25,
(I\ ) Zebulon, son of Joseph Crane, was
born January 25, 1721. He married Sarah,
daughter of William Belden, of Wilton, Con-
necticut, who was resident of Deerfield, Mas-
sachusetts, in the fall of 1696, at the time of
the French and Indian raid on that town. In
1769 Mr. Crane removed from Bedford, West-
chester county, New York, to Judeali, now
\N'ashington, Litchfield county, Connecticut.
Soon after his wife and five children died,
within two months of one another. In 1758
he was captain of a military company in West-
chester county, from which men were taken
for service in the French war, for the pur-
pose of "ranging and scouring the frontier."
Children : John, born November 24, 1742, men-
tioned below ; William, October, 1744 ; Zebulon,
August 7, 1746; Elijah, April i. 1748; Sarah,
July 12, 1750; Mary, October 8, 1752, died
young; Belden, November 30, 1754, died
young: Samuel, April 11, 1757: Abigail, May
26, 1759; Stephen, April 11, 1761, died young;
Anna, August 3, 1763, died young ; Seth, March
I, 1766, died young.
(V) John, son of Zebulon Crane, was born
November 24, 1742, died at Carmel, New York,
June 9, 1827. He marrieil, March i, 1764,
Tamar, daughter of John and Hannah Car-
penter, of New Castle, Westchester county,
New York (see Carpenter XIII). A farm
deeded to Joseph Carpenter, an ancestor of
the above, in 1736, is still in possession of the
Crane family. In 1769, with his wife and two
small children, he removed from New Castle
to a farm of two hundred and fifty acres, situ-
ated near Lake Mahopac, and there, in 1772,
he built the first frame house in that part of
tiie country. It was a public inn, where town
business was transacted and town meetings
held. He held the office of justice of the
peace, and was associate judge of the court of
common pleas, in Dutchess county, before the
county was divided, and also of Putnam coun-
ty, after it was established. He served in the
revolution : Private, Third Company, New
York Line, March 2 to July 15, 1777; captain,
Fourth Company, Seventh Regiment (Lud-
dington's regiment), elected March 12, 1776.
His commission, which he received from Gov-
ernor Clinton, is now in the possession of his
youngest grandson, Benjamin T. Crane. Dur-
ing the war General Charles Scott, with his
staft', made his headciuarters for a time at Johii
Crane's inn, and the continental troops, in
going from the headquarters, at Salem, West-
chester, to West Point, often stopped there.
.•\n interesting story is told of one of his ex-
ploits during the war. Receiving information
that some fifty or sixty Tories, enlisted in the
P.ritish army, were to be mustered into the
service on a certain night by British officers,
sent from New York for the purpose, he re-
solved to prevent the muster, and, if possible,
capture the whole party. He summoned to
his aid two resolute men from the highlands,
who, armed with muskets and bayonets, ac-
companied him after dark to the rendezvous
of the Tories, a secluded log house, having
only one door and one window. On arriving
at the place, he became assured that the Tories
and officers had assembled and then quietly
staticmed his two men, one at the door and one
at the window, and riding furiously about the
house in a loud voice delivered orders station-
ing imaginary troops about the building. The
men in the house were deceived. When one
attempted to look out he was met with a
bayonet thrust from the guard at the door.
Crane demanded the surrender of the party
and declined to parley. The Tories gave in
and the two guards were sent into bind the
prisoners. The rage and humiliation of the
helpless prisoners may be imagined wdicn they
disci ivered how they had been tricked. .At
the first town- meeting of Carmel, April 7,
1795, he was chosen town clerk, and also com-
missioner of highways. He was active in
church work, and with his family went on
horseback from their home near Alahopac to
attend service in the old log church near "Tilly
Foster Mines," and later aided in the erection
and support of the Gilead Presbyterian Church,
at Carmel.
He was an untlinching patriot, and a notable
man on account of his integrity and superior
business capacity in the management of public
matters. In his private life he was a man of
great kindness of heart, a firm friend and an
indulgent parent. In person he was of medium
size, of good proportion, with mild blue eyes
and a great dignity of manner. His children
and grandchildren were endowed with unusual
attainments and of high personal character. His
wife Tamar was born December i, 1747, died
at Carmel, January i, 1823. Children : Joseph,
born June 3. 1766: Adah, June 6, 1768; Ste-
phen, November i, 1770: John, June 6, 1773;
Zillah, October 3, 1775: Nathaniel, February
28, 1778, mentioned below; Sarah, June 27,
1780: Arabella, December 25, 1784; Clorinda,
October 2, 1787.
(VI) Nathaniel, son of Captain John Crane,
was born February 28, 1778, died September
27, 1855. He married, October 3. 1799, Mar-
tha Ann Townsend, born November 12, 1783,
died May i, 1825, daughter of Benjamin Town-
send, of Mahopac. Their home was in Put-
nam county. New York. He served in the war
of 1812. Children: John Arthur, born July
4, 1800, died September 9, 1804; Tamar Ann,
January 4, 1802, died December 17, 1825;
James Townsend, May 3, 1804, died December
14, 1826; Caroline Eliza, June 20, 1806: Fred-
erick Augustus, October 17, 1808, died Decem-
ber II, 1826; Charlotte Louisa, December 2"].
1 8 10: Joseph Hatfield, September 11, 181 3,
married Ann Eliza lirown, November, 1839,
died February 17, 1864; Nathaniel Morton,
February 23. iSiCi, married Amelia P. Tabor,
May 4. 1844, died December 25, 1891 ; Mary
Elizabeth, July 29, 1818, married Thomas
Strang Wright' January 24, 1837 (see Wright
V) ; Augusta Sophia, September 12, 1821 ;
Benjamin Townsend, January 24, 1824.
(The Carpenter Line).
(IX) Richard Carpenter, son of William
Carpenter ( q. v.), was of Amesbury, England,
and was buried there, September 21, 1625. He
had a son William, mentioned below.
(X) William, son of Richard Carpenter,
was the immigrant ancestor of this branch of
the family. He was the first person of the
name who made permanent settlement in
America. He sailed from Dartmouth, Eng-
land, May I, 1635, and arrived in New Eng-
land, June 24, 1635, going first to Hingham
and then to Providence, Rhode Island, where
he arriveil April 20, 1635. lie was one of the
original proprietors of Providence and one
of the founders of the First Baptist Church in
America, in 1638-39. He soon removed to
Pautuxet, about four miles south of Provi-
dence, later known as Cranston. He served
many years in the general court as deinity and
was a very prominent man. He sufifercd in the
Indian outbreak, and, on January 27. 1676, lost
two hundred sheep, fifty head of cattle and fif-
teen horses. His house was set on fire and
attacked by about three hundred Indians, but
the flames were extinguished. Two of his
household were killed. He died September 7,
1685. His will was datetl February 10, 1680,
with codicil March 15, 1684, and proved Octo-
ber I, 1685. He married, in England, Eliza-
beth, daughter of William and Christiana
( Peak ) .Arnold, born in Cheselbourne, Dorset-
shire, England. November 23, 1611. William
Arnold, her father, was born June 24, 1587,
died at Providence, Rhode Island, about 1676.
Her mother, Christiana (Peak) .Arnold, was
the daughter of Thomas Peak. Children : Jo-
seph, born about 1635, mentioned below ; Lydia,
born in Providence, about 1638. Born in Pau-
tuxet: Ephraim, about 1640; Timothy, about
1643; V\'illiam, about 1645; Priscilla, about
1648: Silas, 1650; Benjamin, about 1653.
(XI) Joseph, son of \\'illiam Carpenter,
was born in England, at Amesbury, in Wilt-
shire, about 1635. He came to New England
with his father and settled first at Providence.
He married, .April 21, 1659, Hannah Carpenter,
born at Weymouth, Alassachusetts, February
3, 1640, daughter of William Carpenter, of
Rehoboth, Massachusetts. Joseph Carpenter
settled at Warwick, where he had a corn mill.
His house was on the south side of the Pau-
tuxet river, at the wading place near the falls.
As early as 1663 he was at Long Island, to
make negotiations with the Indians for the
purchase of land at Oyster Bay, but did not
settle there until 1667, as he had considerable-
trouble in getting possession of the land, where
he proposed to erect a sawmill and a fulling
mill. He built a house about 1668, at what is
now Glen Cove, which continued to be used as
a dwelling-house until 1835. It was the first
house there and the site may still be seen. His
wife died about 1673: and he married (sec-
ond) Ann, daughter of Francis and Elizabeth
(Luther) Weeks. She was baptized, with her
brothers. .Samuel, John and Joseph, in the
Dutch church at New York, in 1647. Her
father, Francis Weeks, was one of the five
persons who was with Roger Williams in the
canoe when he first landed at Providence.
Roger Williams said of him that "he was a
poor young lad who came with them at the
re(|uest of John .Smith (miller)." As he was
not of age, a ])ortion of land was set off for
him and held by the proprietors until he reach-
ed legal age. Me was an early settler at Hemp-
stead. Long Island, and, March \~. 1637, was
made t(nvnsman there. In 1658 he and his
wife were heavily fined for entertaining Quak-
ers, and soon after removed to Oyster Bay,
where he died, 1687-88. Letters of adminis-
tration were granted on the estate of Josejih
Carpenter, July 9, 1684. Children: Joseph,
born i()to; Daughter, 1662, married WilHam
Thornicraft; Tamsen, 1664: WiUiam, 1666;
Xathaniel, 1668, mentioned below; Hannah,
1672-73. Children of second wife: .\nn, 1676;
Benjamin, 1680; John. 1683.
(XII) Xathaniel, son of Joseph Carpenter,
was born in 1668, the first white child born at
Mosquito Cove, Long Island. He sold land
there April 16, 1719. and removed to Xortli
Castle, near Rye. \\'estchester county. He
bought land in Xorth Castle of Job Wright.
May 15. 1729. He died after 1730. Children:
Hannah, born about 1691 ; Joseph; Robert;
Benjamin ; John, mentioned below ; Anne ; Abi-
gail : Xathaniel, and perhaps Samuel and
(XIII) John, son of Xathaniel Carpenter,
was born at Mosquito Cove, about 1698. He
married Hannah . He settled at Fred-
ericksburg. Dutchess county, where he died.
His will was dated October 31, 1777, and
proved December 21, 1781. bequeathing to wife
Hannah ; grandson Caleb, son of his son
Gabriel ; grandson Joseph, son of Tamar and
John Crane; grandson Joseph, son of Sarah
and Henry Lewis; grandson Benjamin, son
of daughter Anne. Children: Gabriel, born
1735; Anne or Ame, Xovember 25, 1738: Jo-
seph; Tamar, married John Crane (see Crane
\') ; Sarah.
Conrad Davis was born in W'ash-
DA\TS ington, New Jersey, a descendant
of one of the early settlers of New
Jersey. According to tradition three brothers
:ame from Wales and settled in the vicinity of
vvhat is now Washington. Conrad Davis was
1 prominent and well-to-do citizen. He con-
ducted a general store, distillery and hotel.
During the revolution he furnished supplies
for Washington's troops as suttler at X'alley
Forge and at other times, and he was compen-
sated by the government afterward by a grant
)f six thousand six hundred acres of land,
^e is supposed to have built the first bridge
)ver the Delaware river and the first road into
Calley Forge, over which he carried supplies
o W^ashington"s army, and through him the
irmy was saved from starvation. He married
Weller. They had a son Conrad, men-
ioned below.
(II) Conrad (2), son of Conrad ( i) Davis,
was also born in Washington, New Jeisey, and
he lived and died in that town. He succeeded
to his father's business and estate, and was a
man of considerable wealth and standing in
the community. He married Weller.
Children: John P.. Jacob W. ; Job J., men-
tioned below ; Edward. Rachel. Mary and Lena.
( HI) Job J., son of Conrad (2) Davis, was
born in \\'ashington, New Jersey, in 1826,
died in 1895. He received a common school
education, learned the trade of carpenter,
and engaged in business as a contractor and
builder. He married Susanna P. Watts, of
Paterson, New Jersey. Her father was a
native of England. Children: i. Jacob W.,
treasurer of the J. E. Davis Alanufacturing
Company ; married Katherine Fox ; children :
Charles, Mary and Blanche. 2. Rosa, lives at
Washington. Xew Jersey. 3. Louise, married
John Christian, of Xew I'.runswick. 4. Sarah,
married David Bibinger, a native of Germany.
5. John E., mentiijned below. 6. (jeorge B.,
for a time vice-president of the J. E. Davis
Manufacturing Company.
( I\') John Edward, son of Job J. Davis,
was born in Washington, New Jersey, May i,
1863, and was educated in the public sch()ols
of his native town. When he left school he
began to work in tlie organ factory of D. F.
Beatty. at Washington, Xew Jersey, and con-
tinued there for three years. He was after-
ward employed by various piano manufac-
turers in New York City ; Xorwich, Xew
York, and Hazelton, Pennsylvania. He re-
turned to Washington, and, in 1893, engaged
in the coal business, in i)artnership with R. L.
Cline. under the firm name of R. L. Cline &
Company. He was also in partnership with
his brother in the poultry business, under the
firm name of Davis Brothers. In 1898 he
began to manufacture piano backs in Washing-
ton, under the corporate name of Washington
Manufacturing Company, and continued suc-
cessfully until 1903, when he came to Cort-
land, Xew York, and bought the factory of
the W'hitney Carriage Company, in which he
began to manufacture cases and piano backs.
The business was incorporated as the J. E.
Davis Manufacturing Company. The plant
is located on East Court and Pendleton streets,
with offices at 57 East Court street. Piano
cases, backs, trusses, pilasters, bridges and
other parts are manufactured for piano manu-
facturers. The business of the concern lias
grown enormously and its customers are found
in all parts of the country. The plant is one
of the largest of its kind, having floor space
of one hundred and ten thousand feet, and it
is equipjied with one of the most modern and
efficient wood-working plants to be found any-
where. The company employs about three
hundred hands regularly. The officers of the
company are: President, John Edward Davis;
secretary, B. M. Ashby ; treasurer, J. W. Davis.
The facilities of the company for economical
and superior work have been planned largely
by the president. The unseasoned lumber
comes to the factory in train loads, and is un-
loaded from a private siding at the factory
and stored in the immense kilns, which have a
capacity of six hundred thousand feet of lum-
ber, furnished with some twelve miles of steam
pipes. Sixty carloads of lumber can be dried
at one time. In the busy season the company
saws more than twenty-five thousand feet of
lumber and produces more than two hundred
piano backs and one hundred piano cases daily.
In politics Mr. Davis is an independent, in
religion a Presbyterian. He is a member of
Knights of Pythias, and Piano Club of New
He married, in 1891, Althea D. Hulsizer, of
Asbury, New Jersey, daughter of Thomas Hul-
sizer. They have one daughter, Althea C,
born November 17, 1898, at VVashington, New
Joshua Jennings, immigrant
JENNINGS ancestor, was born as early
as 1620, in England. The
first record of him in this country is that of his
marriage, at Hartford, December 22, 1647, to
Mary Williams, of that town. In 1650 he set-
tled in Fairfield with other Hartford men. The
tradition of the family says that he landed
first at what is now Bridgeport, and went to
Barlow's Plain. "He was an intelligent and
industrious man, worthy citizen and maintain-
ed an excellent reputation. He died in 1675,
leaving a good estate to his wife and children."
From him have descended many prominent
citizens. Green I-'arms, which was formerly
part of Fairfield, is composed largely of Jen-
nings descendants. "Their name is associated
with thrift and prosperity; honest, industrious
and orderly lives ; tlomestic in their habits, or
fond of home life; retiring, not seeking pub-
licity." They were also patriotic, as the records
show, ready to risk property and life in defence
of their country. Children : Joshua, married
Mary Lyon ; Joseph, married ( first ) Abigail
Gurney, and (second) Sarah Bulkeley; Mich-
ael; John, married Sarah ; Samuel,
mentioned below ; Matthew, married Hannah
Wheeler ; Isaac, married Beers ; Mary,
married Curtis ; Elizabeth, married
(11) Samuel, son of Joshua Jennings, mar-
ried Sarah, daughter of Michael Grumman.
He died in 1734, and his will was dated 1728.
Children: Michael, baptized .September 9, 1694;
Elizabeth, March 9, 1696; Patience, September
25, 1698; Sarah, February 11, 1699; Samuel,
March 22, 1702; Eunice, January 21, 1705;
Dorothy, November 13, 1709; Nathan, May
18, 1711, mentioned below; Benjamin, Septem-
ber 20, 171 3.
(in ) Nathan, son of Samuel Jennings, was
baptized May 18. 1711, died in 1757. He mar-
ried , and had children, born in
I'airfield: David, Jabez, Michael, James, Na-
thaniel, Eliphalet, Nathan ; Anne, married
Alexander Hamilton; Sarah, married a Air.
( IV ) The sons of Nathan Jennings settled at
Willington and Ellington, Connecticut. Accord-
ing to the first federal census of 1790, an "Em"
Jennings, doubtless meant for one of the sons,
had two males over sixteen, two under that
age and three females in his family, living in
Ellington. At Willington, an adjacent town
of Tolland county, there were Nathaniel, with
three sons under sixteen and two females ;
Davis, with two sons over sixteen and two
females ; Nathan, with two sons over sixteen,
one under that age and three females ; Nathan-
iel 2d, with two sons under sixteen and two
females and Widow Jennings with one son
under sixteen and two females. Some of these
were grandsons of Nathan.
(V) Oliver Jennings, grandson of Nathan
Jennings, was born at Fairfield or Ellington,
Connecticut. He was a soldier in the revolu-
tion, in Colonel Huntington's regiment, a cor-
poral, reported missing after the battle of Long
Island, August 27, 1776. He was taken pris-
oner and died on a British ])rison ship. Chil-
dren: Lucinda. Cordial and Oliver.
(\T) Cordial, son of Oliver Jennings, was
born before 1776. He removed to Cornwall,
\'erniont, in later life. He married Lucy
Foote Gunn, of an old Connecticut family.
Children : Slierben, mentioned below ; Betsey ;
David ; Chauncey, born in Cornwall, \'ermont.
April 3, 181 1 : Bradford.
(VII) Sherben, son of Cordial Jennings,
was born in Ellington, Connecticut, about 1800.
He married Sabrina Smith. Children, born in
\'erniont or Xew York state : Cordial, men-
tioned below : Clarinda, Ebenezer, Mary,
Henry, Lucinda, William, David and Adelaide.
(VIII) Cordial (2), son of Sherben Jen-
nings, was born in V'ermont, about 1820. He
went to New York state with his parents and
located in the town of Venice, removing after-
ward to Moravia, Xew York. He had a coiu-
mon school education. He was a farmer, hotel
keeper, and dealer in lumber and produce, an
earnest, capable and well-to-do citizen. He
retired from active business some five years
before he died. He was a Congregationalist in
religion. He was a Free Mason and a member
of the Royal Arch Chapter. He married Irene
Mellen, of Homer, New York, daughter of
Jeremiah and Fannie (Alills) Mellen. Chil-
dren of Mr. and Mrs. Jennings: i. Clarence
Mills, born July 27, 1856, in Venice, New-
York, a coal and ice dealer in Cortland ; mar-
ried Elizabeth J. Story and has a son, Frank
S., bom May 17, 1889. 2. Frank Smith, men-
tioned below.
(IX) Dr. Frank Smith Jennings, son of
Cordial (2) Jennings, was born February 16,
1859, at Moravia, New York. He attended
the public schools and graduated froiu the
Moravia high school. He received his medical
education at Syracuse University and the I'ni-
versity of the City of New York, from which
he was graduated with the degree of M. D., in
the class of 1880. He began to practice medi-
cine in Moravia, and after two years located
at Dryden, New York, where he continued for
a period of seventeen years. He came to Cort-
land in 1900, and since then has been in gen-
eral practice in that town. He is a meiuber of
the town, county and state medical societies
and of the American Medical Association. He
was postmaster of Dryden during the Harrison
administration. He is a member of Cortland-
ville Lodge, No. 470, Free and Accepted
Masons. He is one of the vestrymen of the
Protestant Episcopal church.
He married, in 1880. Mary Givens, of Dry-
den, daughter of William R. and Nancy (La-
mont) Givens (see Givens). They had one
child, Laura, born June 6, 1884, died July 27,
1905 ; married R. F. Smith, of Cortland ; child,
Laura Jennings Smith, born July 27, 1905.
(The Givens Line).
( I ) Samuel Givens, immigrant ancestor, was
born in Ireland, and brought up in England.
He came to America with his father, when a
young boy. His father's name is thought to
have been Samuel. He fought in the war of
the revolution in 1776, when only sixteen years
of age, and his father was in the same war.
He lived in Orange county. New York, where
he married Jane King. He removed to Dry-
den, Tompkins county, New York, in 1804.
He had a large grant of land there from the
state, and this was very likely given for serv-
ices rendered in the revolutionary war. Chil-
dren : Amos ; Charles, mentioned below ; Will-
iam. Margaret, Letty, Sarah, Katie and Jane.
(II) Colonel Charles Givens, son of Sam-
uel ( iivens, was liorn in ( )raiige county, New
York, and came to Dryden, New York, with
his parents, when he was six years of age. He
was colonel in the New York state militia,
and was very prominent in the affairs of the
town of Dryden, being supervisor, and holding
other offices all his life, until he was obliged
to decline the nominations offered him. He
married Laura Kingsley. Children : Thomas ;
William R., mentioned below; Edward, Lor-
etta, Harrison, Charles and Laura.
(III) William R., son of Colonel Charles
Givens. was born in Dryden, Xew York, April
13. 1821. He was educated in the common
schools and at the old Ithaca .\cademy. .Mter
leaving here he taught school for twelve years
and worked on the farm summers. In 1862
he bought the Fortner place of one hundred
and fifty acres, and, in 1865, he bought the
William Trapp property of fifty-eight acres,
and a part of the Scofield property and the
Allen property, all adjoining each other. In
[idlitics he was a Republican, and held many
offices in town, being a prominent and re-
spected citizen. He was generous in support-
ing school and church affairs, and was a con-
scientious and well-to-do citizen. When twen-
ty-seven years of age he married Nancy, daugh-
ter of Archibald Lamont, of the Isle of Bute.
Scotland. She was born in 1824, died May 18.
1901. He died October 22, 1892. Children:
.Archibald, Ella, Laura; Mary, married Dr.
Frank Smith Jennings (see Jennings IX).
Jacob Crutts ( formerly spelled
CRUTTS Krutz) was one of the pioneers
in Dryden, New York, in 1800,
from Oxford, New Jersey. He had a son
(II) Jacob (2), son of Jacob (i) Crutts,
was born in Dryden, 1819, and died there. He
was a miller by trade. He married Alary Ann
Banfield, who died in 1892, aged eighty-one
years. Children: i. Edwin, born January 31,
1836, died in 191 1 ; had a common school edu-
cation, and attended high school at Ithaca,
under Professor S. D. Carr ; married Ellen,
daughter of Solomon Whipple, of Barton,
Tioga county. New York; in 1891 he inherited
one hundred and seventy-five acres of his
father's estate; in 1889 he bought the Henry
Sayle's property in \'arna, which is a part of
Dryden, and also owns, together with his
brother, three other farms and village propert}-,
and the Varna gristmills ; one of the largest
farmers in the town ; children : Mrs. Alice L.
Mix ; Emma L., married George Frisbie, and
Ella P., married Myron English. 2. William
B., mentioned below. 3. Merenus. 4. P.urt.
deceased. 5. Emma, married Charles Whipple.
(III) W'^illiam B., son of Jacob (2) Crutts,
was born in Dryden, August zy, 1838. He had
a common school education, and also attended
the high school at Ithaca, under Professor S.
D. Carr. He owned the Crutts homestead of
one hundred and forty acres, which has been
in the family since 1800. He owned other
property, and was a farmer and miller by
trade, running the Varna gristmills, in com-
pany with his brother. He died May 20, 1891,
mourned by a large number of friends, who
well appreciated his high character and great
ability. He married Olive Bryant, of Ithaca,
born in 1849, daughter of Solomon and Abigail
(Freeman) liryant. Children: i. Minnie, mar-
ried Edwin S. Burr, of Dryden, and they have
one child, .Abigail. 2. Cora. 3. Fred, married Ella
Wescott, and have Pauline ; lives on homestead
in Dryden. 4. Lewis Solomon, mentioned below.
5. Carrie, married Burt Miller, of Dryden, has
one son, DeWitt. 6. Jacob, a miller in X'arna,
married Mary Emhart.
(IV) Lewis Solomon, son of William B.
Crutts, was born in Dryden, May 13, 1870.
He was educated in the public schools of his
native town, and during his boyhood worked
on his father's farm there, and in the mill. He
and his brother succeeded to the ownership of
the mill of their father and thev continued in
the milling business until 1897. From that
time to 1905 Mr. Crutts conducted a mill at
Varna, New York. During the next two years
he was engaged in farming. He came to Cort-
land in 1907, and since then has been in the
milling business there, and a dealer in flour,
feed, grain and hay, farm implements, etc. He
occu])ies a leading position among the mer-
chants of this section. He is a member of the
Alethodist Episcopal church.
He married, November 7. 1895, Carrie M.,
daughter of Ernest and Ida (Nixon) Snyder
(see Snyder V). Mr. and Mrs. Crutts have
no children. They reside in an attractive home
at Cortland.
(The Snyder Line).
(I) Christopher Snyder, immigrant ances-
tor, came to America in 1746-47, and settled
in Oxford, New Jersey. In the spring of 1801,
he came from New Jersey, with his son Peter,
to the town of Dryden. and purchased lot 43
of W'illiam (joodwin. In the fall of 1802 he
moved his family there, coming in a party of
thirty-two persons, on a journey which was
full of happenings and lasted eighteen days.
The eastern half of the lot fell to him, and
the western to Peter. He had a son Peter,
and a daughter who married George Dart.
(II) Peter, son of Christopher Snyder, was
born in Oxford, New Jersey, December 26,
1752, died July 23, 1832. He was a soldier in
the revolutionary army, enlisting in New Jer-
sey, and his flintlock musket was brought home
and remained in the family until recently,
when it was sold at a vendue. In 1801 he
came from New Jersey with his father, and
purchased the lot of \\'illiam Goodwin. In
choosing he had the western half of this lot,
and, in the fall of 1802, he moved with his
family and household goods in two wagons to
their new home. His sons, William, Jolin and
Abraham, drove twenty-five cows the whole
distance. Before the moving he, with the other
men, had chopped the timber on six acres, and
in the fall had cleared the land and sowed it
with wheat, before they returned to New Jer-
sey. He later puichased the whole of lot 42,
six hundred and forty acres, and of this he gave
one hundred and six acres to each of his sons
and fifty-three to each of his daughters. .Among
the party of thirty-two to move to Dryden
were Jacob Crutts and wife, Henry Naile, wife
and child, and Christopher Snyder with his
family. Peter Snyder married Mary Shane,
in 177''). The children mentioned are: Henry.
mentioned below ; William, John, ami Abra-
( III ) Henry, son of Peter Snyder, was born
May 2, 1781, died in Dryden, August 29. 1870.
He came with his father in 1 80 1, and helped
to clear the land before the family moved to
Dryden. He received one hundred and six
acres of land from his father, when it was
given to the children. He married Mary Teeter,
who died aged ninety-two years. He had a
son Peter T., mentioned below.
(I\') Peter T., son of Henry Snyder, was
born May 6, 1808, in Dryden, died May I,
1874. He was a farmer. He married Ann
Maria Lason, born July 5, 1810, died April
19, 1891. He had a son F.rnest, mentioned
(V) Ernest, son of Peter T. Snyder, was
born in Dryden, March 2, 1844. He had a
common school education, and is a self-edu-
cated and self-made man. His first business
enterprise was started in Cortland, New York,
anfl was a meat business, which he conduct-
ed until his father's death. In 1878 he bought
the homestead and his father's estate, which
consisted of eighty-six acres, and has been in
the family since iSoi. He is a man of influ-
ence in the town and takes an active interest
in school matters. He is a man highly re-
spected for his fine character. At the age of
twenty- four, he married (first) Ida, born De-
cember 14, 1849, died April 21, 1885, daughter
of \\'illiam and Priscilla (Chadwick) Nixon.
In 1890 he marrieil (second) Olive, daughter
of Jacob Seaman. Children by first wife: i.
Carrie I\I., married Lewis Solomon Crutts (see
Crutts IV). 2. Eva AI., married Leroy Sny-
der, of Cortland, New York. 3. Ina P>., mar-
ried Archibald Davenport, of Ithaca, New-
York, and has three children : Gwendolyn,
Doris. Kermit E.
The name of Benson, or as it was
BENSON originally spelled, Bensingh, is
supposed to have been Swed-
ish. The first family of the name in America
was largely identified with the history and
landed interests of the town of Harlem, now
a part of New York City.
Dirck Benson, the immigrant ancestor, came
from Groningen, Holland, and had lived also at
Amsterdam, where he married Catalina, daugh-
ter of Samson Berck and Tryntie van Rech-
teren. He came to tliis country about 1648,
and settled first in New Amsterdam. Here he
bought a house and lot near the fort, August
27,. 1649, and the following year, one on Broad-
wav. On June 29, 1654, at his desire, the
director and council allowed him "to leave this
place to promote his own affairs." He went
to F"ort Orange, where he built, U])on a lot
which had been granted him, CJctober 23, 1653.
He was a carpenter by tra<le and proved him-
self a worthy and industrious citizen. He
worked (in the new church built in 1656, and,
in 1658, loaned the deacons one hundred
guilders. He died February 12, 1659, three
years later, his widow marrying Harman
Tomasz Hun. Children: Dirck, born 1650;
Samson, mentioned below; Johannes, 1655;
Catrina. 1657; ]\Iaria, 1659.
(II) Samson, son of Dirck Benson, was
born in 1652, and married (first) Tryntie van
Deusen, sister to the wife of John van Deu-
scn, who was the mother <>i all his children
but line. He married (second) (irietie, daugh-
ter of Abraham Kermer, and widow of Cap-
tain (acob van Tilburg. Picnson was her third
husband and survived her. lie was a potter
by trade and was known as the "pottebacker."
His pottery has not been located, but he owned
a house and lot on Smith, now William street,
below Maiden Lane. He died June 2, 1730.
Children: Catalina, born 1675, died 1706;
Derick, 1677 ; Teuwes or Matthew, mentioned
below: Harman, 1681 ; Samson, 1684; Robert,
1686: William, 1687; Elizabeth, 1689; Johan-
nes, 1692: Helena, 1694; Maria, 1696; Hen-
ricus, 1698. Child of second wife: Catalina,
1 707.
( HI ) Matthew, son of Samson (i ) Benson,
was born in 1679, and died in 1721. He mar-
ried, 1706, Catrina, daughter of Jonathan Pro-
vost. He was a mason by trade. Children :
Samson, mentioned below : Catharine, born
i7ifS; Catalina, 1719.
(I\') Samson (2), son of Matthew Ben-
son, was born 1713, and married, 1735, Jan-
netie Arment. Children: Matthew, born 1741 ;
lonathan, mentioned below ; Lucas, 1746 ; Cor-
nelius, 1748.
{ \' ) Jonathan, son of Samson (2) Benson,
was born in 1744, and appears to have been
the Jonathan who settled in Montgomery coun-
ty. According to the census of 1790 he had
two sons under sixteen and seven females in
his family.
( \T ) Zacheus, son of Jonathan Benson, it
is believed, settled in Oneida county. New
York. He was a soldier in the war of 1812.
His wife Polly died in 1817. They had sons:
Francis, mentioned below, and Gideon, and
perhaps other children.
(VII) Francis, son of Zacheus Benson, was
born in Oneida county, New York, in 1806,
and died in 1887, at the age of eighty-one
years. He followed farming all his active life,
mostly in Rroome county, New York. He
married Sally M. Lovejoy and they had one
son, James Herbert, mentioned below.
(VTII) Dr. James Herbert Benson, son of
Francis Benson, was born in Broome county.
New York, May 16, 1848. In his youth he
worked on his father's farm and attended the
district school. He received his medical edu-
cation in the eclectic colleges of New York
and Chicago, and began to practice in Otsego
county, New York. After fifteen years there
he came to Delaware county, where he prac-
ticed two years, and then went to Illinois,
where he practiced for the next seven years.
Returning to his native state in 1901, he locat-
ed at Cortland, New York, where he has since
practiced. Dr. Benson is a member of Orient
Lodge of Free Masons, of Delaware county.
He married, in 1870, Delia A. Heath, of
Windsor, Broome county. New York, daugh-
ter of Sylvester Heath. Children: i. Lila J.,
married Edward J. Dickson, of Delaware
county, New York, private secretary of Dr.
Cameron in the agricultural department, Wash-
ington, D. C. 2. Orton, born January 15, 1872,
a tobacco dealer at Springfield, Massachusetts ;
married Lena Irish, of Otsego county. New
York, and had Clarence and Woodruff. 3.
Bessie E., married John Tyler Betts, a marble
and granite dealer, at Cortland, New York.
The origin of this name is
ECiGLESTON remote and some clue to
its beginning may be found
in the spelling Eaglestonc, as sometimes found
in early records. It also appears as Eglestone,
Egleston, and in various other forms. Previ-
ous to the revolution in the New England rec-
ords it appears Egleston, and after the revolu-
tion the second "g" is added. It has been
long cons].)icui)us in the j)rofessions in New
England and New York, as well as many
other states, and has contributed many worthy
citizens in all sections of the country.
The immigrant ancestor of those bearing the
name in this country was born about 1590, in
England, and came to Dorchester, Massachu-
setts, in the ship "Mary and John," in iTi^o.
His name appears with a great variety of spell-
ings, such as Begat, Bagget, Beget and Bigod.
The form usually accepted is the first above
given. He was made a freeman at Dorchester
in 1631, and was one of the original members
of Mr. Warham's church, which removed from
Dorchester to Windsor, Connecticut, in 1635.
He died there September i, 1674, "ner 100 yer
ould." It is evident that the recorder of his
death had no definite means of ascertaining
the age. In court at Hartford, in 1645, Begat
Egleston testified that he was fifty-five years
of age. His first wife, Mary, died December
8, 1C157. and he married (second) Alary Tal-
cott, of Hartford, who survived him. She
contributed four shillings in cloth for the re-
lief of the poor in other colonies in 1676. Chil-
dren, all born of the first wife: James and
Samuel (twins), born in England; Thomas,
Mary, Sarah, Rebecca, Abigail, Joseph and
(II) James, son of Begat and Mary Egles-
ton, was born in England, about 1620, was a
freeman at Windsor, in 1637, and died Decem-
ber I, 1679, in that town. He was a soldier
and participated in the Pequot fight for which
he received a grant of fifty acres of land in
1671. About 1648 he acquired by purchase his
first ]Mece of land in Windsor, formerly the
property of Samuel .\llen, being the first south
of Broad street, and the road running east of
it. In 1676 he contributed one shilling one
pence for the relief of the poor in other
His death occurred at the early age of fifty-
nine years, after a very short illness, and he
made no will. His children at that time were all
minors. He left considerable land which was
divided among his sons by mutual agreement,
August 28, 1701. He married Esther, or Hes-
ter, sister of Roger Williams, of Windsor, who
was early at Dorchester and returned to that
town in 1647, or earlier. She was said to
have been the first white female child born in
Hartford. She died July 10, 1720. Children:
James, John : Thomas, mentioned below ; Hes-
ter, Nath.'uiiel, Isaac, .Abigail, Deborah and
(III) Thumas, third son of James and Hes-
ter (Williams) I'lgleston, was born July 27,
t66i, in Windsor, where he died April 6, 1732.
He was a farmer in that town, probably on the
lot north of St. Cabriel's Church, and his estate
was valued at three hundred and eighty-seven
jiounds nine '>hillings four pence. He married
'Grace Hoskins, born July 28, 1666, in Wind-
sor, died March 27, 1739, daughter of Anthony
and Isabel (Brown) Hoskins, of Windsor,
granddaughter of John Hoskins, who came to
Dorchester from England in 1630. Children:
Thomas, Grace. Mary, Hannah : Jedediah,
mentioned below ; Isabel ; Deborah, Mary,
Mindwell, Joseph, Ephraim and Hester.
(I\') Jedediah, second son of Thomas and
Grace (Hoskins) Egleston, was born June 11.
1696, in Windsor, where he was a farmer, and
died July 15, 1766. The inventory of his estate
was made January 6, 1767, and it was admin-
istered by his son Thomas. He married Sarah
Moore, born September 12, 1704, daughter of
John (3) and Abigail (Strong) Aloore, grand-
daughter of John (2), who was a son of Dea-
con John ( I ) Moore, the last named a son of
Thomas Moore, of Dorchester, Massachusetts.
Children: Sarah, Lydia, Grace (died young),
Isabel, Jedediah, Thomas (died young), Lois,
Grace. Thomas and Elijah.
( Y ) Thomas ( 2 ) Egleston. third son of
Jedediah and Sarah ( Aloore ) Egleston, was
born September 26, 174(1, in Windsor, and was
a noted fisherman. \Yith his sons he owned
the best fishing place on the Connecticut river,
north of Middletown. This was situated on
the Deerfield lot, four miles north of the state
house, and is still known as "Thomas Egles-
ton's Fishing Place." In 1859 this was owned
by the heirs of Timothy Mills. Opposite, on
the west side of the street, stands a brick build-
ing, erected in 1760, the bricks said to have
been made by Thomas Egleston. He was a
revolutionary soldier, enlisting June 24, 1776.
in Captain Job Couch's company. Colonel Philip
Burr Bradley's regiment. This body was sta-
tioned during the summer and early fall, of
that year, at Bergen Heights and Paulus Hook,
now Jersey City. In November it was trans-
ferred across the river to the defence of Fort
Washington, where, with hundreds of others.
Thomas Egleston was captured by the British
forces, November 16. of that year. He mar-
ried (first), February 13, 1766, Rebecca, daugh-
ter of Samuel and Rebecca Drake, born Janu-
ary 24, baptized February 2, 1745, and died
1775. He married (second). February 26,
1778, Ann Clark. Children, born of the first
wife, and baptized at Windsor : Sarah. Rebecca,
Jedediah. Elijah. Francis. EHhu, Joseph (men-
tioned below), Henry, George and Ann.
( VI) Joseph Eggleston. fifth son of Thomas
(2) and Rebecca VOrake) Egleston, was bap-
tized August I 1. 1782, at the W intlsor church,
and removed to Sherburne, Chenango county.
New York, about 1808. Some fourteen
vears later, he settled in the town nf Cnrt-
iandville, Cortland county. New York, where
he was a farmer, and died. He married.
October 14. 1802, Harriet Goodrich, of Cole-
brook. Connecticut, who died in Cortland-
ville, 1850. Children: 1. Joseph Francis, bap-
tized at Windsor, July 3. 1803. 2. Ann. died
voung. 3. Fanny, baptized July 5, 1807, in
Windsor; died in i8fi2, in Cortland. 4. Hiram,
resided in Alden. New York, where he died
childless. 5. Asahel G., mentioned below. 6.
George. 7. Julia, married Cortland Corwin,
of Cortland, and had two daughters. 8. Emily,
died young. 9. Delia, married George Ban-
croft, resided in Whitewater. Wisconsin, and
had three children.
(VII) Asahel G.. third son of Joseph and
Harriet (Goodrich) Eggleston. was born in
1810, in Sherburne; died June 23, 1897. He
was about twelve years of age when his par-
ents removed to Cortlandville. He always fol-
lowed farming in Cortland county. New York ;
he had a large farm, and was active up to the
time of his death. He held various town and
village offices. He was a Presbyterian. He
married, July 7. 1842, Louise Kenney, born in
Hartford, Connecticut, in 1814, died July i,
1897. daughter of Jabez Kenney. Children:
Antoinette, deceased ; Josei)h Emmett. men-
tioned below.
(\TII) Joseph Emmett. only son of Asahel
G. and Louise (Kenney) Eggleston. was born
in Cortland. New York, November I. 1847.
He received his education in the academy and
State Normal School, of Cortland, New York ;
studied law in the office of Waters & Waters,
in Cortland ; admitted to New York state bar
in 1875. and to United States courts in 1881.
He practiced law for a time in company with
Mr. Waters, under firm name of Waters &
Eggleston, and later was alone in practice. In
1889 he was elected county judge and surro-
gate of Cortland county. New York, which
office he has held ever since. He is a director
in the Second National Bank, of Cortland, and
trustee of the State Firemen's Home Associa-
tion. He is a member of Cortlandville Lodge.
Free and Accepted Masons.
He married, September 2, 1874. Alta B..
daughter of Rensselaer R. and Olive Moore,
of Cincinnatus. New York. They have one
daughter, Aria, a graduate of the State Normal
School, at Cortland, also of the National Park
Seminary, Washington, D. C, and she took a
course at the Currie Oratory School, of Bos-
ton, Massachusetts, and is now a teacher.
Dr. Johannes Mounies de
MONTANYE la Montanye was born in
OR Saintonge, France, i S95. He
MANTANYE married Rachel Deforest,
sister of Jesse De Forest,
at Leyden, December 12, 1626. He came to
Harlem in 1637, took up Montanye Flats, was
secretary of the Flarlem Colony, and later was
in command at Fort Orange (now Albany),
as vice-director, until i(/')4, when possession
was taken by the British. He died in Holland,
in 1670, having gone there with Governor Stuy-
vesant, after the British occupation of New
(H) Jan (or John), son of Dr. Johannes
Mounies de la Montanye, came to Harlem soon
after his father, and entered business with \'in-
cent Pikes. He returned to Holland and mar-
ried Peternella Pikes there, about 1654. Re-
turned to New York in 1655, ^^d soon after
settled in Harlem and took up Montanye Point ;
was secretary and teacher at Harlem until his
death, in 1672. His first wife died and he
married (second) Maria Vermilye, June 10,
(IH) \'incent, son of Jan or John Mon-
tanye, was born in Harlem, New York, 1657.
He married, March 5, 1684, Adriana, daughter
of Jan Thomas Aken. He was living in 1713,
but died soon after.
(IV) Thomas, son of Vincent Montanye,
born 1691, was shopkeeper in New York; lived
and died in Prince street. New York ; his death
occurring October 12, 1761. He married, No-
vember 25. 1718, Rebecca Bruyn ; she survived
him; they had fifteen children.
(V) John T., son of Tliomas Montanye,
was born 1743 : lived in New York on the
breaking out of the war of the revolution. He
married Mary Blain.
(VI) Peter, son of John T. Montanye, later
called also Mintonye, born in New York, in
1775, with brothers, Isaac and Jacob, came to
Western New York. Peter settled in Dryden,
but later in Sempronius, New York, and died
there, in 1856. He married .
(VII) William, youngest son of Peter Mon-
tanye, was born in Dryden, New York, May
24, 1808; died in Florida, in 1880. His edu-
cation was received in common schools ; he
learned the carriage maker's trade in Dryden,
New York, and carried on wagon making, and
later was a merchant in Freetown. New York,
up to 1865, when he removed to Cortland, New
York. He was supervisor at Freetown during
the war, and for some years previous was a
member of county board of supervisors. Dur-
ing the war he was active in enlisting men for
the service and keeping up supplies for them.
He married Betsey Fuller, daughter of Eleazer
haulier, of Freetown, a descendant of the Fullers
who came to Plymouth in the "Mayflower."
Here the name began to be "Mantanye." Chil-
dren : I. Cornelia, married J. H. Delavan, she
died .August, 1907. 2. William Jameson, see
forward. 3. .Austin F., living at present time.
(VIII) William Jameson, son of \\'illiam
Mantanye, was born at Freetown. Cortland
county. New York, October 17, 1843. He
remained at Freetown until the civil war. He
attended the district school, and after he was
twelve years old worked on a farm every
summer. As a student he was cjuick to learn,
and he was a great reader. In the fall of 1859,
and again in i860, he attended the Homer
Academy, then one of the most famous schools
in the state. In the winter of 1860-61 he
taught school in the lumbering district, on the
north fork of the Cowanesque, near Westfield,
Tioga county, Pennsylvania, where a brother
uf his father resided, returning to farm work
in the spring, intending to resume study at
Homer the following autumn. Rut the civil
war broke out that spring, and, after the dis-
aster at Bull Run and on the fir.st call for three
years troops, he enlisted in Company D, Sev-
enty-sixth New York Infantry, at the age of
seventeen, and served through the war at the
front in the .Army of the Potomac. He was
wounded at second Bull Run, .August 29, 1862.
but not seriously, and returned to his regiment
next day. .At Gettysburg he was taken pris-
oner, July I, 1863, and paroled on the field July
4, but as the government held the parole to be
illegal he soon after returned to his company
without exchange. In the fall of 1863 he was
called to Washington to take a commission in
the First Regiment of the Cnitcd States Color-
ed Troops, then being organized, but conclud-
ing he was not suited for the position, being
then only nineteen years of age. he declined it
and returned to his company. In January, 1864,
he reenlisted as a veteran volunteer in his old
company, and, in October, 1864, on the expira-
tion of the term of the regiment, he was trans-
ferred to the One Hundred and Forty-seventh
New York, thence to the Ninety-first New
York, from which he was discharged, July 3,
1865, by reason of the close of the war. Thus
he served nearly four years, first in the I-'irst
Army Corps, under Reynolds and I^oubleday,
until that corps was destroyed at Gettysburg,
where the Seventy-si.xth New York, leading
the Corps, opened the battle with tlie I^'irst
Infantry fire. After that he served in the Fifth
Corps, of which the remnant of the old First
Corps formed the Third Division, and he was
present at the surrender of Lee, .\pril 9, 1865.
During his army service, and particularly while
in winter quarters, Mr. Mantanye continued
his study and reading, and he also kept a diary
which has since been used by writers on army
life. On his return from the army, in 1865.
Mr. Mantanye came to Cortland, his father
having that year removed to Cortland. He
entered on the study of law with Hon. Arthur
Holmes, then one of the leading lawyers of
the county. In May, 1867, he was admitted to
the bar at Binghamton, and soon after com-
menced the practice of law. which he has ever
since continued. Before his admission he had
committed the code of procedure to memory,
and he has always been an authority on prac-
tice, frequently consulted by other lawyers. In
May, 1869, he removed to Marathon and open-
ed an office, continuing practice there until
1888, when he removed to Cortland, which has
since been his residence.
Mr. Mantanye has been a prominent Repub-
lican all his life, casting his first vote for Lin-
coln, in 1864, at the age of twenty-one, send-
ing it from the front. He supported Horace
Greeley, in 1872, as a Republican and one of
the founders of the party, still holding to that
party, and refusing to pass over to the opposite
side, as so many did. His father was of the
"Free Soil" party that supported Birney, in
1848, and John P. Hale, in 1852, and which, by
the accession of W'higs in 1854-55, became the
Republican party. In the first Republican cam-
paign, in 1856, though only thirteen years of
age, he was a leader in a band of boys at Free-
town, organized into a "Fremont and Dayton"
marching club, having a liberty pole and flag
of its own in front of his father's wagon works.
The flag is still retained as an interesting relic.
After the war he was active in the party, fre-
quently a delegate to state conventions, and a
member of the Republican county committee.
and a popular leader. In 1882-83 he was a
member of the Republican state committee
from the Onondaga, Cortland district, and of
the executive committee of the state organiza-
tion. He was never a seeker for office for
himself, and never was a candidate until 1893,
when, without any previous canvass, he was
nominated as a delegate to the constitutional
convention of 1894, from the twenty-fifth sen-
ate district, then composed of Cortland, Broome,
Tioga, Chenango and Delaware counties, and
was elected. In that convention he was promi-
nent as a speaker and worker, and was a mem-
ber of the important committee on powers and
duties of the legislature, and on county and
town officers. He introduced some amend-
ments which were adopted and two that were
not finally adopted, but eventually will be a
part of the organic law. One of these was to
make the term of office of governor and lieu-
tenant-governor four years, and make them
ineligible to election for the next succee<ling
term. This was at first agreed to in committee,
but later on was defeated. The other was a
provision for biennial sessions of the legis-
lature— No. 83 on the file. It was at first
adopted by the committee, as appears by con-
vention document No. 22, but later a rally of
the politicians caused its defeat. In 1897 it
was, on the suggestion of Governor Black, in-
troduced in the legislature and passed, but
failed in the legislature of i8g8. Fie also advo-
cated the amendment as to employment of
convicts in penal institutions, forbi<lding their
labor being sold out to contractors, and it was
adopted. In June, 1895, ^^^'- Mantanye was
appointed, by Governor Morton, as a member
of the state commission of prisons, created by
the constitution of 1894. with jurisdiction over
all penal institutions, and having the duty of
reporting a svstem for the employment of con-
victs under the revised constitution. Mr. Man-
tanye was at once elected vice-president of the
commission, and reelectefl in 1896. As he was
the only member who had given the subject
previous study he was made chairman of the
committee on annual report to formulate the
new system. This he did in such a careful and
reasonable way that the report was adopted by
the commission and handed to the legislature
of 1896. He was tiien put upon the committee
on legislation, and had charge of the drafting'
and introduction of the proposed laws in ac-
cordance with the report. These laws chang-
ing the prison labor system, with some amend-
ments to the county law and penal code, were
explained to the legislature by Mr. Mantanye
and were enacted. By these laws the taking of
convicts from without the state by peniten-
tiaries to board was ended and the different
institutions were relegated to their original pur-
poses by requiring felons to be sent to the
reformatory and state prisons, and misdemean-
ants to the jails, penitentiaries and houses of
refuge. The labor of convicts is also to be
utilized in producing supplies for the public
institutions, so that the state has the full value
of the labor in reduction of taxation, instead
of selling it out to syndicates for small prices
and thus enabling them to carry on a ruinous
competition with industries of free labor. The
system has proved successful, and is being
adopted in other states. Great improvement
was made in jails, penitentiaries and other
prisons. The prisoners were classified and
graded as required by the law of i88g, with a
view of introilucing the reformatory system in
the state prisons, which makes good citizens of
law breakers, instead of putting them into a
permanent criminal class, as under the old sys-
tem. Mr. Mantanye continued as chairman of
the committee on annual report of the com-
mission, and drew the report for 189S, pre-
sented to the legislature of 1899. It was an
interesting document, giving a retrospect of
the conditions existing when the commission
was appointed and of the many improvements
and economies since inaugurated and carried
on at the instance of the commission. To Mr.
Mantanye. more than to any other one person, is
owing the great reforms put in successful oper-
ation in the prison system of the state, and
which are being copied in other states and
countries. Yet he is modest and unassuming,
claiming no special credit or honor for himself,
but giving it all to the commission.
Since 1901. when he retired from the com-
mission of prisons, he has devoted his time to
his law practice, which is large, particularly in
caring for and settling estates. While often
consulted in jiarty matters and having large
influence he has retired from more active polit-
ical work, feeling that forty years of activity
has earned for liim a rest. Mr. Mantanye is a
member of the Tioughnioga Club; secretary of
the Association of the Seventy-sixth Regiment.
New York Volunteers, and was the first colonel
of the Cortland Encampment of the ITnion
\'ctcran Legion, of which he is still a member,
and a member of the Grand Army of the Re-
public, Grover Post, No. 98, Cortland, New
Thomas Sherwood, immi-
SHERWOOD grant ancestor, was born
in Ipswich, Suffolk county,
England, in 1593; died in October, 1655, at
Fairfield, Connecticut. He came to Boston in
the ship "Frances," in 1634, giving his age as
forty-eight, and accompanied by his wife Alice,
aged forty-seven, and children : Ann, aged four-
teen ; Rose, aged eleven ; Thomas, ten ; Re-
becca, nine. They resided for several years in
Massachusetts, but settled in Fairfield as early
as 1645, and owneil land there before 1650.
In his will, dated July 21, 1655, he mentions
all his children. He married (first) Alice Sea-
brook, (second) Mary Fitch. Children: Ann,
born 1620; Rose, 1623; Thomas, 1624; Re-
becca, 1625 ; Stephen ; Matthew, 1633 ; Tam-
sen : Margery; Ruth; Abigail; Mary; Isaac.
(II) Thomas (2), son of Thomas (i) Sher-
wood, was born in England, in 1623-24. and
came with his parents in 1634. He went from
Boston to ^\'ethersfield, and thence to Fair-
field, where he settled. He was admitted a
freeman, at Hartford, October 13, 1664. He
was the first miller on Mill Run, Fairfield. He
married (first) Sarah Wheeler, who died be-
fore August 21, 1669, daughter of Thomas
and Ann Wheeler. He married (second) Ann,
daughter of Benjamin and Mary Turney. He
married (third) Elizabeth, widow of John
Cable Jr. He married (fourth) Sarah Coley,
widow of Peter Coley, and daughter of Humph-
rey Hyde. Children of first wife; Thomas,
born 1654, of Eastchester, New York; Sarah,
married John Whitlock. Children of second
wife: Mary, married David Whitlock; Benja-
min; Samuel: Ruth; Hannah; Abigail. Chil-
dren of third wife: Isaac, mentioned below;
Phebe, married Samuel Bradley.
(HI) Isaac, son of Thomas (2) Sherwood,
was born in Fairfield, died in 1748. He settled
in Norwalk, Connecticut, as early as 1690. He
married Mary . Children: Isaac, men-
tioned below ; Rebecca, Elizabeth and John.
(IV) Isaac (2), son of Isaac (t ) Sherwood,
was born about 1720, or earlier, in Norwalk.
He married Alary Hayes. 1 lis three sons. Jon-
athan, Isaac and Samuel, settled in Williams-
town, Massachusetts. Some of the sons of
Samuel and Isaac were soldiers in the revolu-
tion, lonathan Jr., evidently called thus to
distinguish him from his uncle Jonathan, men-
tioned below, died at Williamstown, August 7,
1825, in his sixty-ninth year, and his wife
Martha died there, September 24, 1824, in her
sixty-second year ; their gravestones are stand-
ing; also the gravestone of their daughter
Anne, who died October 19, 1813, in her twen-
ty-seventh year. Stephen. Timothy and Sam-
uel were soldiers in the revolution from
Williamstown, grandsons of Isaac and Mary
(Hayes) Sherwood. Another grandson, James,
married, June i, 1789, at Williamstown, Hul-
dah Stratton, and the marriages of four grand-
daughters are recorded : Mary 3d, married, at
Williamstown, February 25, 1785, John Mc-
Nichols; Polly, married, March 22, 1789. Iz-
bund Gregory ; Betty Sherwood, married, De-
cember 14, 1786, Thomas Fowler ; Rhoda Sher-
wood, married, November 22, 1787, at Pownal,
\'ermont. Stephen Pratt. In 1790, according
to the first federal census, the following sons
and grandsons were of Williamstown : James
Sherwood, with two males over sixteen, one
male under sixteen and three females ; Jona-
than, two males over sixteen, two under, two
females : Jonathan Jr., one over sixteen, one
under and three females ; Stephen, two males
over sixteen and seven females ; Samuel, one
over sixteen, one under and two females. Tim-
othy, of the adjoining town of West Stock-
bridge, and Benjamin, of New Ashford, also
having families at the time of the census, were
doubtless of this family. Children: Isaac, born
1742, died at Williamstown, August 19, 1814,
wife Mary died October 2, 1808, aged seventy-
one: Jonathan, mentioned below ; Samuel, died
at \\'illiamstown, April 12, 1801, aged sixty-
two. Probably others.
(V) Jonathan, son of Isaac (2) Sherwood,
was born in Fairfield, Connecticut, in June,
1746. He settled before the revolution at
Williamstown, Massachusetts. Jonathan was
a soldier in the revolution, a private in Cap-
tain Samuel Clark's company, Colcjnel Benja-
min Simond's regiment, of Berkshire county,
and tooiv part in the battle near Bennington,
Vermont, Au?ust 16, 1777, and was engaged in
conveying prisoners to Pittsfield, Massachu-
setts. He was corporal of the same company
and regiment, September 7 to 30, marching to
Pawlet, Vermont, by order of Major-General
Lincohi. He removed from \Mlliamstown, in
1798, to Fairfield. Herkimer county. New
York. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob
and Sally (Bradley) Leach. Her father was
descended from Lawrence Leach, born 1589,.
surgeon to Edward III., of England. Jona-
than Sherwood died January 17, 1799.
(\T) Henry, son of Jonathan Sherwood,
was born in Williamstown, May 16, 1777; died
July 8, 1831. He was a farmer in Fairfield,
New York. He married Abigail Evans. Chil-
dren, born at Fairfield, New York: Henry J.,
mentioned below ; Gaylord N. and Elizabeth.
(\TI) Henry J., son of Henry Sherwood,
was born in Fairfield, New York, November
II, 1817; died February 9, 1866, in Memphis,
New York. He was a general merchant at
Memphis and Elbridge, New York. He mar-
ried, August 10, 1 841, Ann Benham, born in
Cohocton, Steuben county. New York, July 6,
1820, died August 14, 1883. Children: (iay-
lord : Isabel ; James D., lives in Cortland, mar-
ried Anna Rice, and has a daughter, Sarah
Emily : Silas William, mentioned below.
( VIII ) Silas William, son of Henry J. Sher-
wood, was born in ^lemjihis. New York, Sep-
tember 27, 1859. He received a common school
education, and was for a time in the wholesale
boot and shoe business in Syracuse, New York.
He came to Cortland, New York, in 1878, and
engaged in the retail grocery business, in part-
nership with his brother James D., under the
firm name of Sherwood Brothers. They car-
ried on this business for ten years, when he
retired from' the firm and accepted a position
in the business office of H. F. Benton, who
conducted a lumber business. When the H. F.
Benton Lumber Company was incorporated,
in 1899, he was elected treasurer of tlie com-
pany, and has held that office since. He is
active in public aiTairs in Cortland, and is presi-
dent of the board of trade. He is a member of
the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.
He married, August 22, 1883, Jeannette Cleve-
land, daughter of Henry F. and Caroline Lu-
cretia (Putnam) Benton (see Benton VIII).
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood have no children.
(The Benton Line).
(I) John Benton was of the parish of Epp-
ing, county Essex, England, and was married
there. May 25, 1618, to Mary Southernwood.
He was probably the son of Andrew and Maria
Benton. Children : Andrew, baptized October
15, 1620, mentioned below: Thomas, baptized
August 25, 1622; Marie, baptized June 29,
1625: Elizabeth, baptized August 31, 1628,"
John, baptized March 10, 1639.
(II) Andrew Benton, immigrant ancestor.
I lO
was the son of John Benton, of Epping, coun-
ty Essex, England, and was baptized at Epping,
October 15, 1620. In tlie apportionment of
land at Miiford, Connecticut, in November,
1639, he was allotted parcel No. 64. It con-
tained three acres, and was situated on the
west side of Half Mile Brook. To this there
was afterwards added several other parcels of
land. He married (first), about 1649, Han-
nah, daughter of George Stocking, of Hart-
ford, a first settler there, in 1636. They united
with the church in Miiford, he on March 5,
1648, and she on October 13, 1650, and were
dismissed to Hartford, March, 1666. They
had removed to the latter town as early as
1662. She died about 1672, and he married
(second), probably in 1673, Anne, daughter of
John Cole, "a godly man of some public trust."
She was the "bewitched maid" on whose ac-
count, chiefly, Nathaniel Greensmith and his
wife were hanged for witchcraft, on January
-5- 1663. Goffe, the regicide, who was then
in hiding at Miiford, writes in his diary, Feb-
ruary 24, that after the hanging "the maid
was well," and Cotton Mather's "Magnalia,"
in 1684, says of her, that "she is restored to
health, united with the church, and living in
good repute." She died April 19, 1685.
Andrew Benton held various public offices
in Hartford; fence viewer in 1663-64, juror
in 1664-67, freeman in May, 1665, antl sup-
pressor of "disorders during public worship"
and collector of minister's rates in 1667. In
February, 1670, he separated to the Second
Church, with his wife, daughter Hannah, and
his fathers-in-law. Stocking and Cole. He died
July 31, 1683, and was buried in Center Church
cemetery, where his gravestone may still be
seen. Children, all e.xcept the youngest born
in Milfortl: John, April 9, 1650, died May 24,
1650; Hannah, baptized November 23, 1651 ;
Andrew, baptized August 12, 1653; Mary,
April 14, 1655; John, October 7, 1656: Sam-
uel, August 15, 1658; Joseph, 1660; Dorothy,
probably 1662. Children of second wife, burn
in Hartford: Ebenezer. baptized January 4.
1674; Lydia, baptized February 13, 1676; llan-
nah, baj)tized January 26, 1679; John, baptized
May 30, 1680, died young.
(Ill) Samuel, son (jf .Andrew Benton, was
born August 15, 1658, in Miiford, and lived in
Miiford and Hartford, and for a time in Tol-
land, Connecticut, where he and his son were
first proprietors in 1716. He married, prob-
abh' in i(>y'). Sarali, daughttr of William ancl
Sarah Chatterton, of New Haven, born there,
July 19, 1661. He died testate, in Hartford,
April 10, 1746. Children, born in Flartford:
Samuel, August 8, 1680; Sarah, September 28,
1685; Hannah, March 14, 1688: Abigail, De-
cember 9, 1 691 : Caleb, March i, 1694; Daniel,
June 25, 1696, mentioned below ; Jacob, Sep-
tember 21, 1698 ; Moses, April 26, 1702 ; Lydia,
April 26, 1705. His son Daniel's name appears
in a petition res]3ecting lands in Coventry, in
1718. Samuel Benton, then living in Hart-
ford, gave a deed of Tolland lands, in 1719, to
Daniel Benton, of Hartford, "his living son."
( IV ) Daniel, son of Samuel I'lenton, was
born June 25, i6<)6, lived in Hartford and Tol-
land, died in Tolland. He united with the
Second Church, September 21, 1718. He mar-
ried, January 3, 1722, Mary, daughter of John
Skinner, of Hartford. Children, born in Tol-
land: Mary, October 17, 1722, died March 16,
1723; Daniel, January 6, 1724, mentioned
below; William, November 12, 1725; Mary,
April 9, 1727, died October 4, 1745; Elijah,
June 30, 1728; Sarah, May 8, 1730, died young ;
Hannah, July 12, 1731, died young; John, June
17, 1732, died young; Siloam, December 11,
1733, died young; Lydia, May 2, 1735; Abi-
gail, November 23, 1736.
(V' ) Daniel (2), son of Daniel ( i) Benton,
was born in Tolland, January 6, 1724, and
spent his life there. He married, November
,3, 1747, Mary Wheeler. Children: Elisha,
born August 9, 1748, a revolutionary soMier ;
Mary, August 31, 1750; Daniel, April 29, 1752;
Azariah, March 39, 1754, a revolutionary sol-
dier; Hannah, May 3, 1756, died October 18,
1757; Hannah, February 18, 1758 ; Jacob. April
22, 1760, mentioned below; Nathan. May 3,
1764: Silas, June 6, 1766.
(\T) Jacob, son of Daniel (2) Benton, was
born April 22, 1760. and lived in Tolland. He
was a revolutionary soldier at the age of seven-
teen and saw four years' service. He was a
dragoon at the battle of Saratoga, and was
present at the surrender of Burgoyne. October,
1777. He was pensioned in 1818, and the wit-
nesses in his pension say: "A man of veracity,
a fine, honorable, honest man." He married
(first), March 14, 1782. Sarah Weston, of
Willington, Connecticut. She died September
23. 1787. He married ( second), July i, 1789,
Sarah Ladd, of Tolland, who survived him.
He died July 9, 1843. Children of first wife:
.\nn, born February 1. 1783; William, .August
-'(). 1785. Children of second wife: .\znriah.
June 8. 1790; Ruth, December 8, i/yi : Daniel,
Alay 3, 1794; Susanna, February 19, 179O;
Chester, February 5, 1798, mentioned below;
Jacob, June i, 1802.
(VII) Chester, son of Jacob Benton, was
born at Tolland, Connecticut, February 5, 1798,
died at Cortland, New York, November 23,
1875. He moved to Cortland and w^as a pros-
I)erous farmer. He married, I'^-bruary 9, 1826,
Tirzah I'orter Loomis, born March 2"], 1804,
died July 18, 1887. Children, born at Cort-
land: George C, born February 7, 1827; Al-
phonzo L., November 9, 183 1 ; Henry Francis,
mentioned below; Melvin P., March 5, 1841.
( \'ni ) Henry Francis, son of Chester Ijen-
ton, was born at Cortland, New York, Febru-
ary 3, 1837, died there, April 20, 1910. He
spent his youth on the homestead on South
Hill, in Cortland, and he attended the public
schools of his native town. When he came of
age he followed his brother George C, who
had gone west and was a lumber merchant in
Chicago, and located at Bloomington, Illinois,
where he engaged in business, but after a year
or two he was induced to return home by his
parents, who had been left alone on the farm.
He then engaged in the hardware business in
Cortland, in the firm of Chamberlain & Ben-
ton, in partnership with Norman Chamber-
lain. In 1866 he sold his interest in that firm
and bought the lumber yard of John Barnes
and during the remainder of his active life
continued in the lumber trade. His business
grew to large proportions. In January, 1891),
the business was incorporated as the H. ]•".
Benton Lumber Company. The other stock-
holders an 1 directors were his son-in-law, Silas
W. Sherwood, who had been associated in
Inisiness with him for many years, and Orson
.\. Kinney. Mr. Benton became president of
the corporation and retained that office as long
as he lived, though he withdrew from the
active management of the business to a large
When the Second National l!ank was estab-
lished, in 1882, Mr. B.enton became one of the
first board of directors and continued a di-
rector as long as he lived. He was elected vice-
president in January, 1901, and held the office
at the time of his death. From time to time
he was interested financially in various busi-
ness enterprises in Cortland. He was presi-
dent of the incorporated village of Cortland
one year. He took an active part in all the
movements designed to better conditinns anfl
inijirove the town. He held the esteem and
confidence of all his townsmen and took rank
among the most substantial and reliable men
of the community. Through almost his whole
life he was a member of the Cortland Presby-
terian Church, and he was infiuential and be-
loved in that society, h'or many years he was
sujjerintendent of tlie .Sunday school, which
he had attended from boyhood. For nearly
forty-two years he had been a member of the
church session, the longest service of any man
in the church, and during all those years he
was the faithful clerk of the body. He was
elected clerk for the first time, October 31,
i8'i8. "lie has been the deeply consecrated
member, tlie wise, discreet and conservative
counselor, and the active and energetic worker
in all that pertained to the welfare of the
chiu-ch. Throughout his whole life he has been
liberal in beneficence. Wherever there was a
person in need he was sure to find a hearty
sympathizer and a ready helper in Mr. Benton,
though it was all so quietly done that few ever
heard of it. In every way !Mr. Benton will be
sadly missed in this community."
He married, June 11, i8fii, Caroline Put-
nam, of Cortland, who died June 19, i8i)<). She
was born November 2"]. 1839, daughter of
Hrmilton and Jeamiette (Cleveland) Putnam.
Children: r. Jeannette Cleveland, married Silas
\V. Sherwood (see Sherwood \TII). 2. Mary
Putnam, married Charles Wickham Parker, of
Chicago ; children : Henry Benton Parker, born
June 15, 1890; Charles Grosvenor Parker,
March 14, 1896; Caroline Putnam Parker, De-
cember 24, 1898. 3. Carrie Louise, married
Arthur Ford Stilson ; children: Chester Ben-
ton, born January 16. i8c/i, in Cortland, and
one child who died aged fourteen months. Ray-
mond Putnam.
The Perkins family is an an-
PERKINS cient one in England. The first
of the name of whom there is
record, and from whom the family is descenrl-
ed. is "Peter Alorley, alias Perkins," who lived
in the time of Richard II., and was an officer
in the household, or steward of the court of
Sir Hugh Despenser. about 1300. The name
is spelled variously Peterkins, Parkins, Pcrk-
ings and Perkins. Several of the name lived
in the neighborhood of Newent, county Glou-
cester, England, and the immigrant John is
sai' to have come from that part of England.
( I ) John Perkins, the immigrant ancestor,
1 12
was born in 1590, probably in Xewent, county
Gloucester, England. He sailed from Bristol,
December i, 1630, in the ship "Lion," William
Pierce, master, with his wife and five children.
He was in the company with Rev. Roger Will-
iams, and after a stormy voyage of sixty-seven
days, they landed at Boston, February 6, 1631.
He settled first in Boston, and was admitted a
freeman, May 18, 1631. He was one of a
committee of four to settle the bounds between
Roxbury and Dorchester, November 7, 1632.
He removed, in 1633, to Ipswich, and had sev-
eral grants of land. His house was near the
river, at the entrance to Jeffries Neck, on what
is now East street. He was deputy to the gen-
eral court in 1636, and on the grand jury in
1648 and 1652. His will was dated March 28,
1634. He married Judith -^^ — '■ . Children:
John, mentioned below ; Thomas, born in 1616 ;
"Elizabeth, 1618; Mary, 1620; Jacob, 1624;
Lydia, 1632, baptized at First Church, Boston,
June 3, 1632.
(H) John (2), son of John (i) Perkins,
was born in England, in 1614, and came to
New England with his parents. He had a
grant of land in Ipswich, in 1634, and other
grants, and owned an island called Hog Island.
He married, about 1635, Elizabeth — .
The following is from a paper by Rev. Thomas
Cobbet : "About 5 or 6 years after (an intend-
ed attack upon "Nahumkeick" by the Indians)
in the first planting of Ipswich ( as a creditable
man informs me, namely Quartermaster Per-
kins) the Tarratines ur Easterly Indians had a
design to cut them off at the first, when they
had but 20 or 30 men, old and young belonging
to the place (and that instant most of the men
had gone into the bay about their occasions,
not hearing there of) it was thus one Robin, a
friendly Indian, came to this John Perkins,
then a young man then living in a little hut
upon his father's island on this side of Jeffries
Neck, and told him that on such a Thursday
morning, early they would come four Indians
to draw him to goe down the Hill to the water
side, to truck with them, which if he did, he
and all neare him would be cut off ; for there
were 40 burchencanoues, would lie out of sight,
in the brow of the Hill, full of Armed Indians
for that ])urpose ; of this he forthwith acquaints
Mr. John Winthrop, who then lived there, in
a howse near the water, who advised him if
such Indians came, to carry it ruggedly toward
them, and throated to shoot them if they would
not be gone, and when their backs were turned
to strike up the drum he had with him besides
his two nuiskets, and then discharge them ; that
those 6 or 8 young men, who were in the
marshes hard by a mowing, haveing theyr guns
each of them ready charged, by them, might
take the Alarme and the Indians would per-
ceive theyr plot was discovered and haste away
to sea againe ; which was accordingly so acted
and tooke like eff'ect ; for he told me that pres-
ently after he discovered 40 such canoues
sheare off from under the Hill and make as
fast as they could to sea. And no doubt many
godly hearts were lifted up to heaven for de-
liverance at Salem and this at Ipswich."
John Perkins opened the first ordinary or
inn in Ipswich and was chosen cjuartermaster
of the military. He was one of several to sign
a petition, February 16, 1681-82, to resist the
claims of Mason to a title to lands about Glou-
cester. He was engaged in the coast fisheries and
used a part of what is Little Neck for curing his
fish, as early as 1645. He gave his sons farms
before his death. He died December 14, 1686,
and his wife, September 27, 1684. Children:
John, born in 1636, died 1659; Abraham, 1640;
Jacob, 1646; Luke, 1649; Isaac, 1650; Nathan-
iel, 1652 ; Samuel, mentioned below ; Thomas ;
(III) Samuel, son of John (2) Perkins,
was born at Ipswich, in 1655, and married, in
1677, Hannah, daughter of Twift'ord and Han-
nah West. He had a deed of land in Ipswich
from his father, on which he had built a house
in 1674. He served as a soldier in the Xarra-
gansett war, and for his services then received
a portion of land at \'oluntown, on the eastern
border of Connecticut. This land afterwards
came into possession of his son Ebenezer, who
settled upon it. Samuel Perkins was a cord-
wainer by trade. He died intestate in 1700.
His wife survived him and was administratrix
of his estate. Children: Samuel, born Novem-
ber 26, 1679 ; Ebenezer, mentioned below ; Eliz-
abeth, June 13, 16S5; John, May 12, 1692.
(IV) Ebenezer, son of Samuel Perkins, was
born in Ipswich, February 3, 1681. He mar-
ried (first), August 14, 1710, at Preston, Con-
necticut, Hannah Safford. He married (sec-
ond) — . He was a farmer by
occupation and removed from Ipswich to Pres-
ton, where he bought one hundred and twenty-
three acres of land, October 27, 1714. He
sold this land in 1716, and removed to Volun-
town, and settled on the land given his father
for services in the Narragansett war. Novem-
ber 17, 1735, he sold this land, and removed
to Coventry, Rhode Island. He died in the
latter place, before 1754. Children, recorded
in Preston: Newman, born March 8, 171 1;
Samuel, May 18, 1712; Oliver, April 29, 1713:
Charity, July 4, 1714; EUenher, July 26, 1718;
Lemuel, April 2, 1720; Ebenezer, mentioned
below ; John. Child of second wife: Margaret.
1720, married, December 26, 1751. Levi Adams,
of Canterbury, Connecticut.
(V) Ebenezer (2), son of Ebenezer (i)
Perkins, was born in Voluntown, Connecticut,
July I, 1721. He settled at Coventry, Rhode
Island, and married there, March 22, 1741,
Abigail Pratt. Children : Mary, born Septem-
ber 28, 1742; Hannah, June 25, 1744; Martha,
November 10, 1746; John, menticined bclnw:
Ebenezer, April 18, 1752; Abigail, November
6, 1754; Francis, March 3, 1757; William,
June 12, 1761.
(VI) John (3), son of Ebenezer (2) Per-
kins, was born at Coventry, Rhode Island.
January 2, 1749, according to the town rec-
ords, and died at P)Urlington, Otsego county.
New York, November i, 1812. (His birth
before the change in the calendar, in 1752,
accounts for the different day of the month
given as his birthday, viz: January 13). When
he was twenty years old he settled in Foster,
Rhode Island, and, in 1785, removed to Pow-
nal, Vermont, where he resided for six years.
He came to Burlington, New York, in 1794.
and settled there on a farm. He was a minute
man in the revolution, in Rhode Island, with
the rank of orderly sergeant. He married
Elizabeth Harrington, wlio was born June i.
1749. Children: Sarah, Abigail, Elizabeth,
Joanna ; Ebenezer, mentioned below ; Martha,
Mary, John, Josiah, Caleb and Joshua.
(VII) Ebenezer (3), son of John (3) Per-
kins, was born in Foster, Rhode Island, April
30, 1777, and died in Burlington, New York.
October 28, 1 85 1. At the age of sixteen he
went with his parents to Vermont, and thence
to Piurlington, New York, before his parents,
cleared land and built a house for the family,
which came a year later. He married Ruth
. Children : John S., mentioned below :
Amy, Ebenezer, Thomas, Ruth and Truman.
(VIII) John S., son of Ebenezer (3) Per-
kins, was born in Burlington, Otsego county.
New York, March 22, 1796, and died in Virgil,
New York, August 18, 1854. He was edu-
cated in the public schools and from early
youth followed farming for a livelihood. In
1820 he came to Virgil, but two years later he
returned to his native town. In 1833 he set-
tled permanently in Virgil, however, and lived
there on a farm during the rest of his life. He
married, March 2, 181 5, Sally Elster, who
was born May 4, 1797, and died y\ugust 19,
1885. Children : John Casper, mentioned below ;
Ebenezer, Thomas, Judson Vinton, Amy and
(IX) John Casper, son of John S. Perkins,
was born at Burlington, in 1815, and died at
Virgil, January 9, 1883. After attending the
public schools of Burlington and Virgil, in
which he received a good education, he taught
school in Virgil for a time. His principal occu-
pation in life, however, was farming, and he
lived most of the time in Virgil. In his younger
days he was active in the state militia. Like his
father and ancestors for generations before
him, he was a zealous and earnest member of
the Baptist church.
He married (first) Achsah J. Sessions, born
May 23, 1819; (second) Catherine Jane Price,
born September 26, 1818. died February 18,
1896. d'hild of first wife: i. John Horace,
born November 30, 1842, a market gardener
in Cortland, New York, who married Meliona
Oakes, and has eight children: Fre<I, Frank,
Ella. Dell, Grace, Ada, Cora and Hattie. Chil-
dren of second wife: 2. Josephine, born Sep-
tember 23. 1845; married John Stillman, and
had : Frank B., Emma, William J., Earl and
Eva. 3. Achsah, born April 20, 1848. died
January 19, 1849. 4. Emma V., born January
4, 1853, died May 31, 1857. 5. William Jay.
mentioned below.
( X ) William Jay, son of John C. Perkins,
was bom in Virgil, Cortland county. New
York, February 2, 1855. He received his edu-
cation in the public schools, at the old Cortland
Academy, and at the Cortland State Normal
School. When he was seventeen years old he
became a clerk in a drug store, and, three
years later, was admitted to partnership by
F. H. Cobb, in the manufacture of confection-
ery, importing and dealing in foreign fruits,
nuts, tobacco, etc. The firm was known as
Cobb & Perkins, and continued with the ut-
most success until 1895, a period of twenty
years. In 1896 Mr. Perkins engaged in busi-
ness as a druggist in Cortland. When his
store was destroyed by fire, in March, 1905,
he decided to retire from business. He has
continued to make his home in Cortland, how-
ever, and has spent much time in travel in
this country, and was in San Francisco at the
time of the great eartiiquake. In pohtics he is
Republican, and he has been a member of the
board of education. He has followed his fam-
ily in religious beliefs, and is a member of
the Baptist church. For a number of years
he was on the board of directors of the Na-
tional Bank of Cortland.
He married, in 1878, Mary E. Howe, of
Cortland, born October 21, 1857, daughter of
Albert and Eliza J. (Simmons) Howe. They
had one chikl, E. .-Mida, died January 19, 1891,
aged four and a half years.
The record of the Jewett family
JEWETT in America begins with the set-
tlement of Rowley, Massachu-
setts. In 1638 about sixty families, led by Rev.
Ezekiel Rogers, came from Yorkshire, Eng-
land, and began the settlement of Rowley, early
the following season. Among these pioneers
were the brothers, Ma.ximilian and Joseph
Jewett. men of substance from Bradford,
Yorkshire, England, and they were the ances-
tors of most of the Jewetts in this country, a
large family, which included many members
of distinction in various walks of life. The most
widely known person bearing the name is un-
doubtedly Miss Sarah Orne Jewett, the author,
of South lierwick, Maine. In ancient records
the name apjicars as Juet. Juit, Jewit, and in
various other forms, but in all cases the spell-
ing preserves the j^ronunciation.
(I ) Edward Jewett was a resident of Brad-
ford, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, Eng-
land, where he was a clothier. His will was
dated February 16, 1614, and proved by his
widow, July 12, 1615. He married, in Brad-
ford. October 1, 1604, Mary, daughter of Will-
iam Ta\lor. Their children, baptized in lirad-
ford. were : William, Maximilian, Joseph and
Sarah, perhaps others who died young.
( II ) Deacon Maximilian Jewett, second son
and child of Edward and Mary (Taylor)
Jewett, was ba]itized December 31, 1609, in
Bradford, England. He came to Rowley, ^las-
sachusetts, with the Rev. Ezekiel Rogers, in
1639, and was made a freeman there, May 13,
of the following year. He had a two-acre
house lot, in 1643. "u liradford street. He
was a leading man in the affairs of the town,
and was several times its representative in the
general court, having been also very early a
deacon of the chunh. He was accompanied
on his journey to Massachusetts by his wife
.\nn, who was buried November 9, 1667, and
he married (second), August 30, 1671, Ellen,
widow of John Boynton. He died October 19,
1684. His will is on file at Salem, Massachu-
setts, among the Essex county papers. It dis-
poses of a considerable amount of property,
indicating that he was a man of substance.
His widow Ellen was married for the third
time, June i, 1686, to Daniel Warner Sr., of
Ipswich, whom she survived, and died in Row-
ley, .August 5, 1689. The children of Maxi-
milian Jewett, all by his first wife, were: Eze-
kiel, Hannah, Mary, Elizabeth, I'aith, Joseph,
Sarah (died young), Sarah and Priscilla.
(Ill) Two men named Jewett appear in
Rowley, Massachusetts, about the middle of
the seventeenth century, and there is a persist-
ent tradition in the family that they were
nephews of Maximilian and Joseph Jewett.
Xumerous transactions on record indicate that
they were in some way connected, but nothing
can be discovered to prove this connection.
They were sup])osed to have been sons of Will-
iam Jewett, and to have followed their uncle to
this country. John Jewett, born about 1636-
^y. appears first in the records of Rowley,
\Iassachusetts, April 2, 1661, on which date he
married Elizabeth Cummings, daughter of
Isaac Cummings, of Topsfield, Massachusetts.
The latter deeded to John Jewett, a farm in
Topsfield, .-Xjiril 28, 1661, in consideration of
his marriage to Cummings' daughter. She
died in Ipswich, July g, 1679, and Jewett mar-
ried (second), probably in Lynn, Elizabeth
Chadwell, of that town, widow of Benjamin
Chadwell, and only child of Joseph Howe, of
Lynn. John Jewett was made a freeman at
I]wwich, I'ebruary 21. 1676, and died there
between October 21 and November 29, 1708.
His widow married (third) Deacon Ezekiel
Jewett. Children by first marriage: Elizabeth,
Hannah: Isaac, mentioned below; Abigail
(died young), John, Abigail, David and Mary.
By second marriage: Daniel, Jonathan, Dorcas
and Rebecca (twins).
(1\') Isaac, eldest son of John and Eliza-
beth ( t'ummings ) Jewett, was born about 1665-
67, in Ipswich, where he was a blacksmith in
early life. He settled in Thompson, Connecti-
cut (then a part of Killingly), about 1715, in
which year he and his wife were dismissed
from the Rowley church to assist in forming
a church in the parish of Thomj)son. In the
dixision of common lands at Thompson, No-
\cnil)er 11. 1720, he received fifty-two acres
of land, and his son Isaac twelve and one-half
acres. In the second division, I^ebruary 2,
1722, he received sixty-three acres one hundred
rods of land. He married in Topsfield, June
12, 1695, Dorcas Hovey, of that town. Chil-
dren: Isaac. .Abigail; David, mentioned below,
and Dorcas.
(V) David, second son of Isaac antl Dorcas
(Hovey) Jevvett. was born in Ipswich and
baptized in Rowley, January 25, 1708. He
settled in Thompson and there married, Octo-
ber 9. 1734, Sarah (or Susannah) Stevens.
Their children, born there, were : Stephen.
mentioned below : .David. Susannah and Jo-
1 \ ] ) .Stcplien, eldest child of David and
Sarah, or Susannah, ( Stevens ) Jewett, was
born October 5, 173'), in Thompson, and re-
sided there until soon after his marriage. He
was admitted to the church in Thompson with
his wife, and. about I7(xi. removed to Lanes-
boro, Massachusetts. He was a soldier in the
revolution, serving as a sergeant in Captain
Asa Barns' company, Colonel Patterson's regi-
ment of minute men, which marched, April 22,
1775, and served twenty-five days. He again
enlisted under the same captain. May 17. 1775.
in Colonel B. Ruggles Woodbridge's regiment,
and served two months sixteen days. .\ return
of the same company dated Se]>tember 28.
1775, included the name of Stephen Jewett as
a private, and his order for a bounty cuat. or
its equivalent, was dated November 13, 1775,
at Cambridge. He was a private under the
same captain and marched to Manchester, July
13, 1777, on the alarm for that district. He
served fifteen days on this enlistment, and his
son David was a member of the same comoany.
He married (first), in Oxford, Massachusetts.
March 3, 1757, Mehetable Harris, tlaughter of
Timothy and Mary (Stearns) Harris, of Ox-
ford, born there August 3. 1735, died in Lanes-
boro, October 23. 1772. He married (second),
December 15. 1778, Sarah Hatch, of Lanes-
boro. Children of first marriage : David, Eliz-
abeth. Timothy, Silence, Joannah. Ezekiel and
Roger. Children of second marriage : Walter,
mentioned below: Stephen, born .August 18,
1783, and Alehetable. Stejihen Jewett died in
Danbury, Connecticut, and may have passed
his last years in that town. The family tradi-
tion states that the son named below was born
in Connecticut.
(VH) Walter, fifth .son of Stephen Jewett.
and eldest child of his second wife. .Sarah I latch,
was born about 1780, according to the family
tradition in Connecticut, and died in Cortland,
New York, at the home of his son, Homer O.
Jewett, March 5, 1855. He settled in Lebanon,
Madison count}', New York, in January. 1806,
and, in 1832, removed to Homer, Cortland
county, where he became the owner of a farm,
embracing about one hundred and thirty acres.
(Jlenwood cemetery is part of this tract. When
he settled in Lebanon he [)urchased a tract of
heavily wooded land, which he cleared largely
by his personal labor. To this he added until
he was the owner of nearly three hundred
acres. He built a schoolhouse upon his land,
where his own and neighbors' children received
primary instruction, the district school being a
long distance away. He was an industrious
and successful farmer, and removed to Homer
in order to secure better educational advan-
tages for his children. He married (first).
May 8. 1804, Betsey Rockwell, born October
31, 1785, died March 31, 1835. He married
(second) Elizabeth Collins. Children, all by
first marriage : Elvira, born November 26,
1805; Mary Scott, August, 1807, died May 17,
1833: Laura Maria. May C\ i8og; Myron
Starr, May 4, 181 1 : Minerva, July 2, 1813;
Diantha Christiana, February 14, 1815: Ruth
•Ann, .April 8. 1817; Homer Octavius. mention-
ed below : Ambrosia Elizabeth, Octolier 4,
1 82 1, died September 12, 1832.
( \ HI) Dr. Homer Octavius Jewett, second
son of Walter and Betsey (Rockwell) Jewett,
was born March 31, 1819. in Lebanon, Madi-
son count)'. New York, and died January 30,
1901. in Cortland, New York. He was a small
boy when his parents moved to Homer. He
attended the conunon schools of his neighbor-
hood and graduated from Cortland .Academy,
at Homer. For three years he alternated as
teacher and student. In 1839 he took up med-
ical instruction in the office of Dr. A. B. Ship-
man, at Cortland, and at the same time con-
tinued teaching, his labors in that behalf and
his studies consuming fifteen hours of each
day. He was anxious to complete his medical
education and to earn his own way, so labored
industriously, l^efore railroads were in ex-
istence he went to Ohio, travelling by canal to
Buffalo, and engaged for a time in teaching.
Lie then entered the medical department of
New York L'niversity, from which he was
graduated in Alarch, 1843. He often spoke
in gratitude of the kindness of Dr. Martyn
Paine, his preceptor in the university, who
gave to young Jewett the use of his private
office and library, thus enabhng him to com-
plete his medical course in less than the usual
time. For a short time he engaged in practice
with his former preceptor, Dr. Shipman, at
Cortland, and then settled at Summer Hill,
Cayuga county, New York, where he met with
considerable success. In 1849 he settled at
Cortland, where for fifty years he was actively
engaged in the practice of his beloved pro-
fession. Success in his chosen calling had
greater place in his mind than its emoluments,
and he was wont to treat rich and poor alike,
regardless of financial consideration. His rides
over the roads of Cortland county were made
in all kinds of weather, at all hours of the day,
and much of his study was carried on in
his carriage or sleigh, while visiting distant
patients. He was an admirer of good horses
and was often dependent upon the intelligence
of these well-trained animals to convey him
safely through snowdrifts and over rough
roads, while he was engaged in study. Dr.
Jewett took very few vacations, was known
as an exceptionally skillful surgeon, and was
considered one of the best read physicians of
the state. He was esteemed quite as highly as
a citizen and died widely regretted. He gave
no attention to political matters, or other inter-
ests outside of his profession, finding his re-
ward in the sense of duty done. He was one
of the founders of the State Medical Associa-
tion, was a member of its council, vice-presi-
dent, and president of its Third Branch Asso-
ciation. He was a member of the Cortland
County Medical Society and of the New York
Medico-Legal Society. He was a frequent
contributor to medical journals, was accurate
in diagnosis and in surgical operations, the
family physician of many leading families of
Cortland county. At the time of his death he
was the oldest practitioner in that district.
He married, October i, 1850, Matilda El-
mira Ingalls, born July 2, 1828, at Summer
Hill, Cayuga county. New York, daughter of
Benjamin Ingalls. She died in Cortland, June
16, 1907. Children: i. Granville Sharp Pat-
terson, born July 30, 1851, resides on the
paternal homestead in Cortland. He married
(first), August 23, 1882, Anna M. Etheridge,
who died April 5, 1898, and he married (sec-
ond), November 26, 1903, Nellie A. Lennon,
who died January 31, 1908. He married
(third), August 22, 1910, M. Frances McHale.
2. Alden March, mentioned below. 3. George
Walter, born May 11, 1855, died at the age of
three years thirteen days.
( IX) Alden March, second son of Dr.
Homer O. and Matilda E. (Ingalls) Jewett,
was born December 21, 1852, in Cortland, and
pursued his studies in the academy and State
Normal School, of that town. In 1871, in his
nineteenth year, he entered the employ of Delos
Saunders, a jeweler of Cortland, and remained
with him three years, in the meantime master-
ing the trade. For the next eleven years, he
was employed in Pennsylvania, and returned
to Cortland in 1886. At this time he opened a
store on his own account, and since that date
has continued upon the same site. His uniform
courtesy to patrons and his shrewd business
management have brought to him much suc-
cess, and his store is one of the best estab-
lishments of the kind in Central New York.
Mr. Jewett is active in the social life of the
community, being a member of Cortlandville
Lodge, No. 470, F. and A. M., of Cortland ;
Cortland Chapter, No. 194, R. A. M. ; Central
City Council, No. 13, of Syracuse; and Cort-
land Commandery, No. 50 K. T. He is also
one of the charter members of Cortland Lodge
of Perfection, A. A. O. N. M. S. J. U. S. A.,
and a member of Central City Consistory, S.
R. M., of Syracuse, and a member of Kalurah
Temple, A. A. N. M. S., at Binghamton. He
is past commander of Cortland Commandery,
and past thrice potent master of Cortland
Lodge of Perfection. For many years he has
been vestryman in Grace Episcopal Church.
He married, August 2S. 1890. Clara Lucy
Smith, daughter of Judge Abraham P. and
Mary E. (Bronson) Smith, of Cortland (see
Smith IV). They have one daughter, Helen
Etheridge Tewett, born June 6, 1891.
(The Smith Line).
(I) Henry Smith (Henri Schmidt) was
born in 1748, in Germany, and located, when
a young man, in Walkill, New York. He was
a soldier in the revolution, serving in the Sec-
ond New York Regiment, and died in Killa-
wog, Broome county. New York, in October,
(II) Abraham, son of Henry Smith, was
born in 1778, in Coxsackie, New York, and
died in Virgil, Cortland county. New York, in
1863. He was an early resident of that town
and engaged in agriculture. He married Nancy
Hunt, daughter of Dr. Japhet Hunt, the first
white child born in Cortland county, in 171 1.
(III) Nathan, son of Abraham and Nancy
(Hunt) Smith, was born in Virgil, April 8,
1808, died in Cortland, October, 1884; mar-
ried Lucy Mallory.
(IV) Abram P., son of Nathan and Lucy
(Mallory) Smith, was born April 6, 1831, in
the eastern part of the town of Virgil, and
died July 4. 1897, in Cortland. After attend-
ing the common schools of his native town,
he attended Cortland Academy, at Homer, and
the State Normal School, at Albany, from
which he was graduated in 1853. After teach-
ing one year at the head of the Marathon
schools, he decided to take up the study of law
and entered the office of Hon. Horatio Ballard,
in Cortland, with whom he continued his
studies until admitted to practice in the state
courts, January 8, 1856. In November, of the
same year, he was elected district attorney for
Cortland county, in which position he con-
tinued three years, and, in 1859, was the Re-
publican candidate for county judge. At the
opening of the civil war, he enlisted as a mem-
ber of the Seventy-sixth New York \'olunteer
Infantry, known as the "Fighting Seventy-
sixth," which was recruited chiefly in Central
New York. On the organization of the regi-
ment he was commissioned quartermaster, with
the rank of lieutenant, and served until May,
1862, when he resigned to resume his law prac-
tice in Cortland. He was elected judge and
surrogate of Cortland county in 1867, and
served continuously sixteen years, the longest
period in which the office had been held by the
same person up to that time. He was admitted
to practice before the LTnited States courts,
January 4, 1874. Down to the expiration of
his term as judge he hafl practiced independ-
ently, and soon after admitted to partnership
his son, David Eugene Smith, and for one year
this firm was in active practice under the title
of A. P. & D. E. Smith. At the end of this
time the latter was succeeded by Dorr C.
Smith. In 1889 the latter gave way to Henry
A. Dickinson and the firm of Smith & Dickin-
son continued in active practice until the death
of its head. Judge Smith was noted as a jury
lawyer and was occupied in the trial of an
enormous number of cases. As a judge he
was clear, firm and concise, and his decisions
were rarely called in question. He was a power
in the councils of the Republican party, and
was often in detuand as a public speaker, being
witty and fluent, and exercised a wide influ-
ence among the people of Central New York.
He compiled a history of the Seventy-si.xth
Regiment, which has since been the standard
work in that line. He was a member of Grover
Post, No. 98. Grand Army of the Republic,
and was socially congenial and popular in the
community. He was very helpful to many
young men who were ambitious to make a start
in the profession, and wasimiformly kind and
sympathetic with all.
Fie married (first) Mary Elizabeth Bronson,
born May 27, 1837, in Virgil, and died in Cort-
land, July 31, 1872. He married (second)
Mrs. Ellen P. Stedman. There were four
children of the first marriage, namely: Bron-
son, David Eugene. Nora and Clara Lucy.
The first and third died in childhood. David
Eugene, born January i, i860, now holds the
chair of mathematics in Columbia College,
New York, and is the author of many mathe-
matical text books. Clara Lucy, born Febru-
ary 28. 1869, was married, August 28, 1890, to
Alden March Jewett. of Cortland, as above
noted. She is an active member of the Daugh-
ters of the American Revolution, of which she
is a past regent (see Jewett IX).
George Bates, said to have been
B.\TES born in England, located at Brim-
field, Hampshire county, Massa-
chusetts, before 1735. He married at Brim-
field, December 6, 1735, Rebecca Dick. Chil-
dren, born at Brimfield : Mary, October 9,
1736: George Jr., December 23, 1737: Samuel,
November 9, 1738, married Eunice Sherman
and lived at Brimfield : Hepzibah, Februarv 2,
1741 ; Thomas, January 18, 1743; Asa, May
20, 1745; Lemuel, mentioned below; Elisha,
Marcli 25, 1749.
(II) Lemuel, son of George Bates, was
born at Brimfield, March 4, 1747. He left his
native town about 1800, and located in what
is now Cincinnati, Ohio, driving through the
wilderness with other pioneers, and he owned
a hundred acres in what is now the heart of
the city of Cincinnati. He was a saddler by
trade, and, in addition to his trade, was a
dealer in cattle, and operated the ferry across
the river to the Kentucky shore. He was seized
with malarial fever, like so many of the other
pioneers in this section of the country, and
was obliged to leave the place. He stopped
on his way home, at Syracuse, New York, and
later decided to locate at Homer, New Y'ork,
where he bought a farm on which he spent the
rest of his life. He was a soldier in the revolu-
tion from Brinifield, sergeant in Captain Eben-
ezer Stoddard's company (Second Hampshire)
in 1782, and was engaged in suppressing the
insurgents at Northampton. He married Faire-
zinah (also given Resinah) Thompson, of
Scotch ancestry. She died at Homer, New
York, August 3, 1852, aged ninety-eight years,
Cliildren : Sally, born at Brimfield, November
20, 1773: daughter. March 24, 1776; Joseph
Thompson, October 17, 1778; Patty, February
5, 1781 ; Samuel, July 20, 1783; Ransford,
May 19, 1785; Bathsheba, November 27, 1787;
Lemuel, mentioned below ; Barbara ; Hepsi-
bath ; Tabitha ; Fairezinah, April ij, 1797;
Nabby, February 10, 1799.
(HI) Lemuel ( 2), son of Lemuel ( i ) Bates,
was born in lirimfield, in 1790, and died in
Homer, New York, August 29, 1882, aged,
according to his gravestone, ninety-one years.
He was a young lad when the family went
west, and he returned with them to Homer, and
he followed farming there all his active life.
He married (first) Anna Stephens, who died
April 27. 1825, aged twenty-four years; (sec-
ond) I'hebe Ann Sweet, who died June 19,
1856, aged fifty-one years. Children of first
wife: Calvin, Stephen S. and Joseph T. Chil-
dren of second wife: Horton S., Henry; Will-
iam, mentioned below ; Augustus, Ballard, El-
nora, Nancy, Caroline and Pliebe.
(IV) William, son of Lemuel (2) Bates,
was born in Cortland, New York, April 21,
1831, and died September 14, 1904, aged sev-
enty-three. He was educated in the public
schtx)ls and learned the trade of blacksmith in
his native town, where he lived until i860,
when he removed to Freetown, New York. He
followed farming in connection with his black-
smith business. He was a member of the
lodge of Free Masons, at Moulton, New York,
and of the Ba])tist church. He married ( first)
Elvira Woodruff, born in 1832, dietl December
4, 1862, daughter of Madison and Hannah
(Russell) W'oodruff, of Cortland. He mar-
ried (second) Margaret Borthwick, of Free-
town, New York, who survives him (1911).
Children of the fir.st wife: Eugene Wallace,
mentioned below ; Frank W., died February
24, 1874, aged nineteen years. Children of
second wife: George, Merton, Martha, Nellie
and Jennie.
(V) Eugene Wallace, son of William Bates,
was born in Cortland, New York, October 13,
1853, and was educated there in the common
schools, Cortlandville Academy, Normal Scho(_)l
of Cortland, and took a commercial course at
Lovett's Commercial College, of Binghamton,
New York. For three years after he left
school he was a bookkeeper in Cortland, and
afterward he entered the employ of his grand-
father, Madison Woodruff, a manufacturer of
pottery, in Cortland, and continued with him
for eight years. In 1885 he bought out the
business of his employer and carried it on
alone for about six years. After selling the
pottery business he was for a time a retail
grocer, but since 1895 he has been in the insur-
ance and real estate business in Cortland, and
has achieved notable success. From January,
1901, to January i, 191 1, he was assessor of
the city. In religion he is a Methodist, and
was on the board of trustees of the Methodist
church. He is a member of \esta Lodge. No.
255, of Odd Fellows, of Cortland. In politics
he is Re])ublican.
He married, in 1874, Flla I'almer, born at
Cortlandville, May 16, 1853, died November
25, 190*1, daughter of I'rosper and Lucy (Still-
man ) Palmer, of Cortland. They had one son,
I*". .Albert Bates, born in 1875, now a clerk in
the office of the Lehigh \'alley Railroad Com-
pany, at Cortland ; married Anna Wright, of
Homer, New York, daughter of Lewis Wright,
and they have two children : Eugene W. and
Uarlene W. Bates.
Air. E. W. Bates married (second), Decem-
ber 17, 1907, Helen O. Brooks, daughter of
James A. and Ophelia Brooks, of McGraw-
ville, New York.
( I\ ) Joseph Thompson Bates. son
Pi.\ TES of Lemuel (2) Bates (q. v.), was
born in Homer, New York, in
1822, and is now living at L^nion, Broome
county. New York. He had a public school
education. He learned the trade of harness-
maker, and for several years was emi^loyed
as a journeyman at his trade in Marathon,
New York. He came to Cortland, where he
was for thirty years constable and deputy
sherilif of the county during part of that time.
In 1890 he retired from active business and for
several years has made his home with his son
and daughter in Union. He has a wide ac-
quaintance throughout Cortland and the coun-
ty, and is held in high esteem by all who know
him. He married .Sarah Hatfield. Children:
Rosetta; .Mien; .Anna; Theodore T., mention-
ed below : Ida ; Rev. William, a Baptist min-
ister at Union ; A'lina, lives with her brother.
Rev. William, at Union.
(V) Theodore Thompson, son of Joseph
Thompson Bates, was born at Cortland. Au-
gust I, 1853, and was educatetl there in the
common schools. At the age of sixteen he was
apprenticed to the trade of tinsmith at Homer,
Xew York, and afterward aKo learned the
trade of plumber at Cortland. In 1882 he
embarked in business in Cortland, in the firm
of Bates & Hollister, plumbers and tinsmiths,
and the firm continued until 1885. when it be-
came Smith, Kingsbury & Bates, afterward
Smith & Bates, and finally T. T. Bates, without
a partner. In 1906 the present partnershi])
was fcirmed, under the name of T. T. Bates &
Son. Mr. Bates has been very successful in
business and is counted among the most sub-
stantial men of affairs in the community. He
is well known in the Masonic fraternity, in
which he has taken the thirty-second degree.
He is a member of Cortlandville Lodge, l-"ree
and Accepted Masons, of which he has been
worshi]iful master: of Cortland Cha])ter, No.
194, Ro>al Arch Masons, of which he has been
high priest; of Cortland Commandery, Xo. 50,
Knights Templar, of which he has been com-
mander: of (Jtseningo X'alley Consistory, of
Binghamton, and of Kalurah Temple, ^lystic
Shrine, of Binghamton. He is also a member
of the Benevolent and Protective Order of
Elks, of Cortland. He married, in 1874.
Theresa C. Carn. of Homer, Xew York, born
in 1855, daughter of Edward and Mary ( Hare )
Carn. Children, born in Cortland: .\rthur
Earl, mentioned below; Mabel Irene, died in
( \T ) .\rthur Earl, .son of Theodore Thom|i-
son Bates, was born in Cortland, New York.
May 15. 1878, and educated in the ])ul>lic
schools of his native town and at the State
Normal School, at Cortland. He learned the
plumbing business in the employ of his father.
and, in igo6, was admitted to partnership.
Since then the business has been conducted
under the firm name of T. T. P>ates & Son. He
is a member of Cortlandville Lodge, Eree and
Accepted Masons ; of Cortland Cha])ter, Xo.
194. Royal Arch Masons ; of Cortland Com-
mandery, Xo. 50, Knights Templar, and was
raised a Mason, exalted to chapter and knight-
ed to commanflery by his father. He is past
He married, Eebruarv 12. I90(). (irace L.
B)Ogardus, of near Mason City, Iowa, born
June 26, 1885, daughter of Seymour and Jessie
( Webster ) Bogardus. Children : .Arthur Sey-
mour, born July 2^. 1908: Blanche Bogardus,
I'^eliruarv S. l<)tO.
lie fore the general adoption of
D.V\ IS surnames in Great Britain the
Welsh people were accustomed to
distinguish those bearing the same Christian
name from one another by adding the father's
name with a possessive, as "Harry's," "David's"
and these were in time shortened and slightly
varied, thus forming the very fre(|uent names
among those peo])le. of Williams, Jones, Harris
and Davis. The family whose history is herein
outlined was anioni^" those early planted in
New England, and has furnished citizens to
New York and other states, who have been
noted for energy, probity, ability and high
moral character. There were numerous Amer-
ican immigrants bearing the name early located
in northeast Massachusetts. Francis Davis
was a resident of An;esbury, Massachusetts, as
early as 1640. James Davis was in Newbury
before that date. John Davis was located in
I[)swich, and a second John Davis was among
the early residents of Newbury.
( I ) Dolor Davis was the ancestor of the
very numerous family which has been down
to the present time prominently identified with
Massachusetts. He came from the county of
Kent, England, although undoubtedly of Welsh
ancestry, and settled first at Cambridge, Mas-
^achusetts. wdiere he received a grant of land,
Augu>t 4. 1634. His wife and three children
came over in the following year, accompanied
by her brother. General Simon Willard, one
of the fomiders of Concord and Lancaster,
Massachusetts. Dolor Davis was a carpenter
and builder and removed from Cambridge to
Duxburv, where he was admitted a freeman
of the Plymouth colony, March 5, 1639. He
and his wife were dismissed from the church of
Duxbury and joined the church at Barnstable,
Massachusetts, .\ugust 27, 1648. He had a
land grant in Duxbury, in 1640, and was sur-
veyor of highways, constable and a member of
various committees in Barnstable. In 1655 he
left the Plymouth colony, and returning to
Massachusetts purchased one hundred and
fifty acres of land in Ci:incord. Eleven years
later he returned to Barnstable, where he died
in June. 1673. Dolor Davis married (first),
in England, March 29, 1624. Margery Willard,
who was baptized Xovember 7, 1602, at Horse-
monden, Kent, England, and died prior to
1667. She was the daughter of Richard Will-
ard, a j'eomaii of Horsemonden. His will made
September 13, 1672, mentions his second wife
Joanna, and states that his sons, Simon and
Samuel, had already received their portions of
his estate. Children : John, of Barnstable, born
in England, about 1626, inherited the paternal
homestead ; Mary, born in England, 1631 ; Eliz-
abeth, born in England ; Lieutenant Simon,
born about 1638. probably in Cambridge, died
in Concord, in 1713 ; Samuel, mentioned below :
Ruth, born at Barnstable. March 24. 1645.
(11) Samuel, third son of Dolor and Mar-
gery (VVillard) Davis, was probably born in
Concord, Massachusetts, in which town he
lived and died. He was admitted a freeman,
March 21, i6go. and resided in that part of
the town which became Bedford, where his
homestead has continued in the family for
many generations. It is located on the edge
of the river meadow, on the road from Con-
cord to Bedford, and the gld well, which is still
in use. is believed to have been dug by Samuel
Davis. The date of his death is not recorded,
but he was living as late as 1714. He mar-
ried (first), January 11, 1666, at Lynn. Mary
Medow. who died October 30. 17 10. He mar-
ried (second). October 18. 171 1. Ruth Taylor,
who died August 16, 1720. Children: Mercy,
died in her second year ; Samuel, born June 21.
i6f)9, resided in Bedford; Daniel, mentioned
below; Mary, born August 12, 1677, married
John Stearns ; Eleazer, August 26, 1680, re-
sided in Bedford; Lieutenant Simon, July 9,
1683, was one of the most prominent citizens
of Rutland, Massachusetts ; Stephen, March
30, 1686, resided in Bedford.
(IH) Daniel, second son of Samuel and
Mary (Medow) Davis, was born March 26.
1673. in Concord, and lived in that town. When
tiie new town of Bedford was set off, in 1729.
his farm was included in that town. He died
February 10. 1741. He married. July 27. 1698.
Mary Hubbard, born June 3. 1682, daughter
of Jonathan and Hannah (Rice) Hubbard.
Siie married (second) Ebenezer Staples, of
Mendon. and died I-'ebruary 2. 1769. Daniel
Davis' children: Jonathan, born February 15.
1700; Daniel, September 19, 1701, lived in
Bedford; Mercy, November 11, 1703, died in
her sixth year; Ephraim, January 27, 1706;
Nathan. March 31. 1708: .Xmos, April 18.
1711; Josiah. July k). 1713: N'athaniel, men-
tioned below; Mary, April 4, 1719; Ezra, died
two months old ; Hannah, diet! thirteen years
old; Mercy, born July 23. 1725.
(IV) Nathaniel, seventh son of Daniel and
Mary (Hubbard) Davis, was born December
3, 1715, in that part of Concord, now Bedford,
and settled in Rutland, Massachusetts, where
he resided several years. In 1763 he was one
of the first settlers of Rockingham, Vermont,
where he was a prominent citizen, being a
foundation member of the church and one of
the donors of land for the meeting-house and
cemetery. He died there, r)ctober 26, 1802.
The family tradition says he was twice mar-
ried, but record of only one marriage can be
found. This was in Bedford, April 16, 1741,
the bride being Susanna, daughter of John and
Catherine ( Whiting ) Lane. She was born
.April 8. 1720, in that part of Billerica now
Bedford, and died July 30, 1795. One family
tradition says that his second wife was Mary
Lane, born 1717. C)nly seven children are
found of record, the first four born in Rutland.
They were; Nathaniel, died young; Susanna,
born March 26, 1743; Hannah, August 25,
1745. died unmarried; Levi. May 20, 1753;
Nathaniel, 1754, married Lydia Harwood. lived
in Rockingham ; Joshua ; John Lane, mention-
ed below.
(Y) John Lane, son of Nathaniel and Sus-
anna (Lane) Davis, was born November 8,
1737. possibly in Northfield, Massachusetts,
whence the family tradition says he removed
to Rockingham, but this is doubtful. Per-
haps he was born in, or near Rutland, Massa-
chusetts. He was a soldier of the revolu-
tion and a ijensioner. and lived in Chester
and Rockingham. X^ermont. and died Decem-
ber 29. 1839. He married, in Rockingham,
I*"ebruary 28, 1 799. Susanna Lucius, born July,
1762, died December 5. i8(X), in her ninety-
ninth year. The record of the marriage states
that he was a resident of Chester and she of
Rockingham. Children: Ofa, born July 12.
1800. died at the age of two years; John Lane,
mentioned below ; Eri Luther. April 20. 1804,
died Se])tember ifi. 1877; Calvin Emerson,
June 15. 1806; James Warren. May 4. 1809;
Laura A.. July 20. t8ii ; Hiram John. August
i(), 1813; George, May 3, 1815. The sixth is
not recorded in Rockingham.
(\T) John Lane (2), eldest surviving son
of John Lane (i) and Susanna (Lucius)
Davis, was born June 2. 1802. in Rockingham.
\'ermont. died in Freeville. New York, lanu-
ary 15, 1886. He was apprenticed or "bound
out" at an early age, to a "Parson" Whiting,
of Rockingham, Vermont, with whom he re-
mained as apprentice boy for many years,
doing chores, working on the grounds and
waiting upon the master. He was denied the
usual advantages given to New England boys
in the w-ay of education, and was allowed to
go to school only three months during his boy-
hood. He had no money with which to buy
his books, but he tinally procured an old spell-
ing book and then quarried out a slate and
rubbed it down with another stone to give it
the proper surface. Nevertheless he always
seemed to be well educated — wrote a fine hand ;
composed and spoke grammatically ; was a
natural mathematician, and an omnivorous
reader, and, with it all, was blessed with a very
retentive memory. The wages of young men
in those days were small, but he used to boast
that between his twenty-first and twenty-fourth
year he had saved up the sum of three hun-
dred dollars, all he earned, which was con-
sidered a fair start in life. He followed his
sweetheart, Mary Boynton, a school teacher,
from \'ermc)nt -to AIcLean, New York, where
he worked with his future brother-in-law at
the carpenter trade. During the early part of
his life he was elected to the office of constable,
and was also overseer of highways, collector,
etc. He was noted for his industry, temper-
ance and public s]Mrit. He was also a man of
e.xceedingly courteous and kindly manners.
which he, doubtless, acquired during his early
training in New England. He was a devoted
Whig and a constant reader of the Albany
Weekly Journal and the New York Tribune.
which, with him, were almost household gods.
He enjoyed such authors as Theodore Parker,
Dickens, Thackeray and the like. His admira-
tion for public men and measures, especially
of his own party, was always in evidence, and,
as an illustration of his zeal, wdien word was
passed around that Henry Clay was to speak
at the State Fair at Syracuse, in the "forties,"
which was before the day of railroads, this
ardent follower of the Kentucky statesman,
although at a busy season of the year, drove
from his home to Syracuse during the night,
some fifty miles, reaching the city in the morn-
ing of the day the address was to be de-
livered, attending the meeting and was back
to his fields at work the second morning. That
trip and address was an event in his life. He
not only could describe, with great accuracy
and vividness, the appearance of the noted
orator, but could repeat almost word for word
the address that he delivered. He was most
skillful and thorough in all his duties as stock-
man and farmer, and was most highly respect-
ed by all his friends and neighbors, and owned
a fine farm near the village of McLean, New-
York. He was an exceedingly strong, active
man until he was taken with a fatal malady at
the age of eighty-three. He married Mary,
daughter of Abraham and Betsey (Marsh)
Boynton, in 1830. Their children were: Byron,
Lucius, Eliza, George B. and Mary. A me-
morial window, dedicated to him and his wife,
Mary (Boynton) Davis, was placed in the
Universalist church, at McLean, by his family,
in the year 1907.
( VII) Lucius, second son of John Lane (2)
and Mary (Boynton) Davis, was born July 30,
1834, in McLean, New York, and now (1911)
resides at Cortland, New York. He was a
man of high integrity and character and pos-
sessed of wonderful fortitude and physical
courage. Many incidents of his life would
make the ground work of a thrilling romance.
His early life around McLean was uneventful.
He was a farmer boy until early in 1861. He
went into the oil region of western Pennsyl-
vania, just then developing, and located at Oil
Creek. His opportunities for success were fast
developing when Fort Sumter was fired on
and President Lincoln made his call for volun-
teers. He was invited to join an Ohio regi-
ment being raised near the Pennsylvania line,
where he was then located, but preferred to
go home and go to the front with his old
friends and acquaintances, who were then en-
listing. He came back home and being with-
out any political influence or backing that
would enable him to become an officer, he en-
listed, July, 1861, as a private in the Seventy-
sixth New York Volunteer Infantry, then being
organized at Cortland. With this regiment he
left for the front in January, 1862, and par-
ticipated in the battles of Cedar Mountain,
Gainesville, Second Bull Run, South Moun-
tain, Antietam, besides minor skirmishes, dur-
ing the campaign of 1862. At Gainesville he
was wounded in the left breast, a wound that
would have been fatal but for the fact that the
bullet was jiartially stopped by a roll of blankets
he was carrying over his shoulder. At Sec-
ond Bull Run, General Doubleday's brigade.
of which the Seventy-sixth Regiment was a
part, was in an exposed position in a ravine.
confronted by a large part of tliu Confederate
army. A driver of an ammunition wagon had
brought up a load of ammunition, and had
been shot, together with the lead mule of the
six mule team, and in the change of position
this wagon was between the two lines and only
a short distance from either, on a field being
swe])t constantly by bullets, (jeneral Double-
day riding up and observing the position of
this wagon, and realizing that he was about to
retreat and this wagon of ammunition would
fall into the hands of the enemy, called for a
volunteer soldier to go with a member of his
stafif to bring back that w^agon or destroy it.
The duty was one of great danger and no one
could be blamed for holding back, but Lucius
Davis stejiped forward and volunteered for the
service. Leaving his gun with one of his com-
rades, he went with the officer and attempted
to bring off the wagon of ammunition, but
with the lead mule killed, the others were un-
manageable and could not be driven or led.
While engaged in trying to bring back the
wagon, the Indlets of the enemy were singing
about their ears, going through the to]) of the
wag(jn and exposing these men to the risk of
death every moment. Learning that they could
not bring the wagon, they built a fire under it,
opened some boxes of powder and made pre-
parations to explode it. The enemv then
charged, but having fired the train the two
men made their way in safety to their own
lines, while the wagon was exploded and de-
stroyed before it could be reached by the Con-
federates. .Again on the same day when one
of the Union batteries had opened fire on the
enemy and its shells were falling and explod-
ing in this ravine where the regiment lay out
of sight. General Doubleday again called for a
volunteer to go up on the hill in the face of
the Confederate batteries' fire, and give the
order to the L'nion battery to cease firing.
.Again Lucius Davis volunteered for this haz-
ardous service, and made a run up the hill, ex-
j)osed to exploding shells on all sides, success-
fully performed his mission and observing that
the balance of the army had retreated, returned
to his general and advised him that his support
had left him and that he had better withdraw,
which he did at once, (ieneral Doubleday then
said to him, "You are a brave man. — come to
my tent to-night and 1 will see what I can do
for you." But in the retreat there was no
opportunity to see the general, nor did he
have the inclination to seek out jiromotion or
reward for the service he had performed.
Nevertheless, shortly afterward he was pro-
moted to be orderly sergeant of his company
by the colonel of the regiment, undoubtedly
upon the recommendation of General Double-
day, "for bravery and strict attention to busi-
ness." and, on February 7, 1863, he was com-
missioned by Governor Seymour, of New York,
second lieutenant, with rank from November
II, 1862. On May 19, 1863, he was commis-
sioned first lieutenant in Company C, Seventy-
si.xth Regiment, by Governor Seymour, as a
further appreciation of his gallantry. At the
battle of South ^Mountain, which was fought
largely in the night, while on the firing line, a
bullet cut the rim of his straw hat completely
off close to his head. .At this battle, standing
by a comrade, IMell Luther, he called Luther's
attention to a Confederate crawling toward
them in a cornfield. Luther could not see the
approaching enemy, so he coolly borrowed
Luther's gun, took careful aim, and fired. The
crawling ceased.
In the campaign of 1863 he took part in the
battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and
Gettysburg, besides other minor engagements.
At Fredericksburg his regiment was engaged
in throwing up a fortification, at the same time
being exposed to the fire from the canon of a
Confederate battery, and with the shells burst-
ing around them, the men became somewhat
nervous while they were exj^osed. The canon
were at such a distance that one could see the
puff of smoke several seconds before the ball
or shell would reach the point where it was
directed. Noticing this Lieutenant Davis told
the men to work until he should give them
warning: so standing upon the exposed en-
trenchment, he watched the batteries, and
when he saw the puff of smoke, gave warning
and 'the men would then droji into entrench-
ment out of danger, while he remained on top
coolly pacing back and forth, without taking
any precaution for his own safety.
At Gettysburg the Seventy-sixth Regiment
was marching in front of the First Corps
which opened the battle, and Company C, com-
manded by Lieutenant Davis, was marching in
front of this regiment, so that this company
opened the battle of Gettysburg, firing the
first shot. They had marches through the
town and deployed in battle line on Seminary
Ridtre. where in an open field they made a
stand in the face of the advance guard of the
Confederate armv. A Union batterv. which
iiad been driven in from some advanced posi-
tion, came tearing back through the Hne, throw-
ing the men of this company and the regiment
into more or less confusion, but they were
rallied and steadied by Lieutenant Davis, who
closed the files and led them gallantly into the
face of the fire of the enemy. At this time,
while handing a gun to a wounded comrade,
who had fallen, and who was likely to fall into
the hands of the enemy, he was shot through
the right hand, but doing tlfe wound up with
his handkerchief, and placing a tourniquet on
his wrist and fastening it with a stick, which
he held under his arm, he continued in com-
mand of his company. For several hours,
fighting against tremendous odds, they held
their line, permitting the main part of the
L'nion army to come up and form in battle
line behind them, where the main battle was
fought. When it was necessary to retreat
Lieutenant Davis brought his men back in
good order in the face of a very heavy fire,
with men dropping all around him, and taking
careful pains, as guns would fall from their
hands, to stop, pick up the gun and break it,
so that it would not fall into the hands of the
foe. For a part of the distance, when the fire
was heaviest, and it appeared that no man
would get ofl^ in safety, he marched backward,
•SO that if he fell he would not be shot in the
As they passed through (Gettysburg he took
possession of a house, established it as a tem-
porary hospital and directed his men to bring
in as many as they could of their wounded
comrades. He waited here until he saw his
brigade colors going past, and then realizing
that the whole line was in retreat, and if he re-
mained longer he would be captured, he gave
some last directions for the comfort of the
wounded soldiers and left to join his retreating
comrades, being practically the last man to
leave the city before it was occupied by the
During this time he had also received some
injury or wound in his left leg, below the knee,
which at that time was not thought to be
serious. The wound that he received in the
hand before noon, was not dressed until after
dark at night, when he was advised by the
surgeon that his hand must be amputated. He
refused to submit to this operation, saying that
he could save his hand, and after consulting
his regimental surgeon and having the wound
dressed he retired with some other officers to
a farm house, near R(iund Top. where he
watched the next two days battle, being unable
to participate and being compelled to go with
little food and drink and no care until after
the battle was over, when, with three other
wounded men, he employed a farmer to carry
him to the railroad some distance away, where,
with other wounded, he got into a freight car
and went to Wilmington, Delaware, a journey
of several hours without food and care, and
was then transferreil to a train and taken to a
hospital in Philadelphia. From there he soon
left for his home, where he might be cared for
by his mother and his local doctor, and was
there greeted with great affection by his family
and neighbors, he having been reported in the
newspapers among those killed at (Gettysburg.
After his wounds healed he attempted to re-
turn to the war, but the examining surgeon
declared him physically unfit and reluctantly
he was compelled to accept a discharge on No-
vember 9, 1863. He subsequently received,
January 10, 1871. in consideration of his dis-
tinguished services, a commission as brevet
major from Governor Hoffman, of New York.
At the close of the war he accepted a posi-
tion as superintendent of construction of tele-
graph lines along the Milwaukee and LaCrosse
railroad, in Wisconsin. This was a country
sparsely settled and inhabited by a tribe of
Indians, which caused great trouble among the
settlers by thievery and acts of violence. On
one occasion, while riding along the Mississippi
river, on the Wisconsin side, he stopped over
night with a settler who had a wife and small
babe. During the night the house was attack-
ed by the Indians, who broke windows and
battered down the door, and caused the set-
tler, his wife and Lieutenant Davis to take
refuge in the loft overhead. In the darkness
of the night the settler was lowered from the
window by a rope taken from a bed by Lieu-
tenant Davis, to row across the river to Win-
ona, Minnesota, for help, leaving Lieutenant
Davis to protect the woman and babe. The
Indians raised one of their number on their
shoulders through a trap door in the floor of
the loft, but when he grasped the sides to draw
himself up. Lieutenant Davis seized an a.xe
and cut his fingers oft', causing him to drop
back. Then with a shotgun and a revolver,
which he had. Lieutenant Davis opened fire
on the Indians below and stootl them oft' until
the settler returned with help. A large number
of Indians were captured and the rescuers
found six dead Indians in the lower part of
the cabin who had been shot down during the
He returned to the east about 1868 and re-
ceived the appointment of postmaster of the
village of Marathon, Cortland county. About
1870 he was appointed railway mail clerk on
the Southern Central railroad, taking the first
mail over that road, and was subsequently
transferred to a similar position on the Erie
railroad. His health failing in 1876 he took
up farming in Virgil, Cortland county, and in
the town of Groton, Tompkins county, until
about 1892, when the wound in the left leg,
which had given him trouble ever since the
war, became so serious that he was obliged to
have the leg amputated above the knee. He
then retirecl from active life, moving in the
fall of 1892 to Cortland, where he has since
He married, September 2},, 1863, Harriett
Francis, born August 23. 1839, in Virgil, New
York, daughter of Richard and Caroline
(Gager) Francis. Children: Leland G., Row-
land L. and Ralph H.
(V'HI) Rowland Lucius, second son of
Lucius and Harriett (Francis) Davis, was
born July 10, 1871, in Dryden, Tompkins coun-
ty, New York. His early life was spent on a
farm in the town of Virgil, and the town of
Groton, obtaining a preliminary education in
the district schools and in the graded school at
McLean. Subsec|uently he attended the State
Normal School, at Cortland, where he gradu-
ated in June, 1896, and entered the Cornell
College of Law the following September, and
graduated with the degree of LL. B. in June,
1897, having completed the then two years
course in one year. He was admitted to the
bar on July 6, 1897, '"I'l began the practice of
his profession in the city of Cortland. In
1899 he was elected police justice of the village
of Cortland, which office was subsequently
made that of city judge, when Cortland be-
came a city in 1900, in which year he was re-
elected, serving until January i, 1903. He
has continued the practice of his profession
in the city of Cortland, as a member of the
firm of Davis & Lusk. taking an active part
in mnnv important trials. He early took an
active interest in Republican politics in Cort-
land county, and was secretary of the Repub-
lican county committee from 1898 to 1901,
and chairman of the Republican county com-
mittee in 1907-08-09, and has been frequently
a delegate to state, judicial and other district
He married, June 15, 1905, Iva A. Yager,
of Cortland, daughter of Edwin M. and Hattie
(Hunt) Yager, born January 2. 1883. Their
children are: Rowland L. (2), born August 3,
1907, and Harriet Iva, May 2, 1910.
John Ingersoll, immigrant
INGERSOLL ancestor, was born in Eng-
' land, and settled early at
Hartford, Connecticut. Thence he went to
Northampton, Massachusetts, about 1655, and
later to Westfield, but finally returned to
Northampton. He died at Westfield, Septem-
ber 3, 1684. He married (first) Dorothy,
daughter of Thomas Lord, one of the first set-
tlers of Hartford, about 1651. She died at
Northampton in January, 1657, aged about
twenty-six years. He married (second) Abi-
gail, daughter of Thomas Bascom, one of the
first settlers of Windsor, Connecticut, where
she was born and was baptized June 7, 1640.
He married (third) Mary Hunt, sister of Jon-
athan Hunt, of Northampton, about 1667.
Mary Hunt's mother was Mary Webster,
daughter of John Webster, one of the first
settlers of Hartford, and fifth governor of the
colony of Connecticut. Mary Ingersoll died
at Westfield. September i, 1690. Children of
first wife: Hannah, born i6;2: Dorothv, 1654;
Margery, January, 1656. Giildren of second
wife: Abigail, January 11, 1659; Sarah, Octo-
ber 30, 1660: Abiah. Ausrust 24. 1663: Hester,
September 9, 1665. Children of third wife:
Thomas, Alarch 28, 1668: John, October 19,
1669, at Westfield; Abel, November 11, 1671 ;
Ebenezer, October 15, .1673; Joseph, October
T^. 1671;: Mary, November 17, 1677; Ben-
jamin, November 15, 1679; Jonathan, men-
tioned below.
Jonathan, son of John Ingersoll. was born
at Westfield,. May 10, 1681. died November
28. 1760 ('srravestone). In 1707 he was a resi-
dent of ATilford. Connecticut. He married, in
T7I2, Sarah Miles, widow of John Mi'es, and
daughter of Samuel Newton, of Milford,
'"•randdnusrhter of Robert and Mary Newton.
She died February 1.1, T748, in the sixty-sec-
ond vear of her atre. Children : Jonathan, men-
tioned below; Sarah, born Jime t8. 1716, died
voung; ]\Tarv, December 14, 1718; D.Tvid, Sep-
tember 4, T72o; Jared, Tune 3, 1722; Sarah.
Rev. Jonathan (2) InefersoU, son of Tona-
than (i) Ingersoll, was born in 17T3, at Strat-
12 =
ford, Connecticut. He graduated at Yale Col-
lege in 1736, and entered the ministry, being
licensed by the Presbytery of New Jersey, at
Elizabethtown, February 18, 1736. He lived
for a time in Newark, New Jersey, and was
afterward installed as pastor of the Congre-
gational church, at Ridgefield, Connecticut,
the second pastor of that church. He was a
man of fine mind and good heart, and served
his parish with great ability and fidelity until
he (lied, October 2, 1778, in the fortieth year
of his ministry. In 1758 he was chaplain of
the colonial troops in the French and Indian
war, and served at Lake Champlain. He mar-
ried, in 1740, Dorcas, daughter of Rev. Joseph
Moss, of Derby, Connecticut. She died No-
vember 29, 181 1, in her eighty-sixth year. Chil-
dren: Sarah, l)orn October 28, 1741 ; Dorcas,
October 15, 1743; Jonathan, April 16, 1747;
Mary, December 20, 1748: Mary (2d) ; Abigail,
May 2, 1751 ; Joseph, August 11, 1753; Han-
nah, April 9, 1756; Esther, August 10, 1760;
Moss, June 6, 1763: Anne, April 5, 1765.
Jared, brother of Rev. Jonathan (2) Inger-
soll, was born June 3, 1722, in Alilford. He
was graduated from Y'ale College in 1742, and
soon afterward settled in the practice of law
at New Haven. In 1757 he went to Great
Britain as agent of the colony, receiving a
special appointment from the general assem-
bly of Connecticut. He went again in 1764,
and was appointed stamp master. ,\t that
time he was a po]Hilar and influential lawyer,
but the indignation against the .^tam]) Act ex-
tended to the official in charge of the enforce-
ment of the law and a mob assembled and
compelled him to resign his office. The resig-
nation was dated at Wethersfield. September
ig, 1765. In 1770 he was appointed by the
Crown, judge of the vice-admiralty court, in
the middle district of the colony, and went to
Philadelphia to reside. At the beginning of
the revolution he returned to New Haven, and
died there. He earned the reputation of being
one of the ablest and most eloquent lawyers of
his time. He was of open, frank and engaging
manner and very successful in his practice.
He married (first) Hannah Whiting, who died
in 1779, daughter of Colonel Whiting, and
granddaughter of Rev. John Whiting. He
married (second), in 1780, Hannah Ailing.
(I) Isaac Ingersoll, a descendant of the
Connecticut family mentioned above, was born
in Connecticut. He settled, after the revolu-
tion, in the town of Pawling, Dutchess county.
New Y'ork, where he was living, according to
the first federal census in 1790, and had in his
family two males over sixteen, one under that
age, and two females.
(II) Daniel D., son of Isaac Ingersoll, was
born in 1787, in Connecticut, and removed
with the family to New Y'ork state, when very
young. He came to Cincinnatus, New York,
about 1825, among the first settlers, and lived
there the remainder of his life. He died there,
March 8, 1857. He had a common school edu-
cation and learned several trades, being natur-
ally skillful with all sorts of tools. He was
an excellent cabinet-maker, and an expert ma-
chinist. For many years he operated a saw-
mill, and he devised the first successful shingle-
sawing machine. A gifted musician, he played
the violin remarkably well and made many ex-
cellent violins, He married Eunice P>urton,
born in 1790, died at Cincinnatus, New Y'ork,
May 28, 1853, daughter of Lewis and Lois
Burton. Children : Stephen Miles, mentioned
below, and Aman<Ia.
(HI) Stephen Miles, son of Daniel D. In-
gersoll, was born in Connecticut, or New Y'ork,
July 8, 1819, and moved with his ]3arents to
Dutchess county. He died at North Pitcher,
New Y'ork, May 14, 1899. He came to Cin-
cinnatus in childhood with his parents and was
educated there in the common schools. He
learned the trade of painter and wagon maker,
and for many years had a wheelwright and
carriage shop at Willet, New Y'ork. He lived
some years in Chenango county, and later
located at Taylor, Cortland county. New York.
In religion he was a Methodist; in politics a
Democrat. He married, February 3. 1842,
Betsey Mericle, of Cincinnatus, born there
May I, 1822, died there January 12, 190K
Children: David Franklin, born February 8,
1843. settled in the west; Francis Miles, men-
tioned below: George .Ylfred, born April 14,
1847. died October 21, 1901 : Adelbert E., born
June 18, 1849, a farmer and dealer in country
produce; Henry DeWitt, born May 30, 1851, a
dealer in livestock at North Pitcher, New
(IV) Francis Miles, son of Stephen Miles
Ingersoll, was born in Willet, New York,
February 22, 1845, 3id was educated there in
the public schools. He began to work in his
father's carriage shop and afterward learned
the trade of carpenter, working at that trade
until 1873, when he came to Cortland, New
York, in the employ of the Cortland Wagon
•Company. He was associated with this con-
•cern in various important relations for a period
of twenty-three years. Since 1893 he has de-
voted his attention to his private affairs, hav-
ing extensive real estate interests in Cortland
and elsewhere. He is a member of John L.
Lewis Lodge, Odd Fellows, of Cortland ; of
the Cortland Encamjiment and Canton Cort-
land, and of Bright Light Rebekah Lodge. In
religion he is a Congregationalist, in jjolitics a
Democrat. He married (first). 1866, Melissa
Hinman, of Marathon, died in 1872, daughter
of Lyman Hinman. He married (second),
July 4, 1874, Sarah Hammond, of Marathon,
daughter of Delos and Betsey (Cleveland)
Hammond. Child of first wife: Lettie, mar-
ried John Bowen, of Marathon. Child of sec-
ond wife: Fred ^L D., born October 23, 1877,
employed in the office of the F'ilot Generator
Company, in the Hudson Terminal Building,
50 Church street, New York City ; married
Edith Niyer. of Cortland, and has one son.
Donald B., born July 12, 1904.
Deacon John Warfield, im-
\\'.\RFIELD migrant ancestor of the Mas-
sachusetts family, settled first
at Dedhani, and later at Mendon, Massachu-
setts, in 1683. He resided on the George place,
Mendon. and was a prominent citizen, deacon
and se.xton of the church, antl the first school-
master of the town. He married (first) Eliza-
beth Sanford, who died March 24, 1669; (sec-
ond) Pergrina , who died Ajiril i, 1671 ;
(third) Hannah Randall. Children of first
wife: I. John, born .August 20, 1662, married
Hannah , deeded homestead to son Sam-
uel before he died, providing for daitghter
Mary, and mentioning son Elihu in the deed.
2. Elizabeth. .August 29. i(^()S- Children of
third wife: 3. Ithamar, March 28, 1676 (an
Ithamar was living in western Massachusetts
in 1790, ])robably a grandson). 4. Ephraim.
October 4, 1679; married Hannah , and
had Samuel. Eliphalet. Hannah, John, Lydia,
Experience. Rachel and Ephraim, as shown by
the will of F,li])halet in i74<;. 5. Elihu, men-
tioned below. 6. Mary, at Mendon, .\pril 17.
1685. 7. Elizabeth, March 8, 1688.
(II ) h~lihu, son of John Warfield, was b"rn
at Dedham, .\i)ril 27, 1682. His wife Mary
died September 15. 1717, and he married (sec-
ond) Sarah . His estate was distributed,
in 1744, to widow Sarah, then wife of William
Sprague, and the children, as follows (by first
wife) : 1. Mary, born November 7, 1715; niar-
ritd Jonathan Hayward. 2. Elizabeth, .April
29, 1717: married Eleazer Carpenter, of Reho-
both. Children of second wife: 3. Elihu, born
October 24, 1722. 4. Sarah, October 5, 1724;
married John Albee. 5. Job, July 7. 1726;
married. June 12, 1 75 1, Huldah Thayer.
(III) Josiah, nephew of Elihu \\'arfield,
was born about 1720. In 1774 Josiah and Job
Warfield, undoubtedly cousins, had settled in
Charlemont, Hampshire county, Massachu-
setts, coming with other settlers from Mendon
and vicinity (see "History of Charlemont").
The names of his grandchildren indicate a
close relationship with Elihu Warfield. As he
came with Job, son of Elihu; and as Elihu, a
son of John, was guardian of Job when he
was fourteen years old, it is probable that Jo-
siah was son of John, mentioned above, among
the children of the immigrant. The records
are not available to prove his parentage, but
his place in the family is not to be doubted.
(IV) Joshua, son of Josiah \\'arfield, was
born at Mendon, .April 15, 1737. and went with
his father to Charlemont, locating in the por-
tion now known as the town of Coleraine. He
was a soldier in the revolution from Coleraine,
in Captain Lawrence Kemp's comjiany, Febru-
ary 23 to April ID, 1777, at Ticonderoga ; also
a fifer in Captain .Valium Ward's company.
Colonel David Wells' regiment ( Hampshire
county), from September 22 to October 18,
1777, and was at the taking of Burgoyne, Sep-
tember 23, 1777. From July 13 to October 10,
1780, he was in Captain Isaac Newton's com-
])any. Colonel S. Murray's regiment. He was
on a descriptive list of date, .April 28. 1781,
when his age was stated as twenty-three years,
liis height five feet five inches, and complexion
light, a farmer by occupation. He enlisted for
three years, and. in 1782, we find him in Cap-
tain Noah .Allen's company, Colonel Joseph
X'ose's regiment, at Quarters Y'ork Hutts. For
five years or more he was almost constantly
in the army. He died July 21. 1833. He mar-
ried, Alarch 23. 1784. Prudence Buck, born
Novemlier 4, 1760, died June 7. 1833. Chil-
dren: I. Betsey, born March 23, 1783. 2.
(cisiah. h>bruary 6, 1787. 3. Sary, November
21, 1788. 4. Joshua. .August 10, T790. 3.
Job, .April 21, 1792. 6. Prudence, .August 6,
1794. 7. Palmer. May 23, 1796. 8. Jerusha,
June 8, 1798. <). Elihu. .April 8. 1801. 10.
Dorothea, June 1, 1803.
(\") Joshua (2), son of Joslnia (i) War-
field, was born in Coleraine, August lo, 1790,
and died 1870. He came to Xew York state
in 1827, and settled at Groton. Tompkins coun-
ty, driving to Albany from bis former home
and thence coming by the Erie canal to Syra-
cuse. Xew York. He was one of the pioneers
in the town and lived there the remainder of
his life. He married, December 20, 181 5,
Catherine Thompson, born June 23, 1793, died
December 21, 1869, daughter of Ste])hen
Thompson, who was a soldier in the revolu-
tion. Children: i. William Lyman, burn De-
cember 2, 1816. died April, 1877. 2. Thurber.
January 29. 1818, mentioned below. 3. Asa
"H., December 14, 1819. 4. Catherine. July 29,
1821, died August 22, 1845. 5- Eliza A.. July
22, 1823. 6. Samuel N., December 8, 1826,
died September 29. 1857. 7. Nancy, h'ebruary
26, 1829, died August 2^. 1835. 8. I'hebe.
born September 3. 1836.
(\'I) Thurber, son of Joshua (2) Warfield.
was born in Massachusetts, at Coleraine, or
vicinity. January 29. 181 8. died at Cortland.
New York. September 17. 1900. He was nine
years old when he came to Xew York with his
parents, and he lived at Groton. Tompkins
county, until 1857, and was educated there in
the public schools. All his life he was a farmer.
After 1857 he made his home at Cortland. New
York. In politics he was a Whig, and in later
years was a great admirer and earnest follower
of Horace Greeley, the great editor of the
Neiv York fribiinc, from the time it was
founr'ed until he died. The only time he voted
anv other than the Republican ticket, after the
Republican party was founded, was when
Greeley himself was candidate for President
on the Democratic ticket. In religion he was
liberal in his views and belonged to no denomi-
nation. He married (first), November 26.
1840, Rhoda Little, born in Tompkins coimty.
September 3, 181 7, died July 12, 1874, daugh-
ter of Rarzilla and Hepsibah (Howe) Little.
He married (second) Lucy A. ( Perigo ) War-
field, widow of William L. Warfield, and she
survives him. Children, all by first wife: 1.
Hepsy, died in childhood. 2. Hepsy Catherine,
born November 6. 1843. "^I'^fl April 23. 1880;
married, January i, 1861, George D. Calkins,
who died December 22. 1883. 3. Elbert Joshua,
mentioned below.
(VH) Elbert Joshua, son of Thurber War-
field, was born in Groton, Tom]3kins county.
New York, March 27, 1833. He was but two
years old \vhen the family came to Cortland.
and he attended the district schools there and
the Cortland Normal School. He worked at
farming in his boyhood and for three years
after leaving school, and then for three years
engaged in the manufacture of butter and
cheese. While in the west he learned the trade
of brick mason and followed it for four years,
returning to Xew York state in 1882, and for
a short time he was employed at his trade in
Syracuse. In 1884 he came to Cortland again,
and in partnership with D. C. Reers, under the
firm name of Beers & Warfield, engaged in the
business he has since followed as a mason and
contractor. The firm has had the contract for
mason work on many of the business buildings
and manufacturing plants in the city of Cort-
land, such as the great Wickwire plant, the
Cortland Wagon Company, the Garrison Block,
the Cortland House, the Wallace Block. In
their line of trade the members of this firm
stand among the foremost in the city. Mr.
Warfield was trustee of the incorporated vil-
lage of Cortland for four years, and has also
been on the board of fire commissioners and
the board of ]iolice commissioners of the city.
He is a member of \'esta Lodge. ( )dd P'ellows.
He married, (Jctober 3, 1883. Flva F. Town-
lev, born at McLean. Xew York. .November
in. i8sc). daughter of Lucius anil ( )ctavia
(Marsh) Townley. Her father was born at
Ludlowville. Tompkins county. Xew York.
February 7. 1822. son of Smith T<iwnley. who
liverl in Pennsylvania. Charles Townley. father
of Smith Townley. was born in 1762. and
served in the revolutionary war. Effingham
Townley. father of Charles Townley. was born
in 1729, and married Jemima Earle. Richard
Townley, father of Effingham Townley, set-
tled in Elizabeth, New Jersey. Xicholas Town-
ley, father of Richard Townley. died in 1687,
aged seventy-six years. The ancestry of the
Townley line in England has been traced to
the year 1473. Children of Mr. and Mrs.
\A'arfield: i. Louise, born July 7. 1887; mar-
rieil. December 13. i^jcx). Jose])h F. Twenty-
man, electrician of Cortland. 2. Claude Town-
ley, born September 2. 1893. ,3- Mildred lone,
born December 13. 1896.
The P>eers family a]5pears to have
BEERS originated in the parish of West-
cliffe. countv of Kent. England, at
a place called Bere"s of lever's Court. William
de Bere. of liere's Court, was bailiff of Dover
about 1273. and Xicholas de Bere held the
Manor of Bere's Court in the twentieth year
of the reign of Henry III. Of this family was
Roger Byer, or Bere, who died in the reign of
Queen Alary. In 1542 his son John purchased
the Horsman Place, in Dartford, said to have
been a mansion of some note. In his will,
dated 1572, John Beer founded four ahns-
houses in Dartford, and devised his mansion
to his eldest son Henry. His grandson, Ed-
ward Beer, died unmarried in 1627, bequeath-
ing Horsman Place to John Twistleton, of
(I) Martin Beer, or Bere, of Rochester, is
the first ancestor to which the American fam-
ily can be traced in an unbroken line. He was
living in Rochester, county Kent, in i486;
married a daughter of Thomas Nyssell, of
Wrotham, England.
(II) John Beer, son of Martin Beer, or
Bere, married Faith, daughter of John Roy-
den, of Rochester, and had James and Mary.
(III) James Beer, son of John Beer, mar-
ried Dorothy, daughter of John Kingswood,
gentleman, of Rochester, and had two sons,
John and James.
(IV) John (2) Beer, son of James Beer,
lived at Gravesend ; married Mary, daughter
of Robert Selby, of Yorkshire. Children :
John ; Samuel ; Richard, known as captain,
born 1607, came to America in 1635, and locat-
ed at Watertown, Massachusetts, represented
his town in the general court tliirteen years,
commanded a company in the Pe(|uot war and
was slain by Indians near Xorthfield, Septem-
ber 4, 1675 ; James, mentioned below ; Mary.
(V) James (2) Beer, son of John (2) Beer,
of Gravesend, was a mariner and died before
1635. His widow Hester died in 1635, and in
the same year their two sons, Anthony and
James, accompanied their uncle, Richard Beers,
to America. James located in Fairfield, Con-
necticut, in 1657, and purchased a house and
lot in 1659, and another lot in 1661, in Green-
field. He was admitted a freeman in 1664. He
died in 1694. Anthony, the other son, is men-
tioned below.
(VI) Anthony Beers, from whom most of
the Connecticut families of this surname are
descended, son of James (2) Beers, was born
at Gravesend, England. He came to Water-
town, Massachusetts, with his uncle, Richard
Beers, and took the freeman's oath there. May
6, 1657. He then removed to the adjacent
town of Roxbury, and, in 1658, to Fairfield,
Connecticut. He was a mariner, and was lost
at sea in 1676, his widow Elizabeth surviving
him. Children : Samuel, born at Watertown,
May 9, 1647, died young; Ephraim, July 5,
1648; John, mentioned below; Esther, October
16, 1654; Samuel, May 2, 1657, died aged four
months; Barnabas, September 6, 1658; Eliza-
beth, April, 1661, at Fairfield.
(VII) John (3), son of Anthony Beers,
was born at Watertown, Massachusetts, Janu-
ary 20, 1652. He was a soldier and was severe-
ly wounded in King Philip's war, December
19- 1675, took part in the Xarragansett fight,
and died soon afterward. He joined the church
at Stratford, Connecticut. About 1667 he
bought a house lot, "bounded east by the street,
west by the burying place, south by a highway
four rods wide, and north on the common
land." That highway now leads to the Strat-
ford Congregational burying-ground. He and
his wife had but one child recorded, Samuel,
mentioned below.
(VIII) Samuel, son of John (3) Beers,
was born November 9, 1679, "died at Newtown,
March 12, 1725. He married, in 1706, Sarah,
daughter of Samuel and Mary (Titharton)
Sherman, the latter a daughter of Daniel and
Jane Titharton. Children : Mary, born July 9,
1708, in Stratford; John, September i, 1710;
Samuel, June 26, 1712; Daniel, November 23,
1714; Abraham, at Newtown; Nathan, men-
tioned below; Hannah, May, 1722; Abigail,
April 17, 1724.
( IX ) Nathan, son of Samuel Beers, was
born at Newtown, Connecticut, February 10,
1719, and followed the trade of blacksmith in
his native town and at Norwalk. He died June
18, 1805, and his wife, Lydia (Hawley) Beers,
died June 30, 1776, aged seventy-one. Chil-
dren : Nathan ; Ebenezer, mentioned below ;
Samuel. Lydia, Hannah, Abijah, Ezekiel,
Sarah, Abigail, Mary, Anna and Esther.
(X) Ebenezer, son of Nathan Beers, was
born about 1740, in Norwalk or vicinity.' He
settled in Minisink, Orange county. New York.
According to the census of 1790 he had two
sons (three males) over sixteen, one under
sixteen and two females in his family.
(XI) A son of Ebenezer remained in
Orange county. Among his children were John ;
Joseph, mentioned below; Irene and Rebecca.
(XII) Joseph, son of Beers, came
from Orange county. New York, and settled
in Cortland, New York, where he died, aged
sixty-seven years. For many years he follow-
ed his trade as brick mason, at Cortland, and
for about twenty years he followed farming.
He married Mehitable Winters, of Long Island,
who died February 19, 1873, aged sixty-one
years. Children : John, Jonas, Elmira ; David
Clark, mentioned below ; Charles F. and Henry.
(XIH) David Clark, son of Joseph Beers,
was born in Middletown, Orange county, New
York, December 21, 1843, ^"'^l came with his
parents to Cortlandville, New York, when he
was four years old, and received a common
school education there. He enlisted, October
4, 1861, in Company A, Seventy-sixth Regi-
ment, New York Infantry, and served until
September i, 1865, when his company was
mustered out, at the close of the civil war. His
company was in the Army of the Potomac, and
he took part in the second battle of Bull Run,
the battles of Gettysburg, Cedar Moimtain,
Chancellorsville, and all the other engagements
in which his company participated. He was
wounded at Bull Run and (iettysburg. At the
close of the term of his enlistment Mr. Beers
returned to Cortland, learned the trade of
mason and worked at it a number of years.
In 18S4 he formed a partnership with E. J.
Warfield, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere
in this work. The firm of Beers & Warfield
prospered from the first and has done a large
share of the business in its line as contractors
and builders in the city of Cortland. Many of
the business buildings, mills, factories, hotels
and residences have been built by this firm.
Mr. Beers served the village corporation for
two years as trustee, before Cortland was in-
corporated as a city. He is a member of
Grover Post, Grand Army of the Republic, of
which lie is past commander.
He married, in 1871, Helen M. Wadsworth,
born in Homer, April 26, 1851, daughter of
Ela and Amanda (Howe) Wadsworth (see
Wadsworth VIII). Children: Carrie, died in
childhood; Harry, born January 11, 1878, a
mason by trade; Gertrude, died aged twelve
years; William, born March 22, 1884, mar-
ried Catherine Dugan, of Binghamton, New
York; Lena, October 19, 1888. married John
M. Smith, of Syracuse, New York.
(The Wadsworth Line).
The surname Wadsworth is derived from
the Anglo-Saxon words Waldes-worth, mean-
ing Wood's Court, and from very ancient times
has been in use in Yorkshire, England, where
it is still common. The surname Walworth
had the same origin. The only coat-of-arms
of Wadsworth is of the Yorkshire family, and
is described : Gules, three fleurs-de-lis, stalked
and slipped, argent. Two immigrants of the
family, probably sons of Thomas Wadsworth,
came from England to America in the early
settlement, Christopher, William, mentioned
below. The Bible that Christopher brought
with him is still preserved in the Cowler fam-
ily of Hartford. He settled in Duxbury, Mas-
sachusetts, and became a prominent citizen.
( I ) William Wadsworth came with his
brother Christopher in the ship "Lion," land-
ing at Boston, Sunday, September 16, 1632,
after a voyage of twelve weeks. It is believed
that he was here earlier and had returned to
England. He was born about 1600. He was
admitted freeman of Massachusetts Bay Col- -
ony, November 6, 1633. He settled in Cam-
bridge, and when the town was organized was
elected to the first board of selectmen, and
served in 1634-35. From Cambridge he came
to Hartford, Connecticut, in the Hooker com-
pany, and lived there the remainder of his
days. He died in 1675. He was among the
more wealthy and substantial proprietors of
the town. He was collector in 1637; select-
man, 1642-47, and active in church and state
affairs. His home lot was co-extensive with
the present scjuare bounded by Asylum, Trum-
bull and West Pearl streets, and the road to
the river, and continued in the family imtil
1773. when it went into the hands of George
and William Burr, relatives. He married (sec-
ond) Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Samuel
Stone. Children of first wife: Sarah, married
John Wilcox; William, died in infancy; Mary,
married Thomas Stoughton ; John, mentioned
below. Children of second wife: Elizabeth,
1645; Samuel, 1646; Joseph, captain, immor-
talized in history by his exploit in hiding the
colonial charter in the Charter Oak ; Sarah,
1650; Thomas, 1651 ; Rebecca. 1656.
(II) John, son of William Wadsworth, was
born in Hartford. He was an early settler of
Farmington, Connecticut, where he lived until
his death, in 1659. He was one of the most
prosperous and influential citizens. In 1669
of eighty-four taxable estates his was third,
with a valuation of one hundred and eighty-
three pounds. He was sergeant of the mili-
tary company, and member of what was later
called the state senate. He was present when
his brother. Captain Joseph Wadsworth, con-
cealed the charter. He married Sarah Stanley,
also born in Hartford, who survived him.
Children : Sarah, born 1657 ; Samuel. 1660,
mentioned below: John, 1662; Mercy, 1665;
William, 1671 ; Nathaniel (twin), 1677; James
(twin), 1677; Thomas, if)8o; Hezekiah, 1^183.
( III ) Samuel, son of John Wadswcjrth. was
born in 1060, in Farniington, Connecticut. In
1699 and 171 1 he represented the town in the
general assembly, and, in 1713, he was a lieu-
tenant in the militia. He married, at Farming-
ton, in i68y, Hannah Judson. Children, born
at Farniington: Hannah. 1693: Sarah, 1695;
Samuel, mentioned below.
( I\' ) Samuel ( 2 ), son of Samuel ( i ) Wads-
worth, was born in Farniington, in 1689, died
there, in 1745. He married (first), in 1728,
Susanna Fenn, who died in 1732, and (sec-
ond), in 1737, Rebecca Porter. Child of first
wife: James, born 1729. Children of second
wife: Samuel, mentioned below ; Asa, married,
at Tyringham, Massachusetts. February 19,
1761, Sarah Hill: Hannah.
(\') Samuel (3), son of Samuel (2) Wads-
worth, was born at Farniington, and settled
with his brothers at Tyringham. He was a
soldier in the revolution, in Captain Ezekiel
Herrick's company. Colonel Brown's regiment
(Berkshire county), from Tyringham, June
29 to Julv 21. 1777, reinforcing the northern
army. lie married Thankful . Chil-
dren, born at Tyringham : Reuben, mentioned
below: Susanna and Ezekiel (twins), June 7,
1767; Silas, May, 1770: Sarah, May 23 or
June 15, 1773; Amos and James, September
30, 1775 (twins).
(\T) Reuben, son of Samuel (3) Wads-
worth, was born at Tyringham, Massachusetts,
December 6, 1762, died in 1837. He married
Rtith . Chililren, born at Tyringham:
Electa, born 1784, married Gideon Hobart :
.Archibald, mentioned below: Berenice, 1793;
Sylvester; Samuel F.. born 1798.
(VH) .Archibald, son of Reuben Wads-
worth, was born at Tyringham, in 1787, died
in 1873. He settled at Homer, New York, and
became a prominent and respected farmer of
that town. He was a member of the Congre-
gational church. He married Eunice Main,
who (lied in 1872, aged seventy-nine years.
Children, born at Homer: Manly, born 1817;
Ela, mentioned below ; Waty jane, married
Erastus Goodell ; Electa, 1831, married Syl-
vester Kinney.
(\'Ul) Ela. son of .-Xrchibald Wadsworth,
was born in Homer, New York, in 1826. He
was a f;irnuT in Cortland all his active life.
He married, in 1847, .\nianda Howe. Chil-
dren: Alvea A., born 1849, died 1863; Helen
M., i8si, married David C. Beers (see Beers
.XllI): William H., i8s2, died 1861 : Harvey
F,., 1856, died 1858: Myron H., 1858, died
iS(n : ^lary L., 1861, married George T. Latti-
nier ; Clark H., 1863. married Estella Fierce :
Marvin W.. 1866, married Xenia Doran ; Mil-
ton E., 1869.
The family of Edgcomb is a
EDCiCr)Mr> very old and distinguished
family in Devonshire, Eng-
land, and has been settled in the parish of Mil-
ton Abbot from a remote period. Certain old
documents relative to them are written in the
Norman-F"rench, and in them the name ap-
pears as "de Eggescombe." In the mansion
of the elder family there is an inscription on
an old gateway dated "R. E.." 1292. Th.»
name was derived from the seat and is spelled
variously in old documents as Eggescombe,
F^dgescombe, Edgecomb and Edgecumbe.
( I ) John Edgcomb, immigrant ancestor,
was the son of Nicholas Edgecomb, of Plym-
outh. England, and is supposed to have set-
tled first in Kittery, Maine, as early as 1640.
A Nicholas Edgecomb, probably the father of
[olin, was instnnnental in establishing a settle-
ment on Casco Bay, and visited it in 1658.
John Edgcomb did not remain permanently in
Kittery, but removed to New London, Con-
necticut, where he settled about 1673. He re-
ceived a grant of land through the Connecti-
cut assembly in 1663. His estate consisted of
a "homestead in the town plot and two con-
siderable farms." He married (first), Febru-
ary 9, 1673. Sarah, daugliter of Edward Stal-
li(jn. He married (second) Elizabeth, widow
of Joshua Flempstead. Children: John, born
November 14, 1675: Sarah, July 29, 1678:
Joanna, March 3, 1679 : Nicholas, January 2^.
1681-82: .Samuel, 1689; Thomas, mentioned
(H) Thomas, son of John Edgcomb, was
born 1694. in New London, and settled in
Norwich before 1720. He married (first)
Catherine Copp. He married (second) Esther
Post. The latter survived him but a few
months. While on her way to New London,
she was thrown from her horse and severely
hi'rt. She lived for two weeks in great agony,
and though the best medical skill was eni-
jiloyed. she died May 20, 1746, at the age of
forty. He died in Norwich. September 16,
1745. Children of first wife: Thomas, died
in Norwich, April 29, 1755; John, was in the
expedition against Cape Breton, and died there
after the surrender in 1746, aged twenty: Jon-
athan, a seaman by occupation, taken by a
Spanish privateer August 3, 1752, carried U>
Spain, and imprisuned there for several months,
he escaped and reached a h'rench port in safety,
worked his passage to England on an English
vessel, but was seized by a press gang and
forced on board a man-of-war; after a year's
service he again escaped, and finally reached
home. November 30, 1754, is said to have
settled in \'ermont ; Samuel, mentioned below.
(III) Samuel, son of Thomas Edgcomb,
was born 1730, and married, ^lay 7, 1752,
Dorothy Smith, of Groton, Connecticut. He
settled there, and was by trade a cabinet-
maker, also a farmer. He was an important
member of the society for the prcjpagation of
the gospel in foreign parts. He was deacon
of the First Presbyterian Church, vestryman
or warden from 17(15 to 17^17, and a man of
great worth. He died August 14, 1795, and
his wife, Januar}- 14, 1813, aged eiglity-four.
Children: Katherine. born March 8, 1753. died
March 14, 1759: Dorothy, December 8, 1754:
David, June 8, 1756; Elizabeth, January 15,
1758; Samuel, February 28, 1760: Gilbert.
March 3, 1762, mentioned below: Jabez. Octo-
ber 6, 1763: Hannah, May 27, 1765: Thomas.
June 29, 1767; Asa, April 14. 1772, died Sep-
tember 4, 1774.
(IV) Gilbert, son of Sanniel ICdgcunib, was
born March 3, 1762, and married, June 21.
1790, Lucy AUyn, of North (iroton. Connecti-
cut, now Ledyard. He removed thence to
Broughton, where his children were born. He
was a soldier of the revolution, and enlisted
when only fifteen years old. He was with
Washington at \'alley Forge, and serve<l
through a three years' campaign. He receiveil
an honorable discharge in 1780. September
6, 1781, he volunteered in defence of F"ort
Griswold. The garrison consisted of one hun-
dred and sixty men, of whom eighty-four were
killed on the spot. The remaining seventy-six
were taken prisoners, placed on board a irian-
of-war and carried to New York. Here they
were imprisoned in an old sugar house until
after the surrender of Cjeneral Cornwallis.
when they were discharged. In 1820 he re-
moved to Cortland, New York. He was a
farmer by occupation: a man of sound mind
and unyielding will. Children, born in Brough-
ton : Lucy, April 14, 1795; Gilbert, September
~7- 1797; Erastus, October 15, 1803; Isaac
.\llyn, mentioned below.
(\ ) Isaac Allyn, son of Gilbert Edgcomb,
was born May 12, 1806, in Ciroton, died July
(), i860. He married, 1828, Clarissa Wood-
ruff, born in I-"armington, Connecticut, .\ugust
19. 1800. died October [5, 1865, daughter of
(iedor and Sarah (Ingham) Woodruff. Her
father, (iedor Woodruff, was born July 20,
1761, served three years in the revolutionary
war, he was the son of Zebulon Woodruff,
born March 11, 1718. The latter was the son
of Joseph, born in 1679, son of John, born
1643, son of Matthew Woodruff". Children :
I. Charles A., born May 9, 1829 ; married Mary
J. Tucker, November 6, 1876; child, Charles
R.. burn Julv 25, 1882, lived in Spafford, New
\'(irk. 2. Frances J., November 23, 1830;
married Irving A. Wheeler, of Stonington,
Connecticut, 1859; lived in Providence. 3.
Sarah T., June 16, 1832: married, in 1858,
Gilbert I. Honywell : lived in Homer, New
Viirk. 4. Isaac, October 16, 1834, mentioned
below. 5. Martin, June 7, i83(>; married, No-
vember 13, i86f), Eiuily G. Merritt, a shoe
dealer by occupation, in Cortland: six chil-
dren : Lena E., born December 2^. 1867 : Louis
E., August 24, 1869; J. Cirace., November 23.
1873; ^I- Clenn. October 3, 1875: AUvn I.,
.\pril 25, 1878: R. Irene, June 28, 189'!. 6.
George W., November 2^, 1840; married F.
Eudell Sc|uires, July 9, 1872: child, James E.,
born July 9, 1873, (lied November 24, 1878. 7.
Clark A.. January 22, 1843 : marrieil. Novem-
ber, i8fi8, Atldie Lyon; children: Oliver C,
born 1870: Addie A., July 18, 1875: lived in
South Frankfort, Alichigan.
( \'I ) Isaac, son of Isaac Allyn Edgcomb,
was born in (jroton. New York, October 16,
1834, and received his education in the com-
uKin schools of liis native town. In 1852 he
came to Cortland. New York, and learned the
harness-maker's trade. He continued in this
business until 1900, when he retired. He has
always been actively identified with the Meth-
odist church, in Cortland, and, for forty years,
has been its steward and trustee. He married,
March 13, 1861. Evaline D., daughter of Isaac
and Nancy ( Peabody ) Spencer, born in X'irgil.
New York. December 25. 1834. Her father
was the son of Amos Spencer, who married
Dorcas Woodcock ; they iiad twelve cliildren.
ten sons and two daughters. Amos Spencer
was the son of Thomas Spencer, who was a
descendant of William Spencer, of Cambridge,
Massachusetts, in 1631. Both Thomas and
Amos Spencer served as captains in the revolu-
tion. Child of Mr. and Mrs. Edgcomb: Ernest
Isaac, born January 10, 1867; he was educated
in the State Normal School, in Cortland, and
graduated in 1884; also at Syracuse Univer-
sity, from which he graduated in 1888. He
then studied law in the office of Nottingham
& Goodell, of Syracuse, and was admitted to
the bar in 1891. He practices law in Syracuse,
and is also professor of law in Syracuse Uni-
versity. He is at present attorney for the
Beebe trolley lines, which run out of Syracuse,
and surveyor of customs for the port of that
city. For several terms he was chairman of
the board of supervisors in Syracuse, and offi-
ciated as such when the new courthouse was
erected, as well as member of the building
committee, the building costing $1,400,000. He
is a member of several college fraternities and
other fraternal organizations, and steward in
the First Methodist Church. He married,
April 20, 1898, Grace, daughter of Frank J.
Webb, of Syracuse. They have one son, Julian
Webb, born December 3, 1902.
The Newton family, which is
NEWTON one of the most numerous in
New England, is of English
origin, and was founded in America early in
the colonial period. It is still very numerously
represented throughout New England, and is
identified with the best interests of that sec-
tion, contributing its proportionate share to its
development and progress. Representatives
are now scattered over distant states.
(I) Richard Newton, whose birthplace and
ancestry has been the subject of many years
study by well equipped genealogists, arrived
in Massachusetts prior to 1645, in which year
he was admitted a freeman of the colony and
resided for several years in Sudbury. In com-
pany with John Howe and others he petition-
ed for the settlement of Marlborough, whose
incorporation as a town they secured in 1666,
and removing thither, he located in that part
of the town which was afterwards set off as
Southborough. He lived to be nearly one
hundred years old, and died about August 24,
1 701. The Christian name of his wife was
cither Anna or Hannah, and she died Decem-
ber 5, 1697. Their children, as shown by the
records of Marlborough, were: John, born
1641 ; Moses, 1646; Ezekiel ; Joseph; Hannah,
April 13, 1654, died uimiarried ; Daniel, De-
cember 21, 1655. There may have been others.
(II) Daniel, fifth son of Richard and Anna
(probably Loker) Newton, was born Decem-
ber 21, 1655, probably in Sudbury, and died
November 20, 1739, in Marlborough. He lived
in that part of the town which was subsequent-
ly set off as Southborough. He married, in
Alarlborough, December 30. 1679, Susannah
Morse, born January 11, 1663, in Watertown,
Massachusetts, daughter of Joseph and Sus-
annah (Shattuck) Morse. Children: i. Dan-
iel, mentioned below. 2. Benjamin, born May
I, 1683; married, October 3, 1712, Abigail
Knapp, of Newton. 3. Susanna, born Febru-
ary 14. 1684. 4. Isaac, born March 12, 1686;
married Sarah . 5. Ephraim, born Feb-
ruary 12, 1689; married. May 29, 171 1, Chris-
tian Ripley. 6. Abraham, born Alarch 2, 1691 ;
married, October 20, 1709, Rachel Newton.
7. Mary, born July 26, 1693, died August 12,
171 1. 8. Samuel, born August 10, 1695, died
1 77 1. 9. Nathaniel, born September 4. 1697.
10. Lydia, born August 24, 1699; married, Au-
gust 12, 1719, Samuel Morse. 11. Mary, born
May 10. 1702; married, September i, 1725,
Othniel Taylor, of Worcester.
(HI) Daniel (2), eldest child of Daniel (i)
and Susanna ( Morse) Newton, was born May
29, 1681, in Marlborough, where he probably
passed his life. He married Sarah Hutton,
and they were the parents of Daniel ; Ezekiel.
mentionetl below ; Elizabeth ; William ; Judith,
died young: Judith: Robert, and Joanna.
(IV) Ezekiel, second son of Daniel (2) and
Sarah (Hutton) Newton, was born August
27, 1707, in Marlboroug-h, and resided in South-
borougli, where he was a farmer. No record
of his death appears. He married, May 31,
1 73 1, in Marlborough, Tirzah, daughter of
Jonathan and Bethiah (Rice) Newton, whose
ancestry is as follows:
Moses, son of Richard Newton, was born in
1646, and resided in Marlborough. October
27, 1668, he married Joanna Larkin, who died
December 25, 1713. and, on April 14, 1714, he
married for his second wife, Sarah Joslin. She
died November 4, 1723. Moses was the father
of eleven children. He distinguished himself
in defending the town against the savages dur-
ing King Philip's war. In relation to this inci-
dent the Rev. Asa Packard wrote the follow-
ing account :
The Sahliatli when Mr. Brimsmead was in sermon
(March 20, 1676), the worshiping was somewhat
dispersed by the outcry of "Indians at the dor."
The confusion of the first moment was instantly
increased by a fire from the enemy: but the God
whom tliey were worshiping shielded tlieir lives and
limbs, excepting the arms of one Moses Newton,
who was carrying an elderly and infirm woman to
a place of safety. In a few moments they were
sheltered in their fort, with the mutual feelings
peculiar to such a scene. Their meeting house and
their dwelling houses left without protection, were
burnt. Fruit-trees pulled and hacked and other
valuable effects rendered useless perpetuated the
barbarit}' of the savages many years after the
inhabitants returned. The enemy retired soon after
their first onset, declining to risk the enterprise
and martial prowess of the young plantation.
Jonathan, son of Moses and Joanna (Lar-
kin) Xewton, was born September 30, 1679,
in Marlborough, and married there, October
26, 1708, Bethiaii Rice, born October 29, 1682,
•daughter of Daniel and r.ethiali (Ward) Rice.
Children : Tirzali, married Ezekiel Newton ;
Jonathan, Tabitha, Bethiah, Johanna, Heph-
ziba, David, Thankful, Gideon, Nathan and
Children of Ezekiel and Tirzah (Newton)
Newton : Elizabeth, born February 19, 1832,
in Marlborough ; Alexander, February 14, 1733 ;
Nehemiah, June 23, 1736; Persis, February
18, 1741 ; Ezekiel, mentioned below; Daniel,
May 20, 1749. All except the first are record-
ed in Southborough.
(V) Ezekiel (2), son of Ezekiel (i) and
Tirzah (Newton) Newton, was born August
30, 1745, in Southborough, and resided in
Marlborough until 1776, or later, and probably
resided elsewhere thereafter. He was a private
in Captain Josiah White's company, of Lieu-
tenant-Colonel Benjamin Flagg's division, Colo-
nel Samuel Denney's (Worcester county) regi-
ment, which marched, August 21, 1777, on
alarm and was turned back. He is credited
with five days' service, including two days'
( forty miles ) march home. Roll dated Spen-
cer. He died December 5, 1792, but this date
does not appear on any public records. He
probably resided in Marlborough at the time.
Diligent search fails to disclose the tnaiden
name of his wife Tabitha. who was born Au-
gust 14, 1746. Four of his children are re-
corded in Marlborough : Persis, born March
16, 1771 : Polly, March 29, 1772; Haven, De-
cember 29, 1773; Windsor, January 15, 1776.
Private records indicate four other children.
(VI) Ezekiel (3), son of Ezekiel (2) and
Tabitha ( ) Newton, was born .\pril 12,
1788, in Northborough, and died February 11,
1852, at Groton, New York. He was a shoe-
maker by trade and lived for some years in
North Concord, now Lisbon, New Hampshire,
where he was toll-keeper of the bridge over
the Ammonusuc river. The present name of
Lisbon was adopted in 1824. For fifty years
previous there had been two Concords in the
state of New Hampshire. In 181 1 he removed
from Lisbon to Tompkins county. New York,
and settled first at Groton City, New York.
Soon after removing to Summer Hill, New
York. He married in Bolton, Massachusetts,
April 16, 18 10, Rebecca Moore, born January
9, 1787, in that town; died June 9, 1871, in
Cortland, New York. The record of his mar-
riage in Bolton calls hitn "Ezekial Newton of
North Concord, New Hampshire." Children :
I. Charles, mentioned below. 2. Elihu Reed,
born September 18, 181 2, died October 7,
1899, at Wayne, Pennsylvania. 3. Ezekiel A.,
born October 25, 1814, at (jroton. New York,
died there, July 9, 1859. 4. Orissa, born April
14, 1816, at Groton. 5. Albert, born July 10,
1817, at Groton, died December 6, 1906. 6.
Nancy E., born April 14, 1820. died Novem-
ber, 1868. 7. Adelia C, born August 13, 1822,
died March 10, 1897. 8. Caroline M., born
June 13, 1824, died September, 1896. 9.
George M., born August 24, 1826, living at
Groton, New York. 10. Andrew, born Sep-
tember 10, 1828, died February 12, 1837.
(VII) Charles, eldest child of Ezekiel (3)
and Rebecca ( Moore ) Newton, was born April
23, 181 1, in North Concord, New Hampshire,
and died November 14, 1894, in Groton, New
York, where he was a farmer. He married,
June 15, 1834, at Summer Hill, New York,
Mary Woolsey, of that town, born August i,
1812, died June 2, 1891, in Groton. Children:
I. George, born Alarch 19, 1835, died June 5,
1857. 2. Rebecca Jane, born December 6,
1837; married Myron F. Thomas, of Groton,
New York ; resides in Pasadena. 3. Charles
Burdette, born August 16, 1840. resides in
Groton. 4. Hiratri, born March Ti, 1848, died
May 22, 1849. 5- W'illiani Henry, born De-
cember 29. 1850. died July 23, 1851. (\. Will-
iam Henry, mentioned below.
(VIII) William Henry, son of Charles and
Mary (Woolsey) Newton, was born Septem-
ber 15, 1853, in Locke, New York, and learn-
ed the trade of carriage trimming. He was
in the coal and lumber business in his younger
days, in (jroton. New York. In 1883 he locat-
ed at Cortland, New York, where he engaged
in the manufacture of carriage goods and is
still conducting- a prosperous business at tha:
place. He is a member of the Baptist church.
He married, June 6, 1876, in Groton, Mary
Alida Williams, born June 6, 1856, in that
town, daughter of James Williams, a native of
the same jilace, and Lydia Ellen ( Brown )
Williams, born .-Kugust 6, 1726, daughter of
David Brown, of Groton, Massachusetts, who
was son of David Brown, of Plum Hollow,
\'ermont, who served in the revolutionary war.
(IX) Earle Williams, only child of William
Henry and Mary A. (Williams) Xewton, was
born February 9, 1879, in Groton, New York.
He was educated at Cortland Normal School
and Phillips Andover .Academy, graduating in
1899. After graduation he went into the office
of his father's manufacturing plant until De-
cember I, T<)oi, when he was taken into part-
nershi]) with his father at Cortland, and to-
gether they conducted a business under the
firm name of W. H. Newton & Son. He
married. June 22, 1909, in Colora, Maryland,
Anna Moore, born February 16, 1883, in that
town, daughter of William H. Moore, whose
father was a Quaker farmer living at that
place, and India S. (Christie) Moore, of Col-
ora, Maryland.
(The Williams Line).
(i) Deacon William Williams, of Salem,
Massachusetts, born November 11, 1749, died
August 8, 1854. He married Hiphza Samson,
and they had ten children.
(2) Benjamin, son of Deacon William Will-
iams, born, Savoy, Massachusetts, November
14, 1783, died June 2, 1872; married, April 6,
1808, Rebeckah Morton. He came to Groton,
New York, in i8o(j. They had eight children.
(3) James, son of Benjamin Williams, was
born in Groton, New York, April i, 1821, and
died March 26, 1899. He married Lydia Ellen
Brown, born August 6, 1826. Child: Mary
Alida, born June 6, 1856, in Groton, New
York, married. January 6, 1876, William Henry
Newton (see Newton VIII).
William Knox, according to the
KNOX history of P.landford, Massachu-
setts, came to that town from Bel-
fast. Ireland, in 1737. There was a large settle-
ment of Scotch-Irish in this town. His brother,
Adam Knox, said to have been born in 1719, in
Ulster i^rovince, north of Ireland, settled in
Boston, in 1737. William had three sons : John,
mentioned below ; William, and Adam ; and
probably daughters.
( II) John, son o'' William Kno.x, was born
about 1730. and probably came with his father
to l>landford. Massachusetts. The name of his
wife is not known. He lived at Bland ford, evi-
dently following farming, as did his father.
He had sons: William: James, mentioned
below: Elijah, and John: and probably daugh-
(III) Captain James Knox, son of John
Knox, was born as early as 1 760. He was a
private in Captain John Ferguson's company,
Colonel Timothy Danielson's regiment, from
Bland ford, from April 20, 1775. to .\ugust.
and later in the year. He was sergeant from
Bland ford, in Captain .Aaron Coe's company.
Lieutenant Colonel Timothy Robinson's regi-
ment. Oliver and John, sons of .Adam Knox,
were soldiers from Bland ford, also David, son
of William. .Afterward James Knox was
known as captain, and doubtless held a com-
mission in the militia as captain. He was one
of the earliest settlers of the town of Windsor,
Itroome county. New York, whither he went
after the war, living for a time, apparently at
Hillside. In 1790 he appears to be a resident
of Hillside, according to the first federal cen-
sus, but he must have removed soon to Broome
county, as the history states that he came there
in 1786, or a little later. The same authority
states that he was an officer in the revolution,
and we have given his record as sergeant. He
may have had other service not appearing on
the records, which, of course, are not complete.
He is said to have been one of W^ashington's
Lifeguards. With his family he located near
the north part of the valley on the old home-
stead, latelv owned by Milton Knox, a descend-
ant. He married Lydia Stratton. Children :
lames. Hezekiah. Charles. Henry, William,
Caleb and Ira, mentioned below.
(IV) Ira, son of Captain James Knox, was
born in Windsor, Broome county. New York,
November 17, 180T, died March to, 187 1. Edu-
cated in his native town, he turned naturally to
the calling of agriculture and followed it suc-
cessfully. In all matters pertaining to the wel-
fare of the community, political and otherwise,
he was keenly interested, and he served in the
state militia when a young man.
He married, September 2, 1835, Anna Doo-
little. born at Colesville. New York, .August
27, t8ii, died March 4, 1884. daughter of Abel
Doolittlc, who was born July 27, 1780, and died
March ii. 1868. Her father married, June 14,
1804, Hannah Sage, born November 2(), 1778,
died April i.^, 1854. Children of Ira and Anna
(Doohttle) Knox: Milton: Stratton Sage,
mentioned below ; James.
(\') Hon. Stratton Sage Knox, .son of Ira
Knox, was born in Colesville, Rroome cotmty,
New York, February 5, 1843. His early school-
ing was received in the public schools, and at
Windsor Academy. Later, he sj^ent part of
his time teaching school and part in getting a
higher education. In i86g he came to Cort-
land, and two years later was graduated from
the State Normal School, of that town. In
the fall of 1871 he entered upon an optional
course at Wesleyan I'niversity, Middletown,
Connecticut, and in the following year, left
college to begin the study of law in the ofifice
of M. M. Waters, of Cortland, where he con-
tinued until he was admitted to the bar, in
September, 1875, at the general term in .Schnec-
tady. New Y'ork. Before the close of the year
he had entered intopartnership with M r. Waters
and the firm continued until 1881, when Mr.
Waters removed to Syracuse. During the
years 1883-89 he was coimty judge and surro-
gate. In politics he is a Democrat. In 1895
he was retained by the National Hank of Cort-
land, as attorney, having charge of its legal
afifairs. and, since 1897. he has been president.
Judge Knox was a prime mover in the plan
to provide a sewer system for Cortland, and
he was appointed on the first board of sewer
commissioners in 1892, and has been president
of the board ever since. During the years
1895-97 '"IS was attorney of the village corpor-
ation, and it was during his term of ofifice that
the village began to pave the streets, and the
Railroad street ]5aving was done. He is vice-
president of the Cortland Savings Rank. He
is a member of the Cortlandville Lcxlge of
Free Alasons ; of Cortland Chapter, Royal
Arch Masons, was master of the lodge for five
years, and district deputy of twenty-seventh
district for two years. He has held many
positions of private trust, especially in the set-
tlement of important estates, anfl for many
years has had one of the largest practices in
the surrogate's court of this county.
He married, December 23, 1873, Myra W.,
daughter of Merton M. and Elizabeth ( Bra-
don) W'aters. She died May 8, 1905. They
had no children. His home is in the city of
The family of Lusk is of Scotch
LL'SK origin, and first ajjpeared in Amer-
ica in the early ])art of the eight-
eenth century. At that time three brothers of
the name, John, Thomas and William, settled
in Connecticut, and from them have descend-
ed all of the name in that state. Their history,
however, is but fragmentary, and is gathered
mostly from town and church records and
gravestone inscrijitions, in the towns of New-
ington, Farmington, New Britain, Enfield and
other places in Connecticut. From these sources
we learn that there was a Stephen Lusk in
Newington, in 171 5, also a John Lusk, of New-
ington, about 1740, the latter ajiparently an
earlier settler of Plainfield, Windham county,
Connecticut. John's two brothers, Thomas
and William, the latter with his wife, came to
Newington church, by letter, from Meriden,
Connecticut. August 13, 1749. General Levi
Lusk, a soldier in the revolution, is supposed
to have been a son of this William. All these
families lived in that part of Farmington which
adjoined Newington, and were ]iractically con-
temporary. James, of Farmington, is sup-
posed to have been a younger brother of the
three above mentioned.
( I ) John Lusk, immigrant ancestor of this
branch, was of Plainfield, Connecticut, in 1740,
and, September 17th, of that year, received
from Jacob Cibbs, of Wethersfield, half an
acre of land in Newington. March 19, 1743-
46, being then of Wethersfield. he purchased
four acres of land, again in Newington. Later
deeds give records of other purchases of land
by him, all in Newington, near the Farming-
ton line. He married (first) Janet .
who died at Newington, May 2. 1742, aged
thirty-three. He married ( second) Jane .
who'died February 3. 1788. aged eighty-three.
He died July 24. 1788. aged eighty-six. All
three were buried in the Newington church-
yard. Children of second wife, recorded in
Wethersfield: William, born September 12,
1744, mentioned below; John, February 20,
1748: Eunice, May 9, 1730: Samuel. January
29, 1752.
(II) William, son of John Lusk, was bom
in Wethersfield, September 12, 1744. He mar-
ried, March 30, 1769. Elizabeth Gibbe. Chil-
dren : Chester ; Simon ; James, mentioned
below : William.
(HI) James, son of William Lusk. was born
1770, died April 24, 1808. He married and
had children: W'ilHam, Frankhii, Simon J.,
mentioned below.
(IV) Simon J., son of James Lusk, was
born August 19, 1807, died July 21, 1894, at
Lisle, Broome county, New York. He was a
pioneer in the latter section, to which he came
from Connecticut, and was actively engaged
in farming all his life. He was a vigorous and
powerful Scotchman and eminently fitted for
the hardships and dangers of a frontier life.
He married Rebecca Mercereau, born in
Broome county. April 12, 181 1, died Novem-
ber II, 1893. Children: Cornelius M.; Sam-
uel R., mentioned below ; Franklin ; Eliza J.,
married Ira Cook; Olive A., married Orlando
Benedict ; William ; Susan : James Lanning ;
George A. ; Charles.
(V) Samuel R., son of Simon J. Lusk, was
born in Lisle, Broome county. New York, Au-
gust 27, 1835, died September 6, 1896. In
1862 he enlisted in the One Hundred and
Thirty-seventh Regiment, Company E, and
served throughout the war. He was in the
battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and
Lookout Mountain. In the latter engagement
he was wounded in the head and never fully
recovered, and finally died from this wound.
For a number of years he was engaged in the
grocery business in Centre Lisle, New York.
He married, about iS,Ci6. Clara M. Root, born
in Lisle, September 7, 1847, <l'^cl November
13, 1886, daughter of William and .Anna
(Burghardt) Root. Child. Clayton R., men-
tioned below.
(VI) Clayton Riley, son of Samuel R. Lusk,
was born in Lisle, December 21, 1872. He
received his early education in the scliools of
his native town, later attended the Cortland
Normal School, from which he graduated in
1895, afterward entered Cornell L^niversity,
from which he graduated in 1902. He was
admitted to the bar the same year, and located
in Cortland, in [lartnership with Rowland L.
Davis, under the firm name of Davis & Lusk.
In 1904 he was elected city judge and served
for two terms. He is a member of the Phi
Delta Phi fraternity, the Tioughnioga. and the
Cortland City clubs, and of the Elks and the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Cort-
land. In religion he is an Episcopalian. He
married, June 23, 1904, Anna, (laughter of
Eli and Grace (Lee) Mix. Her father, Eli
Mix, was born at Chenango Forks. New York,
in 1835, died in 1903. Tie tiiarried Grace F..
daughter of Samuel and Rhoda Ann (Miller)
Lee. He was the son of John Mix, bom at
Chenango Forks, and Henrietta (Parsons)
Mi.x. John was the son of Jesse Bradley Mix,
who was born in New Haven, Connecticut,
and came to Chenango Forks, in 1816, and
Rebecca (Gilbert) Mix, also of New Haven.
Jesse Bradley Mix was the son of Nathaniel
Mix, born in New Haven, 1796, and Thankful
(Ailing) Mi.x. Nathaniel Mix was the son
of Nathaniel Mix, born in New Haven, 1724,
and Sarah (Bradley) Mix. Nathaniel Mix
was the son of Nathaniel Mix, born in New
Haven, 1692, died 1756, and Rebecca (Lines)
Mix, second wife. Nathaniel Mix was the son
of Nathaniel Mix, born in New Haven, 1651,
died 1725, and Mary (Pantry) Mix. Nathan-
iel Mix was the son of Thomas Meeks, or Mix,
who was the immigrant ancestor, of London,
England, a member of the New Haven colony,
in 1643. He married, in 1649, Rebecca Turner.
Child of Clayton R. Lusk: Elinor Mix, born
October 14, 1908.
W'illiam Peck, immigrant ancestor,
PECK was born in the city of London,
England, or its vicinity, in 1601,
and married there, about 1622, Elizabeth .
He sailed from London in the ship "Hector,"
with his wife and son Jeremiah, and arrived at
Boston, Massachusetts, June 26, 1637. It is
])robable that he came in the company of Gov-
ernor Eaton, Rev. John Davenport and others,
principally from London. He was one of the
original proprietors of the New Haven colony,
in 1638. and his autograph signature is affixed
to the fundamental agreement or constitution,
June 4, 1639. for the government of the infant
colony. October 20, 1640. he was admitted a
freeman. He was trustee, treasurer and gen-
eral business agent of the Colony Collegiate
School, established on the basis of the Hopkins
fund. He was by occupation a merchant, and,
from 1659 until his death, a deacon of the
church in New Haven. His name usually ap-
pears on the records with the title of "Mr.,"
then a prefix of respect and distinction. His
home lot and dwelling-house and shop were on
Church street. His first wife, Elizabeth, died
December 5, 1683, and he married (second)
Sarah, widow of W'illiam Holt. He died Octo-
ber 4, 1694, and was interred in the okl bury-
ing-ground now under the Center church. Chil-
dren of first wife: leremiah, burn in London,
1623, mentionetl below; John, Xew Haven,
1638: Joseph, New Haven, January, 1641;
Elizabeth, Xew Haven, April, 1643.
(H) Jeremiah, son of William Peck, was
born in the city of London, or its vicinity, in
1623, and came to this country with his parents
in 1637. He received a very good education,
acquired in part before he left London. He
is said by. Cotton Mather "to have been bred
at Harvard College," but his name does not
appear in the catalogue of graduates. In the
year 1656. and for some time previous, he had
preached and taught school at Guilford, and
continued to <lo so until i6(')0, when he took
charge of the Collegiate School, at Xew Haven.
This was a colony school, established by the
general court in 1659, and was intended to fit
young men for college. He remained there
until the summer of 1 66 1, when the school was
temporarily suspended for lack of funtls. In
the autumn of that year he was invited to
preach at Saybrook, Connecticut, and, it is sup-
posed, ordained there, and settled as a min-
ister, September 25, 1661. .After a few years
there was some dissatisfaction with his min-
istry and a misunderstanding as to the pro-
visions of his agreement of settlement. Al-
though this was amicably arranged he left Say-
brook and returned to Guilford, in 1666. He
had been for some time, together with numer-
ous ministers and churches in the Xew Haven
and Connecticut colonies, decidedly opposed
to the "Half-way Covenant," and especially
hostile to the union of the two above-named
colonies, under the charter of Charles II. On
this account he decided to emigrate from the
colony, and, in 1666, removed to Newark, New
Jersey, where he became one of the first set-
tlers. Soon after his arrival at Newark he
was settled in Elizabethtown, as the first min-
ister there, in 1669 or 1670. In 1670, and
again in 1673, he was invited by the people of
Woodbridge, New Jersey, and, in 1676, by the
people of Greenwich, Connecticut, to become
their minister, but in both cases declined. Sep-
tember, 1678, he was again invited to settle as
a minister at Greenwich, and removed thither
in the autumn of 1678. Here he became the
first settled minister and remained until 16S9.
when he resigned on account of dissatisfaction,
caused by his refusal to baptize the children of
non-communicants. In 1691 he became the
first settled minister of the church in Water-
bury. Here he continued until his death, June
4, 1699. He was a man of much usefulness.
both as a teacher and minister in the frontier
settlements, and possessed considerable energy
antl ability.
He married, November 12, 1636. Johannah,
daughter of Robert Kitchell, of (iuilford, who
came to Xew Haven in the comjjany of Eaton,
Davenport and others, in 1638, and the follow-
ing year settled in Guilford, where he was a
prominent man and one of the first planters.
He migrated to Xewark, in 1666, and died
there, about 1672. His wife died in Green-
wich, in 1682. Johannah (Kitchell) Peck sur-
vived her husband and died in Waterbury, in
171 1. Children: Samuel, born January 18,
1 659, mentioned below ; Ruth, born New Haven,
.April 3, 1661 ; Caleb, Saybrook. 1663: Anne,
Saybrook, 1665: Jeremiah, Newark, 1667;
Joshua, Elizabethtown, 1673.
(III) Samuel, son of Jeremiah Peck, was
born at (iuilford. January 18, 1659. He re-
moved to Greenwich, with his father, in 1678.
and became a man of large wealth and influ-
ence. I'^or fifty years he was justice of the
peace, and held other important positions in
Greenwich. He married, November 27, 1686,
Ruth, daughter of Peter Ferris, of Stamford,
Connecticut. Her father was a son of Jeffrey
Ferris. Children, born in Greenwich : Samuel,
March, 1688, mentioned below; Jeremiah, De-
cember 29, 1690; Joseph, May i, 1692; David.
December 15, 1694; Nathaniel, August 15,
16197: Eliphalet, 1699: Theophilus, March,
1702; Peter, about 1704; Robert, 1706. He
(lied at Greenwich, April 28, 1746, and his
wife. September 17, 1745, aged eighty-three.
Their gravestones are still standing in the old
Greenwich cemetery.
(IV) Samuel (2), son of Samuel (i) Peck,
was born in Alarch, 16188, in Greenwich. He
was a carpenter by trade and also a farmer.
He lived in that part of Greenwich known as
C)UI Greenwich, and died there, in December.
1733. He married, in 171 5, Elizabeth .
She survived him. and, in 1735, married (sec-
ond) John Clogson, and removed to Redding.
Connecticut, where she died. Children, born
in Greenwich: Alary. 1716: John, 1718, men-
tioned below : Samuel, April, 1720; Ruth. Janu-
ary, 1724.
(V) John, son of Samuel (2) Peck, was
born in 1718, in Greenwich. He lived in Old
Greenwich, on a small farm, near the shore of
r^ong Island sound, and died in Greenwich,
September, 1771. He married, 1741, Sarah,
daughter of John Adams. She died in Clifton
Park, New York, January ii, 1814, aged nine-
ty-five years. Children, born in Greenwich :
John, November 12, 1742, mentioned below;
Heath, 1745 ; Nathan, 1747 ; Sarah, 1749 ; Ruth,
July II, 1751 ; Abijah, April 3, 1758: Abigail,
September 30, 1760; Elizabeth, July 19, 1763.
(VI) John (2), son of John (i) Peck, was
born November 12, 1742, in Greenwich. He
served as a soldier in the French war ; was in
the caiiijiaign of 1759, and remained in the
army until the treaty of peace in 1763. In
1772 he removed from Greenwich to that part
of Great Nine Partners, which is now the town
of Stanford, Dutchess county, New York. Late
in 1780 he again removed to that part of Little
Nine Partners, which is now the town of
Milan, in the same county, where he lived until
May, 1788. when he returned to Stanford. In
1792 he removed to the west of the Hudson
river, now the town of Hunter, Greene county.
New York. On account of the unfavorable
climate and remote situation of this location,
he removed again, in February, 1785, to the
town of Sherburne, Chenango county. New
\ ork. He lived there and in the adjoining
town of Norwich until his death, in Sherburne,
September 19, 1819. After his removal from
Greenwich, in 1772, he lived always on the
borders of civilization and endured all the
hardships and labors of frontier life. He was
one of the most enterprising and valuable
pioneers in the settlement, of the state of New
York. His occupation was that of a farmer.
He had but little education, but great natural
talents, firmness and energy. He married,
October, 1764, Sarah, daughter of Nathan
Northrop, of Salem, New York. She was born
in the latter place, October 28, 1746, died in
Smyrna, New York, November 11, 1830. Chil-
dren, bom in Greenwich: Samuel, 1763, died
1768; Joel, December 2, 1767; Sarah, Decem-
ber I, 1769: Mary, October 28, 1771. P>orn in
Stanford: Phebe, August 16, 1774: Stephen,
October, 1776, died there, December, 1777;
Stephen Northrop, May 14, 1778, mentioned
below; John, September 11, 1780. P>orn in
Milan: Nathan, January 27, 1783; Betsey,
April I, 1786.
(VII) Stephen Northrop, son of John (2)
Peck, was born in Stanford, New York, May
14, 1778. He was a farmer by ocupation, and
one of the first settlers of the town of Solon,
New York. 1800. He died there, August 17,
1874. He was a man of genial characteristics.
sound common sense and agreeable habits, and
as such was esteemed by all who knew him.
He married (first) Lydia Philips, December
4, 1800, and (second) Clarissa Hobart, Octo-
ber 3, 1849. Children, born in Solon : Polly,
September 22, 1801 ; Lyman, December 24.
1803. mentioned below; Hiram. May 25, 1806;
Nathan, January 31, i8ck); Emily, October 15,
1811; Stephen N., May 13, 1814; Piatt, June
II, 1817; Smith \\'., Niarch 25, 1820; John,
June 10, 1823; Sally. October 8, 1825.
(VIII) Lyman, son of Stephen Northrop
Peck, was born December 24, 1803, in Solon,
and died at Cortland, New York, April 30,
1877. He was a farmer in his native town
during the major part of his active business
life. After he retired he lived in Cortland.
He was a member of the P)aptist church, at
Solon. In politics he was a Re]niblican. He
married, September 25, 1828, Alniira Thomp-
son, born October 10. 1806, died June 25, 1896.
She was a daughter of Zenas Thompson, of
Scotch ancestry, from one of the families that
came to New England early. Children: i. Dr.
Northrop J., a dentist of Independence, Iowa:
died July 16, 1888. 2. Lyman Jr., farmer and
justice of the peace at Solon ; died January 30,
1887. 3. Hon. Rufus T., mentioned below. 4.
Charles Townley, mentioned below. 5. Dr.
Melvin D., phvsician and surgeon in the pen-
sion department at W'ashington, D. C. 6. Bur-
dett. dietl in Canada, in 1867. 7. Euphemia,
died in infancy.
(IX) Hon. Rufus T. Peck, son of Lyman
Peck, was born in Solon, December 24, 1836.
and died July 24, 1900. at .\ul)in-n. New York.
His early education w,as obtained in the com-
mon schools, and at the New York Central
College, and, for fourteen years, he was a
successful school teacher. For three years he
was in business as a general merchant in his
native town. In the fall of 1874 he was elect-
ed, on the Rejiublican ticket, to the office of
school commissioner of the northern district
of Cortland county, was reelected, and served
two terms. He was nominated again, but de-
clined a third term. He read law in the office
of Hon. R. Holland Duell, of Cortland, and
was admitted to the bar at the January term
of the supreme court, held at Albany, in 1876,
but he ])racticed law only in connection with
his own business affairs. In I'ebruary, 1876,
he became financially interested in the jiublish-
ing business of Major L. 11. Evarts, of Phila-
Sfte/den .A .9ecA
1 30'
delpliia, and the firm became Evarts & Peck,
publishers of many city and county histories
in the L^nited States.
In the fall of 1888 he was elected assembly-
man from Cortland county, and served three
terms with distinction, from 1889 to i8gi.
None of his predecessors had been honored
with three terms since the earliest years of the
county. \\ ith good reason he could regard
his legislative career with pride ami satisfac-
tion. He was one of the most industrious and
energetic, as well as one of the ablest of mem-
bers, attending promptly and faithfully to any
local business committed to him, whether by
his political friends or his opponents. ISecause
of his business training, his popularity and
great influence with fellow-legislators, he took
a, position of leadership in the assembly and
secured the jiassage of a number of important
bills, among which may be mentinued the "dis-
trict quota" bill, in accordance with which the
school money was afterward apportioned
among the school districts of the state. He
was also instrumental in securing the enact-
ment of the law making the first appropriation
for the State Normal School, at Cortland. In
1893, while Cortland was joined with C)non-
daga county in a state senatorial district, Mr.
Peck was the Republican candidate for state
senator, but was prevented from taking the
office, after election, on account of the mi.xing
of ballots between difl^erent districts in Onon-
daga county. With the vote of the districts
in which the wrong ballots were used, Mr.
Peck was elected, but without them he was
defeated and the court construed the ballot
law in such a way that the will of the ])eoplc
was defeated. In his church relations Mr.
Peck was a Baj^tist, uniting with that denomi-
nation in early manhood, and for many years
trustee of the First Baptist Church, of Cort-
land. During the last year of his life, his
health was failing, and he was in a private
sanitarium, at Auburn, at the time of death.
He married (first), June 25, 1859, Susan
Wells, born August 22. 1835, in Kings town-
ship, Ontario, Canada, and died at Cortland,
New York, August 31, 1889. He married
(second), December 14. 1892, Jeanette Dut-
ton, of Perry, Iowa. Children, all by first
wife: I. Louise N., born July 8, i860: mar-
ried William E. Albee, of Minneapolis. 2.
Arthur R., born March 28, 1862, real estate
agent and broker at Syracuse, New York;
married Carrie Aldrich, and has one son, .\ld-
rich R.. born in 1896. 3. Frank John, men-
tioned below. 4. Fred Ross, born August 28,
1869, a coal dealer in Syracuse, New York.
(X) Frank John, son of Hon. Rufus T.
Peck, was born in Aurora, province of Ontario,
Canada, March 15, 1864. When he was about
a year old, however, his parents returned to
New \''ork, and located at Solon, Cortland
county. He attentled the puljlic schools there
and at Cortland, whither the family removed
when he was ten years old. For a time he
was a student in the State Normal School. He
was in the employ of Cobb & Perkins, a whole-
sale concern, for a 3'ear. His business career
really began, however, in the National Rank of
Cortland, in which he became a clerk in 1882.
His ability and faithfulness wt)n him promotion,
and he became, in the course of time, the
cashier, a position he has filled with signal suc-
cess and discretion since 1889. He is a di-
rector in the Cortland National Bank, and
treasurer of the Warren-Tanner Dry Goods
Company, of Cortland. For two terms he was
treasurer of the incorporated village of Cort-
land. He is treasurer of the Presbyterian
church, of which he is a prominent worker.
Ill politics he is a Republican.
He married, June 10, 1894, Annie, daugh-
ter of Samuel Keator ( see Keator VIII ). They
have one child, Susan, iKirn i^eiitember 22.
( IX ) Charles Townley, son of layman Peck,
was born in Solon, September 10, 1848, died
in Cortland, February i, 1905. He was edu-
cated in the schools of Solon, also the old
academy at McCJrawville, and the Cortland
Normal School. For several years he taught
school in Solon, and was in business tiiere
later. He kept a general store anrl was post-
master. In 1882 he removed to Cortland and
began the manufacture of horse powders, in
which business he continued until his death.
For twii years he served as trustee of the
village of Cortland. He was a Republican in
|)olitics and a member of the Methodist church.
He was also a member of Cortlandville Loilgc,
I'Vee and .Accepted Masons. He married, .April
17, 1878, in Washington, D. C, Kate McClel-
land, daughter of John and Catherine Eliza-
beth (Hodgson) McClelland, of Washington.
Her father, John McOelland, was born in
Washington, and died there, in 1885, aged
sixty-nine years. He was a machinist by trade,
and had an iron foundry. He was the inven-
tor of a fire plug that is still used. In 1861
he was made captain of Company D. District
of Columbia Volunteers, and served in the
defense of Washington until relieved by the
northern troops. In 1845 he married Cath-
erme Elizabeth Hodgson, who died in 1872,
aged fifty-two years. He was the son of John
McClelland, who was bom in Londonderry,
Ireland, 1774, of Scotch parents. He came to
America and settled in Frederick, Maryland,
but, m 1800. removed to Washington, where
he was one of the first settlers. He was a
Presbyterian, was the first trustee of the old
church, which is now known as the New York
Avenue Presbyterian Church. He married
Mary Miller, of Frederick, and after his mar-
riage he and his wife started on horseback on
their wedding journey for Washington. He
died in 1845. Children of Charles Townley
Peck: I. Charles Vernon, born in Cortland,
December 6, 1882, educated in the Cortland
Normal School, now a member of the Peck
Furniture Company, of Cortland; married
August 2-], 1908, Josephine E. Pinney, of Ell-
ington, Connecticut ; one son, Charles Vernon,
born October 31, 1909. 2. Elizabeth McClel-
land, born April 27, 1886; married. Ottober
II, 1910, Willis A. Schleit, of Syracuse, New
York, assistant salesmanager for Pierce, But-
ler & Pierce, of Syracuse.
(VIII) John Peck, son of Stephen
PECK Northrop Peck (q. v.), was born
at Solon, June 10, 1823, died May
21, 1888. He succeeded to the homestead of
his father and followed farming all his active
years. In addition he owned several other
valuable farms in Solon and other real estate
in Cortland, and was a prosperous and sub-
stantial citizen. He was an active and promi-
nent member of the Baptist church. He mar-
ried, July 23, 1862, Caroline Kinney, born at
Cortland, New York, April 9, 1842, daughter
of Buel and Charlotte Ann (Leonard) Kinney.
Children: i. Lottie Maria, born July 21 i86v
married (first), February 22, 1883, John C.'
Peet; (second) Emmett Jennings, 'a druggist
of Cortland. 2. Linus W., mentioned below.
3. Miles John, mentioned below. 4. Ida Louise,
born October 4, 1871 ; married, October 4,'
1899, Earl B. Lovell, head of the engineering
department of Columbia University, New
York City. 5. Cora Etta, born March 14,
1874; married, August 13, 1896, Carlos [.Cole-
man, attorney and farmer.
(IX) Linus Willard, son of fohn Peck, was
born May 16, 1866, in Solon, New York, and
was educated in the union schools at McGraw-
ville, and at the Eastman Business College, at
Poughkeepsie, New York. When his father
died in 1888, he succeeded to the homestead,
which he still owns, and for several years he
carried on the farm. In 1894 he removed to
Cortland, New York, and afterward, in part-
nership with his brother, Miles J. Peck, en-
gaged in business there under the firm name
of Peck Brothers, dealers in all kinds of farm
machinery and implements, farm wagons and
horse furnishing goods. In 1897 the firm
established a lumber business in addition to
the other lines of trade. In 1902 Mr. Peck
withdrew from the firm and engaged in the
wholesale lumber trade and has continued suc-
cessfully to the present time, with offices at
Cortland. He has also extensive farming and
real estate interests in Cortland and vicinity.
He is a member of the Baptist church, and is
holding the office of deacon. In politics he is
a Prohibitionist. He married. Tune i, 1887,
Jennie L. Smith, born at Cortlandville, New
York. y\pril 6. 1867, daughter of Ephraim and
Louise (Henderson) Smith. Her father was
a soldier in the Union army in the civil war, a
private in Company A, One Hundred and
Fifty-seventh New York Regiment, and took
part in fourteen hard-fought engagements and
several other skirmishes. Children of Mr. and
Mrs. Peck: Lena May, born March 8, 1889:
John Carl, February i, 1895.
(IX) Miles John, son of lohn Peck, was
born in Solon, New York, RIarch 10, 1869.
He attended the district schools of his native
town and the New York Central College, at
McGrawville, New York. After the death of
his father, he had the management of five
farms belonging to the estate, comprising five
hundred and ten acres, and continued until
1893. when, owing to an injury received in a
railroad wreck while he was on his way to the
World's Fair in Chicago, he had to give up
farming. For a time he represented the Mc-
Cormick farm machinery in this section and
carried on an extensive business in that line
for several years. He sold sixty-three ma-
chines the first season and to celebrate his suc-
cess, invited his customers to a banquet and
had a parade with a brass band. He was also
for a time employed in the Cortland Foundry
and Machine Company. In 1896 he formed a
partnership with his brother, Linus W., under
the firm name of Peck Brothers. The firm
began business February i. 1896, in the store
at 97 Main street, Cortlancl, with a spacious
storehouse in the rear, deahng in agricultural
machinery, farm implements, wagons, sleighs,
horse furnishing goods and farm supplies. In
1897 the firm engaged also in the lumber busi-
ness, and, April i, 1899, moved to the armory,
on Main street. This building had a floor
space of eighty by two hundred and twenty
feet, and was divided into two departments.
The horse furnishing department, manufactory,
warerooms and office occupied a space thirty
by sixty, and the display rooms for implements,
machinery and vehicles the remainder of the
building. The lumber yard was in the rear of
this building. After ten years the firm was
dissolved and Linus W. continued in the lum-
ber business, while Miles J. was employed by
the Equitable Life Insurance Company, of
New York, for a time. He has been interested
in various other enterprises and all of them
have proved successful. He bought five hun-
dred acres of timber land in Solon, New York,
cleared it and made a handsome profit. In
1907 he bought the Wickwire farm of one
hundred and seventy-two acres, near the city
of Cortland.
Probably no dairy in Central New York is
attracting more attention from people inter-
ested in fancy stock than this. The farm was
for years in possession of the Wickwire
Brothers and was known far and near as the
"Wickwire" farm. It now enjoys just as great
prominence as the "Peck" farm, and it is an
interesting fact that at one time it was owned
by Moses Kinney, a greatgrandfather of Mr.
Having in view the creation of a model dairy
farm, Mr. Peck began at once to rearrange
and enlarge the barns, which with the erection
of three silos gives him ample room to carry
on the dairy business with the least possible
expense. With the buildings in readiness he
began the formation of a dairy that has become
famous over a wide territory. It is at the pres-
ent time composed of seventy-six grade Hol-
steins, and the amount of milk obtained from
them is enormous, as will be seen farther along
in this article. The stables are white as lime
can make them, and they are kept very neat,
a feature that counts for much in the disposal
of milk.
Sixty-eight cows are milked and the amount
they produce is the test of their value. At the
present time the yield from the sixty-eight
cows is one thousand five hundred and fifty
(|uarts, or an average of forty-nine pounds a
clay to a cow. This gives a sum total of nearly
three thousand three hundred pounds each day.
Of course some of the cows are greater pro-
ducers than others, and a few individual rec-
ords will be interesting. One of the herd gives
ninety-one pounds a day, two others eighty-
five pounds each, and fifteen others an average
of seventy pounds each, and it may be well to
state that only two milkings are made in a day.
Thirty of the cows produce an average of sixty
pounds a day, or twenty-eight forty-quart cans.
These figures seem startling, and they are
startling to one not familiar with present-day
dairying, and they place the Peck herd among
the leading dairies of the state.
The amount of feed consumed by this dairy
is another interesting feature, for to produce
such extraordinary results the cows must be
well fed and watered. In round numbers the
entire herd is given the following ration daily:
One thousand one hundred pounds of mixed
grain, one thousand pounds of cabbage, six
hundred and fifty pounds of hay and one thou-
sand five hundred and fifty pounds of ensilage.
The cows are all watered in the stalls. The
milk goes daily to McGrawville, where it is
cooled and then shipjied to New York.
To keep up the high standard of his dairy Mr.
Peck is continually buying and selling, and the
calves he hires raised to the age of three years
by outside parties whose land is not as valuable
as his is. He has customers for his stock all
over the country, and especially on Long
Island is the demand for cows from "Peck's
dairy" very great.
Notwithstanding the large amount of feed
consumed bv his stock, Mr. Peck raises an
ample supply and really has more ensilage than
he can use. Some of the land raises fine tim-
othy hay, but instead of feeding this he sells
it and buys alfalfa. What new seeding he
does is entirely to clover instead of timothy.
By rea.son of the large quantity of fertilizer he
has, the land yields heavy crops, and Mr. Peck
buys the best of seed obtainable. For instance,
last year he sent to Wisconsin for twenty-five
bushels of a species of heavy yielding oats,
paying fifty dollars, or. two dollars a bushel.
The yield on nine acres was eight hundred
bushels, while the ordinary crop of our com-
mon oats is about fifty bushels to the acre.
And now Mr. Peck is selling part of these
oats at one dollar and a half a bushel for seed.
NKW ^■()RK^
Mr. Peck has established one of the largest,
if not the largest, market of the highest grade
Holstein cattle in the state of New York.
He is a member of Vesta Lodge, Independ-
•ent Order of Odd F"ellows, and of the Baptist
church, and was sii])erintendent of the First
Baptist Church Sunday school for five years.
He married, December 26, 1889, (jertrude
M., daughter of Ephraim and Louisa (Hender-
son) Smith, of Cortland, and sister of his
brother's wife. Children : Elizabeth L., born
in Solon. 1893 ; Stanley, died aged eighteen
months; Lawrence (twin), born in Cortland,
December 18, 1902; Leslie, twin of Lawrence.
Captain James Sands, the immi-
SANDS grant ancestor, is said to have
come from Reading, Berkshire,
England. He was born in England, in 1622.
The history of Block Island asserts that he
was son of Henry Sands (Saudis or Sandys),
of Boston, the first of the name in this country,
but it ap])ears more likely that the two were
brothers. Henry was at Rowley in 1639, and
admitted a freeman October 6, 1640; returned
to Boston before 1648, when he assigned a
(|uarter interest in the ship "Welcome" ; died
in 1651. His first child was born in iC)38,
according to the records.
Captain James Sands is said to have come
first to Plymouth, in New England. The his-
tory of Block Island relates in detail the story
of his contract to build a house for the famous
Airs. Anne Hutchinson, in 1642, after she was
exiled from Boston. He abandoned the job,
after a threatening visit from the Indians, and
Mrs. Hutchinson and her entire household
were slain in the house afterward. Eastches-
ter, where the house was located, could be
reached by vessel from Long Island sound.
Sands had a grant of land next the "round
meadow," in Portsmouth, October 5, 1643, and
he bought more land in 1654. He was a free-
man in 1655, and a commissioner of Rhode
Island in 1637, but on account of illness could
not serve. He was one of the original settlers
(if lilock Island (or New Shoreham). Rhode
Island, and, in 1661, received Lot Xo. 12, in
the north part of the island, in the first division.
In 1664 he was ordered to c(jme before the
governor of Rhode Island to qualify as con-
stable or conservator of the ])eace at Block
Island, the governiuent of whicli Rhode Island
assumed. He was the first de]iuty to the gen-
eral assembly. In 1670 he and four others
were appointed to make a rate and assess taxes
there. In 1671 he sold his property at Ports-
mouth. During King Philip's war he was
assistant warden. .\ large storehouse was
garrisoned by him and the women and children
of the island gathered there for safety. Three
French privateers landed a force on the island,
July 3, 1689, plundered the inhabitants, killed
their cattle, etc., making headquarters in the
house of Sands, "which was large and ac-
comadable for their purpose and not far from
the harbor." His will, with codicil, dated Feb-
ruary 24, 1695. was proved May 6, 1695, his
wife Sarah named as executrix. To his chil-
dren he bequeathed four hundred acres of
land, fifty-six head of cattle, three hundred
sheep, horses, thirty swine, a negro woman,
house, barn, mill and considerable other per-
sonal estate. His widow Sarah gave the
negress Hannah, March 9, 1699, to her grand-
daughter, Sarah Sands, daughter of Eilward ;
the negress Sarah to granddaughter. Catherine
Niles; a negro boy to grandson. Sands Ray-
mond, and a negro girl Rose to granddaughter,
Elizabeth Raymond, the slave girls to be free at
the age of thirty, the boy at thirty-three. The
widow's will was dated October 17, 1703. and
[proved June 13, 1709, bec|ueathing considerable
personal property to children and grandchil-
dren. His gravestone is standing at Block
Island. He died March 13, 1695. He mar-
ried Sarah Walker. In religion he was a Bap-
tist and a friend of Roger Williams. He was
the first freeman on the island and the fore-
most citizen, the first deputy to the general
court and he ]irocured the citizenship of the
islanders and ])rocured the to\\'n charter. Three
of his four sons removed to Cow Neck, now
Sands Point, on Long Island on the sound,
though they kept their farms on the island and
returned every spring to shear their sheep.
Children : i. John, mentioned below. 2. Sarah,
married, February 14, 1671, Nathaniel Niles.
3. Mercy, married, .\pril 29, 1683. Joshua Ray-
mond. 4. James, married Mary Cornell ; willed
rights in (ioshen. Orange county. New York.
5. Samuel, lived at Cow Neck, will proved in
Rhode Island, 1716. 6. Edward, born 1672,
died 1708.
( II ) John, son of Captain James Sands, was
born in 1652, and died at Cow Neck, Long
Island, .March 15, 1712: married Sybil Ray,
born March 19, 1665, died December 23, 1733,
daughter of Simon and Mary (Thomas) Ray.
He was deputy to the general assembly in
1678-80-yo: captain in i()8o. and freeman in
1684. In 1696 lie removed from Block Island
to Cow Xeck. He and his wife are buried in
the famil\- lot, which he gave for the jnirpose
of a burial ground. He bought his farm at
Cow Neck, in iCk^i, of Richard Cornell, of
Rockaway, adjoining the farm of his brother,
Samuel Sands. Children : John, mentioned
below; Nathaniel, liorn 1687: Edward, i6yi ;
George, 1694: Mary, 1(197: Catherine, 1700;
Dorothy, 1703: Abigail, 1708.
(Ill) John (2), son of Captain John (2)
Sands, was born in ESlock Island, January 22,
1683-84, and died on the homestead, Cow
Neck, August 15, 1763. The gravestones of
both John and wife are preserved in the Sands
burying-ground at Cow Neck. He lived at
Cow Neck until ten years after his marriage
and then moved to the interior of Cow Neck,
where he lived until about 1733, when he re-
moved to his father's homestead, which he
purchased from his brother Nathaniel. He
married at .Newport, Rhode Island. September
9, 1706, Catherine, daughter of Robert (iuth-
rie. She was born on Pdock Island, June 24,
1690, and died at Cow Neck, February 10,
1769. His will was dated February 27, 1759,
and was proved September 30, 1763. Chil-
dren (authority. Bunker's "Long Island Gene-
alogies") : I. John, born 1708; married (first),
in 1734, Elizabeth Sands; (second), 1736, Eliz-
abeth Cornell. 2. Robert, December 26, 17 10;
died unmarried, Ajjril 12, 1735. 3. Edward,
January 17, 1711-12; ancestor of all the pres-
ent families of this surname on Block Island.
4. Mary, 1715, died March 15, 1724. 3. George,
1717, died young probabl}' (not the George
who died January 15, 1777). 6. Anne, March
16, 1719; married (first) Christopher Dean;
(second) David Brooks. 7. Nathaniel, No-
vember 30, 1721, died 1783: married Alercy
Sands. 8. Joshua, March 22, 1725, died 1787.
9. Simon, July 12, 1727, died 1782: married
(first) Catherine Tredwell, (second) Sarah
Sands. 10. ("lideon, October 22, 1729; married
Mary Sands. 11. Mary, born about 1731-32;
married Samuel Gifford. 12. George, men-
tioned below. 13. Benjamin, November, 1735,
died 1824; married Mary Jackson. (Some
records from "Descent of Comfort Sands").
(I\') George, son of John (2) Sands, was
b(.irn .April 17, 1733, at Sand I'oint, and died
in Middletown, Delaware county. New York,
August 8, 1816. He married Jemima, daugh-
ter of Abel and Ruth Smith. He settled" at
Middletown, Delaware county, where he fol-
lowed farming. Among his children was Abel,
mentioned below.
(\') Abel, son of George Sands, was born
.\pril 9, 1758, and died at Middletown, New
York, June 11, 1821. He married Elizabeth
llrooks, of Poughkeejisie, New York, and she
died September 8, 1825, aged fifty-seven years.
Children: Edward; Isaac: (ieorge H., men-
tioned below, and several daughters.
( \T ) ( ieorge H., son of Abel Sands, was
born in Middletown, June 5. 1792, and died
there, February 24, 1849. He was educated
in the district schools and followed farming.
He was also a general merchant, postmaster of
the town, and justice of the peace. In his
younger days he was active and prominent in
the state militia, rising to the rank of colonel
in command of his regiment. He was espe-
cially zealous in promoting the welfare and
assisting in the development of the town and
region in which he lived. l:>y his first wife,
he had several children. He married (second)
Jane, daughter of Samuel and ( Yaple)
Smith, born May 4. 1817. She is now living
with her son in Cortlan ', at the advanced age
of ninety-four years. Children of second wife:
I. Ellen Jane, living with her brother, George
S. Sands. 2. George S. (posthumous), men-
tioned below. Jane (Smith) Sands married
(second) Chancy Keator, by whom she had
two children: Mary .'\Iida, deceased wife of
William J. Walker, and Livia Elizabeth, wife
of Clark Olds, of Erie, Pennsylvania.
( YII ) Hon. George Smith Sands, son of
George H. Sands, was born in Middletown,
August 19, 1849, and attended the public
schools there. Pie was afterward a student at
Andes Collegiate Institute, Andes, Delaware
county, and Delaware Academy, at Delhi, New
York; in 1867-68 he attended the Cortland-
ville .Academy, and in the winter of i868-6() he
was employed in the First National Bank of
Cortland, whither the family removed in April,
1867. The experience and training he received
in the bank he found of incalculable value to
him in later years. At the opening of the
State Normal School, in Cortland, he was en-
rolled as one of the first students, and he pur-
sued the classical course there until May, 1870,
when, deciding to study law, he became a stu-
dent in the office of M. M. Waters, Esq. In
due course he was admitted to the bar, No-
vember, 1873. During the vacation of 1869
he was employed in the large store of James
S. Squires & Company. In 1873 he was elect-
ed town clerk, holding the office for two years ;
in 1876 he was elected justice of the peace, and
reelected in 1880, serving for six years and
executing the important duties of this office as
magistrate and member of the town board with
fidelity and ability. He resigned in 1883, in order
to devote his entire attention to his practice,
which had grown rapidly in the meantime. In
politics Mr. Sands has always been a Repub-
lican. In 1896 he was prominently mentioned
as one of the candidates for the Republican
nomination for justice of the supreme court,
in the sixth judicial district. Mr. Sands re-
luctantly accepted the nomination for member
of assembly at the convention in 1898, when
the party was divided by factional strife, and
was elected. In recognition of his services as
a wise and able legislator he was renominated
the following year, and was reelected by a
united party. In the legislature he supported
all party measures, although he disagreed with
the majority of his party in some very import-
ant measures on which caucus action was not
taken. As a member of the committee on
codes, claims and federal relations, he was re-
quired to devote much of his time to the pre-
liminary examination of proposed laws and he
became known as one of the few who gave
such work conscientious attention. Codes com-
mittee stands fourth in the list of importance
in the assembly. In his second term he served
on the special statutory revision committee,
judiciary and other important committees. He
is trustee of Cortland Savings Bank.
Mr. Sands is a member of Cortlandville
Lodge of Free Masons, No. 470; of Cortland
Chapter, No. 194, Royal Arch Masons ; and
has served several terms as master of his lodge
and has been assistant grand lecturer in this
district. His home is on Main street, Cort-
land. He is unmarried.
The surname Phelps is a varia-
PHELPS tion of the spelling of Phillips,
meaning son of Philip, in the
case of the original ancestor using it. The
spelling of the surname has been varied and a
number of different family names are traced
to the same origin. One family of the Phelps
claims to be descended from the Guelph fam-
ily of Germany, to which Queen Victoria be-
longed, but no proof in the records has been
found to establish the claims. Some branches
of the American family of Phelps are descend-
ed from the ancient Phelps family of Tewks-
bury, Gloucestershire, England. The ancient
coat-of-arms is described thus : Sable, lion
chained and rampant. Various branches of
the family bear coats-of-arms in England.
(I) James Phelps, progenitor of most of
the Americans of this surname, was born about
1520, and is supposed to have been a brother
of Francis Phylppe, of Nether Tyne, Stafford-
shire, England. He married Joan , who
was given permission to administer on his
estate. May 10, 1588. Children, baptized in
the Tewksbury AblDcy Church, England : Will-
iam, August 4, 1 560, mentioned below ; Thomas,
August 10, 1563; George (Giles), September
5, 1566; Alice, December 24, 1572, married,
June 21, 1595, John Hope; Edward, May 10,
1578; Keneline, October 16, 1580; Richard,
October 16, 1583: Robert, July 18, 1594; Nich-
(II) William, son of James Phelps, was
baptized at Tewksbury Church, August 4,
1560, died probably in 161 1. He married Dor-
othy , who administered his estate, and
died in 1613. Children, baptized at Tewks-
bury: Mary, September 4, 1587, died young;
Mary, April 23, 1588; Thomas, June 24. 1590;
Dorothy, February 29, 1595; William, August
19, 1599; James, July 14, 1601 ; Elizabeth,
May 9, i<x)3; George, mentioned below.
(III) George, son of William Phelps, was
born at Tewksbury, England, about 1606. He
came to New England with his brother Will-
iam, sailing from Plymouth, England, March
20, 1630, in the ship "Mary and John," four
hundred tons. Captain Squab, with one hun-
dred and forty passengers; and landing at Nan-
tasket. now Hull, Massachusetts. He was one
of the original thirty settlers at Dorchester
with his brother, and was a member of Rev.
Mr. Warham's church. He had a grant of six
acres of land there, January. 1632. He was
elected one of ten men to order the affairs of
the colony for one year. He was admitted a
freeman. May 6, 1635. In the fall of 1635 he
was one of the founders of Windsor, Con-
necticut. His home there was at the junction
of Farmington and Great rivers, the latter
now the Connecticut, the second lot south of
Lonmis property, and a very desirable farm.
He had an orchard of a thousand trees. He
married (first), in 1637, Philury, daughter of
Phili]) Randall. Her father was born in Eng-
land, and emigrated to New England in the
shi]) "Mary and John" with his father. Good-
man Randall, was in Dorchester in 1630, and
in Windsor in 1635. She was a member of
Rev. Mr. Warham's church, and died in Wind-
sor, April 29, 1648. He married (second)
Widow Frances Dewey, November 16, 1648.
Her first husband was Joseph Clark. He re-
moved to Westfield, Massachusetts, in 1670,
and was a juror at Hartford and Springfield.
His will is dated June 6, 1687. Children of
first wife, born at Windsor: Isaac, August 26,
1638 ; Child, died 1647 ; Abraham, January 22,
.1641; Child, died 1647; Abigail, died 1649;
Joseph, born June 24, 1647. Children of sec-
ond wife: Jacob, February 7, 1650, mentioned
below; John, February 15, 1651-52; Nathaniel,
December 9, 1653.
(IV) Jacob, son of George Phelps, was born
in Windsor, February 7, 1650. He married,
May 2, 1673, Dorothy, daughter of lohn and
Dorothy (Lord) Ingersoll, born Hartford,
1654; died Westfield, Massachusetts. Her
father, John Ingersoll, came from England to
Hartford, in 165 1, and was of Northampton,
Massachusetts, 1666; Westfield, 1668-69. He
married three times. Dorothy Lord was the
daughter of Thomas Lord, gentleman, and
Dorothy , of England, and was one of
the first and most prominent families of Hart-
ford. Jacob Phelps settled in Westfield, and
died there, October 6, 1689. His widow mar-
ried second Mr. Root. Children, born in West-
field : Dorothy, October 18, 1674, died Febru-
ary 2, 1675 ; Dorothy, May 20, 1675 ; Hannah,
November 26, 1677; Israel, April 3, 1681 ;
Benjamin, January 8, 1683-84; Joseph, August
5, 1686; Jedediah, mentioned below.
(V) Jedediah, son of Jacob Phelps, was
born m Westfield, December 7, 1688. He mar-
ried Elizabeth Janes, who died in Lebanon
Connecticut, April 10, 1757. He settled in
Lebanon, with three of his brothers, and from
1708 to 171 1 the land records show several
purchases of real estate in Lebanon. He died
there, February 13, 1752. Children, born in
Lebanon: Elizabeth, December 3, 1709; Abi-
gail, November 4, 1710; Jacob, April 16, 1713;
Paul, mentioned below; Silas, January 27,'
1720; Jeremiah. June 26, 1724; Lucy, June
26, 1725; Jedediah, June 20, 1727.
(VI) Paul, son of Jedediah Phelps, was
born m Lebanon, April 25, 1717. He was a
farmer by occupation, and settled in Lebanon,
where he died April 13, 1752. He married,
December 11, 1740, Jerusha, born in Lebanon,
December 6, 1720, died there, March 17, 1752,
daughter of William and Mercy (Bailey)
Dewey. Children, born in Lebanon : Jemima,
August 13, 1741; Zerviah, October 8, 1742;
Jerusha, May 29, 1744; Lurany, August 30,
1746, died young; Paul, October 19, 1748,
mentioned below; Lurany, January 14, 1751.
(VII) Paul (2), son of Paul (i) Phelps,
was born in Lebanon, October 19, 1748. He
married (first) Zerviah, daughter of John and
Sarah (Huntington) Calkins. He married
(second) Theodosia Root. He settled first in
Lebanon, and after the death of his first wife
removed to Mansfield, Connecticut. Thence
he went to Westfield, Massachusetts, and then
to Pennsylvania, where he died. He is re-
ferred to in the will of his father, dated No-
vember 22, 1762. The Mansfield town records
give the baptism of Jedediah, October 3, 1784,
with the foregoing six children, "all of the
household of Paul and Zerviah Phelps." Chil-
dren, born at Lebanon: Anna, September i,
1768: Simeon, October 4, 1771 ; Zerviah, No-
vember 16, 1773; Elijah, October I, 1775. Chil-
dren, born at Westfield: John, May 18, 1779;
Solomon, April 25, 1781 ; Jedediah, baptized
October 3, 1784; Paul, baptized May 21, 1786,
according to Mansfield church records, men-
tioned below.
(VIII) Paul (3), son of Paul (2) Phelps,
was born in Alansfield, January 30, 1786. He
settled first in Shaftsbury, Vermont, and later
in Palmyra and Walworth, Wayne county,
New York. He traveled on the road with a
tin peddler's cart for many years, and was also
a farmer. He married, February 21, 1809.
Freelove Wait, born October 5, 1785. Chil-
dren: Phebe, born December 29, 1809; Per-
milia, August 12, 181 1 ; Philinda, August 9,
1812, married Orswin Shapley ; Philo, men-
tioned below; Lucy Ann, April 25, 1818, mar-
ried Wooster Howard ; Lyman, December 27,
1819; William Bowen, June 14, 1822; Arsena
Ann, September 24, 1825 ; Henry fames, De-
cember 5, 1827, died June 7, 1828."
(IX) Philo, son of Paul (3) Phelps, was
born September 14, 1815, at Shaftsbury, Ver-
mont, died in Cortland, New York, September
6, 1886. He is supposed to have come to Cort-
land with his parents when quite young. He
received a common school education, and
worked for the Cadeys in Dryden, New York,
for a number of years. He came to Cortland
before the railroads were built there, and did
contract teaming and trucking. He also dealt
in butter and jjroduce, which he took over the
road to Albany. Syracuse and Binghamton.
He was actively engaged in this work until
within two years of his death. He was a Re-
publican in politics. He married, September
I), 1837, Rachel, daughter of Royal and Eunice
( .\twater) Shapley, born in X'irgil, New York,
June 2y, 1814, died June 17, 1892. Children:
I. Andrew S., born September 2";, 1838, soldier
in the civil war; lives in Joliet, Illinois, manu-
facturer. 2. Mary E., \\>r\\ 8, 1840, deceased.
3. William E., October 21, 1841, deceased. 4.
.Amanda J., June 5, 1843, ^Hed March g, 1844.
3. ISyron M., November 30. 1843, with Ijenton
Lumber Company, Cortland; married, i8fi8,
Nellie Barber; children: Herbert J., born ( )c-
tober 7, 1870: Webb Barber, June 3, 1881,
married Nettie .\. Waldo, daughter, Lucy G.,
born March 28, 1908. 6. Frances A., October
18, 1847, died September 7, 1904; married
(first) Patrick Mallory, (second) James E.
Lombard. 7. John Hoiuer, mentioned below.
8. Frank A., l^^bruary 14, 1834, mentioned
below. 9. Emily L., November 6, 1838; mar-
ried L. R. Lewis.
(X) John Homer, son of I'hilo I 'helps, was
born in Cortland, August 13. 1849. He was
educated in the district schools and at Cortland
Academy. As a young man he worked on a
farm, and learned the trade of carpenter. He
worked at the latter trade for some years,
went to work for the Benton Lumber Com-
pany, of Cortland, in 1879, and has been with
them since. He is the superintendent and
foreman of the plant, and a stockholder in the
company. He has been chief engineer of the
fire department in Cortland and was its first
paid chief. He is a member of the Methodist
church. He married, June 29, 1874, Olive L.
Hakes, born in Fabins, New York, June 22,
1 83 1, daughter of Jesse and Catherine (Jones)
Hakes. Children : i . Nora, born March f), 1875,
lives at home. 2. Earl M., October 30, 1876,
mentioned below. 3. Bertha Lazette, October
18, 1882, died March, 1883. 4. PVances, Sep-
tember 13, 1883: married Delmer S. Rowe. of
Cortland ; son, John Phelps. 5. Jesse Hakes,
mentioned below.
(NI) I'larl M., son of John Homer Phelps,
was born in Cortland, October 30, 1876, and
was educated in the public schools of Cortland,
and in the Normal School there. He also took
a course in dairy husbandry at Cornell Uni-
versity, and then went into the milk business
in Cortland. He handles also butter, cheese
and eggs, and has continued in the business for
about ten years. He is a member of Cortland-
ville Lodge, No. 470, Free and .Accepted
Masons, of Cortland. In religion he is a Meth-
odist. He married. December, 1902, Jessie
Price, born in Liverpool, New York, May 24,
1874, daughter of William Joshua Taylor and
Mary .Ann (Leii-f) Price. Her father was
" born in Poulshot. Wiltshire, England, Septem-
ber 10, 1839, came to America in 1846, with
his parents, returned to England, and, in 1855,
returned to America again. He served through
the civil war and now lives in Liverpool, New
York. He married Mary .Ann Leifif, of Liver-
])Ool, New York, born February 27, 1845, died
December 5, 1901. Their children were: Lil-
lian, Sidney and Jessie. Children of Earl M.
Phelps : Clarion, born December 20, 1903 ;
Earl M., October i. 1903; Florence. May 23,
1907 ; John Homer, January 22, 1909.
(XI) Jesse Hakes, son of John Homer
Phelps, was born in Cortland, May 3, 1887.
He received his education in the public schools,
the Cortland high school and the Cortlaufl
Business College and began his business career
in the employ of his brother in the dairy and
produce business. In December, 1909, he en-
tered the insurance business, and, in January,
lyio, was appointed general agent of the North
.American Insurance Company, a position he
now holds. He is a member of Cortland City
Lodge. Knights of Pythias. In politics he is
an indeiiendent, and in religion a Methodist.
He married, July 13, 1903, Lillian M. Howard,
born at Cortland, New A'ork, September 23,
1884, daughter of William .A. and Catherine
(Plulbert) Howard. Children : John Howard,
born February 14, 1908 ; Olive Katherine. July
8, 19 10.
( X ) Frank .Augustus, youngest son of Philo
Phelps, was born at Cortland, New York, Feb-
ruary 14, 1834. He attended the public schools
of his native town, the Cortlandvillc .Academy
and the State Normal School, at Cortland. Dur-
ing his youth he worked on his father's farm
and he learned the trade of blacksmith when a
young man. He was a clerk for four years
in stores at Scranton, Pennsylvania; Auburn
and Cortland, New York. For twenty-five
vears he w'as em])loyed in the H. F. Benton
LumbfT Company mill, manufacturing sash
and blinds. Since 1002 he has been in the
employ of the United .States government, being
a niral free delivery carrier of mails from the
Cortland post office. He has always taken a
keen interest in politics and has served the
town as collector of taxes, and city as super-
visor in sixth ward two terms. He resigned
the office of supervisor to accept his present
office in the mail service. He has heen chair-
man of the Republican village committee. In
religion he is a Baptist, an active member and
deacon of the First Baptist Church, of Cort-
land. For four years he was superintendent
of the Sunday school, and for seven years a
trustee, most of that time being chairman of
the board. His home is in Cortland.
He married. September y. 1874, Harriet Lu-
ella \"an Buren, born in Cortland. Xovember
26, 1853, daughter of John Calvin Van Buren,
born April 25. 1834, died May 2, 1906, and
Rosalthea M. (Chaffee) Van Buren, born April
3. 1837. died July 17, 1910. Moses \'an Buren,
father of John Calvin \"an Buren, was born
.April 4. iSti. died June 2. 1876, married. Feb-
ruary 9, 1832, Anna Maria Baker, born March
20, 1812, died Xovember 11, 1870. Dow \'an
Buren, father of Moses \'an Buren, was born
March 15, 1781, died March 24. 1856, married
Maria Gardner, born May 7, 1781. died Janu-
ary 25, 1854. Children of Mr. and Mrs.
Phelps: I. Henry Emmett, born September 29,
1873, a gas fitter and plumber in Irvington.
Xew Jersey: married, September 8, 1897, Flor-
ence Foote, of Ithaca. New York, born .April
-?• '879: child, Margaret Beatrice, born Jul>'
7. i8<;9, in Cortland. 2. Millicent Louise, born
November 14. 1880: married, September 1.
ic^oq. Floyd Eugene McAllister, of the firm
of John McAllister & Son, commission mer-
chants of Cortland. 3. Robert .Arthur, born
November 15, 1884, now with the I'ough-
keepsie Light, Heat and Power Company.
Poughkeepsie, .Xew York; married. June 2(»,
1907, Katherine T. Uniacke. of Poughkeepsie.
4. Frank Eugene, born April 9, 1887. a plumber
by trade : married Jessie Whiting, December
31, 1907. 5. Benjamin Harrison, born April
10, 1889, lives with his parents; has been in the
government mail service since he was seven-
teen, first as substitute postman, and, since
190S, as regular carrier.
(Ill) William (2) Phelps, son
PHELPS of William (i) Phelps (q. v.),
was baptized in Tewksbury Ab-
bey Church, Tewksbury, England. August 19,
1599. There is no record of his wife or date
of his marriage. He lived for a time in Tewks-
bury, however, and his first child was born
there. Shortly afterwards, he removed to one
of the southern counties, and, March 20, 1630,
with his wife, six children and brother George,
emigrated to New England in the ship "Mary
and John." This ship carried one hundred
and forty passengers, who had been organized
into a church before sailing. They landed at
-Xantasket, now Hull, Massachusetts, May 30.
1^130, and settled in Dorchester, the first settlers
and founders of that town. William Phelps
took an active jiart in town affairs and was
made freeman during the first six months. No-
vember 9. 1630, he was one of a jury of twelve,
at tiie first jury trial in the New England
colony. September 2J. i')3i. he was chosen
constable; May 9, 1632, one of a committee
of sixteen, chosen by the colony to see about
the raising of a public stock. In 1635 he was
a delegate to the general court. He was sev-
eral times apjiointed. with others, to lay out
and settle the bounrls between towns. In 1635
Rev. Mr. Warliam, with sixty of his church
in Dorchester, removed to the settling of Wind-
sor, Coimecticut. Among his followers were
William Phelps and his family, and brother
( ieorge.
From the beginning, William Phelps took
a prominent place in the town of Windsor,
ajid, March 3, 1636, was one of seven com-
missioners a]3pointetl to govern the new colony,
then under the control of the Massachusetts
Company. In 1638 the settlers of Windsor,
Wethersfield and Hartford met at the latter
place, and adopted a constitution for the Con-
necticut colony, now declared to be outside
the jurisdiction of Massachusetts. This docu-
ment was drawn up by the presiding magis-
trate, Roger Ludlow, with the assistance of the
magistrates, of whom William Phelps was one.
He held the office of magistrate from 1639 to
1643, 1656 to 1662. He was also deputy in
1651. Many records of purchase and sale of
land by him are to be found in the land records
of Windsor. He was one of the most promi-
nent and highly respected men in the colonv,
and was accorded the title of Mr., given only
to people of distinction. His first wife died
in 1O35. and he married (second), in 1638,
Mary Dover, one of the ])assengers on the ship
"Mary and John," and a member of the Dor-
chester and Windsor church. He died in
Windsor, July 14, 1672, and his wife, Novem-
ber 27, 1675. Children of first wife, born in
England: Richard, baptized in Tewksburv. De-
cember 26, 1619; William, born 1620; Sarah,
1623; Samuel, 1625; Nathaniel, 1627; Joseph,
1629. Children of second wife : Timothy, born
in Windsor, mentioned below ; Mary, born in
Windsor, March 2, 1644.
(IV) Lieutenant Timothy Phelps, son of
William (2) Phelps, was born in Windsor,
September i, 1639, died in 17 19. He lived in
Windsor, on the old homestead, on land pur-
chased by his father from the Indians. He
was freeman, May 2, 1664. He was chosen
lieutenant of the train band in Windsor, May,
1690, and captain, May, 1696. He was ap-
pointed a lieutenant by the general court, in
1709, and served in Queen Anne's war, under
Colonel William Whiting, Captain Matthew
Allyn's company. He married, March 19,
1661, Mary, daughter of Edward Griswold, of
Killingworth, Connecticut, born in Windsor,
baptized October 13, 1644, died before her
husband. Children, born in Windsor: Timo-
thy, November i, 1663; Joseph, September 27,
1666, mentioned below; William, February 4,
1669; Cornelius, April 26, 1671 ; Mary, Au-
gust 14, 1673; Samuel, January 29, I'^VS • ■^'''"
thaniel, January 7, 1677; Sarah. December 27,
1679; Abigail, June 3, 1682; Hannah, August
2, 1684; Anne, October 2, 1686: Martha, No-
vember 12, 1688.
(V) Joseph, son of Timothy Phelps, was
born in Windsor, September 27, 1666, died
August 30. 1 7 16. He married, November 18,
1686, Sarah, daughter of John and Phillury
(Thrall) Hosford, born in Windsor, Septem-
ber 27, 1666, died probably in Hebron. Her
father was a man of considerable property for
those times, and left her on his death, one hun-
dred pounds. Joseph Phelps settled first in
Windsor, but removed about 17 10 to Hebron,
where he owned a large amount of land. Chil-
dren, born in Windsor: Sarah, August 14,
1687; Mary, June 8, 1689; Joseph, March 16,
1692; Abigail, October 15, 1693. died young;
Edward, 1697 ; Benoni, June 24, 1699, prob-
ably died young; John, September 20, 1703,
mentioned below; Abel, February 19, 1705;
Daniel, March 28, 1707; Ichabod, April 3,
1708; Jonathan, 1710; Abigail, December,
(VI) John, son of Jose])h Phelixs, was bom
in Windsor, September 20, 1703, died in Heb-
ron, iH'bruary 10, 1769. He married (first)
Anna, daughter of Obadiah and Mindwell
(Phelps) Hosford (of line of George Phelps),
I'ebruary 11 or 14, 1725. She was born in
Windsor, February 2t,, 1705, died in Hebron,
in 1740. He married (second), 1742, Mind-
well Hosford, sister of his first wife. Chil-
dren of first wife, born in Hebron : Aaron,
March 25, 1728-29, died April 7, 1743; Anna,
March 25, 1728-29; John, September 27, 1730,
mentioned below; Sarah. October 4, 1733;
Amos. May 30, 1736; Roger, December 24,
1738. Children of second wife: Aaron, March
31, 1743; Mindwell, 1744; Sarah, March 30,
1745; Nathan, 1750, died young, unmarried.
(VII) Sergeant John (2) Phelps, son of
John ( I ) Phelps, was born in Hebron, Sep-
tember 27, 1730, died there. He served as a
soldier in the revolution. Fourth Connecticut
Regiment, Colonel John Durkee, Captain Hin-
man's company, for three years. He was made
sergeant, August 27, 1778, discharged March
14, 1780. He was for a time under (General
Sullivan in New York, and after his discharge
soon reenlisted. He was a farmer by occupa-
tion and settled in Hebron. He married, Janu-
ary 16, 1755. in Lebanon, Deborah Dewey,
born in Lebanon, died in Hebron. Children,
born in Hebron: Anna, November 12, 1755;
John, r)ctober 19, 1757; Obadiah, January 21.
1759; Jared, October 15, 1760: Norman, No-
vember 8, 1763; Nathan, December 31, 1765,
mentioned below ; Benjamin, February 3, 1768;
Dudley, March 8, 1771 ; Keziah, June 10, 1773;
Sarah, June 10, 1778.
(VIII) Nathan, son of Sergeant John (2)
Phelps, was born in Hebron, December 31.
1765, died in I'ecket, Massachusetts, Novem-
ber 5, 1841. He married, April C), 1786, Abi-
gail Fuller, born Hebron, November 25, 1766,
died in Becket, April J, 1853. She was a sis-
ter of his brother Jared's wife. He settled in
Becket. Children, born in Becket: Cynthia,
January 16, 1787; Abigail, July 19, 1789, died
August 18. 1791 ; Abigail, May 26, 1791 ;
Alvah, June 5, 1793, died August 22, 1793;
Nathan, August 19, 1794: Elizabeth, June 3,
1797; Harvey, March 19, 1800; Dudley, June
10, 1802, died .\ugust 9, 1S17; Denise, Octo-
ber 5, 1804; Benjamin, July 14, 1807; Alvah.
August 2, 1810; Gideon, mentioned below.
(IX) Gideon, .son of Nathan Phelps, died
in Triangle, New York, about 1871. The gene-
alogy does not give his name in the list of chil-
dren. He was a farmer at Triangle, Broome
county. He married Martha . Chil-
dren: Rudolphus, Harvey, Dudley, Philip;
Seth, mentioned below ; Baruch.
(X) Seth, son of Gideon Phelps, was born
in Triangle, August 22, 1836, died December
14, 1910. He was educated in the district
schools of his native town and afterward
taught school there. In later years he fol-
lowed farming for his occupation. He was a
member of the Baptist church of Triangle and
for many years superintendent of its Sunday
school. In politics he was a Republican. He
married, April 14, 1858, Caroline Brockett,
born May, 1836, in Chenango county, daugh-
ter of Willis and Martha (Hubbard ) Brockett.
Children : Theodore, mentioned below ; Carrie,
October 28, 1862, married (first) George Har-
rison, of Smithville, New York, and had one
child, Rollin T., married (second) Edward J.
Jones, of Triangle, a farmer ; Eugene, born
March 17, 1870, contractor, living in Staten
Island, New York; Mary D., twin of Eugene,
a school teacher.
(XI) Theodore, son of Seth Phelps, was
born in Triangle, Broome county, New York,
November 11, 1859. He attended the public
and select schools of his native town. He fol-
lowed the lumber business for three years in
Broome and Chenango counties, for nine years
carried on farming in Triangle, and for nine
years was in the retail grocery business in
Itaska, Broome county, New York. In 1905
he came to Homer. New York, and since then
has been engaged in the grocery business in
that town with abundant success. Since 1905
he has been postmaster of Little York. He
married. May 18, 1887, Hattie Edson, of Wind-
sor, Broome county. New York, daughter of
Charles and Chloe (Edwards) Edson. Chil-
dren: Helen E., born September 23, 1890, a
student of Syracuse University ; Genevieve I.,
October 18, i893,attendingHomer high school.
The pedigree of this family traces
ADAMS the ancestor, according to one ac-
count, to Ap Adam, the father of
John, or Lord Ap Adam, who was called to
parliament by Edward I., as Baron of the
Realm, from 1296 to 1301, and states that he
came out of the Marches or Borders of Wales
into Devonshire. This statement has been dis-
credited by genealogists, though proof of error
seems as much wanting as proof of correct-
ness. If correct, the lineage includes kings of
England and France, and goes back to Charle-
(I) Henry Aflams, immigrant ancestor, was
bom in England, and came from Braintree,
England, to Braintree, Massachusetts, about
1632-33. He was allotted forty acres of
land for the ten persons in his family, Feb-
ruary 24, 1639-40. President John Adams,
a descendant, believed that Henry Adams
came from Devonshire, and erected a monu-
ment to him in the old burying-ground at
Braintree, now Quincy, with this inscription,
"In memory of Henry Adams, who took flight
from the Dragon persecution in Devonshire,
England, and alighted with eight sons near
Mount Wallaston. One of the sons returned
to England ; and after taking time to explore
the country, four removed to Medfield, and
two to Chelmsford. C)ne only, Joseph, who lies
here at his left hand, remained here — an orig-
inal proprietor in the township of Braintree."
The monument commemorates "the piety, hu-
mility, simplicity, prudence, patience, temper-
ance, frugality, industry and perseverance" of
tlie Adams ancestors.
President John Quincy Adams, however,
dissented from the conclusion of his father
that Henry Adams was from Devonshire. Sav-
age agrees with the younger Adams that the
immigrant was from Braintree, county Essex,
England, and some of the sons were from
Chelmsford, in that county. It is generally be-
lieved that the wife of Henry Adams returned
to luigland. with the daughter L'rsula, and
died there. Henry Adams died at Braintree,
October 6, 1646, and was buried on the 8th.
In his will, proved June 8, 1647, he mentions
sons Peter, John, Joseph, Edward, Samuel,
and daughter L'rsula. Children, born in Eng-
land: Lieutenant Henry, born 1604, married,
November 17, 1643. in Braintree, Elizabeth
Paine, settled in Medfield ; Lieutenant Thomas,
1616; Captain Samuel, 1617; Deacon Jona-
than, 1619; Peter, 1622; John, about 1624;
Joseph, 1626; Ensign Edward, mentioned
(II) Ensign Edward Adams, son of Henry
Adams, was born in 1630, in England, and
came with his parents to Braintree, Massa-
chusetts, in 1632 or 1633. He settled with
three other brothers, in Medfield, Massachu-
setts. He was ensign and selectman and repre-
sented the town in the general court in 1689-
92-1702. He died November 12, 1716, in Med-
field, "the last of the original settlers." He
married (first), 1652, Lydia, daughter of Rich-
ard and Agnes (Bicknell) Rockvvood. She
died March 3, 1676-77: he married (second),
1678, Widow Abigail (Craft) Ruggles.of Rox-
bury. Massachusetts, who died in 1707; mar-
ried (third). January 0, 1709-10, Sarah Tay-
lor. Children, born in Medfield: Lydia, born
July 12. 1653 ; Captain Jonathan. April 4. 1653 :
John. I'"ebruary 18. if>57-S^- Elias, February
18. 1658-39. married a great-granddaughter of
Miles Standish ; Sarah. May 29. 1660; Lieu-
tenant James. January 4. 1661-62; Henry. Oc-
tober 29. 1663. mentioned below; Mehitable.
March 30. 1665; Elisha. August 25, 1666; Ed-
ward, June 28. 1668; Ijethia, April 12, 1670,
died 1672; Bethia. August 18. 1672. died
young ; Abigail. June 25, 1673, died young :
Miriam, February 26, 1676-77, died young.
(Ill) Henry (2), son of Ensign Edward
Adams, was born October 29. 1663. in Med-
field. lie married (first), December 10. 1(^191.
Patience, daughter of Thomas and Mar)'
( Wight ) Ellis. She was born February 22,
166S-69, died 1693. He married (second).
1697-98, in Providence. Rhode Island, Ruth
Ellis, sister of Patience, born October 31. 1670.
He married (third) }klrs. Hannah Adams, at
Canterbury, Connecticut. He removed first
to Providence, where he married his second
wife, and had several children born. Thence
he removed to Canterbury, about 1706, where
he spent the remainder of his life. He died
there. June 22, 1749. His last wife. Hannah,
died Alarch 20. 1748-49. His will was made
Sejitemher 10. 1748. and ])roved July 21. 1749.
He be(|ueathed to his wife the goods she
brought with her for her three daughters,
names his three sons. David, Solomon and
Ebenezer, giving to the first mentioned twenty
pounds, and to the other two. ten pounds each.
To his three daughters. Hannah Burnap. Ruth
Kingaley and Patience, he gave four hundred
pounds in bills of credit. A residue of his
property was to go to Henry and Jose])h. and
liis son David and son-in-law, .Abraham Bur-
nap, were named as executors. Children, born
in Medfield, of first wife: David, September
3, 1692; Hannah, February 21, 1693-94. Chil-
dren of second wife, born in Providence: Solo-
mon, April 23, 1699; Henry, October 14, 1700:
Ruth, Ai)ril 10, 1702; Ebenezer (twin), Feb-
ruary I I. 1704: Patience (twin) ; Joseph, men-
tioned below.
( I\' ) Joseph, soTi of Henry (2) .Xdams.
was born in Providence. July 28. 1706. died in
New Marlborough, Massachusetts, October.
1769. He settled in New Marlborough, and
was one of the five jjcrsons who formed the
first church in that town. He married, 1738,
Miriam, daughter of Moses and Mary (John-
son) Cleveland, born January 30, 1718-19, died
in New Marlborough, June 18, 1766. Her
father. Closes Cleveland, had a brother Aaron,
who was the father of Grover Cleveland. Her
mother was Mary (Johnson) Cleveland, daugh-
ter of Obadiah Johnson, of Canterbury. Con-
necticut. Children, born in Canterbury: .Mary.
September 2ji„ 1738: Aaron, .April 14. 1741,
died young: Huldah. June 26, 1743. jjorn in
•New Marlborough: Captain Simon, March 12,
1746, a soldier in the revolution; Corporal
Moses. November 30. 1748. mentioned below;
Henry. September 30. 1750; Sergeant Zebe-
diah. July 5. 1733. soldier in the revolution;
Alice. December 8. 1733 ; Joseph. April 3. 1758.
died August 18. 1858; Aaron. July 20. 1761,
soldier in the revolution.
( \' ) Moses, son of Joseph Adams, was born
in New Marlborough, November 30. 1748. He
was a soldier in the revolution, enlisted from
Lenox. Massachusetts, corporal in Captain
.'foul's company. .April ig. 1773. served seven-
teen days; enlisted May 8. 1773. Captain Noah
.Allen's company. Colonel Edward Wiggles-
worth's regiment, served one month, one day;
reported dead, August, 1777, at Valley Forge.
He married .Ann Willard, a sister of Dr. Will-
iam W^illard. Children, born in Lenox : Nor-
man, died young of yellow fever, at Philadel-
phia ; Moses, born about 1772-73. mentioned
below; Captain Lyman. April 12. 1773.
(\'l) Moses (2). son of Moses (i ) Adams,
was born in Lenox, about 1^/2-7^, died in
Wayne county. New York, in 1842. He mar-
ried Sylvia Johnson, who died December 5.
1832. aged seventy-five,, He removed from
Lenox to L^nion (now Lisle), Broome county.
New York. Children, born in L^nion (now
Lisle): Norman. .August 10. 1794; Charles,
June 14. 1707; Louisa. March 7. 1798; Har-
riet. Sejitcmber 24. 1799; Closes. January 10.
1802. mentioned below; Edward. Jime 30.
1804; George. April 13, 1806; Walter. Febru-
ary 23. 1808; A'alentine, February, 1810, died
March 11. 1811.
(\TI) Moses (3). son of Moses (2) Adams,
was born in Union village, town of Lisle. Jan-
uarv ID. 1802. died in Alarathon. New York,
lanuarv 21, 1890. He was bound out at the
age of eight years, and lived with his guardian,
with the exce[)tion of a few years, until the
death of the latter. He was left, by will, the
farm, the farming utensils, and one-half of the
stock. He continued to live on this farm and
to carr\- it on until 1S61. when he removed to
Marathon. In ])olitics he was originally a
Whig, but upon the formation of the Repub-
lican jiarty became a member of the latter
party. He served as assessor and supervisor
of his town for a number of years. He mar-
ried, October 28, 1824, -Vnn, daughter of Moses
Lockwood, born in Pound Ridge, Westchester
county. New York, .\pril 6, 1803, (Jied in
Marathon, March, 1893. Children: Lyman,
born October 31, 1825. mentioned below ; Mary
Ann, July 24, 1828. marrieil Charles Brink,
deceased; Eveline, January 29, 1830, married
Benjamin B. Woodworth, lived in Cortland :
Charles C, Alay 30, 1832; Helen A.. August
21, 1834, married Edward Dunham Robie, a
retired United States naval engineer, lives in
Washington. D. C. ; John O., April 7, 1837:
Walter. I'ebruarv '). 1840, of Marathon. Xew
(\'lll) Lyman, son of Mcjses (3) Adams.
was Ijorn in Marathon, C^ctober 31, 1825, and
received a common school education in the
town of Lisle. Here he remained until he was
twenty-two years old. He then taught school
for three months, and later went into a store
in Broome county as a clerk, and also clerked
in a store at East \'irgil. At the end of a few
months, in 1849. he returned to his native
town, Marathon, and stayed there as a clerk
for about five years. In October, 1853. he
went into a general mercantile business with
R. P. Burhans as partner. At the end of a
year they took into partnership Anson Peck,
and after two years more Mr. Burhans went
out of the business, which was then conducted
under the firm name of Peck & .\dams. In
i860 James H. Tripp was taken into the firm
and the name became Peck, .\dams & Tripp.
After a short time they closed out the business,
and dissolved the partnership. Messrs. .\dams
and Tripp then removed to Canandaigua, New-
York, where they were employed in a bank.
At the end of a year there, they returned to
Marathon, leased their old storeroom, and car-
ried on a mercantile business until 1883, when
they again closed it out. Before this they had
together conducted a private banking business,
wdiich had been highly successful, and. in 1883,
set about organizing a bank, into which they
merged their own banking interests. In 1884
the First National Bank of Marathon, was
started, with Mr. Tripp as president, and Mr.
.Adams held the position of cashier until his
death. Mr. Adams distinguished iiimself in
business as a shrewd, practical and conserva-
tive man, of good judgment and unquestion-
ed integrity. He was a Republican in poli-
tics, but had given little time to political mat-
ters. He served, however, as supervisor of
the town for two years.
He married (first), September 15, 1853.
Ruth, daughter of William and Lucy ( Church)
S(|uires, of Marathon, died January 6, 1863.
He married (second), September 11, 1865,
Louisa M.. daughter of William L. Denton.
Child of first wife, born in Marathon: Edgar
L., .April 2J. 1857, mentioned below. Child of
second wife, born in Marathon: Augusta D.,
August 15, 1873, died January 30, 1904, mar-
ried Thaddeus R. Clark, of Marathon.
(IX) Edgar L.. son of Lyman Adams, was
born at Marathon, New York, April 27, 1857.
He began his education in the public schools
of his native tovi'n, and, like many successful
men, is still educating himself. The Mara-
thon Jndcpciuicnt was established in July, 1870,
and in the follow'ing April he became an ap-
prentice in the office of that new-spaper. In
the fall of 1872 he entered the emj^loy of his
father's firm as clerk, but a mercantile life was
not attractive, and, in 1874, he returned to the
office of the Independent, and worked in vari-
ous positions until .April, 1876, when he ac-
cepted a position as local editor of the Cort-
land Democrat, then owned by B. B. Jones.
Two months later he was called back to Mara-
thon to take charge of the Independent, on ac-
count of the failing health of its publisher,
Wallace Kelley, and when the business was
sold, in December following, he continued as
editor of the ]iaper, in the employ of the new
owners, lirooks & Day. This firm was suc-
ceeded, May I, 1878, by Brooks & .Adams, the
interests of the jimior partner having been ac-
quired by Mr. Adams, and with the exception
lit a brief period, Mr. xAdams has been editor
and pr(>]:)rietor ever since. For a time he was
on the staiT of the Syracuse Sunday Times,
having leased the Independent from 1880 to
1881. As a writer, especially of humorous
paragraphs, Mr. Adams has won a national
rejnitation. The paragrajjhs that brightened
his newspaper week after week gave it a wide
circidation and were copied extensively in other
publications. In recent years the pressure of
numerous business interests and public duties
have restricted his output as a writer, but his
wit is in evidence from time to time in the
Independent and in after-dinner speeches.
"Brick" Pomerov. editor of Pomerov's Dem-
ocrat, and a wit of national reputation, said of
Mr. Adams in an article entitled "The Humor-
ous Writers of America" : "The Cortland Dem-
ocrat, N. Y., independent, is another paper,
whose editor has sense, wit and ambition, Ed.
L. Adams is its editor, and he is fast making
his paper noted in causing people to inquire
as to the size and whereabouts of Marathon.
His paper is largely quoted, as its paragrajjhs
are unusually pointed, witty and close-fitting.
Almost any man can write a long article, but
it takes a good man to let go, when he has said
enough." Mr. Adam's connection with the
New York State Press x\ssociation has made
him widely accjuainted among the newspaper
men of the state and he enjoys the personal
friendship of many prominent writers. A con-
temporary editor recently wrote a sketch of
Mr. Adams, in which he said : "He is manifest-
ly a character and a leader. Everybody loves
Edgar, partly because he is full of wit, full of
ideas, full of energy and life and is an all-
round good fellow, and partly because he is
just lovable. * * How Marathon would sur-
vive without Edgar L. Adams is a problem.
He has dip])ed into various branches of liter-
ary work — humorous, pathetic, political and
just plain news items. He has, we believe, re-
frained from poetry. His readers can, there-
fore, look back over his career and forgive
many of his sins. As a humorous writer he
has in his time pleased such raucous critics as
the once famous 'Brick' I'omeroy, who praised
his humorous work; and, away along in the
twenty-first century, we will say, when obitu-
ary writers or rather historians, set forth the
annals of the truly great and good, it is not
improbable that the name of Edgar L. Adams
will shine forth in letters of burnished gold
with such contemporary humorists as George
Ade, Wu Ting Eang, Rorge Jailey of the
Houston Post, Chauncey Depew, E. Tracey
Sweet of the Scranton Tribune-Republican,
Irvin S. Cobb and others of the present day
who are helping to brighten life with their
wit and wisdom. At even a still more remote
period, when some enterprising mahatma is
pawing around among the sjiooks in search of
a convivial s])irit to drive away the blues, we
hope Edgar may be found in his little sanctum
in Marathon, buried in his paper — The Inde-
pendent— for somebody must read it, you
know. In the meantime, he is publishing a
newspaper worth, among other considerations.
any farmer's cordwood and turnips in pay-
ments of arrears on subscription."
It is hardly necessary to add that the Inde-
pendent exerts a large and wholesome influ-
ence in the community by virtue of its inde-
pendent and jniblic-spirited policy. He is vice-
president of the New York State Press Asso-
ciation. He has been a member of the Demo-
cratic county committee and often represents
his party as delegate to nominating conven-
tions. He was president of the village of
Marathon in 1894-95. For sixteen years he was
a member and twelve years secretary of the
board of education of Marathon. He was the
nominee of his party for assemblyman in this
district. He declined a nomination for county
treasurer in 1893. He was one of the prime
movers in securing a municipal water works
and served on the original water commission,
and is now a member of that body.
He is a stockholder of the First National
Bank and was one of the founders and for
three years was vice-president of the Climax
Road Machine Company. He is a member of
Marathon Lodge, No. 438, Free and Accepted
Masons, of Marathon ; of Cortland Chapter.
No. 194, Royal Arch Masons ; of Cortland
Commandery, No. 50, Knights Templar; of
Katurah Temple. Mystic Shrine, of Bingham-
ton. For three years he was president of the
A. H. Barber Hose Company of the local fire
department. He attends the Presbyterian
He married. May 13, 1879, Ella V. Court-
ney, born July 21,' 1861, of Willet. Cortland
countv, daughter of Ojcar and Carshena
(Over) Courtnev. Thev have no children.
The surname P>enedict is de-
BENEDICT rived from the Latin bencdic-
tus, meaning blessed, used as
a personal or baptismal name in Latin coun-
tries, and, in fact, throughout all Europe. St.
Benedict founded the Romau Catholic Order
of Benedictine, in .\. D. 520, fourteen Popes
taking this name between 574 and 1740.
( I ) Thomas Benedict, immigrant ancestor,
was born in Nottinghamshire, England, in
1617. According to family traclition, ajiparent-
Iv verified, he was the only representative of
his family when he came to .America. His an-
cestors, original from the districts of France,
and of Latin ancestry, fled to Germany on ac-
count of religious persecution, thence to Hoi-
land and finally settled in England. He mar-
ried Mary liridgum, or Bridghani. who came
to New England, in 1638, in the same ship.
The family history was written in 1755, by
Deacon James Benedict, who had his facts
from the wife of the immigrant, viz: "Be it
remembered that one William Benedict about
the beginning of tiie fifteenth century (doubt-
less meaning about the year 1500), who lived
in Xi)ttinghamshire, England, had a son born
unto him whom he called William after his
own name (an only son) and this William,
the second of the name, had also an only son
whom he called William, and this third W'ill-
iam had in the year 1617 one only child whom
he called Thomas and this Thomas' mother
dying, his father married the widow Bridgum.
Now this Thomas was put out an ajjprentice
to a weaver who afterwards in his twenty-first
year came over to New England together with
his sister-in-law (step-sister) Mary Bridgum.
Afterwards said Thomas was joined in mar-
riage with Mary Bridgum. After they had
lived some time in the Bay parts ( Massachu-
setts) they removed to Southold, Long Island,
where were born unto them five sons and four
daughters, whose names were Thomas, John,
Samuel, James, Daniel, Betty. Mary. Sarah and
Rebecca. From thence they removed to a
farm belonging to the town called Hassama-
mac. where they lived some time. Then they
removed to Jamaica on said island where
Thomas their eldest son took to wife Mary
Messenger of that town. And last of all they
removed to Norwalk, Fairfield county, Con-
necticut, with all their family where they all
married." The generations are given down to
the time of writing, March 14, 1755, by James
Benedict, of Ridgefield, Connecticut.
Traces of Thomas Benedict are found on
the records at Jamaica. December 12. 1662,
when he was appointed to lay out the south
meadows and was voted a home lot. He
served on other committees and held various
■offices. He was appointed magistrate, March
20, 1663, by Peter Stuyvesant, the Dutch gov-
ernor of New Amsterdam. In the same year
he signed the petition for annexation to Con-
necticut. He was lieutenant of the town, De-
cember 3, 1663; was a grantee of Elizabeth-
town. February 8, 1665, he was appointed
■one of the two delegates from Jamaica to a
general meeting of Long Island towns in New
York. This is thought to be the first English
legislative body convened in New Y'ork. April
7, 1665, he was appointed lieutenant of the
foot company of Jamaica. After coming to
Connecticut he was town clerk of Norwalk,
1665, and reappointed the following year. He
continued to hold this office until 1674, and
after an interval of three years, was again
appointed. The records, in his own handwrit-
ing, are still preserved, and are legible and
properly attested by his own signature. He
was selectman for seventeen years, ending in
1688. As early as 1669 he was a freeman:
representative to the general assembly in 1670,
and again in 1675. In May, 1684, he and three
others were appointed by the general court to
plant a town at Pa(|uiage. This town was
later, 1687, called Danbury. "His good sense
and general intelligence, some scientific knowl-
edge and his skill as a ]ienman, made him their
recourse when pa])ers were to be drafted,
lands to be surveyed, and apportioned or dis-
putes to be arbitrated. It is evident that very
general respect for his judgment prevailed,
and that trust in his integrity was equally
general and implicit." It is highly probable
that he was concerned in establishing the
church both at Southold and Huntington, and
was also identified with the founding of the
first Presbyterian church in America, at Ja-
maica, in 1662. He was deacon of the Nor-
walk church during the last years of his life.
His will was executed February 28, 1689-90.
Of his household James Benedict wrote:
"Thomas Benedict and Mary, his wife, who
walked in the midst of their house with a per-
fect heart. They were strict observers of the
Lord's day from even to even." Many of his
descendants followed in the office of deacon of
the church. "The savor of his piety, as well
as his venerable name, has been transmitted
through a long line of deacons and other godly
descendants to the seventh generation." Chil-
dren : Thomas, died November 20, 1688-89 '<
John : Samuel, mentioned below ; James ; Dan-
iel; Elizabeth, married John Slauson ; Mary,
married John Olmsted ; Sarah, married James
Beebe ; Rebecca, married Dr. Samuel Wood.
( II) Samuel, son of Thomas P>enedict, lived
with his father until after his removal to Nor-
walk, Connecticut. He married diere (first)
name unknown. He married (second), July
7. 1678, Rebecca, daughter of Thomas An-
drews, of Fairfield, Connecticut. In the fall
of 1684 and the following spring, he with sev-
eral others, mostly connections of the Benedict
family, purchased land of the Indians and
J 54
made the first settlement at Danbury. "They
soon built a little church, only forty feet by
thirty; when its frame was raised every person
in the town was present and sat together on
the sills." Samuel Benedict, who had been a
deacon when living in Norwalk, was also first
deacon of this church. In the patent of Dan-
bur}', granted by the general assembly. May,
1702, he is named as patentee. His will, made
at Danbury, April 15, 1718, was recorded
March 20, 1719. Children: Joanna, born Oc-
tober 22. 1673; Samuel. March 5, 1C175 ;
Thomas, March 27, 1679; Nathaniel, mention-
ed below: Abraham, June 21, i()8i ; Rebecca,
married, June 18, 1712, Samuel Piatt; Esther.
(III) Nathaniel, son of Samuel Benedict,
made his will January 19, 1767, and it was
proved December 11, 1767. It mentions wife
Sarah, sons Isaac and Nathaniel, also grand-
son John, of Cornwall. The inventory of his
estate amounted to two hundred and twenty-
one pounds three shillings seven pence. Chil-
dren: John; Isaac, born in 1719, menlioncd
below; Nathaniel; Samuel, 1726.
(IV) Isaac, son of Nathaniel Benedict, was
born in 1719, and married Mary Videtto, of
Danbury, who died November 2, 1803. He
died September 15, 18 13, at Monterey, Alassa-
chusetts. He bought land in Tyringiiam, Mas-
sachusetts, in 1772, but was living in Danbury.
when he made his will, August 3, 1801. Chil-
dren: Abigail, September 30, 1745: Abel, men-
tioned below; Mary, November 21, 1750; Sam-
uel, July 29, 1753 ; Priscilla, July 6, 1755 ; Eliz-
abeth, February 3, 1761 ; Rebecca, November
20, 177 1.
(V) Abel, son of Isaac lienedict, was born
October i, 1748, and married Hannah, daugh-
ter of Hezekiah and Hannah (Judd) Benedict.
Hezekiah Benedict was the son of James,
grandson of James, and great-grandson of
Thomas Benedict. He was a royalist in the
revolution, moved to Schoharie coimty, about
1775-76, and died there. Hannah, wife of
Abel Benedict, was born T747, and died De-
cember 28, 1799. Abel Benedict was a lieu-
tenant in the revolution. He lived at Mon-
terey, and died there, December 20, 1819. Chil-
dren: Mary, died young; Hannah, married
Sereno Dwight, of Aurelius; Lucy, married
Pearce, of I'ompey; Jemima, married
Stephen, son of Gilbert Ijenedict ; Phebe, died
yoimg; Clarissa, married Ethel, son of Na-
thaniel Bt'nedict ; Isaac, born May 29, 1775;
Abel, mentiiined below.
(\T) Abel (2). son of Abel (i) Benedict,
was born February 11, 1777, and married, Sep-
tember 5, 1799, Betsey, daughter of Samuel
W'adsworth, who died June 4, 1840. He died
.November 25, 1824, at Cortian<l, New York.
Children: Laura, born September 1, 1800; Al-
bert, November 4, 1802 ; Eliza, September 22,
1804, died October 15, 1815; Horace, men-
tioned below; Luke, January 14, 1809; Julia,
July 17, 181 1 ; William, May 16, 1813, died
May 13, 1814; Oren, April 20, 1816, died No-
vember, 1824: Orilla, April 20, 1816; Cieorge
\V., November 28, 1818: Rensselaer D., Janu-
ary ^o, 1821, died March, i8()i ; Almon F.,
October 8, 1824.
( \ II ) Horace, son of Abel (2) Benedict,
was born October 21, 1806, married, F^ebruary
I, 1844, Nancy L., born 1826, daughter of
Levi Bonney. He lived in Cortlandville, New
York. Children : Archibald W., born August
20, 184s: Byron A., mentioned below; Lovina
.\I.. May 10, 1848; Orilla, July 23, 1849;
Emma M.. July 13, 1851 ; Elmer IL, June 18.
i8f)i. died February 17, 1862: Irving A..
March 8, 1863.
( \ HI) Byron .\lmon, son of Horace Bene-
dict, was born in Cortlandville, Cortland coun-
ty. New York, October 11, 1846, and died at
Cortlantl, -March 16, 1908. He attended the
public schools and Cortland Academy, and was
graduated from Hamilton College, .\fter
leaving college he began the study of law in the
office of Judge W. H. Shankland and was ad-
mitted to the bar. He became the junior part-
ner in the well-known law firm of Duell &
P>enedict, wdiich continued until the death of
Judge Duell, after which he was alone in prac-
tice at Cortland. During the six years jjrior
to his death, he also had an office in Syracuse,
but continued to reside in Cortland. Twice he
was elected district attorney of Cortland coun-
ty, and for many years he was one of the
leaders of the bar. In addition to his law-
business he was interested financially in vari-
ous enterprises and ac(|uired large holdings
in real estate. He was a director and attorney
of the Cortland National I5ank and one of the
promoters .'uid owners of the o])era house in
Cortland. In religion he was a Presbyterian.
While in college he was a member of the Theta
Delta Chi fraternity, of Hamilt(jn.
He married, in 1870, .\nna T. Clapp, of
Hartford, Connecticut, born Se])tember 22,
1847, daughter of Aaron and Priscilla S.
(Ilurlhurt) Cla])]). Her father was born in
y, ^r /^Z^^^-TAJ^^^^/-
Nortlianipton, Massachusetts, and was de-
scended from one of the most prominent of
the early colonial families of Drirchester. Mas-
sachusetts, his grandfather, Thomas Clapp,
being one of the presidents of Yale College.
Children: I. Bessie, born November 13, 1879:
married, July 30, 1902, William H. Mctiraw.
of Cortland, of the firm of McGraw & Elliott,
druggists; cliild : Harvey Benedict McGraw,
born June 20, 1904. 2. Harriet Priscilla. born
January 30, i8c86; married, December 20, 1908,
Levi Richard Chase, a lawyer, of Cortland, and
ex-district attorney. 3- Florence .A., died in
The name Hulbert is spelled
HULRERT in different ways, Hulbert,
Hulburt, Hulbut, Hurlbut, be-
ing among those most commonly used. The
coat-of-arms of the English family is: Quar-
terly argent and sable, in the sinister chief and
de.xter base, each a lion rampant, or, over all
a bend gules, charged with the amulets of the
(I) Thomas Hulbert, or Hurlbut, came to
America early, and was a soldier under Lionel
Gardiner in the fight at Saybrook, Connecticut,
in 1635. It is supposed that he came with
Gardiner in a fishing vessel, July 10, 1635. In
an encounter with the Pequot Indians, in 1637,
he was wounded by an arrow, almost through
the thigh. An account of this skirmish was
left in a manuscript by Lionel Gardiner, he
being urged to w-rite it, as he said, by Robert
Chapman. Thomas Hulbert and Major Mason.
They were a company of ten men and were
attacked by about a hundred Indians, whom
they successfully held off until they reached
their homes. Thomas Hulbert was a black-
smith by trade, and after the Pequot war estab-
lished himself in Wethersfield, Connecticut,
where he was one of the early settlers. He
was clerk of the train band in 1640, deputy to
the general court, grand juror, and constable
in 1644. He had grants of land in Wethers-
field, for his services in the Indian wars. It
is said that the house occupied, in 1888, by
Miss Harriet Mitchell, in Wethersfield, was
on the site of his house. He married Sarah
. Children : Thomas ; John, born March
8, 1642: Samuel; Joseph; Stephen, mentioned
below ; Cornelius.
(II) Stephen, son of Thomas Hulbert, was
born in Wethersfield, Connecticut, about 1649.
He was twice married. .According to one au-
thority, he married. December 12, 1678, Doro-
thy , and acciirding to another, he mar-
ried, on the same ilate, Pliebe . He is sup-
posed to have been a mechanic by occupation.
He was granted by the town of Wethersfield,
February 2^. 1694, "a jiiece of land 8 feet in
breadth, 70 feet in length, flanking upon his
nwn lot next his house to set a shop upon."
There is nu recurd nf his death nor of the
deaths of either of his wives. Children (if
.Stephen and Dorothy, the first four born in
Wethersfield: .Stephen, Se]5tember 17, 1679;
Thomas, January 2^. 1681, mentioned below r
Joseph, July 10, 1683; I'.enjamin, October 29,
"1685: Pl"ui)e. .\ugust'2, 1688; Dorothy, March
5, 1690.
(HI) Thomas ( 2 ), son of Stephen Hulbert,
was born in Wethersfield, January 23, i(58i.
He was a farmer by occupation and spent his
life in his native town. He married. January
II, 1703, Rebecca, daughter of John Meekins.
of Wethersfield, or East Hartford, and grand-
daughter of the immigrant, John Biddle, of
Hartford. He died April 10, 1761. His will
was dated November 19, 1755, and left one-
third of the estate to his wife during her life.
Children, born in Wethersfield : Stephen, Feb-
ruary 3. 1706; Hannah, March 8, 1708; John,
October i, 1710; Rebecca. January 12, 1713;
Thomas, February 19, 171 5; Amos, .\pril 14.
1717: Elijah, December 9, 1719; Elizabeth.
1721 ; Timothy, mentioned below.
( I\' ) Timothy, son of Thomas ( 2 ) Hulbert,
was born in Wethersfield, January 16, 1723.
He was a farmer by occupation and lived in his
native town. He owned also land in Glaston-
bury, Connecticut, wdiich he had received from
his father's estate. He married, C)ctober 5,
1737, Sarah Clark. Both his name and that
of his wife a])pear in the catalogue of Wethers-
field church, 1758. He died August, 1773, and
his widow married (second) Collins,
and ( third ) ' Chamberlain. Children,
born in Wethersfield : Timothy, August 12,
1738, mentioned below ; Titus, April 15, 1760;
Sarah. January 7, 1762: Philip, .September 30,
1764, died Xovember 30, 1766; Ruth, Novem-
ber 22. 1766; Philip, January 7, ijCnj.
(V ) Timothy (2), son of Timothy (i)
Hulbert, was born in Wethersfield, .August 12.
1758. He learned the trade of carpenter, but
was afterwards a farmer. He lived in Pitts-
field, where he applied to be exempt from
church taxation. He died July 12, 1838. He
married (first), March 7, 1784, Mary Robbins.
born in Pittsfield, January 13, 1765, died there
June 4, 1809. He married (second), March,
181 1, OHve Caldwell, born in Pittsfield, died
there, October 16, 1855, or 1856. Children,
born in Pittsfield: Elizabeth, December 14,
1784: Stephen, July 31, 1786; Mary, January
17, 1788; Timothy, October 2, 1789, mentioned
below; Huldah, September 11, 1791 ; Sarah,
June 14, 1793, died June 27, 1793; Sarah
(twin), September 16, 1794; Polly (twin),
died September 17, 1794: Oren, October 26,
1796; Julia Ann, August 13, 1798; William
Hayes, November ii, 1800: Laura Maria,
March 5, 1803; Royal Alonzo, July 17, 1804;
Jerome P)Onaparte, August, 1806.
(VI) Timothy (3), son of Timothy (2)
Hulbert, was born in Pittsfield, October 2,
1789. About 1810 he removed to Truxton,
New York, where he lived until his death,
May 20, 1848. He was a carpenter and joiner
by trade, and did a wonderful amount of busi-
ness. Much of his handiwork in those lines
has remained until to-day as a witness of his
careful workmanship and honest efforts. He
became the owner of a large farm and attain-
ed prominence and high standing in^ his com-
munity. During his younger years he organ-
ized a military company, of which he was
made captain. His commission, dated April
8, 1822, was signed by Governor DeWitt Clin-
ton, and his company was assigned to the One
Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, state
militia. In politics he was a Democrat of an
uncompromising type, and an ardent supporter
of his party at all times. He represented his
town on the board of supervisors for years,
and was once a candidate for the nomination
of member of assembly. In religion he was a
Methodist, and trustee of the local society.
He married, February i, 1817, Mehitabel
Miner, of West Bloomfiekl, New York, born
July 20, 1797. He had six sons, all of whom
were in the produce business ; two located in
New York (I'ity, where they were large pro-
<luce dealers and exporters, and the other four
scattered throughout the state, buying and
raising produce. Children : Emily Eliza, born
March 24, 1818; William, December 26, 1819;
Pauline, March 9, 1822, died August 29. 1823;
Lafayette, June 29, 1824, mentioned below;
Jerome, February 23, 1827, mentioned below;
George Allen, September 27, 1829, mentioned
below: Marvin Miner, November 7, 1832; Ed-
win Murray, Jainiary 2, 1836.
(\'n) Lafayette, son of Timothy (3) Hul-
bert, was born in Truxton, New York, June
29, 1824. He was a produce dealer and ex-
porter in New York City, and was associated
with his brother William. He carried on busi-
ness there as late as 1863. He married Helen
Miner, of Jersey City, New Jersey. Children:
Ernest M., mentioned below ; Marvin Miner,
born June i, i860, died January 26, 1861 ;
(VIII) Ernest M., son of Lafayette Hul-
bert. was born in New York City, in 1854, died
in Cortland, New York, September 20, 1905.
He attended the schools of New York City,
also Holbrook Military School on the Hudson,
and Peekskill Military School. He prepared
for West Point, but on account of his father's
death, was obliged to give it up. He removed
to Cortland and went into the hardware busi-
ness with William Newkirk. Later he became
engaged in the manufacture of window screens
with W. J. Greenman. He had besides e.xten-
sive real estate interests in Cortland, and dur-
ing the later years of his life was retired from
active life. He was a member of the Presby-
terian church. He married Ella Roe, daughter
of Jerome and Mary (Roe) Hulbert (see Hul-
bert VII). Child, Louis Roe, mentioned below.
(IX) Louis Roe, son of Ernest M. Hul-
bert, was born in Cortland, New York, April
17, 1 881. He attended the Cortland Normal
School, Cascadilla Preparatory School, and
Williams College, Williamstown, Massachu-
setts. After finishing his college course, he
entered the manufacturing plant of his father
in Cortland. In January, 1910, he began the
manufacture of slioes in Cortland in company
with H. R. Rice, under the firm name of Rice-
Hulbert Shoe Company. He is a member of
the Presbyterian church. He married, June,
1906, Irene, daughter of William and Esther
(Jennings) Hout. They have one son, Ernest
Hout, born August, 1907.
(VII) Jerome, son of Timothy (3) Hul-
bert, was born February 23, 1827, in Truxton,
New York. He received a common school
education, and afterwards learned the trade of
harness-maker. He did not, however, con-
tinue that occupation for any length of time,
but, in 1855, entered the wholesale produce
business with four of his brothers. He re-
mained in this latter business throughout his
life and was eminently successful in it. In
politics he was a Republican, nuich interested
in the cause of good government, and radically
o[i]i()sed to the rule of party bosses. He never
sought office, however. In religion he was a
Presbyterian, and a very active member of that
church. For years he was the superintendent
of the Sunday school, also president of the
Young Men's Christian Association. He was
a man of rare attainments, and held in the
highest respect by all who knew him. In his
business relations he united keen judgment,
strict integrity and an unusual sense of jus-
tice. In his home life he was loyal and most
indulgent to the members o_f his family. He
was public spirited and always ready to take
up any work which would contribute to the
prosperity and welfare of his town. He lived
the greater part of his life in Marathon. He
married Mary, daughter of Sylvester Roe (see
Roe VI). He died in Marathon, December
17, 1884. Child, Ella Roe, married Ernest M.
Hulbert (see Hulbert \III).
(\'II) George .Allen, son of Timothy (3)
Hulbert, was born September 2~, 1829, in
Truxton, New York. He attended the local
schools, and, in 1851, entered Cortlandville
Academy to prepare for Yale College. He
did not, however, enter college, but instead
commenced the study of law in the office of
Judge Daniel Hawks, then county judge and
surrogate of Cortland county. He continued
his study of law in the offices of H. & K. L.
Ballard, at Cortland, and with Hon. Charles
Mason, justice of the supreme court of Hamil-
ton, Madison county. For advanced legal study
he spent a year at the law school, at Ballston
Spa, Saratoga county, and finished his course
at the Albany Law School. In 1834 he was ad-
mitted to the bar and began the practice of his
profession in Hornellsville, Steuben county.
After spending fourteen months in that city
he removed to Chicago, Illinois, where he en-
tered the office of John H. Kedzie and re-
mained about a year. He then returned to the
east, and became engaged in a mercantile busi-
ness in Onondaga county. In 1864 he re-
moved to Marathon, New York, and with
four of his brothers entered the wholesale pro-
duce business, under the name of William Hul-
bert & Brothers, with headquarters in New
York City. He and his brother Jerome had
charge- of the purchasing at Marathon. The
firm prospered and they became leaders in the
butter and cheese business in New York City.
They continued for thirty years, and each
brother accumulated a fine fortune. After the
death of Jerome, George Allen Hulbert dis-
continued the produce business and resumed
the practice of law, which he continued imtil
his death.
In politics he was a Democrat of the Stephen
A. Douglas type, and throughout the civil war
was a strong Unionist. Though he never
sought office, he was found to be a safe and
disinterested assistant in party councils and
served for many years on town and county
committees. He was at one time one of the
supervisors of the town and was justice of
the peace for twenty-three years. He was also
notary public. During his term of office the
honesty and justice of his decisions were never
c|uestioned, and the dignity with which he
presided over his court, and the order which
he insisted upon in it, tended to raise the
standard of the office in the county at large.
He was a man of more than ordinary ability
and of high attainments, honorable and straight-
forward in all his dealings, of excellent busi-
ness instincts, and possessed of the confidence
of his fellow-citizens. He was keenly inter-
ested in the improvement of the village of
Marathon, and added much to its architectural
beauty by the erection of several buildings,
notably, in 1886, a three-story business block
on Main street. The ground floor of this
building is devoted to stores, the second to
offices, and the third to a public hall, equipped
with a stage and scenery. The use of this hall
has been free for all public entertainments. In
1898 he also erected one of die handsomest
residences in the village. Besides these build-
ings he has also improved other dwellings in
the town. In religion he was a Methodist and
an ardent worker in that church.
He married Mary, daughter of Richard and
Mary (Hinkley) Smith, born in Fabius, New
York. Her father, Richard Smith, was from
New Bedford, Massachusetts, and in his day
was a well-known sea captain. He was born
in Dublin, Ireland. Her mother, Mary (Hink-
ley) Smith, was born in Barnstable, Cape Cod,
Massachusetts. Mrs. Hulbert is one of the
best musicians in Central New York, and was
for several years organist of the Methodist
church in Marathon. She has continued her
husband's plans for improving the property
and adding to the prosperity and appearance
of the village. Mr. Hulbert died March 12,
(The Roe Line).
(Ill) Nathaniel (2) Roe, son of Nathaniel
(i) Roe (q. v.), was born in 1700, and died in
1789. He married Elizabeth Phillips, born
1702, dic-d 1788. Children: I'hillijjs : James,
inentioned Ijelow ; Xathaniel. William. Han-
nah, Elizabeth, Sarah, Deborah.
(I\') James, son of Xathaniel [2) Roe, was
born in Kingston, New York, April 4, 1744.
He was a soldier in the revolution. He mar-
ried, October 19, 1770, Elizabeth Elting. Chil-
dren : James, Elizabeth ; John Elting, men-
tioned below ; Sylvester, Ann, William, Na-
thaniel, Rachel ; Peter, grandfather of the
author, E. I'. Roe.
(V) John Elting, son of James Roe, was
born in Kingston, in 1774. He married and
among his children was Sylvester, mentioned
(VI) Sylvester, son of John Elting Roe,
was born in 180 1. He married ,
and among their children was Mary, born
18^1, married lerome Hulbert (see Hulbert
vfi). ■
Thomas Charnick Glover, of an
GLO\'ER ancient English family, lived
and died in Lancashire, Eng-
land, leaving sons Thomas, mentioned below.
and Charnick.
{II) Thomas, son of Thomas Charnick
Glover, was born in Lancashire. England,
about 1760. He came to this country at the
age of eighteen years with his brother Char-
nick, and at the close of the revolutionary war
settled in Schoharie county. New York, among
the pioneers, and followed farming there dur-
ing the remainder of his life. He had three
sons, Henry, John and Jacob, and four daugh-
(IV) Henry, grandson vi Thomas (dover,
was born at .Sharon, Schoharie county. New
York, September rg, 181 1, died at Troups-
burg. New York, March 28, 1865. He married
Eliza McDowell, born at (l)tego, Otsego county.
New York. March i, 1814, died Eebruary 3,
1887, at St. Paul. Minnesota. Children: i.
Charles, born May 14. 1835 ; married Ruth
Morey. 2. Jeanette, September i. 1836. died
January 14. 1873; married William J. I.oucks.
3. Margaret, February 18, 1838; married
Alonzo H. Haxton. 4. Martha, November 23.
1839; married William Chase. 5. Henry, April
8, 1840, mentioned below. 6. Matilda, April
22, 1843; married R. Mcl^lroy. 7. Lucy Ann.
October 16, 1844; married Sanuiel Olmstead.
8. George W.. December 13, 1845: married
Harriet Tiffany. <>. William. Se])tember 23.
1847, died .September 18, 1887; married Delia
Holt, a widow. 10. Maryetta, November 4,
183 1 ; married Lafayette Stowe; she died about
one year after marriage.
( \' ) Henry (2). son of Henry (I) Glover,
was born at Skaneateles Junction, Onondaga
county. New York. April 8. 1840. He re-
ceived his education in the public schools. In
his younger days he lived in Te.xas Valley,
Cortland county. New York, and followed
lumbering. For the past forty-four years,
however, he has made his home in the town of
Lisle, Broome county. New York, and has
followed farming. He is a staunch Democrat
and has served as deputy sheriff. He married
Mary Loesa, born December 7, 1848. died
April 17, 191 1, daughter of Joseph Sparrow,
who came of a prominent Cape Cod. Massa-
chusetts, family. Her mother was Azubah
( Close ) Sparrow. Children : i. Clyde \'., born
June II, 1878, died November 28, 1879. 2.
F. Ray. born .November 8, 1880, engaged in
the poultry business at Lisle, New York ; mar-
ried Grace L. Glezen. 3. Harold Jay, men-
tioned below.
( \'l ) Harold Jay. son of Henry (2) Glover,
was born in Lisle. liroome county. New York,
March 29, 1883. He attended the public
schools of his native town and graduated from
the Lisle high school and from the Lowell
Piusiness College, at Hinghamton, New York.
He began the study of law in the office of
.\ttorney Paige, of Lisle, and began his law
course in the Law School of Syracuse L^niver-
sity. f'ecause of his health he was compelled
to give up his studies at the university, and. in
February. 1906. he entered the office of Milo
C. Paige. He was admitted to the bar in Oc-
tober, 1903, and remained as law clerk in the
office of Air. Paige for a short time. He came
to Marathon, New York, in February, 1909,
and opened an office. Since then he has been
in general practice in that town, and he also
has an insurance business in connection with
his legal ])ractice. In politics he is a Demo-
crat and he has been the nominee of his party
for asseiubhnian in the district, which com-
prises Piroome county. He is member of the
State Par .\ssociation.
"He beareth gules two chev-
P.\R.SO.\'S rons ermine between three
eagles displayed or: Piy the
name of Parsons. Crest : An eagle's head
erased at the thigh, standing on a leopard's
head — guK's." .Such is the distinction which
Charles I., in 1634, bestowed upon his faithful
subject, Sir Thomas Parsons, hart., of Great
Milton, or Great Torrington, the immediate
ancestor of the founder of the family of tliat
surname in America, and himself a descendant
of an English family of great antiquity, dating
to Walter Parsons, of Mulso, Ireland, 1290.
and back of him in England to the time of the
Conquest, for the Parsons of Ireland went
there from h^ngland.
Cornet Joseph Parsons, son of Sir Thomas
Parsons, bart.. and said to have been an officer
in the English army, sailed from Gravesend.
England. July 4. 1635. in the barque "Trans-
port." Edward Walker, master, for Boston,
and next appears with William Pynchon"s col-
ony of planters who founded a settlement at
Agawam. now Springfield, Massachusetts, in
the year 1636. On July 15, of the same year,
his name a]i])ears as witness to a deed of
cession from the Indians of the Connecticut
valley to Pynchon"s company, conveying to
them all the lands in the region of Springfield,
for the "consideration of eighteen yards of
wampum. 18 coats. 18 hatchets, 18 hoes and
[8 knives": but the consideratidu was fair,
for William was a just man and they who com-
prised his comjiany of planters were all just
and honorable men and none others were ad-
mitted inhabitants of his plantation. Cornet
Joseph Parsons was born in (jreat Torrington.
near Exeter, Devonshire, England, and on his
voyage to New England was accompanied b\'
his brother llenjamin and others of the family,
but it is with him and his descendants that we
treat ])articularly in these annals. lie was a
man of considerable imjKirtance in the planta-
tion at /\gawam and Springfield, and. in 1642.
he was one of the founders of the new planta-
tion at Northam])tiin and cjue of the first pur-
chasers of Indian lands there in i')43. He was
a fur trader and had the sole right of barter
and traffic in furs in the valley, fijr which
right he paid annually the sum of twelve
pounds. He accumulated a large estate in
lands and goods. He died October g, 1683.
1 le married, November 2(S, 1646. Mary, daugh-
ter of Thomas and Margaret ( Eord ) Pliss. of
Hartford. Connecticut. Children: [oseph. lx>rn
Novemljer. 1647: I'enjamin. 1649. tiled same
year: John. August 14, 1650; Samuel, January
-?!• 1653, settled in Durham. Connecticut:
Ebenezer. May i, 1655, killed by Indians in
King Philip's war, September 8, 1675 ; Jona-
than, June 6, 1657 ; David, April 30. 1659, died
yi.iung: Mary. June jj, 1661, accused with the
heresy of witchcraft and tried before the court
of assistants, Poston. May 13. 1692, and ac-
c|uitted iif the charge: Hannah, .August I,
iri()3 : Abigail, September 3, 1666. married John
Cotton : Hester. December 24, 1672.
( I ) Timothy Parsons, a descendant of Cor-
net Josqjh Parsons, was born April 7, t8oi.
died in the village of Maine, New York, April
18. 1877. He came to the above-mentioned
village in 1837. from Otsego county. New
\"nrk. and lived there most of his life. He was
a farmer and wagon maker by trade. He mar-
ried. May 24. 1821. Deborah Knott, born May
17. 1805. died March i. 1881. Children:
Eunice Amanda, born May 16, 1822, died
March 3, 1879: married Abe Curtiss ; Delos
Timothy. Octtiber 5, 1823, died young: Will-
iam Albert: .Sally, Eebruary 5. 1827. died Eeb-
ruary 15. 191 1 : Henry, deceased: Walter, de-
ceased: Maria, deceased: Melissa, married M.
I). Newton, lives in Downey, California: Eva,
October 24. 1847. married h'rank M, Perry,
lives at Whitney's Point. New York.
( 11 I William Albert, son of Timothy F'ar-
sons. «as Ixirn in Butternuts, Otsego county.
New York. May i. 1825. died July 12, 1905.
He removed with his parents to the town of
Maine. Broome county. New York, when
twelve years of age. He received a common
school education and became a farmer. He
was actively engaged in farming for about
forty years, but during the later years of his
life was retired. He also had a sawmill. In
politics he was at first a Republican, and later
a strong Prohibitionist. In religion he was a
F!a[)tist. as were all of his family. He mar-
ried. January 2", 1848. Cynthia ]\Iaria. daugh-
ter of Adin and Emily L. ( North) Ross, liorn
in Candor. Tioga county. December 28. 1830.
died March 30, 1904. Children: i. Clarence
.A., born June 3. 1849: married, in 1872, .Ade-
laide M. I'oole. of Oswego, New York : is a
court stenographer in the I'nited States court,
and lives at 413 West One Hundred and Fifty-
fourth street. New York City : children : Harry
K., deceased : Charles E., Grace Isabelle, Clar-
ence A.. Eva Louise. Robert M.. Florence Ade-
laide. 2. M. Eva. born June 22. 1853. "i teacher
in Ilion. New York. 3. Minnie R.. born De-
cember 3. 1861. died July 21,. 1891 : married
Andrew J. Doughty. 4. Son. born May 15.
1864. f1ied in infancy. 5. Bert Ross, men-
tioned below.
(Ill) Bert Ross, son of William Albert
Parsons, was born in Carolina, Tompkins
county. New York, August 2, 1872, and was
educated in the schools of his native town, the
Candor Free Academy, and the Waverly high
school. After leaving school he was for sev-
eral years a bookkeeper. In 1894-95 he began
the study of medicine in the office of Dr.
Gamble, of Waverly, and, in 1896, entered the
Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio,
from wdiich he graduated in 1899. He then re-
turned to New York and passed a successful
examination in the University of the State of
New York. In August, 1899, he removed to
Marathon, New York, and commenced the
practice of his profession. He has made his
liome there since. He has been coroner of
Cortland for nine years. He is a member of
the Cortland County and State Medical soci-
eties. He is also a member of the Independ-
ent Order of Odd Fellows ; the Free and Ac-
cepted Masons, of Marathon, also of sev-
eral college fraternities. In politics he is a Re-
publican, and in religion a Methodist. He
married, October 4, 1899, Rosabelle Springer,
of Tioga county, daughter of George and Ruth
Elizabeth (Stevens) Springer. Children: Harry
D., born March 8, 1904; Russell G., Septem-
ber 25, 1907.
John Fish, immigrant ancestor, is
FISH believed to have come to this country
as early as 1637, and to have settled
first in Lynn, Massachusetts. In 1655 he was
located in New London, Connecticut, and be-
tween the above-mentioned dates, lived prob-
ably in Stratford, Connecticut. He had a home
lot and about six acres of land there, which he
sold, September 29, 1655, to John Willcockson.
The location of this lot is shown on a map
drawn by Rev. Benjamin L. .Swan, and print-
ed in tlie "Hawley Recor<l," page 432, where
it is marked as belonging to John Willcockson.
The same year, he removed to New London,
and remained there for a short time. In 1668
he had lived in Stonington, Connecticut, long
enough to become an inhabitant of that town.
This required a two years' residence. At that
time he was one of the forty-three inhabitants
to whom a house lot was granted. His allot-
ment was No. 5, and was retained by him
during his life. August 6, 1674, he was act-
ing town clerk at a town meeting. In 1675 he
was one of three hundred volunteers from
Connecticut, in King Philip's war, and, in
1700, received for his services a grant of land
in the town of Voluntown, which had been set
aside for the Indian war volunteers. As he
had then been dead for a number of years, the
grant came into the possession of his son Sam-
uel, who in his will divided it between his own
sons, Moses and Aaron. It is still owned by
their descendants.
August 22, 1679, John Fish was chosen and
unanimously voted school-master for the town
of Stonington, to instruct children in reading,
writing, arithmetic and grammar. December
5, 1680, he was admitted a member of the Con-
gregational church of Stonington. He was a
land surveyor and laid out many of the public
grants of Stonington. In this work his brother-
in-law, Gershom Palmer, was associated with
him during the years 1680-81. By grant and
purchase, he became proprietor of consider-
able tracts of land in Groton and Stonington
and other neighboring towns. He married
(first) Eland, who' belonged to an an-
cient and honorable family of Yorkshire, Eng-
land. August 25, 1681, he married Widow-
Hannah (Palmer) (Hewitt) Sterry. She was
a daughter of Walter and Rebecca (Short)
Palmer, and married, April 26, 1659, Captain
Thomas Hewitt, who was a sea-faring man.
and never returned from one of his voyages.
In 1670 she petitioned the general court for
permission to marry again, and, on December
2"], 1 67 1, married (second) Roger Sterry. The
latter died before 1680, and she married
(third), as above stated, John Fish. Children
of John Fish, all by first wife: John; Jona-
than ; Samuel, bom 1656, mentionetl below :
Mary. The records of the Congregational
church at Stonington ^how the baptisms of
Samuel, Mary and John, March 13, 1680, all
of whom were adults at that time.
(II) Samuel, son of John Fish, was born in
1656, accortling to his gravestone record, it is
supposed in New London, and died February
27. 1733- He was a soldier in King Philip's
war, and received, in 1700, as a return for his
military service, a grant of land in Voluntown.
This grant he afterwards bequeathed to his
son Samuel. He married (first) Sarah ,
who died December 11, 1722, aged sixty-two
years. He married (second) Widow Dorothy
(Wheeler) Smith. Both he and his first wife
arc buried in the old Packer burying-ground in
Groton, Connecticut. Children: Samuel, bap-
tized April 18, 1695, mentioned below; Mary,
baptized April 18, 1695 ; David, baptized April
18, 1695, married, March 30, 1721, Grace Pal-
NEW \0\<K.
nier; Margaret, baptized April i8, 1695, mar-
ried Gideon Cobb : John, baptized November
8, 1696, married, July 19, 1726, Esther John-
son, died July 4, 1782.
(III) Samuel (2), son of Samuel (i) Fish,
was baptized April 18, 1695, died January 20,
1724. He married Sarah . Children:
Captain John, born about 1712; Captain Dan-
iel, 1714; Sarah, married Morse: Eliz-
abeth, married Rose ; Samuel, mention-
ed below ; Jane, married Rev. Timothy Wight-
(IV) Samuel (3), son of Samuel (2) Fish,
was born about 1720, at Stonington. The rec-
ords of his family are not available, but it is
thought that he was the father of Elias, men-
tioned below. In 1790, according to the first
federal census, there were ten families of Fish
in New London county. Aaron and Sprague
Fish were neighbors : Samuel, John and John
Jr. lived in the same vicinity, and Nathan and
Sands. The size of the families and ages of
children indicate that Nathan, Ambrose and
Aaron were probably a generation older than
the others. John, John Jr., Samuel, Ebenezer,
Sands, Sprague and Elias had no sons over
sixteen years in their families. Elias is men-
tioned below.
(V) Elias, son or nephew of Samuel (3)
Fish, born 1760-65, had one son under sixteen
and two females in his family, in 1790. The
names next his on the census, which was evi-
dently taken according to residence, were those
of Joseph Holley and Increase Stoddard. He
was a sea-faring man, and followed the sea for
many years, also working at the trade of ship-
carpenter. In later life he settled in Otsego
county, New York, where, after farming some
years, he died. Children : Samuel, Gurdon,
Jerry, Eldridge ; Laura, born 1803, married
Dr. Gerrit P. Judd, son of Dr. Elnathan Judd,
of Paris, New York, and they lived, for many
years, as missionaries in Honolulu, Hawaiian
Islands: Sybil, married James Tracy.
(VI) Eldridge, son of Elias Fish, was born
November 22, 1798; died October 10, 1865, in
Cortland county, New York. He lived at
Schuyler Lake, Otsego county. New York, and
at Solon. He was a lay preacher, or exhorter,
in the Methodist Episcopal church, an earnest
Abolitionist, and a man of strong convictions
and strict piety. He followed farming for a
vocation. He married, August 27, 1821, Bet-
sey Taft, born at Schuyler Lake, August 11,
1800, died May, 1871, daughter of Daniel
Taft, a descendant of Robert Taft, of Mendon,
Worcester county, Massachusetts, from whom
President Taft also descends. Children: i.
Prosper W., born July 26, 1822, died in Cali-
fornia, August 16, 1901. 2. Eunice, born Sep-
tember 8, 1824, died October, 1861. 3. Laura,
born September 9, 1826, died May, 1898. 4.
Bessie, born 183 1 ; married Barnett. 5.
Edwin R., born March 4, 1835, died in the
service in the civil war, November 3, 1863. 6.
Susan A., born July 9, 1838. died January 8,
1S99. 7. James Elias, mentioned below.
(\TI) Rev. James Elias Fish, son of Eld-
ridge Fish, was born in Solon, Cortland county.
New York, August 28, 1842. He attended the
[Hiblic schools at Solon and McGrav\'ville, and
then studied for the ministry. From 1888 to
1896 he was engaged in evangelistic work, and,
in the meantime, studied, in order to prepare
for the ministry, and, in 1897, was ordained in
the Congregational church, at Lester, Broome
county. New York. He was pastor of the Con-
gregational church, at Lester, until October 21,
1901, and since then he has supplied churches
at Lapeer, Cincinnatus, Whitney's P'oint and
Cortland. New York. He was one of the first
to volunteer in response to the call of Presi-
dent Lincoln, at the beginning of the civil war,
and, September 9, 1861, he was mustered into
the service, in Company A, Tenth New York
Cavalry. His regiment was attached to the
Army of the Potomac, and he took part in the
battles of Fredericksburg, Brandy Station, Mid-
dleburg. Gettysburg, and others of importance.
He was discharged for disability, in October,
Air. Pish studied medicine for two years
and a half, when a young man, and afterward
he continued his experiments, until he perfect-
ed the formula, which, for the past thirty
years, he has had on the market under the
trade name of Wormwood Ointment. The
business of manufacturing the proprietary
article has become one of the leading industries
of the town of Marathon, and the product has
a large sale in all parts of the country, and
testimonials of its worth have been received
from many diliferent states. Mr. Fish is a
member of Hiram Clark Post, No. 154, Grand
Army of the Republic, of Marathon. In poli-
tics he is an independent.
He married (first), February 3, 1864, Alice
E. May, born August 2. 1845, fl'^"^' February
2, 1886, daughter of Joseph and Catherine
(Rose) May. He married (second), March
27. 1888, Mattie L. Pierce, of Hamilton, Madi-
son county. New York, daughter of William
and Charlotte ( Waj- ) Pierce, of Otselic Cen-
ter, Chenango county. Children of first wife:
I. Edwin, born February 10, 1865, resides in
Ijuffalo; married limma Kern, and has two
children — Alice and Alva. 2. Frederick U..
born P'ebruary 21, 1867, an artist, lives at
Canastota. New York; married Lizzie Harri-
son, daughter of Rev. George Harrison, and
has one child — Earl. 3. X'innie, born May 4,
1876; married Charles Morgan, of Toledo,
Ohio, son of (ieneral Morgan: child — Charles
Morgan. 4. P.essie, born .\ugust 28, 1882:
married Arthur Stolberg : no children.
The name Bouton is of French
BOUTON origin, and from 1350, for two
centuries, the court records of
France abound with the name. Nicholas Bou-
ton, who bore the title of Coimt Chanilly,
Baron Montague de Naton. was born about
1580, and was the father of Harard and John,
twins, and Noel, all of whom were Huguenots
and refugees during the persecutions of the
Protestants by the Catholics. Noel afterwards
returned to France, where he distinguished
himself, and was subsequently made Marshal
of all I'Vance.
(I) Tohn Bouton, immigrant ancestor, sail-
ed from Gravesend, England, July, 1635, and
landed in Boston, Massachusetts, in December
of that year. He was then aged twenty. He
lived first in Boston, then in Watertown, and
early in the settlement of Hartford, Coimecti-
cut, removed there. In 1651 he removed again
to Norwalk, Connecticut, where he became an
influential citizen. In 1671, and for several
years after, he was a representative in the
general court of Connecticut, and held other
offices in Norwalk. He married Alice ,
who survived him, and married (second) Mat-
thew Marvin, as his second wife. Her will
was dated December i, 1680, and mentioned
her son, John Bouton ; daughters, Bridget Kel-
logg, Abigail Bouton. Rachel .Smith, and grand-
children, Ruth and Rachel Piouton, and Sarah
Brinsmcad. Among their children were : John,
mentioned below; Richard, born about if'3(),
died in Norwalk, June 27, 1665, married Ruth
; liridgct, born about 1642, marrieil, in
1660, Daniel Kellogg, lived in Stockbridge.
(II) John (2), son of John (i) ISouton,
married (first) .Abigail, daughter of Mattliew
Marvin, by a first wife. She was born at
Hartford, about 1640, and was living in 1680,
when she was mentioned in the will of her step-
mother, .Alice Marvin, formerly wife of John
I'outon ( I ). Hemarried ( second) MarySteven-
son. He lived in Norwalk. His will was dated
December 25, ijof), and he died between that
date and February 18, 1706-07. In his will he
mentioned wife Mary, sons John, Matthew,
Joseph, Thomas, Richard and daughters Rachel,
.\bigail, Mary and Elizabeth. Children, born in
Norwalk: John, September 30, 1659, mention-
ed below ; Matthew, December 24. 1661 : Rachel.
December 16, 1667; Abigail, April 1. 1670;
Mary, May 26, 1671 : Joseph, about 1674:
Thomas, about 1676: Elizabeth, 1679: Rich-
ard, 1680.
(Ill) John (3), son of John (2) Bouton,
was born in Norwalk, September 30, 1659,
died before January 2, 1704-05. His estate
was divided November 21, 1705. among "six
children living." The si.xth was probably Dan-
iel. Matthew, his brother, and John, his son.
were administrators. He settled in Norwalk,
where he c)wned land jointly with his brother
Matthew, which he sold, January 25, 1693.
The town records of Danbury show that he
owned land there, and those of New Canaan
that he was among the constituents of the
Society of that place. He married
Children : John, over twenty-one at
time of inventory, married Sarah, daughter of
Jakin Gregory, mentioned in his grandfather's
will: Abigail, born 1689: Mary, 1692; Na-
thaniel, 1695: Eleazer, 1701-02; Daniel, 1705.
(IV) Nathaniel, son of John (3) Bouton,
was born in Norwalk, J695. He was one of
the constituents of New Canaan. In his will,
dated 1775, he makes no mention of his son
John and daughter Rebecca, who probably died
before that date. He married (first) Hannah
; (second) Mary . Children,
born in New Canaan : Flannah, November 24.
1721: .Abigail, February 28. 1723; Nathaniel,
September 6, 1726; Samuel, April 11, 1730;
Jehiel, February 17, 1732: Mary, November
II. 1734: John, July 23, 1737; Daniel, October
24, 1740: Rebecca, 1742.
(\') Nathaniel (2), son of Nathaniel (1)
P.outon. was born in New Canaan, September
6, 1726. He married (first), April 13, 1755,
Lydia Penoyer, born .April 15, 1724. He mar-
ried (second) Rachel Kellogg, of Norwalk.
Children of first wife: Nathaniel, baptized
.September 7, 1756: James, bajitizcd December
y^e^i^^ cy^'^y/7?u^C^-4v..:^.4^'tdyA^
M^i^^^. WM^ud^.
4, 1757; Lydia. baptized May, 1761, married
Elnathan Weed (see Weed V) ; Mary, bap-
tized October 2, 1763. Children of second
wife: Enos, born February 2-j , 1770; Nathan-
iel, born Poundridge, New York, 1778; James,
born Poundridge, married Abby Baker ; Eli-
asaph, born Poundridge, married Polly Slau-
son ; Daughter, married Samuel Young ; Eliza,
born Poundridge ; Rachel, born ]\)undridge,
married Simeon Luce.
(TIk- Weed Line).
(I) Jonas Weed, immigrant ancestor, came
from England in the company of Sir Richard
Saltonstall, in 1630, and settled first at Water-
town, Massachusetts. He was admitted a free-
man. May 18, 1631, and was dismissed from
the church at Watertown to that at Wethers-
field, Connecticut. March 24. 1636. He set-
tled about 1642, in Stamford, Connecticut. His
will was dated November 16, 1672, and his
inventory was dated June, 1676. He bequeath-
ed to his children : John, Daniel, Jonas, Sam-
uel and four daughters. Children : John, mar-
ried Joanna Westcoat. and Hved in Stam-
ford : Daniel, mentioned below ; Jonas, mar-
ried r)ethia Hawley ; Samuel ; Mary, married
Ceorge Abbott; Dorcas, married James
Wright; Hannah, married Benjamin Hovt ;
(H) Daniel, son of Jonas Weed, was born
about 1650, probably at Stamford. He lived
in Stamford and in the adjacent town of Rye,
Westchester county, New York, where, before
his death, according to probate records, he had
been living for twenty years. He died No-
vember 29, 1697, and the probate records give
the ages of the children in 1698, from which
their dates of birth are computed, viz : Sarah,
born November 18, 1675; Abraham, August
18, 1680; Daniel, mentioned below: Ebenezer,
October 22, 1692 ; Nathaniel, October 22, 1696.
(HI) Daniel (2), son of Daniel (i) Weed,
was born March 19, 1685, according to the
probate records, which state that he was thir-
teen years old, March 19. i6g8. He married
Elizabeth . Children, born in Stamford:
Ekiniel. November 12, 1709; Elizabeth, Febru-
ary 16, 1711-12; Hezekiah, September, 171 5;
Reuben, mentioned below ; Deborah, May 2,
1724; Nehemiah.
(IV) Reuben, .son of Daniel (2) Weed,
was born at Stamford, October, 1717. He
married there, June 28, 1738, Lydia Hawley.
Qiildren, born at Stamford: Reuben, Febru-
ary 3, 1740; Abigail, December 3, 1741 ; John,
March 21, 1742-43; Eliphalet, April 28, 1745;
Lydia, December 31, 1749; Sarah, February
23- 1755 : Elnathan, mentioned below.
( \' ) Elnathan, son of Reuben Weed, was
born at Stamford, Connecticut, April 14, 1758,
died April 11, 1844. He removed to Pound-
ridge, Westchester county. New York, and
served in the American army in the revolu-
tionary war. He married Lydia Bouton, of
Poundridge (see Bouton V). She was bom
March 26, 1761. Children: Jared, born April
8, 1783; Stephen, mentioned below; Betsey,
April 30, 1788; Sally Hoyt, October 12, 1790;
Elnathan, November 11, 1792; Abigail, Octo-
ber 30, 1796; Samuel, December 14, 1799;
Mary Anna, January 12, 1801 ; Louisa, March
7, 1803; Joseph W., July 19, 1806.
(VI) Stephen, son of Elnathan Weed, was
born September 8, 1785, died August 9, 1859.
He married, about 1805, Julia Waring. Chil-
dren: Diantha, married William Doubleday:
Julia .\nn, married Charles VV. Sanford; Har-
riet, married \Villiam Boyd ; Betsey, mention-
ed below ; Waring, married Mary Ayers ; Alex-
anler, married Jennie Cowan ; Mary Louisa.
(VII) Betsey, daughter of Stephen Weed,
was born March 3, 1813. She married, Febru-
ary 3, 1840, Rev. Samuel Webster Bush, who
was born in 1806, in Fairfax county, Virginia,
and was brought up in Albany, New York, in
the Webster family, and was educated there
in the public schools. He studied law and
after he was admitted to the bar, practiced
for a few years. He decided, however, to
enter the ministry and took up the study of
theology at the Auburn Theological Seminary.
Flis finst pastorate was at Binghamton, New
York, in charge of the Congregational church.
Subsequently he was pastor at Skaneateles,
New York, where he was located for seven
years ; at Norwich, New York, where he
preached three years ; at Cooperstown, New
York, eight years. Afterwards he returned
to Binghamton, and during the last years of
his life was chaplain of the Inebriate Asylum
there. He died at Binghamton, March 20,
1877. Of great scholarly and literary attain-
ments, Mr. Bush had a most winning person-
ality and devout pious character, and was
greatly beloved by his parishioners.
Children: Julia Charlotte Bush, born April
13, 1842, now residing in Binghamton; Mary
Louisa Bush, born January 18,1844, flied July
14. 1881 ; Frances Bush, born May 30, 1850,
resides in Binghamton ; Arthur Sanford Web-
ster Bush, born April 29, 1859, resides in
The Hilton family is of old Eng-
HILTON lish origin. The first of the
name in this country were two
brothers, William, mentioned below, and Ed-
ward, who came over from London with Mr.
David Thompson, in 1623, to begin a planta-
tion at Piscataqua. The place of settlement
was at Dover Neck, seven miles from Ports-
mouth, in the limits of New Hampshire. They
were all fishmongers by trade, and were sent
over not only to fish, but also to plant vine-
yards, discover mines, etc. Exhaustive search
of the records of the Fishmongers' Company,
of London, by Charles H. Pope, in 1907, failed
to reveal the names of the three men, but a tax
roll of London, made in 1641, brought to light
by Mr. Gerald Fothergill (see "New Eng.
Reg.," Ixi), gives the name of Edward Hilton
in the list of fishmongers, with the memo-
randum "Newe England" after it. This indi-
cates that Edward had certainly been in busi-
ness in London and had continued the sale and
shipment of fish to a recent date. No trace
of his native parish or his ancestry have been
found. He was the leader of the little planta-
tion, and received the patent for the land — the
Squamscott Patent — as it was called, includ-
ing what is now known as Dover, Durham,
Stratham, and parts of Newington and Cjreen-
land, etc. The council for New England "for
and in consideration that Edward Hilton and
his Associates hath already sundry servants
to plant in New England at a point called by
the natives Wecanacohunt otherwise Hilton's
Point, lying some two leagues from the mouth
of the river Piscatacjuack * * where they have
already built some houses and planted cornc.
And for that he doth fiu-ther intend by Divine
Assistance to transport thither more people
and cattle * * * a work which may especially
tend to the propagation of Religion and to the
great Increase of Trade * * convey to him
all that part of the River Pascataquack call-
ed or known by the name of Wecanacohunt or
Hilton's Point * * with the south side of
the River and three miles into the Maine land
by all the breadth aforesaid," etc. Possession
was given in the name of the Council by Cap-
tain Thomas Wiggin and others, July 7, 163 1.
(Suj). Court files, New Eng. Reg., xxiv., 264).
Part of this land was sold to individual set-
tlers, part to the Lords Say and Brook and
some to New England gentlemen. Edward
Hilton settled in Exeter, after some time, and
signed the petition of its inhabitants in the
year 1642. That same year, he was appointed
by the Massachusetts Bay Government one of
the local justices of the court, sitting with the
magistrates on the highest questions and act-
ing by themselves in cases not beyond certain
limits. On account of this office, the general
court held him to be exempt from taxation, in
1669. He filled other important offices and
was highly honored in the colonies. In 1653,
he had a grant of lanH com]:)rising the whole
village of Newfields, wdiich was made to him
in return for his setting up a sawmill, and a
considerable part of this later grant has re-
mained to this day in the possession of his
descendants. He was selectman of Exeter
from 1645 nearly every year up to 1652. In
1657, he was one of the committee of two
from that town to meet the committee from
Dover to settle the bounds between the two
towns. He has been called "The Father of
New Hampshire." He died early in 1671.
The name of his first wife is unknown. He
married (second) Jane, daughter of Hon. Alex-
ander Shepley.
A possible clue to the ancestry of Hilton is
found m the record of a suit brought in the
Piscata(|ua court by William Hilton, April 4,
1642, respecting a payment to "Mr. Richard
Hilton of Norwich ( Northwich)." Mr. H. F.
Waters found a record at Wotten-undcr-edge.
Gloucestershire, England, of the baptism of a
child of Richard Hilton, "coming out of New
(I) William Hilton, immigrant ancestor, of
this branch, and brother of Edward, came from
London to Plymouth, Massachusetts, in the
"Fortune," November 11, 1621. Soon after
his arrival, he wrote a letter of great historical
and personal interest, published by Captain
John Smith in his "New England Trialls," in
the edition of 1622. His wife and two children
followed him in the "Anne," July or August,
1623, but their names are not known. In the
allotment of land, 1623, he received one acre,
and his wife and children three acres. He
was in Plymouth in 1624, but as his name does
not appear in the list of those present at the
division in 1627, it is probable that he had re-
moved before that date, to the settlements on
the Piscataqua. July 7, 1631, he was one of
the witnesses to the livery of seizin to his
.Jrf/,ar Ff. W. -^Ud
brother Edward, of the lands embraced in the
Squamscott of Hilton's Patent, dated March
12, 1629-30. December 4, 1639, he was grant-
ed land on the other side of the river, and,
February 3, 1640, it was agreed at Exeter, that
"Mr. William Hilton is to enjoy those marshes
in Oyster River which formerly he had pos-
session of and still are in his possession." He
was made freeman, Alay 19, 1642, antl that
same year, had a grant of land of twenty acres,
at Dover. In 1644, he was deputy to the gen-
eral court at Boston from Dover. About this
time, he removed to Kittery Point, Maine. At
a court held at Gorgeana, June 27, 1648, he
was licensed to keep the ordinary at the mouth
of the F'iscataqua, and also to run a ferry. He
removed to York, alj<jut 165 1, and, November
22, 1652, when the Massachusetts Commission-
ers arrived there to receive the submission of
the inhabitants he was one of the fifty persons
who acknowledged themselves subject to the
government of Massachusetts Bay and took
the oath of freemen. At a town meeting, held
at York, December 8, 1652, it was ordered that
he should have the use of the ferry for twenty-
one years. He was selectman. 1652-53-54, and
had grants of land from the town, July 4, 1653,
and June 4, 1654. His first wife was Anne
, who came over in 1623. It is supposed
that he had a second wife, Frances,